Have you ever strangled someone to death? It’s a slow process for sure, not something that could be rushed, it must be savored like fine wine. I like to take it really slow, you can bring someone to the brink of death again and again this way because if you stop choking them just when they pass out the will automatically start breathing again. The fear and confusion in their eyes when they wake up is so fucking hot, I can’t even describe it, it makes me feel like I’m God! I can go on like that all day long until their weak bodies can’t take any more and they finally die. It makes me so fucking hot I can hardly stand it! You should come and join me next time, we can take turns squeezing the life out of these whores and you can help me fill up all of their fuck holes too! Doesn’t that just sound like heaven?
Category: Snuff sex
I wanted to take it slow
A little snuff sex is all it takes
I took myself a little vacation to Atlantic City last week, I wanted to gamble and have a little fun is that too much to ask? I hadn’t planned on any kind of wicked activities, I was just going to gamble I swear! It’s just that one thing led to another and I ended up at a private table and somehow I ended up winning this guy’s girlfriend from him! I really didn’t start my trip off thinking that I would end up fucking up some little whore but as soon as I saw that skanky bitch I knew that I was going to make her bleed. I’ve tortured a thousand whores like her before so I was almost bored with the thought of using her but then I thought “What if I make her stupid boyfriend watch?”… now that could add some fun! I told him that he had to come with me back to my place, I said that I needed him to make sure that I didn’t have any problems getting this bitch home and he agreed without hesitation. Once we were at my place I was in complete control of them, there was nowhere that they could run and they both huddled in the corner in fear. I told that wimpy fucking boyfriend to get up and be a man! I told him that he was going to help me fuck this bitch up whether he wanted to or not and you know what? Even though at first that little bitch didn’t want to help me hurt his precious little whore, in the end he not only helped me, he fucking got off on that shit too! Everyone has a little monster inside them, sometimes it just takes a little push and a little snuff sex to let the demon out!
Torture Sex Revenge
I got wicked drunk last night. Fuck, I was high too. Some guy at a bar gave me some good blow. We were doing lines on the bar and drinking 80 proof bourbon. I’m a tall woman. I can usually hold my liquor, not last night. I woke up with a different man. And not in the way you assume. I was on some rack. Naked, tied up, with little metal clips all over my body. It was pure torture sex. My skin felt like it was on fire. The metal was piercing my flesh. There was a funnel gag in my mouth and I was drinking something rank. Well being forced to chug it actually. “How do you like my piss, Cassie,” he inquired with a snarky grin on his face. He didn’t look familiar at all. He saw the look on my face. “Don’t remember me whore,” he seethed? I was scared. Clearly, I had pissed this guy off at some point in my life, but no clue when or where. He tried to jog my memory, but when I was not getting a clue, it just pissed him off further. He started burning my flesh with a cigar. The worst was when he put it out on my clit. I screamed in pain. He sat me up to torture my cunt. Fucked me with a burning stogie while yanking on the clips attached to my pussy. He was face to face with me; staring me dead on in the eyes. As he was burning my thighs and clit with the cigar, it hit me. I did know him. Not by name, but in the elevator of my building. He was making sure I knew him now. He carved his name in my stomach. Billy. According to him, a whore like me has no right snubbing anyone. I will never forget him now.
