Category: Snuff sex

Snuff Sex Fantasies

snuff sexFor months all I heard was a creepy voice on the other side of the phone saying, “I’m watching you Cassandra.” I honestly thought it was one of my former masters out to harass and scare me. I was freaked out some, but really thought it was a sick prank. I thought that until I came home from a party one night, walked into my bedroom and felt a hand go around my mouth. The way he said, “I have been waiting for you Cassandra,” was familiar. Eerily familiar. I peed in my panties because I knew it was my stalker. I didn’t recognize him, however. He put his hands around my throat in an attempt to strangle me. I pleaded, tried to scream to no avail. As he did his best to crush my windpipe with his bare hands he looked me square in the eyes and said, “The fun is only begun.” He tossed me to the bed by my throat. As I was gasping for air, he tied my hands and feet to the bed. He straddled my chest with a knife. When I screamed bloody murder, he punched me in the face so hard, teeth flew out of my mouth. I didn’t get any second chances. He plunged the knife in my stomach and sliced me open like a cadaver. I felt immense pain, then a cold nothiness that scared me. I was dying. I knew it. Too much blood was spilling from my body. My attacker put his hands inside me so he could play with my internal organs. He scooped out my insides and plopped them on my chest. He forced my head up so I could see the horror of my intestines wrapped around my tits like a macabre piece of art. Last thing I heard was his sinister laugh as he started to fuck me.

She isn’t going to bother me ever again!

torture sexDon’t you just hate whiny bitches? I know that I do, that is why I had to kill my new neighbors. They were this family of annoying hippie vegan types, usually I am live and let live about that shit but these assholes complained literally every single time that cooked any kind of meat! If you want to starve yourself and not eat meat, that’s fine but don’t tell ME that I have to go along with your stupid ideas! I am a fucking carnivore and I have no problems killing people, why the fuck would I have an issue with killing animals? Anyway, the worst one out of that family was the teen girl, she bitched and moaned and made puking noises every time I ate dinner, I couldn’t take it, they had to fucking go! I waited until they were sleeping then I slipped into their house and made my way upstairs. The parents died first, I slit their throats while they were sleeping, it was the girl I really wanted, she was going to suffer! I drugged her and dragged her back to my place and threw her on the grill while she was still alive… She ruined so many of my meals, it was time for her to become one! She really was delicious too, I guess her diet made her flesh nice and tender…

Evil Phone Sex Halloween Fun

My All Hallows Eve was a fucking bash of an Evil Phone Sex night. By
bash I do mean some little whores head did get bashed in. But first
was the thrill of the hunt, the chase  really got my blood boiling
and my appetite for fucking this little Alice in Wonderland costumed
girl up.
I spotted my prey on the street enjoying the festivities in the
graveyard that evening. I cornered her with my knife to her pretty
little throat… as I ordered her to run. I let her believe she was
free of me only to have a friend Jim, head her off throwing a
pillowcase over her head and yanking her to him. Nothing like the
sounds of her pleas and whimpering to make my friends cock grow hard.

Evil Phone Sex
He brings her back to me and I yank the pillowcase from her head and
smile sweetly looking at her terrified eyes. The bonfire is going
strong and perfect for a roast. I punch the little cunt in the mouth
with my brass knuckles a few times to knock her fucking teeth out.
Once her mouth was a bloody toothless mess Jim skull fucked her
bloodied mouth as she gasped for her last breath. By this time I was
shoving a taser wand up her cunt and fried that bitches insides.

I was so fucking wet and Jim knew just what I needed, as I was
kneeling over her fucking lifeless corpse carving sigils in her flesh
I was getting my cunt pounded with Jim’s bloody fuck rod. By now we
decided it was too much work to just filet her flesh and roast it. So,
we just axed her to pieces and threw her on the fire.

Snuff Sex

Snuff Porn Halloween

snuff pornSnuff porn Halloween? Hell yes. Always with me. I am a sadistic bitch who loves passing out candy to little whores and bastards. Nowadays, they all come trick or treating without parental supervision. Parents are so dumb. They don’t warn them of the dangers of taking candy from strangers. Last night I had some special candy reserved for a couple of the right trick or treaters. They came to me at the end of the night. I offered them fresh chocolate laced with a potent drug to render them helpless almost immediately. Puffer fish toxin. Highly toxic, immobilizes folks so you can do whatever the fuck you want to them without them screaming or squirming. They are awake, alert and can feel every bit of pain. I carried them to the basement so I could lay them down next to each other on a sheet of plastic for easy clean up. A boy and a girl. Siblings I believe.  I took my knife and stabbed the little angel first. Not how you would expect either. I stabbed her cunt. Pretty much scraped about her girl parts. Her eyes welled up in tears form the excruciating pain she felt. Her brother was in tears too, feeling helpless to aid his sister. Me, I was wet as fuck. The world doesn’t need more brats to feed. As she laid there slowly dying, bleeding out, I turned my attention to her brother. Where to begin? I shoved my knife up his ass. I fucked his little boy ass until it was a bloody pulp. Then I cut off his baby dick and shoved it in his sister’s mouth. I thought it was funny. A nice Halloween trick. The puffer fish toxin was beginning to wear off , but at that point it didn’t matter. Too much blood had been shed for them to fight back. I watched them die as I masturbated. Happy Halloween to me.

