You need your accomplice to help you… only I can understand your needs and desires and only I can make them cum true. You’ve been dying to get a hold of that little brat neighbor next door. This little bitch is such a fucking whore; I know it drives you crazy! She leaves her windows open so you can watch her undress at night, and she even fucks with her window open, so you can hear her little moans for more. You know she wants your cock, and she deserves to be treated like the little slut she is and I can help you do just that. She won’t be making it back home, so let’s play it safe and let me befriend her first. She’ll think we’re just skanks together, she’ll sneak out of her house to hang out with someone older and I’ll be there to take her to our meet up spot. She will be so confused to see you there, but she’ll soon realize exactly why I brought her there. For you, of course. I will hold her down as you cut this little sluts clothes off, rub your cock against her as I tie her up. She will act like she doesn’t want it, but she lets all the boys fuck her, and she is way too young to be fucking anyway this little bitch, she gets what she asks for! I will tell this slut to suck your cock and if she refuses I’ll hold her nose until she has to breathe through her mouth and you can stuff your dick right down her throat and she’ll suck it like a good girl. I know what she really wants is your cock in her pussy, look at her swallowing your cock lil the lil baby skank she is! Let’s see what else we can do to this little bitch…
Category: Snuff sex
You need me…
Another whore gone
I hit her with the bat again, but this time she didn’t move and flail about. Good, just what I wanted. I decided to leave her body hanging there; I figured it would make a good news story. I can see the headlines now – “Young girl found beaten to death, raped and hanging from a tree in the middle of the woods, no suspects at this time.” Ha! I save all of my news articles; they never in a million years suspect me… I am too good for them to look my way. I found some homeless whore sitting on the corner begging for money, I decided to get her nice and cleaned up before I made her wish she had never met me. I got her a nice meal and new clothes after a steamy hot shower, she was sooo fucking grateful to me. Bitch don’t you know by now that there are no such fucking thing as a free handout? I told her we were going to go for a walk then dinner after and that dumbass whore jumped at the idea of course! I took her on a trail I knew, but once we were in the woods nice and deep I decided it was time to veer off the path and she followed me like a lost puppy. This shit was too fucking easy; she was so young and trusting! When she wasn’t looking I went around the tree where I had previously hidden a few things, I smacked her hard as I could in the back of the head and she dropped immediately; knocked out cold. I tied her arms together above her head and let her hang from the tree. I woke her up by cutting little slits all over her body she screamed but I knew no one could hear her. She begged and cried but it was useless as I fucked her cunt, I made her suck my knife clean of her blood, and when I was finally done fucking her cunt and torturing her I decided it was time to finish her off. My pussy was soaking wet, and yet another whore is done wasting our air.
Rape phone sex fantasies are my specialty!
Oh this is a good story for ya, laughable even. I guess my extensive experience in violently fucking, torturing and snuffing out girls got around. That’s my reputation. There was this guy who owned a construction business a couple cities over…he was looking for an accomplice. He sent me an email telling me exactly what he had in mind… and wanted to see if I could help. Well of fucking course I took his offer, as if I would ever in a million years turn down the opportunity to quench my rape fantasy phone sex desires. He was very specific with what he wanted, so I made sure to give him exactly what he asked for… It was clear it wasn’t the first time he had done this to his daughter, I knew he wanted to spice things up a bit, put a new edge to things. He told me he would be meeting me at a rest stop very late at night, when it would be mostly abandoned except a few trucker guys. Not just any trucker guys, guys that were ready to torment this little bitch till she was begging for it all be over. I’m not sure of the story he told her, the plan was to get her in the woman’s restroom, so I waited patiently. She came in, dressed like a slut as I knew she would be, I knew it was time to fuck this little whore up. I quickly left, putting signs up saying the restrooms were closed and sending a quick text to my friends and her Daddy. I came up behind her as she was washing her hands, holding a knife to her throat as I covered her mouth. “Surprise whore, you’ve been set up.” I whispered in her ear. Before she could struggle all my friends were surrounding her, grabbing at her, kicking, and smacking her. Telling her what a nasty fucking whore she is, ripping off her slutty skirt. I laughed at her, dragging her by her hair to the biggest stall. This bitch was about to get it, but first I wanted to show her just how fucking serious I was about her behaving like the submissive little whore she is, I shoved her face in the toilet holding her head under water as my friends helped. We flushed the toilet over and over, not letting her come up for air. She was struggling frantically… and just when I knew her vision was starting to go out I let her up to breathe. I made sure the first thing she saw was her Daddy who betrayed her, and all my friends who were more than ready to abuse her.
