I decided to go to a haunted house with some friends just to please them since halloween is right around the corner. We showed up at this building that looks like it has been abandon for years. We proceeded inside and awaited our turn through the maze, of all the scary shit they had in store for us.I could hear the screams of all the people as they made there way through the maze. It was finally my turn to walk through the maze of fucked up and I had no idea what to expect. My girl friends and I walked through each corner as figures in a creepy costumes popped out trying there best to scare us. One person scared us so bad I some how got separated from all of my friends. I began screaming out loud wondering if my friends could hear me. I sat there on the ground in the dark begging for one of my friends to hear me. Next thing I know a figure in a clown costume, comes up to me and grabs me by the hand leading me into a room. I thought he was leading me to the exit and I was sadly mistaken. The clown chained my hands and feet and placed me on a table covered in nails. I began screaming begging for help. People walked passed me thinking it was all part of the fun. They sat there and watched as the clown began to push me down on the spikes. Slowly the spikes began to tear through my flesh. Blood began to gush all over the table seeping into the ground. I screamed in pain as this clown tortured me infront of all these people who were completeing the maze. The clown began cutting my feet off and throwing it at the people that walked by, they were just laughing saying how realistic this was. The finale was the clown sliting my throat as he drank my blood and spit it at people as they walked by.I guess these haunted houses are haunted.
Category: Snuff sex
Pavlov’s torture chamber
I had blacked out, and had no Idea where I was, or how I got here. I was being drug along on pavement, but I couldn’t see anything. I’m blindfolded. Everything hurts like I had ran a marathon. My blindfold is removed, and my eyes blink trying to strain to see. Your face swims into view. I remember seeing you in the store, you seemed so pleasant. But why are you here? Why am I here? Oh god. You took me, didn’t you? Why?
You tell me to shut my fucking face, and do as I’m told. That if I’m lucky someone will see me again some day. You use a pocket knife to slice my clothes from my body, and strap me to something that resembled a massage table blended with a pelvic exam chair. You fastened my arms and legs down, adding a strap across my hips for good measure. My head was restricted as well. I saw a blank blue screen a few feet in front of me. You rolled in this powerful looking machine, which had two huge dildos extending from it. Oh fuck, oh fuck! You rolled it right up to me, piercing both of my fuck holes simultaneously. I cried out from the pain of the sudden gaping of my tiny holes. You slapped my face hard and told me to be silent. That I was just a disposable little fucking whore, no more than a pet, lower than an animal. You instructed that I was not to be allowed to speak like a person, that I was to only bark, and whimper. I was so fucking scared, I started begging for mercy. You landed a bone-jarring strike to the other side of my face, making me see stars. He turns on the screen, and the machine. I was bawling as the automatic fucker ravaged my tiny holes.
Minutes went by, bleeding into hours. I lost track of time in the agony of what was happening to my body. Every time I got close to an orgasm, the machine clicked off, and right when I would catch my breath, it would begin again. Over and over while the screen played videos of girls being savagely taken by man and beast alike. They were beaten, made to stay on all fours, eat out of pet dishes, shit in the corner, and present their asses when told.
You finally came back. My mind was broken. My body was a shit, piss, blood, and pussy juices covered trembling mess.
You stood before me. “What’s your name, pet?”
I whimpered. “I said, what’s your fucking cunt name?!” I managed a small bark. You were pleased. You collard me, released me to the floor.
“Time to go meet your furry companions, and your new masters you fucking cum slut!”
Castration Phone Sex?
Castration phone sex is so much fun. You would be surprised how many guys are into it. I actually wasn’t surprised because so many losers I know in the real world want junk removal. They are just too scared to do it themselves. Well, that is what they tell me. I think they just say that because it is hotter to have a sick bitch take their nuts for them. I have all the tools of the trade too. In my basement, I have a castration chair. It is actually a refurbished execution chair. I got it at a prison auction. The fact that folks died in that chair turns me on. Creeps my castration victims out, but that is part of the fun for me. I like to tell them ghastly stories about the men sentenced to die for heinous crimes in the very chair I am removing their ball sac on.
