Category: Snuff sex

Hansel & Gretel: A Tale of Cannibalism

The story of two young bratlings and their unforeseen end. I like this tale of cannibalism phone sex because nothing is finer than a nice dry red wine with some juicy bratwurst. I got to find a couple of the juiciest little brats for my sausage party of hung guys when I was on Holiday in the Swiss Alps for some hiking last Summer. These juicy little ones were spoiled little ones and needed a good scalding in my special hot tub. I loved the aroma of krauter salz and fleish just a simmering away. I really enjoyed draining their blood for my old luxurious bath. Young things are the sweetest flesh to dine on and letting all these guys I had up at the chalet were all politicians who paid me well. We all know how they entice in this delicacy. I had the young sweet cunts and asses ready for their debauchery. I really enjoyed dismembering them and tossing them in the pot once they were basted with semen.

Cannibalism phone sex

Looking for a Partner for My Young Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesI hope you have rape phone sex fantasies. I want to destroy some little holes. This lock down shit has me going darker than I ever go and I go dark. I was going stir crazy in the house over the weekend. I hopped in my car and went for a ride. The city was like some post apoplectic ghost town. No one was on the streets. I kept driving. I was hunting. Hunting sweet young flesh.  I just kept driving. By this time, I was a few counties away. I had driven into the sticks. I was in redneck country. A bunch of inbred dirty brats running around all over the place. No one social distancing. No one paying attention to their spawn they had with their first cousin. Too busy cooking meth in their sheds lol. I snatched a little brat up and we drove off into the sunset. A cute little blonde. She was dirty from playing on the dusty dirt road. I drove her to my kill shack. It is in the hills where inbred Wrong Turn mother fuckers make moonshine and hide from the law. Any crime I commit is blamed on them. My little shack is hidden well and off the beaten path. It looks abandoned to keep suspicion off me. It is not registered. No deed but been in my family for decades. Use to be the love shack where the men in the family took their paid whores and killed them. Now, I take little brats there and mutilate their little parts. This little cunt didn’t stand a chance against a snuff sex queen like me. I stabbed her cunt with a knife. I fisted her gaping bloody hole until my hand came out her belly.  I chopped her up and tossed her to the coyotes. Then I got back in my car and looked for another one. Just wished you were with me. 

Just Hot Ass Rape Porn

I was called in to do an ass rape porn. They didn’t do the kind of porn that would appreciate my perfect barbie plastic persona. They wanted my ass and they wanted it in a bad way. I was drugged and dragged into their dungeon when I went to see about the porn film that they wanted actresses for. It was during the interview and the drink they offered me was laced with something. I was weak and passing out. I awoke to being chained over a saw horse with my ass aching and bleeding. They ripped my ass with all kinds of big cocks and liquor bottles. At one point they even used a broken necked wine bottle. That really ripped my cunt up and had it stinging and burning intensely. I was ruthless in my need to rub my cunt but I couldn’t I was chained. I cannot say whether being chained and unable to rub one out while I was being brutalized was making me scream more or if it was the sheer pain and blood loss. I wasn’t going to last long for this snuff sex porn shot. I was a relentless Barbie of brutality but I can’t stand it when I can’t get myself off due to restraints.

Ass rape porn

Snuff Sex on My Mind

snuff sexSnuff sex is always on my mind. Right now, however, it is on my mind even more. Stupid people are multiplying and spreading faster than this damn virus. I was at the store trying to get some damn toilet paper like everyone else. This stupid cunt had her cart full of what appeared to be all the toilet paper in the store. Others were asking for one package and she was giving flippant responses. She was a Paris Hilton looking skinny spoiled bitch. She screamed rich bitch entitled whore. No one would miss her. I watched her put her loot into her new Escalade. I followed her home. I needed to know where she lived. She lived in a mansion. She represents what is wrong with this world. Nothing I hate more than self-entitled cunts who think the world owes them and that they are better than the rest of us. She was likely rich from the labor of others. The sugar baby, gfe vacuous type who gets men to pay her way in life. I had to reel in my hatred for her. It was broad daylight and I did not want to kill her in her home. I decided to hunt her at night. A hot bitch like that would be going out. I waited. I stalked her. I prevented her from draining the pockets of a man like you. I ran her off the road, hit her on the head and took her to my cabin the woods. She had some choice words for me, but I dished it right back. I let her know it was too late to redeem herself. I told her she was dying because she is a self-entitled cunt. Then I stabbed her in the stomach and cut up to her sternum. It is painful, but a slow death. I played with her internal organs and stuck my hand through her cunt from the inside. She screamed in pain, which aroused me. I know, I am a sick bitch. She finally died. Quicker than I had hoped. There are more pretty cunts like her, so next time I will do better. Maybe you will join me?

My Knife, Your Balls

Castration phone sex is what you fucking deserve. I see the way you look at those little girls and perverts like you need your nuts cut off, and sadistic like me love to taunt you with that sweet fuck meat and turn the game on you. I like to make you think you will get to do what all those fantasies you have with that young sweet thing. But you see, I’m really hating on perverts today and I think I’d rather turn the little slut into a hopeful sadistic. I want her to become as sick and twisted as me and making her watch what I do to you with my big knife will be something that will traumatize or inspire her. If she is of the right kind of cloth she will be inspired. If she is a worthless little whiny brat… well then there is only one way to go. I don’t need some brat ratting me out, instead I just call up my guys and let them party with her writhing little corpse. Well she will be alive for most of the torture. To have her little slit ripped up and that puckered ass destroyed. She’ll bleed out, I don’t want them to be easy on her, she does’t deserve that, and you don’t deserve to keep your balls… unless, of course you pay me off. Gratuities accepted and your balls will stay intact.

