Category: Snuff sex

Snuff Porn with Little Whores on Friday the 13th

snuff pornFor this snuff porn whore,  my favorite holidays are Halloween and Friday the 13th. Why? Because death and dismemberment is so widespread on those days, most murders go unsolved. They get blamed on drunken pranks and sick Michael Meyers wannabes. Personally, I have always preferred Jason Voorhees. Not sure why, but a man in a hockey mask wielding a big ass knife killing horny teens gets my cunt so wet. I already have my Friday the 13th mayhem planned out. There is a secluded girls’ camp in my city. It’s off the beaten trail, but all the dirty old men know where it is at. Many have been arrested spying on young girls in the community showers and even jacking off on their angelic little faces while they sleep in their bunk beds. Anything I do will get blamed on one of the many registered sex offenders in town.

knife play phone sexI hate young self entitled bitches. Instead of butchering just one this year, I am going to slaughter an entire camp of young girls. Young bitches. I have an array of knives to use. Small ones for cutting nips and clits. Bigger ones for shredding cunts and asses. And a huge sickle for cutting off little pretty heads that can be shoved down on the posts of the bunk beds for the camp counselors to discover the next morning. What a horrific discovery. All girls camp massacre. No one discovered alive. I love hearing about my carnage in the press. Because of the young age of my victims they only show before pictures. That’s okay. I always take pictures of dead little whores for my spank bank. I love to masturbate thinking of the torture I inflicted on the little ones. I kill adults because they annoy me or are a waste of space. I kill the little ones because taking innocent lives makes my cunt drip. Who wants to help me slaughter the innocent? They may be innocent now, but they will just grow up to be cock teasing money draining little whores. Let’s have fun with them while we can.

taboo phone sex

Friday the 13th is going to be FUN!

snuff phone sexDo you know what this Friday is? Only my favorite fucking day ever… Friday the 13th! So many people are scared of that day, as if they will burst into flames if they so much as walk out their door! I find it hysterical myself but since so many people are so superstitious I figured I may as well have some fun right? I picked the craziest bitch I know, this chick is the most superstitious person I have ever met, this bitch freaks out if she spills the salt, she never walks under ladders and she is planning on staying inside under her bed covers all day Friday. That works for me because I am going to break into her house and make all her bad luck delusions become reality! I am going to fuck this bitch up, by the time I am done with her she will be in pieces… spread all over her apartment… and quite dead. Guess she is right to be scared huh?

Stuff of Nightmares!

Taboo phone sexFucking little snotty bitch down the road. She is one of those preppy little sluts that think she is better than everyone. I have seen her being mean and snotty to so many little sluts. And I had already decided to make an example of her. But sometimes luck favors the wicked. When her parents called to set up a “night out”. I knew I was the baby sitter she needed. I arranged a very special party. I called over four of my roughest clients. They pay big money for little virgins. Especially ones who need to be taught a lesson. I knew her parents would be late. We had plenty of time. The look on the little sluts face when they starting tearing off her clothes. How she begged for help as they pried her legs open! It made me cum hard just watching the whore! It is a shame I will have to give her a little potion to make her forget. The only solace I know is she will never really forget. She will always have nightmares. Vague memories. Nightmares. What a perfect fucking night.