Biting fetish bloody phone sex
I was sleeping in my bed at night, the moon was the only light shining through my windows in my home. I thought I was comfy and safe. The sheets were grazing along my nipples and pussy since I enjoy sleeping naked, and I felt my pussy get wet in between my legs. Not thinking that my curtains were open- I started to spread my legs and rub my pussy. I was really rubbing my pussy hard, thinking about a dick going down my throat and into all of my holes- fucking me stupid. Well I guess I was so stupid to not think anyone would see me. The sensation was shooting through me body to fuck my pussy faster. I was on the verge of cumming until I heard a cough coming through my door way. I quickly stopped what I was doing and hid under my covers. Stupid, right? Fucking myself stupid, exactly. Like the covers will do anything for me? I heard breathing above me. The covers were ripped off of my naked body and I was immediately jumped on. Before I could let out a scream he cover my mouth with his big manly hands and he started making bites all down my body. He was just a shadow to me since I could not see his face. I feel his teeth sink into my neck. He whispers in my ear that it is only going to hurt a little. I try squirming and he doesn’t let me move since he is way bigger then me. He takes a bite right on to my nipple. His teeth dig into my soft flesh around my nipple. I bite down on my teeth bracing his sharp teeth that rip my nipple right off. He does the same thing to the other one. He likes bitting, and continues down my body, ripping away with his teeth at my flesh. I feel cold blood running down the sides of my body. He doesn’t stop making bites into me. When he gets down to my pussy, he rips the skin right off of my pussy swollen pussy mound. My inner thighs get devoured with bite along with my legs, my pussy lips, and back up to my tummy and tits. I hope his bitting fetish eventually leaves some of my skin in tact.
Snuff Sex with Little Cock Teases?
Does snuff sex turn you on? It sure does make my pussy roar, especially if we are talking about snuffing out a little dick tease. I know you know who I am talking about. Those young girls who hang at the mall or the local park in vary inappropriate clothing for their age. Little succulent butts hanging out. Little bee sting boobies barely covered by a tank top. When you walk by and leer at them, they snicker at you. You know they think you are a pervert. But guess what? You are a pervert, but with me as your accomplice, we can put those little cock teases in their places. I mean, they are asking for it dressed like that. I am not exactly the motherly type. I don’t have the instinct to nurture little girls. I have the instinct for torture sex with those little whores in the making. I have an idea. I can lure them very easily back to this killer pad I have. It is equipped with sex toys and torture devices. I even have a video camera so I can record your cock violating those tender virgin whores. You can fuck them as hard as you want too. They will not live long enough to tell anyone that we are sick perverts. If you don’t want to kill them right away, we can make them sex slaves. I bet you have lots of friends who would want to violate some young cunts. With me as your accomplice, anything is possible. I know I get so wet thinking of you pinning down a young cock tease and forcing your cock into her tight cunnie. I want the little whore to cry, beg and bleed as you assault her fuck holes. Just promise me one thing. When you are done with the little slut, let me slit her throat and carve her up? I love mutilating little cock teases.
Ex Spouse Day is coming up!
Have you ever heard of Ex Spouse Day? Don’t worry if you haven’t because I definitely didn’t know about it until recently either. It is on April 14th and I have big big plans for that day for sure! You see, I have an ex husband and he is one of those people that every single time I see his stupid face I want to break it! He is the most annoying person on earth and his new wife (my former bff) is no fucking better. I try to play all nice nice when I am forced to see them but that is becoming so much harder with every passing day! Seriously, these two assholes turned my life into an episode of the Jerry Springer show and for that reason alone they must go! I think I will wait until they are sleeping… fucking sheep go to bed really early every night so it will be really easy to break in to their house, then I just need to decide how they will die. Should I shoot them? Stab them? Torture them for hours? Or maybe I should just tie them to the bed and set the fucking house on fire! Whatever way I choose doesn’t matter as long as they suffer and as long as I get to record the whole fucking thing for my future amusement! They are going to be the stars of my favorite snuff movies!
Sex With Dead Bodies
One thing at a time. It’s been a month now and I am so close to the grand finale that I can’t stand it. It started with a drive on a cold winter day. Th snow was coming down hard and driving conditions were getting rough. Her silhouette was barely visible as she walked along the side oft he road fighting the wind. She got in my car willingly and I have had her ever since. She became a project for me. And evil, twisted project. I started by using my wire cutters to snip off fingers and toes and cauterizing the flesh to stop the bleeding. Each time I removed a piece of her, I wanted more. After last night she is simply a torso with a head. All of her limbs are gone. Looking at her wiggling and squirming has my cunt so fucking wet with the need for the final step. This will be the last appendage to remove. Being left with her lifeless be-headed body is what I have been waiting for. As I fasten my strap on around my waist I am anticipating the build up as I cut her head off. I can’t wait to cauterize her neck and then slide my dick into her lifeless body. Is there anything better then sex with dead bodies?
