Master lays me on the table where I just murdered the girl. Her blood is still fresh as it sticks to my body. I thought I had pleased master. Maybe I did who knows. He uses the pussy spreader on my tight wet cunt. I wince in pain. He cuts my stomach with the dirty blade I just used. The cuts hurt but, they are not deep enough to kill me. He gets up on the table. As he shoves his massive hard shaft into my exposed cunt hole, I moan out. Partly from pleasure and partly from pain. His huge vein cock stabs my soaking pussy hard. He takes a clothespin to my clit. I scream as it clamps down. He fucks my sloppy cunt harder. I scream louder. I rub some of the blood from the dead girl on my hands and hold onto masters chest. The blood smears all over the front of him. He thrusts into me harder. He rams into my little fuck hole over and over before releasing his white cream deep into me. My cunt responds my clenching around his massive throbbing shaft. My juices pour out of my soaking wet fuck hole. Master leaves me laying on the table. I hope he doesn’t kill me.
Category: Snuff sex
Pauline got to star in our snuff movies!
Ok this fucking slut Pauline crossed a major line with me, she sent naked pictures of herself to MY man! Who the fuck does she think she is?? Look at her, old as fuck and no where near as pretty as me… did she really think that he was gonna want that dried up old pussy when he could have all this instead? I made him act like he was into it, he even invited her over for a late night booty call, but instead she got a whole lot more than she bargained for! That dumb bitch was eager to be tied up and fucked, she actually trusted him can you believe that? She didn’t even know anything was wrong until I came walking in… then she knew she fucked up bad! She started begging for her life right away but I have no mercy for women like her! I pulled out my special strap on cock, the one that is wrapped with razor wire and has a 6 inch dagger coming out the tip… she took one look and started screaming. I slammed it in deep and immediately the blood started to pour out of her, every thrust brought more and more until finally she died laying in a pool of her own blood. I bet she definitely learned her lesson about sending dirty pics to another woman’s man huh?
Cannibalism Glory Hole
My Master has a sick fantasy he has been wanting to bring to life so he devised an evil scheme to make it happen! We went to a local park playground and kidnapped an African American Dad that was waiting there while watching his children play! We lured him to our van by saying we needed help with our broken engine and once we got him inside of the van, Master knocked him unconscious by slamming him over the head with a shovel! We brought him back to our dungeon and Master stabbed his limbs to the wall with pitchforks while shoving his large cock through a glory hole that I had created in the same wall. Master filmed me while I sucked his big black nigger dick, I was spitting and gagging all over it while slurping it up through the hole! Master had been starving me for days, my ribs were starting to show, I was sooo hungry! He told me to eat the dick as my meal! I did as my Master told me to do and I bit hard into it while it was deep down my throat! Blood started gushing everywhere and splattering in my face, down my chest and into my pussy and ass crack! It tasted fucking disgusting but I was famished and Master made me chew and swallow the entire black schlong until there was nothing left besides his big hairy balls. The man was conscious the entire time, screaming and moaning with extreme pain while he was on the other side of the wall. He died from blood loss once Master had me eat his balls off, they were horrific tasting! Master unhinged him from the wall and let his lifeless body plop to the ground, making me crawl over to him and start to eat his face and other limbs. Master didn’t let me stop until he was unrecognizable, he wanted to make sure that I was stuffed full with human meat and flesh! I was full for days!
snuff porn for master’s pleasure
Master brings me to his play room again. The same girl as before is on the table. He commands me to torture her. I really didn’t enjoy it the first time but, it’s my life or hers in the balance. I choose my life. I walk over to her and open master’s play bag. I pull out the cunt spreader and spread her pussy hole wide. She begs me to stop. I sigh and ignore her. I pull out master’s twelve inch dildo. I don’t bother lubing it up as I shove it into her drying cunt hole. She screams in pain. I feel a bolt rush down to my clit. I don’t understand why this is getting me off. I take the knife and I slit her wrists and belly. She begins to bleed out slowly. I take out the dildo and smear the blood on it. She cries out loud as I shove the blood soaked cock back into her dying wet pussy. I thrust it in and out of her as hard as I can. I take the knife and slice off her nipples. I toss them over to master’s dog. He eats them. I raise the knife and shove it into her chest. She gurgles a scream. I watch her as she lays there dying. I take the knife, look at master and lick her blood off. Master is pleased with me. Good!
It was over far too quickly
I went on a special retreat last weekend, it was supposed to be my perfect vacation where I could indulge in all my twisted fantasies. That is not at all what it ended up to be though, they only had one victim ready for me and the bitch was already so worked over that she died the first fucking time I cut her! What the fuck kinda shit is that? They gave me used merchandise and considering I paid them a whole lot of my hard earned money, I just couldn’t let that shit slide. I decided that I was going to get my money’s worth out of that weekend by killing the staff instead, if they weren’t going to provide me with proper victims I would pick my own! I started with the nighttime front desk clerk, she was very petite so it was almost too easy to subdue her and drag her back to my room This was the perfect victim, she was fresh and so alive, the fear in her eyes was palpable and had me wet as fuck! I took my time with this one, and tortured her slowly all night long, she finally died between my thighs, suffocated on my pussy. It was much more satisfying than that first bitch was.
Blasphemy Sex Dream of Shame
Blasphemy sex is hardly a normal dream of mine but this was one of the most enticing and vivid ones yet. I was dragged through the church to the pulpit area by five strong nuns and thrust down at the foot of the alter. These nuns removed their habits and robes to reveal five men with throbbing cocks. These men were of the priesthood and laughing at the fear in my eyes as they spat at me and called me a filthy blasphemous whore.