Snuff Sex with Blair

snuff sexWhen a girl is getting fucked, she rarely if ever thinks this is going to be snuff sex. I hooked up with two dudes the other night to score some drugs. Pussy and ass usually gets me whatever I want for a price. If you are trading your body for drugs, vanilla sex is not going to cut it. I know that. That is why my ass is so stretched out. That is why my pussy looks like a cavern. I have been fucked  by fists, multiple guys, huge cocks and a wide variety of items not designed to go into tiny fuck holes. I was high as a kite on some real good blow. I had a cock in each hole; just any day of the night for a druggy MILF like me. I don’t know if it was the drugs they were doing or just their sadistic nature, but things changed. A ball gag was slapped in my mouth, hands went around my throat, and a cock was up my puss when one of the dudes inserted a really big and very wide glass object up my ass. Whatever the fuck it was, it was wide. Way wider than my well used asshole. It was thicker than the bottom of a wine bottle and over 2 feet long. I couldn’t talk, just scream, whimper and cry. I tried to do another line, but I was not allowed. “You need to feel this whore,” one of them seethed.  I felt like a pig on a spit roast. The cold glass torture device pierced my ass. Blood squirted out of my butt. The pain was so bad, I blacked out. They thrashed me about like a puppet on a stick. The laughed as I puked. They pissed on my body as I bled down the glass fuck stick. I kept blacking out. The last thing I remember before waking up naked and bloody in a garbage dumpster with maggots and rats on my body, was being told I was a worthless stupid cunt as I was choked to unconsciousness. They left me for dead. Not the first time. Not the last time, but my 9 lives are running out.

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Delicious Porn Snuff Extreme

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is my favorite form of porn snuff extreme. I am a sadistic bitch. I don’t do the traditional girl thing. Never have, never will be the kind of girl who conforms to societal norms. Cannibalism is consider taboo. We are not suppose to eat each other literally. Why not? Have you ever tasted human flesh? Seasoned and prepared right, it is quite delectable. There are plenty of us Hannibal Lectors in this world. The only difference is that we are real, not fictional characters. And, we aren’t crazy or insane. Being labeled crazy or insane for eating human flesh is silly. People fear what they don’t know. What they have never tried. That is why I like to take a flesh eating novice under my wing and guide them through the entire process of cannibalism. It is more than just chopping someone up and boiling them in a big pot. The hunt and preparation are just, if not more, important than breaking bread with some human flesh.

I stalk my dinner for days like a starving wolf. You want a young person with some flesh on their bones. There are plenty of young bitches with junk in the trunk floating around the world now.  Many, no one would miss or be glad they were gone. Occasionally, I find a skinny whore that catches my fancy. I just fatten her up with protein shakes for a few weeks first. Young flesh is tender. Meaty flesh is the most succulent. Once I kidnap my victim, the preparation begins. Cooking a young girl is similar to the labor that goes into preparing a Thanksgiving feast. There is lots to do. First, you want to ensure your meal is void of all chemicals. No bleached hair, no nail polish, no perfumes or dyes, no piercings…. Your dinner needs to be washed just like you wash your vegetables.  Cooking live flesh results in a better meal. Not to mention it just gives me perverse pleasure to hear the life being cooked out of a stupid slut.

porn snuff extremeThis weekend, I had my evil protégé Amy with me. She has killed with me before, however, she has never had a human meal with me before. She picked out our victim. This thick girl from the mall who was all drunk and stumbling. We just let her detox for a couple days, then we used a nice garlic butter sauce all over her body so she would be extra tender and a nice golden brown. An apple in her mouth and some carrots up her fuck holes, she looked like a turkey when we put her in the oven. The smell was so arousing as she cooked to a golden brown. You have to be patient when eating human flesh. To have the best dining experience, it takes time to prepare the flesh. Trust me, if let your meal cooks thoroughly, you will have the best meal of your life. Amy is still raving about much she enjoyed her rump roast and breast piece. I saved the internal organs for another meal. Human heart is scrumptious. New to cannibalism? Let me guide you through the process so you have the best meal of your life.

I love killing them slowly!

snuff phone sexSometimes it’s fun to take your time and kill a whore nice and slow, don’t you agree? Don’t get me wrong, I love a good quick death too but when you have time to really savor the moment, why not take it? Like last night, I had this whore all to myself, she was tied up and bleeding and I was about to stab her in the heart and kill her but then I was like why rush it? I had no place I really had to be, nothing important to do, so why not just have some fun right? So I decided to go old school, I grabbed a plastic shopping bag and pulled it over her face and held it tightly… oh she struggled and tried to get away but she couldn’t, I was way too strong. I held the bag over her head until she passed out, then took it off to see if she would wake up. It took a while, but she did wake up and tried to get away so I just jumped on her, wrapped my hands around her neck and strangled her until she was quite dead. It was so fun that I will definitely have to do that again, wanna join me?

