Category: Snuff porn

Snuff Porn Inspires Me to Seek Revenge for My Male Friends

snuff pornDo you watch snuff porn? I love to watch it. The revenge kind is my favorite. And sometimes, I get to help a man with his revenge fantasy. Like make them come true. Most men pay me, but for James, I did it for free. He has had a revenge fantasy for the woman who faked a pregnancy decades ago to attempt to get him to marry her. Women like that give us all a bad name. So, I felt the need to put her in her place.

 I have learned a few things growing up in the snuff world. Perhaps you could call me a detective. I can find anyone.  Once I found her, I traveled to pay her a visit. James did not know that I wanted to torture her. She deserves torture sex and more. However, I did not kill her. I will save that for him. She deserves to suffer doubly.

When I got to her city, I cased her place and stalked her for a couple days to learn her habits. This bitch cheats on her husband when he goes to work. I went to her door while her lover was there and told her that her husband hired me as a private eye, but perhaps she could offer me a better deal. She let me inside. Dumb bitch. I told her lover to leave. Not that I felt generous or anything. I wanted one less witness.

Helping Men With Dark Fantasies Turns Me On

I protected my friend. So, I told her she slept with my husband, and I wanted revenge. And revenge I got. I tied her up like a rack of lamb and carried her into the bathroom. I made her lick the toilet seat and inside the toilet too. But I was just beginning. I took her to her bedroom next and found some things to turn her into an ass rape porn star.  Found her sex toys and started there. Two dildos in her ass hurt a bit. However, that was my goal. When I made her suck her ass juice off those dildos, I thought she might puke.

When I saw a curling iron on the dresser, I plugged it in and anally tortured her some more. I wanted to snuff her out. But that pleasure I will reserve for James. This was simply recon and foreplay. She does not know it yet, but I will be back with reinforcements. And a lot more will hurt than her pride and her ass on visit number two.

Torture Sex Punishment Whore Blair is Running Out of 9-Lives

torture sexI am a glutton for torture sex punishment. I’m just lucky I did not die. One of these days, I will run out of my 9 lives. I paid a visit to this dealer I know. Not my black dealer, but a friend of his. I figured I would polish his big black knob too, let him rough me up a bit and leave with some coke. However, after I let him ass fuck me with his big fat black cock, he tried to stiff me. Refused to give a used up old whore free coke. He told me I could buy it like everyone else.

So, I stole some when he went to the bathroom. Perhaps my desperation for a fix made me do something that stupid. I know the game. You never steal product from a dealer. Never. However, before I could get out the door, he busted me. Tossed me to the floor and put his foot down on my throat. In that moment, I thought I might legit die. His foot looks as big as his cock. But stronger.

Desperate Whores Do Desperate Things for Coke

He could have snapped my neck. But lucky for me he did not feel like making a snuff porn. However, he did want to make a hardcore anal sex movie. And I knew he would shred my asshole. Make me wish he had killed me. Drug dealers know how to deal with thieves. He tied me up like butcher meat and fisted my ass. Shoved his forearm up my ass so deep I thought he might rip my insides out.

With his hands around my throat squeezing, he forced his cock into my dry ass. Since my ass does not get wet like my cunt, that hurt. He fucked my asshole inside out just like my stepson does. This dealer made me wish I had never stolen his product. I took it as a sign that I should never try to steal coke again. And certainly not his coke. Although I did escape, I had no coke for my troubles. And that meant this taboo phone sex whore needed to fuck some more drug dealers to score her coke.

Evil phone sex whore Stephanie wants to play

evil phone sex

I love playing an accomplice and helping kinky men live out their most evil phone sex fantasies. When a guy doesn’t have a specific scene in mind, I always end up talking about my latest victims. I get black-market, throw away whores that Daddy buys off of some sketchy website for us to play with, mutilate and dispose of like pieces of trash. Daddy has a thing for watching his little princess torture and snuff out other little sluts. His most recent obsession is watching me skin our victims alive. He strokes his dick while we see how much of their flesh I can strip off before they go into shock and we have to finally force fuck them and then beat them to death to put them out of their misery. That last little one held on for so much longer than we expected her to. I used a sharp knife to slice her skin off, filet her tiny titties and pussy lips and carve her eyes, lips and tongue out. I turned her into a bloody, wet pile of squishy, exposed muscle and then started beating her with my spiked bat. I broke her arms and forced her legs open so wide that her hips popped out of place and she couldn’t close her legs to resist Daddy anymore. Her screams while he was forcing his dick into her and tearing her tiny pussy open, were magical! After helping him fuck her and rip her holes with his fat dick, she was starting to convulse so we knew it was time. I laid her out on the concrete floor of the basement and smashed her head in with my bat. Daddy had already shot a few loads off but watching me bash in that little bitch’s skull got his dick stiff all over again. I hope you’re as horny and kinky as Daddy because this evil snuff lover slut wants to play! 

