Category: Snuff sex

Don’t Just Fuck Me

Snuff phone sex Do you want some snuff phone sex? I love my job I get to talk about my evil fantasies and kinky things I have done lately. I would love if you just bent me over and just shoved that hard cock right into my asshole with no lube or no spit. I want to feel it ripping open and blood running down my legs. Then take my blood and just put it right on the rim of my asshole and use it as lube. Just shove that fucking blood deeper in to my asshole. Make it cum out of my mouth! Pinch my nipples untill they bleed! Make them hurt. I love how it hurts and how it stretches me open. I love anal gaping don’t you?

Ass Rape Porn / Butt Rape Porn: Every Man Enjoys Anally Torturting a Whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn, butt rape porn, pretty much the same thing. Guys love force fucking women in the ass. At least they love force fucking me in the ass. I was at this dive bar in my neighborhood Friday night looking to score after hours. I wasn’t looking to be gang banged and anally tortured, but that’s what I got. I sat at the bar quietly for a bit doing shots of Tequila as I felt the stare of the me around me. I was working up enough guts to ask strangers where I could get some crack. I guess a tall blonde goddess walks into a dive local bar she either wants to score cock or coke. I decided that I was out of my league there. I got a bad vibe. I try to listen to my gut. I paid my bill, left a nice tip and headed to the door. I had my hand on the handle when my hair was yanked with such force, it made my scalp bleed. “Not so fast whore. Where are your manners,” one guy seethed to me as he pressed a knife against my throat. He shoved me down on my knees and forced me to suck his cock. Normally, I love cock sucking, but I don’t often do it at knife point.

butt rape pornHe pressed the knife into my throat hard enough so I bled. I dripped blood onto his cock as he skulled fucked me. More guys gathered around the “blonde skank” to get their turn at a fuck hole. No one wanted to wait their turn, so the leader of the pack dragged me on top of the pool table so the bar flies could gang up on me 2-3 a hole. After my ass was filled with a gallon of cum, one guy rammed a pool stick up my shitter so hard, I felt it tear my insides. I let out a scream, but that just pissed off the ringleader so he slit my throat. I laid in a pool of my own blood making gurgling sounds till everything went dark and cold.

I found the perfect victim

snuff sexI found the perfect little victim for my next snuff sex film, the only problem was the fact that I was going to have to trick my male star into fucking her. See, he likes to think that he only likes grown ass women… I am here to tell you that every man lusts after little girl pussy whether they believe it or not! I came up with a simple plan, I told him that to begin with he would be blindfolded and not allowed to touch the bitch, I lied and said that it was just to build up his excitement and once she gagged on his cock for a bit that I would allow him to remove the blindfold and abuse her. Well, once she had her sweet little mouth on his cock he into it, he was moaning and thrusting it deep down her throat… and that is when I ripped off that blindfold and let him see he was face fucking a little girl. Oh he was shocked but that didn’t stop him from continuing to abuse her in the slightest! He kept right on forcing her to do all sorts of depraved things before we finally killed her and in the end thanked me for pushing his limits!

snuff movies

Suffocation phone sex

suffocation phone sex

It was late at night, and I just got out of class. I wanted to badly to go to the store and gather some essentials. I hadn’t eaten all day and I could always go for a bottle of wine. I arrived a the store and I guess since it is a weekend everyone is up. The parking lot was so full! I went ahead and parked wherever I could find the nearest parking slot.

I went ahead and got out of my car, into the dark of the night and decided to walk towards the store entrance. The parking lot was pretty well lit. As I was walking I hear foot steps behind me. I felt something go over my face like a bag, and something like a belt tighten  around my neck. I felt them tug me hard to the ground.

I tried to squirm out of their grasp but it was no use. I tried to gasp for air and all I could feel was my eyes and face getting swollen and hot from them tightening things more tightly around my head and neck.