Accomplice phone sex for your pleasure.

accomplice phone sexI banged her head on the floor so hard that I felt her skull crack. It’s just so easy to kill. You were laughing your ass off stroking your cock. I knew that you were excited. Necrophilia was your favorite thing. You liked me to get them right on the edge of death in a violent fashion. Once her eyes rolled back and her breaths were swallow, it was your turn. You loved the feeling of “fucking her to death.” You rammed your cock in every hole, listening for that faint last moan and your favorite “death rattle.” As she began to cool, you got even more turned on, warming her carcass with spurts of cum. You were just as evil as me. We had just found this little victim as she came home from school. Such a petite blonde beauty cluttering up this world. She just begged to be taken. One little opportunity is all it takes, people, and you too could be the fuck meat on my slab.

snuff phone sexIf you can’t take evil, wicked, bloody, and dead, better leave my blogs now. I am far from normal and so are you. Let’s violate, plunder, beat, and kill. Who’s on your mind tonight?


Suffocation phone sex with the other beings

suffocation phone sex

I was sleeping in my bed and I saw a huge light coming through my window. I got really nervous and tried to put the covers over my head. My body started floating to the ceiling and I realize that I can not move. My windows open and I fly out, onto a big spaceship. I know it sounds crazy, but it was literally like the movies.

When I got onboard it was so bright that I could not even see anything in front of me. I got shackled down to the floor and I felt something taking my breath right out of my body. I could not breathe at all. I felt huge hands squeezing my neck, I tried gasping for air, but there was no use. I felt my body loose my last bit of life that it had in it. I was almost in third person, having an out of body experience. I started to float above my unconscious body that was chocked out. I was suffocated to death. I saw huge beings over my body, they were pounding away at my holes.

They were using machines to split me open, Probing my ass hole, and I was watching my lifeless body grow a belly. Shortly after a hybrid alien human being was pulled from my tummy. They started using that baby to fuck my lifeless body. They pulled my eyelids back and they shoved needles in my eye balls. I could not believe what I was seeing. We are not alone in the universe.

Snuff Sex Fun with Young Ones

snuff sexSnuff sex is hot. I love being a murderous bitch. I get asked all the time if I have a type I like to torture and kill. My mood is different from day to day. Yesterday, I was in the mood for a young morsel. The beauty pageant  type. The malls are filled with girls like that. I found a sweet tender thing begging for trouble. Little jean shorts with her butt cheeks hanging half off her ass. Half top showing a succulent tender belly. Hot pink lips, toes and finger nails. A little whore in the making. I see girls with those Bambi eyes and tight little bodies and I have bad thoughts. Very bad thoughts. My appearance is off putting to those little suburbanites, so I had to get an accomplice. Amy is my young muse. She is very skilled in the art of torture sex. In fact, she takes great joy in mutilating little ones. Anyone actually. She lured my little victim to my car with zero difficulty. A little bop on the head and she woke up in my cabin in the woods. It is like my artist’s retreat. I do all sorts of creative things with blood and body parts there. I’m a performance artist.  The little whore woke up tied naked spread eagle to a bed. Amy was over her with a knife. I was filming the torture and streaming it live to a few select dirty pervs who pay me well to see a little whore tortured to death. Sometimes, like  yesterday, I let them dictate what they want done to a little cunt. Amy fisted the girl’s bald little slit on request. She also sliced off her clit and her nipples then fed it to the girl. She was tortured for hours before her cunt was fucked with a serrated blade. Amy pretty much carved her insides out, then pierced through her belly from the inside out slicing her in two. Once the cunt took her last little breath, I plopped her body in a tub of lye and watched her little limp body dissolve away. Then Amy and I masturbated watching the snuff porn I made.

Spicy ass fucking!