Teen Rape Porn Stars are in Demand for Hardcore Dark Web Films

teen rape pornDo you watch teen rape porn? Max Hardcore, Hookup Hotshot, Smash Pictures, and Kink. Com produce some hardcore teen porn, but nothing like the kind I can make. I can make hotter amateur extreme porn than any legal porn outfit can. Why? Because my stars never consent to being porn stars. It gives my flicks a sense of realism. And that’s why suddenly I find myself in high demand.

I have been on both sides of the camera. And I prefer to be the filmographer than the star. And luckily, my former sadistic owner sends me lots of business. Plus, I freelance for him too. So odd to think that a man who kept me in a cage for years and almost killed me a few times would now praise my work behind the camera and send me business. According to him, I make good movies because I am a former slave.

Perhaps that’s true. Takes a snuff porn star to know what men want and like to see. The sort of things only found on the dark web or 8 MM film. My former master sent me Peter. He already had his victim, but he needed someone to film him fucking her. Although I did not get my usual fee, I still got paid well. Normally, I charge more but with Peter, I did not need to hunt and kidnap a victim. He had his ex-stepdaughter in a cage ready for her film debut.

For the Right Price, You Can Own Anything You Want, Even a Teen Girl

Wow. What a pretty thing too. Apparently, he bought the girl from his ex-girlfriend. What kind of mother sells her daughter, you might ask yourself. But I will tell you that for the right price, you can own anything you want, even a teen girl. I gave the girl a shot or morphine to get her loosened up for her film debut.

Let me tell you how hot it made me to watch Peter destroy this girl’s holes as well as break her spirit. This guy’s cock looked more like a forearm going up her cunt and ass. She bled like a stuck pig too. Clearly, she still maintained her virginity until then. Peter fucked this little bitch in every position imaginable. I filmed a teen ass rape porn. When his cock could not longer stay hard, he fisted her ass.

For a moment, I felt bad for the girl. She reminded me of myself when I was young. But the money Peter paid me made all my guilt disappear. I will film him and that little whore any day.  

Killer phone sex-we’ll make her suffer till her last breath

Killer phone sex is when we get the little bitch to beg for mercy, her very last breath. I am your Mistress of Pain. I delight in making little sluts squirm and beg for mercy for you. The more they plead for release, the more I love to twist the knife and watch them writhe in exquisite agony. Killer phone sex

We’ll train them right Daddy, they will become desperate for a taste of our sadistic affections. I think it will be really fun to starve them for days, shooting them up with meth and completely changing their thinking We will force these “innocent” little cunts to beg for Torture sex.

We’ll drink in their suffering, Daddy, like the finest vintage. There are plenty of little whores we can defile. It’s so easy me to find a fresh young thing, looking for help. I think the more disposable they are the tastier they are. We can literally do anything you want to them. I think we should build a harem. As long as they bleed they are ready to breed. Fill them up with your hot cum and when that bump starts to show, we can torture them even more. You’ll be a God amongst slave whores.


Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Because We All Have a Killer Instinct

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies live rent free in our minds. But for most people, that’s where they stay. In their minds. But not me. I am not most folks. I have an impulse control disorder. When I meet someone who annoys me or pisses me off with their actions or words, it takes every bit of inner strength to control my murderous impulses. However, there is a time and place for murder. So, I learned to hone my rage. My grandfather taught me self-control. And how to kill undetected.

If not for my grandpa, I would have been sent to prison as a teen. In a fit of rage, I killed my high school bully in the woods on my way home from school. Although no one saw me, I left my DNA everywhere. And I did not hide the body. I ran. But I was covered in blood. At first my grandpa thought I injured myself. So, I confessed what I had done. And my grandpa cleaned up my mess.

Anyone Can Get Away with Murder But They Need to Learn How

However, he saw the killer phone sex instinct in me. He recognized it because he had the same instincts as me. But he learned how to kill undetected. And how to clean up a crime scene to avoid detection. My second kill he supervised. He even picked out the victim for me. Another bully from school. But not a bully of mine. He taught me about surrogates. If I have a personal beef with someone and its well known, I become a suspect when they die or disappear.

But if I find a similar person whom I have no connection with, my name will never come up as a suspect. I have killed a couple folks with a connection to me, but a connection no one would put together. For the most part, I still practice all the snuff sex techniques my grandpa taught me. And now I teach others how to do the same thing. You can get always with murder too. But you need my help.