Cuts Like A Knife
When I saw this mid-evil picture it made my cunt twitch. I knew I had to set this up and I knew I was going to go nice and slow and make this last a long time. It took me all day, going from store to store before I found the perfect saw for the job. I thought about getting it sharpened and cleaned and then decided against it, after all it would be so much better dull and rusty. I already had a cute little honey in the basement that I had been playing with for a couple of days and this would be the perfect way to end the games. Mutilation always drives me crazy with lust for blood. When I grabbed her and unlocked her shackles she started sobbing and begging, adding fuel to the fire that was already burning inside me. Pulling the rope around the hoist that would suspended her at just the right height with her legs spread eagle my body began to respond to the thrill of what was about to happen. Now in position with her tattered and torn dress hanging over her face and her pink pussy that I had gotten to know so well over the last few days exposed, I positioned the dull and rusty saw in between her lips and began to saw. Just a few inches for now. Her screams were ear piercing and perfect. Blood dripping down both the front and back of her body. Taking her hand I fucked the cum out of my cunt and went up stairs for a nap. I would be back later to saw a little more. This could last days if I played my cards right.
In The Dead Of The Night
All tucked in, teddy held tight in your arms, your eyes are heavy and you long to be in that magical world known as dreamland. You feel yourself drifting closer to that place where the clouds are giant marshmallows and you can play with all the animals. Not tonight…..tonight I am sending the darkest shadows to that happy place. Where you thought there would be light, there will be dark. Terror lurks in every shadow and evil is chasing you. Your heart is beating with fear, the faster you run the closer it gets. The walls are closing in on you, breathing in and out and trapping you. You open your mouth to scream but no sound escapes your lips. Mommy and Daddy are no where to be found. You’re alone, abandoned, helpless and the devil himself is breathing down your neck. You can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck. You dare to turn around and look into the glowing red eyes that are the face of death. Your going to die here in what was once your safe place. You wake up with a start, sweat soaking your cute little pajamas, your walls softly lit by glowing stars and moons. Afraid to close your eyes and go back to sleep? Good that is how it is supposed to be….
I gave her what she really deserved
I watched from behind the crime scene tape as the body was put into the body bag and loaded. Watched as the photographer took pictures of where the body was, the chalk outline turning red with the blood on the ground. Everyone was talking, wondering who this monster was and why this had happened. I touched my pussy; it was hot and wet… the thrill of it all turning me on like crazy. It’s so funny, standing here and watching all the commotion, they have not a clue that the person they are looking for it right there, loving every moment of it and knowing damn well that you’ll never in a million years suspect me. It all happened earlier as a typical night for me, I was bored and decided to go out to the bar to see what dumb little victim I could find… it didn’t take long either. This chick was yelling and clearly drunk, trying to start fights with other men and stumbling all over the place. I knew it was only a matter of time before she was kicked out. And as usual, I was right. She left, with of course a scene as they always do. I followed from not too far behind knowing a female like me causes absolutely no suspicion in all these dumb bitches these days. I guess she went to go puke in a corner of a very dark alley, I followed quietly behind. This bitch didn’t even notice me, but she sure did notice when I quickly sliced her throat. She couldn’t even scream. I sliced it only enough to where she would slowly bleed out, giving me just enough time to have my fun with this dumb fucking whore. I slid her panties down her legs she stared at me wide-eyed and gurgling, I just had to let her know that she wasn’t my first victim and that she wouldn’t be my last, just in time to give her what she really deserved.