Forcibly face fucked they started a gangbang rape porn recording of their use of me. As my clothes were ripped from my body they doused me in Holy Water as they degraded me calling me Satan’s whore and that the only redemption for my filthy soul was to be doused in the cum of five brothers of the priesthood. Their pricks would offer me redemption as long as they penetrated and fucked me into my liberation.
I awoke way too soon, and am now so fucking horny.
Father I have sinned, penetrate me with your righteous phallus of our saviour. Bugger me and use me as I am your servant.
Sadistic Medical Fetish
My Master has an extreme medical fetish and loves to use me as his guinea pig to test out his sadistic experiments. I was dressed in only white thigh high stockings and high heels when Master dragged me into his dungeon and stabbed a sharp scalpel into my right hand, attaching it to the sheets that were laying on the hospital bed. Fuck it hurt so much! My hand was gushing blood and he hit bones when he brutally shoved it into me. He had a sex swing hanging from the ceiling right next to the bed and he roughly bent me over it. My hand was throbbing with pain, I could feel my ligaments exploding inside! He hooked an IV up to my arm and started the flow of a liquid substance into my veins! He has been working on creating a new type of sexual sedation drug that allows the person to be awake and aware yet unable to have any sort of control over their body, allowing their Master to have complete power! He was fucking me hard in my pussy and asshole simultaneously while the poison gushed throughout my entire body! It was such a horrific feeling! I could feel his huge throbbing cock deep inside of me but was unable to react to anything. It was truly an out of body experience. I ended up having a bad reaction to the substance and my body began to convulse and I had a seizure as well. Master unhooked the scalpel from my hand and unleashed me from the sex swing, harshly dropping me to the floor where I was curled up into a ball while suffering. He made sure to film the entire experience so that he could refer back to it while perfecting the formula!
Torture sex on vacation, is there anything better?
What could be better than a vacation filled with torture sex? That’s why I was so excited when my friend told me about a special resort in paradise where I could kill and torture whatever kind of victim I wanted all in a beautiful resort atmosphere! I’m telling you, when I saw the pictures of this place I had to book a vacation there right away, the thought of killing in paradise had me excited and horny as fuck! I went with my favorite accomplice Maurice, he has a cruel streak that I really enjoy. We booked a week there and it was breathtakingly beautiful, there were beaches and palm trees and it was so private! Plus the victim selection was just amazing, they had them all in this huge room standing there naked so that we see every inch of them. We were told that we could pick and choose whatever victims we wanted so we picked a tiny little frightened girl. She was very small and young, when we pulled her away from her mother she screamed but the concierge just punched her in the face and knocked her out so he could carry her to our playroom. Oh it was delightful in the playroom, we had so many toys to torture her with! We fucked her and cut her and broke her delicate little bones… and when she was finally dead, we fucked on her tiny little corpse! We had a different victim every single day we were there, it was the best experience of my life! I can’t wait to go back there again.
Suffocation Phone Sex with Marley
He had me tied with my forearms together behind my back and each leg bound to its thigh. He carried me just like that from his van to the bank of a nice-sized river, then settled me on my knees. It was painful, having to adjust my body around the bonds to settle down how he wanted me to. He had duct tape over my mouth, and when he walked around with a knife, I tried so hard to scream that he backhanded me with his free hand. He pulled my hair back hard and raised that knife to my mouth as tears streamed down my cheeks. The knife slipped across the duct tape, slashing a hole neatly where my mouth was. I started to try to beg for him to let me go, when he pulled his cock out and stuffed it down my throat. With the knife still in his hand, I didn’t dare try anything. Soon enough, he pulled his cock out of his throat and bent me forward so that my face was on the ground, and he shoved his cock into my dry cunt, tearing it a bit. I cried out, which I immediately regretted. He picked me up on his cock, moved us just to the edge of the lake, and settled me back down with my face in the water, his hand pressing me down into it. I struggled to keep the water from getting into my lungs. I held my breath as long as I could. Finally, I started to feel the water enter my lungs, even as his thrusts behind me got harder and faster. He was close to cumming, and my body was close to drowning. I prayed that he would let me get some air soon, but his body started spasming behind me. The last thing I felt was his jizz spurting up into me.
Kinky Accomplice Phone Sex
My Master loves to make me his dirty, naughty accomplice when he wants to commit sadistic evil. I am the perfect sexy companion to have as an accomplice because I have no limits and my evil ways match his perfectly. It’s even better when I am able to show my Master a few new tips and tricks while we do our dirty work! Master had me kidnap a young little girl from the park and bring her to his underground torture dungeon so that we could have our way with her. I used chloroform to sedate the disgusting little cunt as I transported her and when she started to come back to consciousness while we were strapping her down to to the steel table in the dungeon, Master shoved a monster dildo deep down her esophagus to shut her the fuck up. Master had an enema prepared that was filled with sulphuric acid. We hooked her up to it and watched her slowly suffer! All of her limbs were tied down and tears were streaming down her eyes. The more she showed signs of torture, the more upset Master became! He took a knife and dug it into her stomach, carving a heart shape out of her skin to show her his love. Master always has the best ideas! As she squirmed on the steel bed wilting away into a slow death, Master and I were extremely horny! He sat down in his chair and I got on my knees and sucked his throbbing cock. It was so fucking sexy seeing that little bitch in the background dieing a torturous death! Master wanted to play with her during her final moments so he shoved his sloppy wet boner inside of her tight little pussy! He wanted me to smother her face and ride it while he fucked her, he needed an extra good view to look at! Finally the little bitch took her last breath and Master made me eat her pussy as a final send off. He’s so evil, it drives me wild!