Halloween was made for snuff sex!

snuff sexHalloween is a glorious holiday for people like me, all those brats running around unsupervised, they are ripe for the picking and perfect snuff sex victims. They literally come right to your door basically offering themselves up for sacrifice! I have found that the key to success on Halloween is to decorate your house fully and feel free to make it scary too… just not TOO scary. You want it to seem like a safe place for the little ones to stop at, you don’t want them too scared to even approach your door. Also, don’t just snatch up the first little whore that comes to your door, you need to be careful! Some of these brats will have their parents with them and you do not want to catch any parent’s eye, you want to be practically invisible, just another piece of the scenery. When the perfect victim comes along you will know it, she will be all alone and a little nervous but if you are patient with her you will be able to get her inside without anyone hearing her scream. That’s when the real fun begins! She gets passed around to everyone and gets thoroughly fucked before we finally toss her broken bloody body into the oven to cook for our Halloween feast. It is a truly glorious tradition that I eagerly anticipate every year!

Bondage phone sex

Bondage phone sex

Today I was tied to a chair. Legs spread wide on the arms of it. My pussy was there for the taking. Duck tape across my mouth. I sat there all alone waiting. Watching the door handle for someone to enter. My heart pounded out of my chest when I seen the knob finally turn. It was master. He came In holding his torture bag at this side. He rubbed his hand on my cheek like he wasn’t gonna hurt me. I knew better. He pulled out the big dildo that he had used on me before on the metal table. He didn’t even hesitate to shove it inside me. I tried to scream past the tape. No use of course why do I even bother screaming. I see a taser in his hand. This is new. He walks up and rubs one of my nipples with his fingers making it nice and hard. Then tasered me on my perky peak. I yelped behind the tape. He repeated with my other tit. He makes me sick. I scowl at him and he notices. He takes his knee and hits the huge 2 liter bottle size cock into me hard. Then he punches me in the face. You stupid bitch don’t think for a second I won’t slit your throats and go on about my day. I sob profusely. He rips out the cock. He uses the taser on my clit. It hurts so bad. He holds it there for a long while. I wish he would kill me at times well most the time. He continues to alternate between my tits and my pussy. I’ve stopped screaming it’s just sobs now. His phone rings and he walks off. Who knows how long i’ll end up sitting in this chair like this.

Snuff Sex – Coulrophilia/Psychrophilia

Snuff sexI was hitching through North Dakota when he came across me. I felt bad about him from the moment he pulled up alongside me, but all my efforts to make him move along failed. That was when I knew I was in trouble, and I tried to take off. He was spry and agile for an older man, and he very quickly and easily caught me. I had no chance to fight; he was so quick that he had me pinned before I could even turn over. I felt him begin to bind my hands, I think it was with rope, but I would have to find out later. I struggled under him, the little bit that I was able to move. He gagged me with a ring-gag, so I knew, once again, that I was in deep shit.

He drug me back to his truck and buckled me in, since he knew I was unable to do anything about it. I have no idea how long we drove, or how far. I just know that when he stopped, it was in a place surrounded by wooded areas. The temperature was dropping, so I knew it was early evening. He drug me through the trees for a good while before finally tossing me to the ground. I could hear water, and I wondered if anyone lived nearby who could help me if I could just project my voice well enough. When he didn’t even bother trying to get me to shut up, I knew it was hopeless. He bound me, hands and feet, to roots in the ground, and I knew I would never get up from there again. He left my view, and I began to search around for a weapon of some sort.Killer phone sex

When he came back, I was completely at a loss. He was dressed as a clown! He had the makeup, a wig, everything! The only way I knew it was him was that he was carrying the clothes he had just changed out of!! He set those down, walked back out of view, and came back carrying 2 large buckets. He poured freezing water all over my body, and I began to shiver. As the night grew closer and the temperatures dropped, he kept dousing me with water until he saw ice start to form from the moisture. Then, he started some ritualistic something or other. He was touching me all over, rubbing me with various parts of his clown getup. It was as I was getting closer to freezing to death that I noticed his cock was poking a huge tent out of his outfit. It was mere moments before I drew my last breath that I saw his cock hovering above my face, and then slipping down into my throat through that ring-gag.

Violent phone sex in a haunted house..

violent phone sex

I am going to a haunted house tonight. All my friends are going and I was told that it is suppose to be really scary! I am extremely excited and I love to be scared. Go figure, right? I am the most perfect stupid pathetic little fucking victim for the most manliest, meanest man alive. I have such pure soft skin, a to die for smile(literally), and a walk. Not just ordinary walk, a walk that screams- fuck my holes and make them not tight anymore. Well anyway, I am stupid, right, and this is suppose to be Halloween. You know when chicks dress like whores and get away with it.