A couple nights ago, Lenny paid for my junk removal services. As I had him strapped down in the chair, I told the tale of an infamous serial killer who took his last breath where he was sitting. Poor thing pissed himself. He definitely did not deserve his balls if a little ghost story scared the piss out of him. Testicles are for winners. Too many man think they are entitled to reproduce just because they have balls. Nope. Some men are so stupid it is amazing they remember how to breathe. Not to mention some have such small dicks that the small dick gene should never be passed on. Lenny was one such loser. Two inch dick at best. His balls were huge in comparison. I separated his cock and balls. Used the castration band to cut off the circulation to his balls. Left it on for about an hour while I told him snuff sex horror stories. The longer that band stays on, the easier it is to remove the junk. They practically pulled right off. A nice painful yank and a snip snip with garden shears and he was without balls. In spirit of Halloween, I got a bit gruesome. I used a hot cast iron skillet to stop the bleeding instead of a soldering pen. He kept passing out. But, I would smack him back awake. I still needed the rest of his payment. So who needs my junk removal services?
My Fantasy Phone Sex Call Come True
Fantasy phone sex is what I specialize in. I am the girl for your dark desires. Anything from rape fantasies to snuff, I do it. A caller asked me what my fantasy was last night. Usually, no one cares about what a stupid whore wants, so I was thrilled to tell him that I have always dreamed about being a vampire. I was obsessed with the HBO series True Blood. I read all the books too. One vampire in particular, Eric, was a Nordic god. Dominant too. Just what I like. A sexy in charge man. My caller liked the idea of being an S and M vampire. I walked into his bar, saw him and got weak. He cast a spell on me I couldn’t resist. In that moment, I became his. One bite on the neck turned me. He drained my blood. Snuffed me out then brought me back to life as his immortal vampire queen. I may have had the power to kill, but I was still his bitch. He turned me for the purpose of procuring him young girls. The beauty of being a vampire is that you stay the age you were when turned forever. Perfect for a P man. I had to get him some little angels. He described his perfect type and I knew just where to find them. Luckily it is still dark in the morning when the little ones are waiting for the school bus. I picked up three sisters all just a year apart, none of them sexually developed yet. Just how my master likes them. Watching them submit willingly to snuff sex like I did was intoxicating, but what made my cunt wet was their screams as he tore holes in their tiny necks. They died but were reborn as immortal little ones the next day. They will never grow old. And, the hottest part, they will stay virgins forever. Even when master violates their little fuck holes, the very next day the hymens grow back. Who knew that being a vampire was the perfect lifestyle for P men? What is your dark fantasy?
Will you make it out alive?
Halloween is coming up soon and it has me feeling really frisky and twisted so I set up my very own haunted maze in an abandoned asylum near my house. The locals all claim that it is haunted with the spirits of the crazy people that were tortured there… I don’t know if it is really haunted or not but I do know that it will soon be filled with fresh corpses and new ghosts when I am done! I have filled the place with all of my favorite accomplices, really sick and twisted individuals that love to kill as much as I do… and after I go hunting tonight there will be plenty of victims for them to choose from. I’m thinking that I will get a nice mix of runaway teens and tiny little brats for my friends to chase… and none of them will be leaving this place alive! I can be sure of one thing, if this place isn’t haunted yet, it will be after tonight!
Bloody phone sex
It was late one night and I heard this knock on the door. I figured since I live in a great neighborhood what is the worst that can happen? When I opened the door there stood a clown with red hair a black and white outfit and horribly painted face that could make any person in there twenty’s cry. I froze in fear as this man quickly covered my mouth with a piece of cloth causing me to loose consciousness.
When I awakened from being knocked out with some sort of chloroform, I noticed I was nude and tied to a table out in the middle of the woods. I saw the clown from earlier sharpening a knife while singing a creepy version of a nursery rhyme I began crying begging for some one to help me, hoping someone was camping out in the woods where I was being held captive.