He Told Me I Could Be a Snuff Porn Star

snuff pornHe told me once I could be a snuff porn star. The guy who told me that has featured me in many of his underground snuff flicks. Although he does not sell drugs, he pays me well and that enables me to buy coke. But he makes me earn that money. And one of these days, this cat will run out of lives for him.

Since Mother Nature dumped a ton of snow on me, I found a way to get out of the house. I needed to get out because I ran out of coke. And I cannot keep up with two boys with cabin fever without it. So, I texted Carl. Asked him if he had any snuff movies in the works that I could help him with. And he told me to pay him a visit. Since I could not get my car out of the driveway, I called Uber.

Uber charged me an arm and a leg to go 10 miles, but I put it on my husband’s credit card. He thought I needed to go to the store for tampons. He believes anything I tell him. I wore a long sleeve turtleneck and jeans to cover my body up. I knew I would return home with tampons and bruises. So, I planned on how to get my coke without my family knowing.

This Soccer Mommy Does Anything for Coke

Carl seemed ready for me when I arrived. I saw a big bag of coke. For this snuff session he would pay me with coke instead of money. He stripped me naked and hung me from a beam in his basement. Then he started whipping me. He enjoys filming women getting whipped and flogged. Carl acts like a pure sadist when it comes to women. Mommy issues I suspect.

The pain seemed unbearable, but honestly, I have been through worse. So, I thought of something else as he whipped the flesh off my body like a black slave who tried to escape his master. He avoided my face, but he whipped every other ounce of my flesh. When he finished, I required medical attention, but instead I snorted a ton of coke. That dulled the pain.

 Carl dropped me off at the grocery store. And once I got the tampons I did not need, I Ubered home and told my husband I got in an accident to explain why it took me so long and why I was walking like Mike Tyson beat me up. He did not need to know I endured torture sex for coke. The things I do for coke.

Accomplice Phone Sex, I Find Therapeutic

accomplice phone sexAs a sexy switch, accomplice phone sex can go one of three ways with me. I help you fuck, snuff or torture some one else. You snuff, fuck or torture me. Or, I get to snuff, fuck and torture you. I think the latter might be my favorite. But I am still learning how to torture men. Helping you torture a young girl I do not find challenging. Some man has tortured me for decades. Plus, I have assisted masters who want to hurt young girls.

But until this past week, I never got brutal with a man. Tony changed all that. He hired me to abuse him in his own basement dungeon. I could smell death when I entered his extreme man cave. My guess, he or someone he knows, killed a girl in the very room he might die. First order of business, I needed to restrain him in case he experienced a change of heart.

When I Get to Be the Bad Ass Bitch, I Find it Therapeutic

He had a table full of BDSM torture devices making me feel like a domination phone sex mistress. But I did not know where to start. I picked up a slave brutality BDSM taser. A few shocks to his nuts and body made him piss himself. This would be fun, I told myself. I worked my way down the table of kinky equipment. As I flogged, tased and whipped him, my eyes went to the anal hook. So, I unbound his legs and pushed them to his chest. My saliva acted like lube so I could push it in his tight ass easily.

I would yank on it while I went back to tasing his body. Tasing his balls while I pulled the hook made his dick hard. A pain slut hired me. I felt like a pro domme during our session. I found it therapeutic for me too. Tasing him. Whipping him. Anally torturing him allowed me to picture all the abusive men in my life.

He loved my bad ass babe vibe. So, he hired me for next week too. This time, he hopes we can explore castration phone sex. Now that will really serve as therapy for me.

domination phone sex

This Old Ass Rape Porn Star Comes When Summoned

ass rape pornWhen my boy needs to make an ass rape porn, he brings me some pink cocaine. I am his pink bimbo cash cow. And he knows just what I need to sustain one of his brutal live streams. I showed up in tall pink platforms, pink fishnet thigh highs and a pink mini skirt so short my big cunt lips hung below the hemline.

My lips look like blowfish lips thanks to too much collagen. Skull fucking lips he calls them. My huge tits ballooned out turned a pink tee shirt into a crop top. Pink dragon lady nails, combined with long fake eyelashes and heavy make-up completed the look. But my son loves his bimbo mommy.

He planned to use me as his piss bucket, cock sleave, punching bag and choke toy. Just another torture sex live stream. I am used to it. But I will admit that this new pink cocaine dulls all the pain. At least until the next morning it does. Me bad. I forgot to take out my fake teeth, so my son assisted with the removal with a punch to each jaw. I saw my teeth go sailing across the room. And I felt thankful it was not me. But I knew my turn to sail across the floor would happen soon enough.

