Your nasty uncut cock has been grossing me the fuck out and I think it’s time for me to give you a much needed circumcision. All of those folds and flaps of extra skin that you have just hanging out on your shaft are super unattractive to say the least. To make it worse, you get all sorts of gunk caught up in those skin folds. Cum chunks tend to rot which then cause your dick and balls to smell so fucking putrid. It’s so damn foul when you make suck it and I have to taste how disgusting you are. It makes me gag just thinking about it, ew! Why the fuck didn’t your parents take the initiative and cut your cock when you were born, and why the fuck haven’t you done something about it in the years since to help yourself?! You must really enjoy having a dick full of infections and rancid fluids. You make me fucking sick! Lay back and let me give you the much needed blessing of circumcising your cock! My knife is sharp as fuck and ready to slice you open. It’s going to be painful and it’s going to be bloody but it’s going to be worth it, you sick mother fucker!
Category: Snuff sex
Nasty Dick Needs A Circumcision
Violent phone sex
I helped a mean naughty man. I was suppose to be just sparing my life by helping him take someone else’s. We went to the park and found a girl that was in a stroller. Her mommy was not paying her any attention so we decided to just take her. Once we napped her and got to the house. I helped take a knife and make tiny little holes all over her body.
We made holes in her tummy, thighs, ass, and her face. I even made a slit right under her cheek bone. I took the man’s cock and forced it right into that tiny slit by her eyeball. I had him fuck the tissue and pulls the skin away from her mussel. Soon enough his cock was coming out of her eyeball opening and he was gaping her cheek skin.
He put his first cum load right in her eye ball and slid his dick out of her skin. We moved his cock to her tummy. He was fucking her in between her rib cage, pushing his dick deeper and harder into her. She is going to be a good little sex doll for him and hopefully I won’t be his next victim.
The other other white meat
Blindfolded I can’t see a thing, but I can hear a lot of sounds. They make me very nervous. I feel something go around my neck, it feels like a neck injury collar, actually I am pretty sure it is. And I feel straps going around my waist, ankles, and wrists. I don’t move at all, barely breathing. I feel the edge of a semi-dull knife push into my shoulder and slide down my side. I can’t help but tremble and flinch at the sensation. I feel poking on my tits, what the fuck is he doing! He continues to poke and I hear him say “Ah there is the good meat.” I feel a fork pushing into my left tit and I start to scream in pain as I feel a knife helping the fork to carve a piece of my tit out. He stuffs my panties in my mouth while he mumbles to himself “loud ass bitch.” I can hear a frying pan sizzling and then him chewing and mumbling how good it is. Holy fuck he’s eating my tit meat. I feel him cutting for another piece, but I hear “oh damn an artery.” I start to feel cold all over and something is running down my side. I can’t move, can’t scream I can only cry and hope someone heard me screaming before. The cold starts to take over and I feel sleepy. He takes the blindfold off “you dyin anyway don’t matter if you see me does it bitch?” He takes all the restraints off of me and makes me look in the mirror above his butchering table to see myself bleeding to death. I can see it spurting out with every beat of my heart. Everything is going black.
Snuff Slut
Nothing makes my nipples harder than when you call me your sexy bitch. Amongst many other vulgar names that you spew out at me, being your nasty, filthy, sexy whore of a bitch is what really fucking turns me on. I love catering to you and making sure that all of your needs are met in a sexual fashion. I’m nothing to you but a slut stuck in a human body, a bag of blood and bones with a wet mouth and wild tongue that you use and abuse at your discretion and disposal. I’m at my happiest when your cock is shoved down my mouth, unable to breathe and gasping for oxygen while you skull fuck my face, your balls slapping against my chin, I fucking love that shit! Gag me and make me beg for mercy as you mutilate my esophagus, I won’t stop sucking until you say so! I love being wrapped around your finger like the kinky snuff slut that I am!
Worthless Nigger Fucker Torture Sex
I’m a worthless whore Nigger fucker and my new daddy says I deserve every punishment he administers to my filthy defiled body. I am a real disappointment and the lowest piece of filthy trash and for that I am to be brutalized since I had my cunt made unclean by letting nigger cock fuck me.
My nipples and cunt are to be burned and making me cry out, scream and wimper in excruciating pain because my filthy body needs to be purified of the porch monkey’s crack whore these niggers made me. I thank daddy for burning my clit as I scream in pain and still feel the horrid pain and smell the stench of my filthy scorched cunt. My Breasts are to be tormented and nipples burned to a blistering stench and my pointed painted fingernails digging into them until they bleed… the pain… I deserve… Thanks Daddy.
Snuff sex is what I had planned for her
Snuff sex is what I had planned for this little whore I found yesterday. She was walking all alone and drunk as hell, she was so fucked up that when I walked up to her and offered her some help, she actually thought she knew me! Stupid whore came right along with me and she never had a clue as to what kind of danger she was in. I took her home with me and helped her undress and shower, by the time we were done she was completely passed out and easy to restrain. I tied that bitch up, greased her up and seasoned her well and popped her unconscious ass into my giant oven and roasted her to death! Simple little bitch had no idea what was happening to her… but she sure did taste delicious in the end!