I must have passed out, but for some reason I could see everything they were doing to me. They dragged my body to a car and threw me in. They did not bother to undo the belt or bag over my head. My body was just limp, and completely vulnerable. Some time went by and they finally stopped the car and dragged my body to where they were going.

I watched them penetrate my unconscious holes, laughing as they spit on my face and mocked me non coherent. They kept chocking me and putting their hands around my neck, seeing how small they could break my wind pipes and throat.. Wait it just occurred to me, I am dead. I did not even have time to scream, or belt out.

Not Tonight

Torture phone sex You want some accomplice phone sex? I would be more then happy to go and get that little ex bitch of yours. We can pick her up and make her suffer for leaving you. Every time I hit that bitch in the mouth and she spits out blood your cock gets harder and harder. I am used to being you dirty little fucking whore slave but tonight I am making this bitch suffer for you. I will take some barbed wire and wrap it around her fucking whore throat and choke that bitch as shes telling you that your cock was the best and how sorry she was for being a fucking dirty skank. I love seeing her eyes turn red and pop out her skull. Aww, it hurts? Good you fucking little cock teasing whore. This is going to end any time soon so we will let you bleed out for a while and we will be back.

She was so delicious!

cannibalism phone sexAs soon as I saw her walking all alone, weaving all over the sidewalk, looking drunk as hell I knew she was the one. She was a little chubby but not fat and as I got closer to her I could tell that she was healthy… this was going to make us a fine meal! She came with me easily, I just told her that I was going to take her home and put her to bed. Poor dear was passed out before we even made it a block down the road, I had to have my friend help me get her inside because there was no way I could lift this meaty girl all by myself! She didn’t wake up until after we had her shaved and cleaned and mostly seasoned and I am pretty sure the only reason she even woke up then was because my friend had shoved his cock inside her tight little pussy! He didn’t want it to go to waste, can you blame him? Anyway then it was off to the oven no matter how hard she cried and begged for her life… my tummy was grumbling she was going to be dinner whether she wanted to or not!

Yearning For The Taste Of Human Flash

Cannibalism phone sexDaddy has become increasingly violent with me lately. I think its because my uncle who just got out of prison has been staying with us. I overheard him talking about how his years in prison were hard but not as hard as his dick was when he thought about all the painful, torturous things he had done to that girl. Hearing how he had brutally shoved objects deep inside of her pussy and ass and fucked them simultaneously, made me dripping wet. He described to Daddy how much he loved fucking her while wearing a specially made cock ring that was fitted with sharp blades. He described in detail how the warm blood felt as it gushed around his cock. He said he then put it in her tight asshole and ripped it wide open. He said she was gushing blood and the stickiness excited him. He laughed sadistically as he told how he had literally fucked the life out her and continued fucking her dead body until it turned cold. He said the bladed cock ring had turned her pussy into something that looked like ground meat and that the taste was phenomenal. You could see the gleam in Daddy’s eyes as he fantasized about fucking a woman to death and cannibalizing her remains.

He called aloud for me, his worthless whore, to come into the room. As I entered I saw both Daddy and Uncle stroking their large hard cocks. I had never seen Daddy’s swollen quite this large. I undressed as I was ordered to. They approached me with lust in their eyes. I was paralyzed with fear as Uncle ran the knife down the side of my face, my chest, and between my legs. I was relieved when he and Daddy double penetrated me with their cocks, rather than using a bladed object. Even then, they fucked me so hard between them, I screamed in pain as they pounded my holes brutally, but thankful that they were not fucking me to death – at least not yet.