The Curse
The moon was high in the black night sky, a storm was brewing as I sat and watched the house. The widows were lit from within. Earlier, when no one was home, I had crept in and placed the cursed stone behind the sofa in the living room. Now I waited to see what mayhem would befall the house hold. Suddenly I heard the loud voices of fighting coming from inside. Then I saw the silhouette of the couple fighting. I could tell her hands were up in self defense and he was beating her. The screams brought the juices of excitement flowing down my legs. Suddenly I saw the splash of blood across the window and she fell limp. Sneaking in I crept to the window and watched him, on top of her, his face covered in her blood and his mouth full of her flesh. He was devouring her and I was standing there masturbating to the scene before me. Tomorrow I would remove the stone and place it in another house and wait to see how well it worked.
The Thrill Of The Hunt
The weekend is upon us and I have a wonderful hunt scheduled. I have two couples in the basement that I abducted last week. I have resisted the urge to play with them, as difficult as that has been. They are shackled, but have been well fed and taken care of and other then living out a couple of rape fantasies over the week they have been well cared for. Tonight several friends are coming over and we are taking our prey out to a large piece of land that we use. We will strip them naked and release them with nothing but their wits into the night. We wait 20 minutes and then sound the horn for the start of the hunt. I will feel that familiar tingle inside when I see the gleam of hope in their eyes. But they won’t get off the land alive. Hunting humans is one of my favorite things to do. the hunt is usually over with in twenty four hours. I hope this time these victims are a bit more resourceful and it lasts at least till Sunday morning.
She learned not to cross me
You would think she would have known not to cross me – but she just assumed since I was somewhat friends with her I would let her get away with ripping me off… oh how she was wrong! Bitch I’m not your fucking friend! You underestimated me, I have NO friends, and when I lent you money I expected it back paid in full in the time period you said you would be paying me. And here it’s been two fucking weeks?! You’re right, I was too fucking easy on you and that’s why you’re really going to pay for it. There is nothing I fucking hate more than being deceived. I’ll snatch up your fat unsuspecting ass in no time. I’ll humiliate and torture you for days and soon you will be begging to eat out of the palm of my hand. You’ll lick up dog food on the fucking floor like it’s the yummiest shit you’ve ever tasted. You will worship me and whomever I bring this time to fuck you raw. You are absolutely nothing… and you’ll know that no matter what you do, no matter how much you beg and plead and cry…you will NEVER see the light of day again. No bitch crosses me and gets away with it. I will fuck your little brains till you beg on your knees for more. And then I’ll make you beg for the pain. The pain from the brand you have all over you, my little whore now no longer a friend to me in any way you are mine forever…. Until I snuff the life right out of you the very day I get bored with you. If I were you, I would have never borrowed money from me – but then again, I probably would have done this anyway to your dumb fucking ass.
All Barbies Must Die!!!
As a goth teen, I hate everything. But most of all, I hate fucking Barbie dolls. You know, those idiot bimbo blondes who use stupidity to get a man. I’d love to kill them all.
Barbie is such a nasty cunt rolemodel for little girls. She uses her big ass and big tits to fuck men over. She has no skills. Men just bust their ass to cater to little Miss Barbie Doll. Meanwhile, I gotta work my ass off just to survive. If I could, I would eradicate Barbie from the face of the earth. I’d use one of my rich boyfriends to help me do the job. Lure the little cunt to his place to see his new car, yacht, or plane and then slit her fucking throat.
Of course, we’d have our way with her first. You could fuck her in every hole. Oh, fucking boo-hoo. Might smear her lipstick or get a hair out of place. I’d love to see you ram your cock down her throat while I stick a foot long pipe up her cunt, fill it with gasoline, and light her up. Then she’d have a really hot box!!! Or maybe stick some electrodes on those big fake titties and turn the voltage up until her implants burst. Love it!!! You really think she has feelings? Her orgasms are all fake, but I wonder how loud she can scream when you’ve got your condom covered with razor blades in her ass, and she’s bleeding out on the floor. Now, that makes my cunt wet.
Oh, I can think of some pretty horrendous ways to murder all of the Barbies of the world. Fuck ’em and kill ’em. Please don’t let them breed. The only good Barbie is a dead one, lying on the pavement like a broken doll, with a chalk mark outlining her worthless carcass and cum leaking out of her plastic hole.
Wanna be my Barbie-slaughtering accomplice? Let’s get together and plot to remove Barbie from the human species. It’ll be my pleasure to watch her die, slowly and painfully. I have 100 ways to do it. No one will ever know.