Category: Snuff sex

Snuffed out at the morgue

snuff phone sex

Sometimes I get a wild hair and I have the need to add another victim to my friends at the morgue. Today was that day. I saw her walking down the street in a pair of stilettos, her head held high as if she was better than everyone. I decided that she would be my victim. I followed her to her car, and when she went to get in, I came up from behind and wrapped a chain around her neck. After securing her hands and feet, I put her into the backseat of her own car and drove her to the morgue. I took her to the back room, the dungeon where I keep all of my toys. Securing her to a table, I began to cut into her body with my knife, Cassie, just to watch her bleed. Seeing her beg for mercy just made my pussy that much wetter. As I snuffed her out, I got myself off with one of the men that was just brought in earlier that day.

Ass Rape Porn with a Baseball Bat

ass rape pornWhen he picked me up at the bar, he recognized me from some ass rape porn I have done. I’m not ashamed. Letting men do whatever that want with my ass, pays the rent and more. We were at his place when he requested a show. He had all sorts of ass sex toys already out for me like he knew he would meet me tonight. I was buzzed on fruity drinks and horny as fuck, so I stuck a string of balls up my ass while he jacked off.  I was buzzed, but suddenly I got fucked up. Like sick fucked up. I knew he spiked my drink with something, but I was not sure with what. I started seeing double. I asked for some water, got piss in the face instead. I puked. Started shivering, practically convulsed. No mercy was shown. In fact, he laughed at me before he grabbed a baseball bat and rammed it up my ass. He said he loved bloody ass sex. I screamed in pain as it went so far up my ass it felt like it was going to come out my mouth. I kept puking while I was receiving torture sex up my ass. When he pulled the bat out of my ass, it was dripping with shit and blood. He forced me  to lick it clean. I puked some more tasting my bloody shit hole on his bat. He grabbed my hair, twisted his hand around my hair until I thought he might scalp me. My face was forced down in my puke.  Then I was forced down in the bloody shit mess that came out of my ass from being sodomized by a baseball bat. He knew he would meet me that night because he stalked me for weeks. He was ready for me, but I could never be ready for him or anyone like him.

That bitch got what she deserved!

torture sexThat bitch got what she deserved, honestly she shouldn’t have tried to take what was mine, if she had just stayed out of my way none of this would have ever happened! See I was at the park dressed like your typical suburban mother looking for a little bitch to bring home for a friend of mine; I had one in mind and was about to snatch her when this fucking cunt got in my way. She was so fucking nosy, asking me which brat was mine and all these other nosy questions, she talked so much that she made me miss the opportunity to take the one I wanted! Oh man that shit pissed me off! In an instant I decided that this bitch was going to die in her place even though she was older than what my friend preferred. I convinced her to come with me to my car and once there I knocked her out and took her home. We fucking cut that whore to pieces for fucking up my day, she was tortured and fucked and when we were finally done with her we took her back to the park where her little boys were still waiting for her and dumped that bitch at their feet!

Castration Phone Sex: Tis the Season To Whack off Nuts

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is one of my favorite calls. Tis the season to whack off testicles too. The holiday season brings out all the losers and sad sacks. In reality, the best gift a pathetic worthless piece of shit can give to the world is junk removal. If you are that pathetic you have NO business reproducing. I feel extra charitable too this time of year so I often give free ball removal services to the truly pathetic. Many men are down on their luck and can’t afford my services. In the holiday spirit, I remove their worthless junk for free. I met one such loser earlier in the week. He was panhandling on the street. He was telling tales of being a veteran, but I knew better. I went to high school with this piece of shit. He was con artist even then. Many veterans are homeless and need our help, but ass wipes like Charlie make folks leery of helping the truly homeless vets once they realize they have been scammed.

snuff sexCharlie crushed on me in high school, so I saw my opportunity to give free junk removal to a bottom feeder. I told him I liked dirty sex so he didn’t need to shower.  What a fucking moron to believe that line. More proof that he didn’t deserve testicles. I tied him to my bed for some kinky sex, but whacked off his balls instead of whacking him off. Blood sprayed my face, my sheets and my walls. Hot sticky blood of a total loser. I used an old rusty knife too. Dirty utensils for a dirty sorry ass man. He screamed in pain, pleaded for mercy. With rage in my eyes, I decided on some snuff sex too. I stabbed him deep in the belly. I gutted him like he was a pig and I was the butcher. Actually he was a pig and I am a butcher. A butcher of the worthless. A butcher of the annoying. A butcher of bitches. A butcher of losers. A butcher of brats. A butcher of YOU. It is going to be 24 days of murderous mayhem for me. Happy Holidays!

Ass Rape Porn Snuffed Tardiness

A useless whore for ass rape porn is all I ever will be, and that was made perfectly clear by my Boss. He made me service all the filthy greasy mechanics, and sleazy car salesmen at the Auction today. I was just a few minutes late and it seems I cost them their spot for showing the Silver Ghost as the second car up for auction. That was a prime spot since everyone would be excited and ready to spend and bidding could get high. I was the eye candy to help tantalize the bidding and look pretty for the cameras. 

So, I had to kneel on the floor and let these men use me as they wished and offer all of my fuck holes up to them. I was slapped around, my tits were slapped and nipples twisted, bit, and pinched. I was anally fucked so hard my ass was stretched to gaping and prolapsed. My cunt was punched by fists and cocks and left much the same as my ass, gaping and prolapsed. I was sticky with cum, piss, and blood while my nose was broken and my lip split open. They tossed me some shop towels and told me to clean up and get out.