The clown turned around smiling as he began to slit my wrist and feet letting the blood drip and spill into cups shaped like a wine glasses. I began to feel light headed as the blood began to pour from my body and a numbness took over. The clown began to slice me with his knife, cutting from my clit all the way too my collar bone.
I felt my skin burn and sting as this clown cut me with percison. I could feel his cold hand pulling and touching my insides. I screamed and screamed begging for people or for someone to help me. I stared into the clowns eyes and all I could see in his eyes was a relection of my body getting pulled apart. My intestines were pulled apart and were being stretched apart until it made a fifty foot rope. My kidneys were being cut out off my body.
The clown called his friends over and they each began to feast on my body eating my organs and drinking my blood as they played circus music in the back ground laughing as they ate away. Then one clown decided to taste my ass, so he grabbed a knife and cut a piece of my ass off and placed it in to his mouth recomending a peice to every one. I laid on the stone table screaming as these clowns, these demons all took turns cutting into my raw flesh eating everthing my body had to offer.
The only thing that was left of me was my head which was sewed on to a pigs body which was left in my neighborhood as a reminder to everyone that they too could be next.
Torture sex
Having Torture sex with master! He came in the room to tell me I have five minutes to get ready. I’m sitting on my bed waiting for further instructions. My head is down when he walks into the room. He has his snuff sex duffle bag in his left hand. He always brings this with him if we are not in the play room.
He sits it down at my feet. Unzips it and takes out some rope, a knife, and superglue. I’m really scared but I maintain my position. He lays them on the bed beside me. He rubs my hair with his palm and asks me to close my eyes. I close them. I feel a wet burning liquid hit them. I go to open my eyes and master takes his fingers to hold them down. He is gluing my eyelids shut! He takes away his hands and I try to open my eyes. I cant! The pain that it caused to try was sickening.
He laughed. “I don’t want you to see anything coming just feel it!” I could here him shuffling stuff on the bed. He grabbed my arm and i instinctively jerked it away. He slashed my shoulder. I felt the blood trickle down my arm. He laughed again and took my arm and ripped it out of its socket and tied it up to something with the rope he had pulled out earlier ,I assumed. The pain was unbearable. I could feel the tears in my eyes. Master finished tying my whole body up to where I was in the shape of a star. Master then took something and lifted it up to my neck. It was cold and felt like metal. The knife. He sliced my throat from one side to the other. I screamed in pain as the blood gushed out. I felt dizzy.
Then I felt the same sensation of the knife on my nipples. Master pulled up my left nipple and sliced it off with the knife. Then he lifted the right nipple and did the same then. I felt as if it was simultaneously. I screamed so loud that I hurt my own ears! I instinctively tried to open my eyes and ripped my eye open. All I could see was blood. Mixed with the tears I was shedding it burned so bad. Why was master doing this to me. Because he could. He got on top of me then and rammed his huge cock inside of my pussy. He was thrusting inside me. He started punching me in the face over and over. He came inside me.
I felt my life source leaving my body. I felt that same cold metal brush my clit. I screamed no. He laughed. He then took the knife and pushed it inside me. I screamed over and over. I wish I would just hurry up and die! he kept fucking me with the knife over and over. My mind was cloudy. I didn’t know what was real anymore. I’m sure the whole bed was soaked in my blood. I cried but stopped screaming I was to weak to scream anymore. I couldn’t breath. The knife no longer hurt but I knew he was still fucking me with it. A deep sea of blackness took over me, and I ceased to exist.
Home invasion phone sex
I heard my door bell ring so I made my way to the door to see if it was the pizza guy. When I opened the door it wasn’t the pizza guy but some random dude. I asked him if I could help him since apparently he was lost and I had no clue about who he was. He smiled at me and told me “you will get to know me really well soon.” I tried to slam the door on him but his reaction was a lot faster then mine. He pushed me down shut the door behind him and locked it. I yelled out for help ! I made a huge mistake since he had no problem beating me up until I stopped screaming. He chuckled and began dragging me into my bedroom, as I bled from my face.