Castration Phone Sex

Snuff Sex Fuck Doll Geneva

 I’m just a snuff sex fuck doll. I’m a pretentious self absorbed cunt that deserves those rape fantasies and for you to take action on them. You know your desire to bring your friends to my place and push me inside when i answer the door. You over take me and it’s easy. I’m helpless and trying to fight you off. Your friend grabs my arms from behind and holds me. You take your knife out and laugh as you scold me for being such a stuck up cunt barbie bitch. I’m spatting at you telling you to go fuck yourself but that enrages you more. I just want you to leave me alone. Your knife held to my throat and the panic in my eyes, I surrender because I am just a weak fucking whore and you win.

Snuff sex

Laughing you and your three friends start ripping my panties and t-shirt off of me while groping and laughing at me. You bite my nipples hard as you slap my tits around stating what a shame it is that I’m such a cunt and such perfect tits need to be cut off. Groping my cunt and ass you guys laugh at how ruined my holes will be by the time the three of you are done with me, and that wine bottle will come in really handy as you break it on the counter. This little whore is going to pay for being a self absorbed cunt and won’t even live to learn her lesson.

Faith Loves Blasphemy Sex

blasphemy sex

Easter Sunday is my favorite time of year because that’s the day I love to get lost in blasphemy sex. It’s the day that I visit my old pastor from when I was a young girl. I’m laughing because that man still doesn’t know how to resist the forbidden fruit of my loins. He desperately tries to and I always see that look of terror on his face whenever I enter the church in my slutty little Easter dress, with no panties on underneath and take my usual seat at the front row. I love watching him sweat bullets up at the podium while he tries to focus on preaching about Jesus coming back from the dead and blah blah blah. I know what’s really rushing through his mind and body and that’s me. He knows that I’ll be the last one to leave the building and he knows that he won’t have the strength to say no to my young little cunt yet again. I sit there teasing him as he recites versus from the good book like a damn robot. I spread my legs a little and slip my hand up underneath my bible and begin to play. This is when he starts to peak whenever he gets a chance. I know he’s trying to control that raging hard-on happening behind that preachers stand, but I know him well enough to know that he’s just oozing pre-cum while he reads from the book of Matthew. I can’t wait to tell you how the rest of that Sunday played out for my poor old preacher.

I am My Son’s Taboo Phone sex Whore

taboo phone sexI am his taboo phone sex mommy. I need him and he knows it. He takes care of me financially and provides me with my medicine. For a price, of course. I am older now. Gravity is no longer my fan. My skin is saggy. My pussy and cunt loose. I’m skinny and just a shell of what I once was. Men have come and gone in my life, but my son is the only constant. I know deep down inside he loves me. Times are tough now. He needs money so he can support us. I have an expensive coke habit and he has bills to pay. If I am my son’s burden, I need to earn my keep. I’m too old, feeble and stupid for much else in this world. My son knows people on the dark net. He runs a live stream and I am the star. I get to be a snuff porn star for horny men who pay to see my son do things to me. Not the typical things either. My son says I shine when I am black and blue and even purple. He throws a few punches to make me pretty before we start our shows. Don’t feel badly for me. He lets me do big lines of coke, so I feel the pain less. The punches don’t hurt as much as they use too. It might be from nerve damage. I am not sure. What hurts even with my white medicine is when he fucks my pee hole and fists my ass so hard it turns my asshole inside out. He thinks it funny and often puts a zip tie around my prolapsed ass, so I can’t try to put back inside before he is ready. For a few hours, I am my son’s slave for a high paying audience. Think what you want, but I know my son loves me.

Ass Rape Porn His Daughter was The Star

The best thing about being a sadistic is that I have my clients and they often have spoiled brats that need to be taken care of. I love when I get invited over to conduct an ass rape porn scene and making his daughter the star. I love to just sit on the whores face with my big gag of a strap-on cock shoved in the brats tiny little mouth. I love to cut her panties off and expose that cuny to daddy. I make daddy break her first, they love to get this pleasure especially when I am gagging the whore while he rips that tiny cunt. Her screams are muffled and the wife/ mommy never knows what is happening to her dear little brat. It exhilarating to tell that daddy to wrap his hands around his little daughters neck as he drives his cock in her. Choke the Bitch I scream at him. He complies and often can’t even hold his spunk at that point. Sometimes they survive and I get to have my fun with them. I love to watch those assholes and pussies get destroyed into a bloody mess and ya know what? Happy Fucking Easter Bitch the only thing your getting is a taste of this Easter is blood bitch, your own sweet blood gurgling in your throat.

Ass Rape Porn

Sex With Dead Faith

sex with dead bodies

I’m going to meet Steven soon. His wife is working out of town and it’s time for him to take what I have promised him. I’ve offered him my mouth, my ass, my pussy and now I have promised this sexual sadist my fucking life. It’s going to be the most erotic moment of my existence, and the final one. Steven needs whores like me to fulfill his endless need to have sex with dead bodies. It’s a fantasy that he had as early as he can remember and an act that he’s been taking part in for many years.
He started getting what he needed through his job but things now don’t allow him the opportunity to ram his hard dick deep into a cold dead fuck hole. He’s going to take me, strangle me and snuff me out to make me of better use to him. Can you fucking imagine how intoxicating it’s going to feel for him to have complete and utter control over my body and to send me to dirt with copious amounts of sperm inside of my corpse? I haven’t been able to stop fucking my ass and pussy waiting for the day to arrive.