With my teeth properly removed, that enabled my son to skull fuck me to test my blowfish lips. My mouth became his cock ring. As I slurped on his stiff dick, he punched my face. Sides of my cheeks, my eyes and even boxed my ears. I tried to suck his cock as I felt my eyes swell shut. While I gagged and sputter all over his dick, I heard the chimes pour in. His audience loves watching us.

Men Love to See a Son Abuse His Whore Mommy

My son ordered me to prolapse my asshole about 8 inches to create his favorite ass sleave. And while it hung out, he put a zip tie around it. He continued to beat my skull as he slid his throbbing cock up his favorite cock sleave. But I knew I might be in trouble when he put a plastic bag with some of that cocaine inside it.

After watching me struggle for a few to breathe and snort that cocaine, he poked a small hole for me. That Prodigy song, “Smack My Bitch,” came on, and my boy did as the song said. He smacked every inch of my body and threw some punches too. He loves to give me violent makeovers.

When he shoved his cock deep down my throat, you could see the outline of his dick down to my breastbone. That’s because I am on the cocaine diet. I was in a feeding frenzy. Trying to snort pink cocaine and suck my boy’s cock properly. The plastic bag began to stick to my face making my face look like a raccoon’s face.  All my makeup smeared on it. Finally, he removed the plastic bag, and shoved my face into the camera so his viewers could see how he beat me black, blue and beautiful.  The chimes poured in seeing my eyes swollen shut.

He then tossed his mommy whore against the wall. And kicked me when I landed. But the chimes just poured in the more he kicked me. He started to bench press me to show his viewers how thin I am. But then he hurled me against the wall and kicked me when I landed on the floor again. However, my old battered body felt good snorting that pink cocaine.

His Viewers Love to See Him Break My Bones and Batter My Body

My boy’s viewers demand violent phone sex. And he gives it to them. When he twisted my titties and strapped me to the abuse bench, I heard more chimes. He put on the brass knuckles and punched me nonstop. Eventually, he pulled me off the bench and tossed me to the floor where he pulled my skinny bird legs behind my head. This allowed him to fuck my 4th hole. My pee hole.

But to make things more interesting for his subscribers, he decided to fist my urethra first.  This allowed him to punch my bladder from the inside. I felt like I had to pee, but I could not because his fist blocked the flow of my piss. He took turns punching me, my bladder and my tits. Black, blue and purple look good on me. As he took turns fisting all my holes, I felt like his hand puppet.

He concluded the live stream abuse with a belt to my boobs, making them bleed followed by more punches to the face as I licked his ass. Although I thought he might suffocate me, I knew he would finish soon. After all, I am his cash cow. He can never kill me. But he can make me wish I was dead.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies Because Revenge is Therapeutic

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies I consider my specialty. And as a sexy switch, I can be your accomplice or your victim. But honestly, I prefer to be the accomplice nowadays. Perhaps, I am biased, but I think I make a good accomplice because of all the shit I have seen and experienced in my life.

I know how to kidnap or lure girls or women to their slaughter or sexual abuse. And I know how to inflict pain, torture and suffering because for decades I subjected myself to it with the company I kept. It takes someone who has been through all the sick and depraved shit men want to do to women and girls to be a good accomplice.

And I know that any encounter with the wrong man, might end me right back to being an owned slave again. So, I try to be careful with the assignments I take. This week a new man hired me for noble reasons. And that alone made me take the job. He did not want to molest, fuck or otherwise abuse a girl or a woman. He wanted revenge on the ex-boyfriend who almost killed his coed daughter.

Revenge snuff sex might be my favorite thing. Because of the way I look, I easily lured the ex-boyfriend back to my place, where my client waited patiently. A little bit of chloroform knocked him out long enough to strip him naked and tie him up. When he woke up, he realized he had been set up. He saw the father of the ex-girlfriend he beat up.

Sometimes a Revenge Fantasy Turns Out to Be Cathartic for Me

So, the first thing I did was put a ton of oranges in a pillowcase and beat this loser black and blue like he did my client’s daughter. This is a trick for women who cannot throw a good punch. My victim screamed in pain as I cracked his ribs. But I had only just begun. I mutilated his cock and balls, so he would never force himself on a woman again.

This assignment provided a much needed cathartic release for me. I treated this guy like my father. So, I gave him some cock and ball torture sex. I carved his ex-girlfriend’s name on his cock. And I deflated his balls with a chemical castration. If you block the air flow to a guy’s balls long enough, they deflate and lose all their power and semen. He will never hurt another woman again.

Although I wanted to kill him, my client wanted him to suffer eternally and have a constant reminder of his daughter who he almost killed. I did take his money for this job. However, I would have done it for free because it felt like therapy for me. I wished my client had been my father. He actually cares about his daughter.