I told him my boyfriend was coming and that he was going to be caught doing what ever he was there to do. The stranger said he has been stalking me for months learning my schedule and my friends and he knows for a fact that I am not being honest. I was then instructed to take off my clothes so he could see that booty. I slowly took off my clothes crying, begging him not to hurt me. The man laughed and told me to get on the bed, and spread my legs open so he could watch me masturbate. I did what I was told I sat there on my bed with my legs open watching the man lick his lips as he watched me rub my pussy.
The stranger pulled down his pants and whipped out his black cock that was probably somewhere around twelve inches and began to laugh. I cried begging him not to hurt me that I would do anything as long as he didn’t penetrate me. I was pushed on to my back as the man mounted me. I felt him stroking his cock getting it nice and hard before he tried to shove it down my pussy. I cried loudly begging him to stop I began screaming for help. I made another huge mistake since one, he punched me until I blacked out and took advantage of that time to penetrate my tight pussy. I felt his twelve inch cock slide all the way in making my pussy shrivel up around his cock like a hotdog in a bun. He was really stuck inside of me there was no way his huge cock was going to fuck me since I was so tight.
The man picked me up and flipped me around and began fucking me from the back . He pounded my pussy so hard that I cried in pain since it felt like he was going to bust through to my stomach. My pussy hurt so bad since his giant nigger cock was just to big I was incredibly sore. He kept fucking my ass, making my ass cheeks bounce of his pelvis as he rammed his cock deep inside my wet pussy. He kept saying that he was going to get me pregnant with his nigger cock since he was going to cum inside of me so deep. The stranger thrusted his cock to the back of my pussy and came inside of me letting out the biggest load I have ever had inside of me. I would like to say that this was the end of the story but I was beaten so badly I can’t recall everything that happened at this moment.
Snuff Sex Fantasy Phone Sex Revenge
Do you have snuff sex fantasies? I sure do. In fact, I don’t have romantic dreams. Well, I guess being strangled and force fucked for days is romantic to me. I live life on the edge, so I often experience the darker things in life that men like to explore like rape fantasies and snuff. Chuck told me I reminded him of his ex girlfriend who he loathed. He always wanted to get revenge on the cheating whore who left him for another man. A man with a bigger dick. I suggested he use me as his fantasy revenge doll. He loved the idea. I should have agreed to a code word before we started our revenge fantasy fuck. I had no idea how far he would take things. He had a lot of pent up anger and hostility towards his ex. As soon as we started our fantasy fuck, a switch went off inside him. I saw it. His eyes got blank and dark. He was in the revenge zone. He even called me Tammy as he put his hands around my throat and squeezed so tight I passed out for a moment. He spit in my face as he slapped me back awake. His thick hard cock ravaged my asshole. He sodomized me while strangling me so hard I kept passing out. He yelled slut and whore while spitting in my face constantly. I tried to fight him. I kept saying I changed my mind, but he wouldn’t stop abusing my ass until he came. I stood up to leave, feeling angry at myself for thinking this would go any other way. Before I could get fully upright, he sucker punched me in the gut, then a right hook to the face. He used me as a punching bag after he used me as a fuck doll before finally letting me go. If we did a fantasy phone sex call, would you show me any mercy?
My First Piercing
As usual, master was punishing me for doing something very bad by forcing me into torture sex with him. I remember he was stuffing his cock roughly down my throat, . And I accidentally scraped my teeth along the shaft of his cock! He was so angry that he immediately back handed me across the cheek and slung me to the side to collapse on the floor in a heap. He walked away cursing and saying that I was a bad little slut and that I would pay. Shortly after that he came walking back into the room with a lethal looking dagger gripped in his fist. He didn’t hesitate at all before he grabbed a fistful of my hair with his free hand and slammed my back up against the wall behind me to hold me in place. Soon, I felt a searing burning pain as he slid the tip of the dagger completely through my sensitive skin around my nipple. Blood poured down my quivering stomach as tears slid down my face! This was the worst pain I had experienced so far but it was nothing compared to what I had accidentally done to masters cock while I was choking on it! I deserved more than a piercing.