You can already assume, I will not be as fortunate. I arrive at the haunted house with a  group of people. Some how we all got separated and all that is with me, by my side is my friend Lauren. She is so hot, where I am thin and lanky she has a full figure- huge tits, skinny waist that is curvy and a firm bubbly ass. We together attract a lot of attention. We are wandering through the scary part of the house. There are loud screams, men in mask chasing us with knifes. It was all fun, until we got to the section of the house that had blood, guts, and gore around us.

I thought to myself that maybe we went into a different path since we couldn’t find our way out into the next sections. There were body parts scatted, it looked so real. Come to find out they were real. Me and Lauren held hands trying to search for the exit, until we were approach by a man. He was dressed all in white and had a butcher knife. Our natural reaction was to scream for our life’s. We noticed something was off, because he kept getting closer to us, backing us up into a corner. This is not a normal situation. Normally the men scary you into the next room.

He put his knife up to my friends neck and immediately slit her throat. I was covered in her wet cold blood, and I was completely speechless. I could not scream loud enough and the part that dawned in my head that was no matter how loud I screeched no one would know that they were real screams. My friends body fell to the ground and her hand was still clenched to my hand. I couldn’t unlock her fingers from mine. The man pushed me to the ground and started impaling my pussy with his shaft. He rammed me harder and harder banging my head into the wall with each thrust. I was lying in my friends blood and my blood from my pussy was dripping down my thighs.

He took his knife out and started hacking my arms off, my legs next, my tongue after. I was choking on my blood.

This was definitely his treat and my trick. Some say happy Halloween, I guess he did have a smile on his face in my excruciating pain that he inflicted on my body. Be careful in those haunted houses, or else you might end up like me and Lauren. We might even pay you a visit in spirit.

Snuff Sex Haunted House

snuff sexSnuff sex gets me wet. Halloween is the perfect time of year to snuff out folks too, especially little ones. I inherited an old house a decade ago. It was the scene of a brutal murder in the 50s. It belonged to my grandparents. It was their tenant who killed his wife and brats then himself one Halloween night in 1956. No one wanted to live in it after that, my grandparents let it go and I when I inherited I did nothing to the place because I use it for my carnage. On Halloween and the nights prior to it, I always hide in the house to catch the local brats that break in ghost hunting and to do drugs. Last night I knew the local boys and girls would be exploring old horror stories so I rigged the house  with lots of haunted delights. Once folks enter that house, they never leave. Either I kill them, or the house does. Last night a young teen couple broke in to fornicate. You would think the youth of America would know better than to fuck before marriage. Only virgins ever survive horror movies.

snuff porn I watched as the two dumb love birds started to make out on a rickety wood floor with dust inches thick. Spiders and other creepy crawlies were everywhere. I started some sound effects and watched them jump up in terror. Cloaked all in black so they couldn’t see me, I charged them with a knife. I went for the little whore first. Gutted her like a pig. Her loser boyfriend fled. Did nothing to help her. I would get him next. I know that house inside and out, he was not escaping me.  I took my time dismembering her tiny teen body and playing in her bloody entrails. I wanted a horrific crime scene befitting of the house’s spooky reputation. Once I had my snuff porn fun with the girl, I hunted the boy down. I heard him pleading for his life. Talking to the house I guess. I found him in the servant’s quarters down stairs with a sword through his body.  He was pinned to the wall like a squashed bug. I could hear the blood dripping out of him. Clearly, I was not alone. This house was really haunted.  Most folks would have run screaming, but not me. I got on my phone to look for a medium. I want to talk to my ghost accomplice.

Snuff Porn with Friends

snuff pornSnuff porn get your dick wet? It gets my pussy wet. I was hanging out with some guys friends of mine Friday night. We were playing XBOX games, which can get gory. Some video games are as bad as snuff films.  We took a break to surf the Internet. You are always a keystroke away from porn. One of my friends was searching for info on the new Warcraft edition out soon, but when he clicked on a link it took him to an Asian snuff site. It was like watching that video in the Asian horror film The Ring. My friends suddenly had murder in their eyes. I got scared. The images on the film were horrifically bloody. They lunged at me. I fell back off the couch, hitting my head on the table. Blood trickled down my face. The site of blood made them more violent. Chad grabbed a butcher knife off the table and plunged it into my gut. Troy put his hands around my throat with such strength my left eye popped out of the socket. I was in excruciating pain, pleading for my life. They just kept stabbing and strangling me as if possessed. Their eyes were black as coal. Dead, just like I was about to be. As Chad stabbed me in the stomach repeatedly, Troy let lose his vice grip on my throat so he could reach his hands inside my stomach and pull out my entrails. I was going cold. I knew I didn’t have much time left. Whatever was on that link turned my best friends into crazed snuff sex addicts. I tried to plead one more time, but my fate was already sealed. At that point, I wished for death to come quickly. As I watched two lifelong pals eat my intestines, I died painfully.

What are your violent phone sex fantasies?