Hell Has Arrived

I could feel blood oozing from the 8 gashes he’d left on my body, never in the same place. I peeked one eye open just in time to see him taking the pipe back from Brandy. I took a deep breath, because I knew this next bit would be what would get the screams he was looking for. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself as best I could in the few seconds between that time and the time I heard the pipe slice through the air, landing hard on the fleshy area between my rib cage and my hip on the left side. I shrieked with the pain of that pipe slamming into my innards. He swung it again quickly, striking the other side in about the same place. He hit both sides once more each, then swung lower and hit my hips on each side, then my thighs, drawing stronger screams with each blow.mutilation phone sex

When he finally stopped, I was heaving tearful wails, struggling to catch my breath. After a minute or 2, I realized nothing else had happened in a while, and I finally mustered up my courage to glance in his direction. He was moving closer, but the smile plastered on his face was ferociously scary. I noticed the pipe was still in his hand, and my worries doubled. My heart started racing faster, and I could literally feel the sweat start to pour from my skin. When he got just in front of me, he took that pipe, and he shoved it into my pussy until it hit bottom, then shoved more, almost like he was trying to force that pipe up through my body from my cervix. I screamed and thrashed, but that only made it worse, so I tried my best to be still and just endure it. He pulled it mostly back out, then pounded it deeper into my pussy, shoving harder. After what felt like another 5 minutes of that insistent, drilling pressure in my pussy, I felt it leave me.evil phone sex

I should have been prepared for it, but I wasn’t. Almost immediately after that was removed from my pussy, I felt it rammed into my ass, and I swear it felt like it went straight up my spine and into my neck, so forceful was his hand. I screamed in frustration and I cried. I looked pleadingly at Brandy, and she mouthed an apology for the pain I was going through, but gave me a thumbs up for taking it like a champ.


Taboo Phone Sex with an Evil Babysitter

Evil babysitter Gray is all over the whole taboo phone sex scene. In fact she is always on the look out for new brats to become her next victims and there is always a filthy perverted boyfriend in the picture willing to assist. One afternoon a musician friend of hers was getting all worked up over some hot little tramp dressed up in a school uniform and needed Grays assistance.

Taboo Phone Sex

I was informed of some trampy young thing with the perfectly undeveloped body of one much younger that Gary was dying to get his cock in. He loves small bodied females that he could age play with and this time wanted my help to lure her in.

I have never rejected the opportunity to watch some hot young thing being filmed in some ass rape porn. I was excited to help and loved it even more when he wanted me to actually assist him in penetrating that tight little cunt. Once he finished with her she would be nothing but a corpse as he always had to feel their little bodies go limp on his cock before he could orgasm.

Torture phone sex

torture phone sex

I went on a blind date and met this one guy who pretty much had everything I wanted on my list of traits I look for in a man. We want back to my place where we had some coffee and talked about our lives growing up. It was pretty exciting to see how much we had in common. I don’t know how sex got brought up in all of this talk but it did, and I was really curious to see if he indeed had it all.

So we went back to my room I got completely naked and got on all fours waiting to see what kind of sexual act would be performed. I felt his large hands grab and stroke my ass, then his long warm fingers gently going inside of my pussy. I turned my head to see if he was going to penetrate me and instead I saw him pull out a huge meat hook that is used to hang meet in a slaughter house, he then jammed it hard against my pelvis letting it rip through my flesh until it came out other side of my ass cheek. I couldn’t help but scream as blood ran down my legs soaking my bed up in a blood red stain. I tried to move my legs but I couldn’t since it hurt so much.

My blind date then tied a rope around the loop of the hook and fed  the rope around the large beam that holds the roof of my bed room up and he began pulling the rope . My body began to raise off the bed and he hook dug deeper and deeper into the bed. I kept getting raised until i was finally level with his cock if he was standing up on my bed. He began fucking my ass hole grabbing my ass and hook as he dug both his cock and hook deeper into my body. I screamed in pain as his cock and hook both penetrated me. He then got another smaller hook and then this time pushed it deep into my ass hole then guided it carefully until it came out of my pussy.

I screamed begging him to stop that I would do anything if he stopped since I was in so much pain. He looked back at me and told me that all I was , was a fine piece of meet that needed to be degraded and filled with his cum. He began fucking me hard in the ass and in the pussy until I was sore and full of his cum. He left me hanging in the bedroom filled with is cum and stretched out from his cock. I guess I am hooked.