Snuff Sex, Dead Sex
Snuff sex was not what I signed up for when I answered an ad on Craig’s List for an underground porn movie. The ad called for a red headed MILF for a gang bang film. The producers wanted an amateur and someone who could take a good ass fucking. That ad was written for me. I did a few lines of coke and showed up at this creepy as fuck abandoned warehouse that was being used for the set. I met the crew. It looked so legitimate, but I am a stupid, drugged out slut. My reality is skewed. They gave me some pills to relax me. I was pretty relaxed, well, I wasn’t feeling any pain from the coke. When the pills kicked in, I felt no pain. That did not last long however. The crew wasn’t a crew. They were sadistic fucks who wanted to make a real life snuff porn. They wanted to kill a bitch. That bitch was me. As I was getting fucked in the ass, I was getting beaten and strangled too. Cocks were replaced in my ass with broken wine bottles. I was being savagely stabbed and cut as they fucked me. I was screaming for help, but I knew it was futile. I started gagging on blood. They cut up my “pretty face” saying a “a whore isn’t pretty.” They were on acid or something because they were going Charles Manson on me. At one point, I just laid there, lost in the pain. Praying for a quick death. The torture was the most I have endured ever. There was no more ever for me. I started feeling cold. Light turned dark before my eyes. They’re voices became faint. I felt a cut across my throat and then I saw a light. I laid their bleeding out, dying, while they laughed and came. Would you enjoy yourself as you killed me. I hope so.
Accomplice Phone Sex Fantasies
Why do I get so fucking god damned wet with accomplice phone sex? Well, if your a demented fuck like me there is no need to explain, and if not, well then move on as I am way too much for you to handle. Rather you couldn’t take my idea of fun and I would rip your sorry little cock from your pathetic body, and that, my moronic friend, is NOT a god damned mother fucking Lie Bitch! Kapeesh?
Now then if your an evil mother fucker like me and really get off on the gore, blood and god damned fucking screams and cries of the victim(s) then I think we may be a duo for demise of some dumb fucking whore. I know one of my favorite games besides torturing the fuck out some useless little ones. I love to help rape fantasy their little holes and chainsawing the fuck out of their bodies when done. I get off on rubbing that thick yummy red dripping blood all over my body as I fucking ride one hell of a fine fucking cock.
Now, when it comes to useless males, the pathetic losers and droolers, well, I like to lure them into dark alleys and hack their useless cocks off and leave them to bleed out as they chokes on their bloody member shoved in their mouth and duct taped that fucking hole shut. I love duct tape and binding their arms behind their backs, while wrapped around some form of pole or pipe so they can’t escape. You see I am twisted as fuck and any worthy mother fucker will need to be just as evil phone sex minded.
If you love a hot accomplice for an home invasion phone sex idea then I will certainly be all over that! I love a good bit of filthy deadly family fun.
Necrophilia phone sex
My master held me captivated to show me a surprise he had. He took me to his secret room and there were several small girls that were naked and crying. He took the smallest one and made me watch him penetrate her holes. He ripped them open till she had blood running down to her feet.
He put his hands over her throat and took a knife out while his cock was buried inside of her pussy. He sliced from her sternum down to her pubic bone. She was screaming as he continued to fuck her and rip her stomach apart. He ripped out all of her organs and she was slowly going lifeless. I could see his big cock stuck inside her.
It was so deep and saturated in her blood. Once she was ripped open he told me to stick her face in the cavity of her stomach and suck the blood and cum from his cock. He reassured me once I sucked the jizz out of his cock that he was not done fucking her dead body and that we have many other toys to still play with.
I just hope I am not going to be one of his victims.
Guilty Verdict Part II
…the condemned stumbles a little while I am pulling her to the execution chamber. “Come on you dead whore, dragging your feet isn’t going to save you, just postponing all the fun things I’m going to do to you.” She started to sniffle and cry, I laughed to myself. You’re going to go out there whoring and killing other whores so you get more business with no remorse, but now it’s your turn to die and all you can do it feel sorry for yourself. “Move bitch that sniffling shit doesn’t work on me.”
Finally in the electrocution chamber and I remove the cuffs from the dead woman walking and push her down onto the chair. Once I have her all strapped down I put a metal pole into a piece on the floor and secure it. I take the center ring from the nipple and pussy clamps and pull it until it is on the other side of the pole, pulling her clit and nipples out too far. She starts to scream her head off as the skin around her nipples starts to rip from the pulling. She’s strapped to the chair and can’t lean forward to relieve the pulling and I can feel my cock getting hard. A hole was cut in the bottom of the chair for any bodily fluids but I use it to put an inflating dildo in her pussy and her ass. I pump both up until she starts to scream even louder. I laugh, this is fun. Of course, as an officer of the court, I have to do all the usual crap, even for this worthless bitch. I read her the sentencing garbage and ask for any last words. “Fuck you pig” was the only thing this stupid bitch could think of to say.
I remove the clamps attached to the ring and she screams again, I laugh to myself again mainly because she has no idea what is coming next. I attach electrodes to her nipples and clit; from under the chair I put a dildo in her ass and another in her pussy. Those were not ordinary dildos though, each of the pieces I attached to her or put in her are all wired to the electrical panel on the wall. I put the electrodes on her head, and I connect all the wires to a small box behind the chair. Her eyes are wide open as she watches me walk to the pull switch. She starts to scream and try to get out of the chair, but she is too well strapped down. I turn back to look at you and pull the lever. I turn around and fold my arms until you stop moving. You look up and I have a big smile. “That was only the lever to turn all your devices on.” I laugh sadistically at her and walk up to whisper in her ear. I told her that she dies when she cums because this device measures your nipples, clit, and asshole for orgasm. “Once you cum, the electricity will flow thru you like a river.” I take a vibrator and put it on low. Why low? The longer her orgasm lasts the longer it will electrocute her. It takes about 35 minutes, I can tell the bitch is hold back so I reach under the chair and start fucking her with the dildo in her pussy, and like any whore, she started to cum almost right away. I let go of the dildo and watch as she cums and dies all at the same time.