I barely made it to my car when I was grabbed by two men and shoved in the back of my car taped up with duct tape and driven to some remote warehouse. They yanked me out of the car and took me inside where they shoved me down on a filthy mattress. They slapped me across the face a few more times as they took my used up, over fucked body and started kicking me in the ribs and head. I lost consciousness and I believe my life.

 When I awoke from this dream my cunt was so fucking wet!

ass rape porn

sold for a week

roleplay phone sex

Master wakes me up. He has a job for me. He dresses me up in a skimpy maid costume. Looks like I’ll be cleaning. I arrive at the man’s house. I go in head down. His wife or slave I don’t know which instructs me to go to his bedroom and start cleaning… I begin to wipe things down as he is watching me from the bed. I can feel his eyes on me never faltering. He gives me the creeps. I bend over to pick up trash and he is behind me. He presses his naked body against my ass. I wish I could tell him to fuck off. I’d catch my death if I did that, though. I giggle a fake giggle. He is pleased I assume. He asks me to turn around and face him. I do as Commanded. He starts kissing me as he rubs my nipples. They become hard. He slips his hands down to my cunt. He starts fingering me. He asks me if I know that he has me for the week. I paid big money for you monetta he says as he smiles. You are all mine!! I smile a fake smile. He strikes me across the face. He laughs an evil laugh. I keep myself from crying. I wonder when my sad tortured life will end. He throws me onto the bed and rips off my flimsy joke of a maid outfit with on hand. He is really strong I can tell by how he is handling me like a rag doll.. he ties me up. First my feet. Then my hands. I’m in a star shape on his bed. Naked. Cold. He gets a call on his phone. He tells me he will return. He has business to discuss. No telling how long I will lay here… (to be continued)

It’ll be torture sex for you!

torture sex“Oh honey, it’s gonna be torture sex for you, why ever would you think that I would be letting you go?” is what I said to the young girl I had tied up in my basement. Her eyes got all big and the tears poured out but I didn’t care, why should I? She’s just some stupid little cunt that exists only to give me pleasure by dying slowly at my hand! I am going to peel her like a grape and leave her spread wide open for her parents to see her brutalized corpse. Do you think they will cry when they see what I’ve done to her? Her tiny holes will be ripped open, her bones will be broken and all her skin will be stripped from her body, I do hope that they will appreciate my gift to them.

Torture Sex Step Mom

torture sexTorture sex is for the man’s pleasure. As a fuck pig, I understand my place. I know I am here for whatever a man needs from punching bag to snuff doll.  My step son is a man of cruel intentions. He has never liked me. I have been his punching bag since he was a school boy. In fact, he was the first man to break me. The irony was that he was no man at the time. Just a young teen boy. His hatred of me fueled his desire to make me his bitch. I had been married to his father less than a year when it first happened. My husband went out of the country for a week, leaving me in charge of my step son. Little did my husband know that that his young son was clearly the one in charge of me. This was before my husband and I had little ones of our own.  A mommy never forgets the moment when her boy owns her. I had gone down to the basement because he informed me there was some sort of wounded animal trapped by the cellar door. As I walked down the dark stairs, he pushed me.  I was the wounded animal. He chained me up. Put a collar on me and told me he was in charge now. I was scared. He denied me light, food, even water. My only diet for several days was his piss and cum. He fucked my ass repeatedly, even smacked me around and fisted my fuck holes. I was not leaving my basement dungeon until I said, “You own me. I am your bitch.” I fought it for a few days, but then I grew weak and a little crazy from sensory deprivation. He broke me. I have been his ever since. He is in his 20s now, but stronger and way crueler than ever.

My Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is the only kind of phone sex. I need something extreme to get off. How about you? I’m easily annoyed and driven by revenge and sick folly. Things most people would never consider, are every day thoughts to me. Like today. I saw this blonde blue eyed little angel at Dairy Queen. She was licking on a vanilla cone and all I could think about was her licking your cock. You know you would  enjoy having an extremely little girl blowing your cock. Then my next image is of your bloody cock from fucking her tight little cunnie. Then I see her crying from the pain your cock is causing her butt hole as you force fuck her ass. I almost touched myself in Dairy Queen. I went to my car to lick my cone and rub my pussy thinking of all the violent and fun things we could do with such a little angel. Of course the last thing we would do with her is snuff sex. Can’t let the little cunt live to tell people about the vile ways we violated her little body , can we! I really need an accomplice phone sex partner. I know I am not alone in my dark fantasies.

My New Fuck Buddy

taboo phone sex

I want to fuck so bad sometimes that I just can’t wait to get to the morgue and I have to take full advantage of whatever is close by to get off to. Yesterday I was driving down the road, it was a long drive and I was very fucking horny! So, I put my left foot on the dash, turned the cruise control on and fucked myself silly. A trucker pulled up next to me on the interstate and could see what I was doing. He began to jerk his cock and motioned for me to pull over. We stopped at a rest area and I climbed into the truck. Without a word to each other, we start going at it like two energizer bunnies. He fucks me good and hard and I cum three times riding his hard cock in that big rig. He left my pussy filled with cum and wanting more. We have plans to meet again next week at the same spot and I cant wait.