Ass Rape Porn Becomes an Extreme Rape Porn for Profit
You called me this morning. Told me to be ready for your arrival. We were going to make a little ass rape porn. I’m a good whore. I do as I am told because I am a submissive slut. What you failed to mention was that you were bringing friends. Friends on 4 legs, not 2. I tried to tell you that I was not down with fucking man’s best friend, but you were not having any of my back talk. You slapped me so hard that I fell backwards. You put a knife to my throat to convince me I needed to do what I was told. One of your friends had a camera to record my ultimate degradation. You explained to me that lots of men pay good money to down load extreme rape porn. You and your buddies primed my ass with some hardcore anal fucking. Filled me cum, then told me to make you some money. You smeared peanut butter all over my ass and pussy before the gate opened. I could hear them charging me from behind. I closed my eyes and tried to escape my body. I felt the beasts licking me. Pushing their slimy tongues into my fuck holes to get all that peanut butter out. One whistle from you and they mounted me like animals. Slimy pronged red rockets hooked into my pussy and ass. I knew if I moved they would pull my insides out then you might snuff me out for ruining your little twisted movie. I was stuck being gang banged by 4 legged beasts. I could hear you snickering, calling me names, telling your friends what a worthless whore I was for evening doing this film. I didn’t think I had a choice. Death or this. That’s no choice. I hope you profit well off of my shame.
Never Seen It Coming
I am such a worthless whore who deserves to get the living hell beat out of me. And that is exactly what happened to me today. I came home and the moment I walked through the door I felt a sharp stabbing pain to the back of my neck. He was waiting for me behind the door and the second it closed he attacked me. Most times I see it coming but not this time. Once I was down on the ground he repeatedly kicked me with his pointy toed cowboy boots. I started to feel a warm rush come over my face and then I seen it. A pool of blood started to build up beneath my near lifeless body. I thought he must have broke my nose and that was where all the blood was pouring from but it turns out he had cracked my skull. As I begged and pleaded for him to stop it was just giving him more fuel to beat me even more. I finally gave up and went limp. The last thing I remember feeling was his cock ramming my asshole. I was face down in my own blood practically drowning in it. When I woke up in the hospital I was alone and confused. At that very moment I had no idea what happened and couldn’t answer a single question they were asking me. Finally I fabricated a good enough story for them that they believed me and I was soon released to go back home.
You Lied To Me And Choked Me Out
Foregoing the dungeon playroom, you pulled your cock out in the living room and told me to suck it. I was confused because nothing turns you on more than tying me up and beating me. You said you planned to take it easy tonight since you had been riding me so hard. You were gonna be my sweet Daddy for once. Uncertain about this change of events, I leaned over to take your cock into my mouth. Then I felt a heavy weight applied to my back. You had put a heavy crystal chess set on my back. You tell me I must balance it and not let the pieces fall. You grab my head and begin to force me down on your cock. Trying desperately to keep the pieces upright, I straighten my back hard as I am being forced down your cock. I felt a piece topple and knew I was in for it. Smack! came the blow on my ass cheek.
You straighten the piece and continue pushing my head down on your cock. You are so large you are gagging me, but I am careful to keep my back straight. I know that I must remain completely stiff if I wish to avoid punishment. I hear another piece fall and SMACK you hit my other cheek. You tell me I am worthless, not even good enough to be a simple piece of furniture. Another piece falls and another SMACK! This one stings so badly, I jump involuntarily. The whole board crashes down. You snatch me up by my neck and begin choking me and tossing me around like a limp ragdoll. As blackness begins to set in, I say “I thought you were going to be my sweet Daddy tonight”. You reply, “Dear daughter, It is “Tell A Lie Day. I lied. You will never be treated as a sweet daughter because you are a worthless whore”.