Category: Snuff phone sex

snuff movies for P-daddies

Would you like to make some snuff movies with me? Maybe I can find a delectable young prize for you to torture and rape fantasy fuck on video. Can you imagine the price men would pay just to watch you do the unthinkable with a slut of that tender age? How old you may ask? Well that’s up to your sick p-paddy needs! You a sicko pervert who loves fucking little girls up the ass! I know all about sicko dirty girl fuckers like you!snuff movies

My only request is that you let me choose how we finish her off.
I feel like a little strangle demon tonight and would love to put a rope around her neck and just pull when you say you’re about to cum in her torn up bloody ass!

There are men who would choose to keep a slutkin around forever, but I tell you she will age out and feeding her body to the pigs while she is still abrat is the best option. I want to make her scream, and I have a great little girl who imitates the pain cry!
So, you get a sick bitch to help you in your accomplice phone sex dreams and a girl who can make the sounds of a torture fuck doll! Don’t you want to become one of my nasty p-daddys who need a little something small and tight?accomplice phone sex

Torture Cunt Slut

Taboo phone sex

Grabbing and snagging little girls is a naughty, naughty thing to do baby. You like using and abusing us don’t you? That’s why you grabbed me from the streets and shoved me into your trunk. You’ve taken my teen body away and hidden me in your sex chamber of torture tools. You start by making me pierce my own tits. Then next is my clit by my own hands. The screams made by my throat at my own piercing make you jerk off your dirty cock even harder. Then you take multiple smaller needles to my cunt and tits like acupuncture but deeper. Way too deep. What are your scary plans on using this slutty all up? What dirty things are forced upon me?

Blasphemy sex and Gardening

Blasphemy sex“Look down, you’re talking to your Goddess! Denounce your “God” and worship me in a blasphemy sex sacrifice!” I hiss at my offering. I have my hoe raised above my head in my fresh tilled garden! She is so fucking scared and that fear is making me quiver with Power. Her boyfriend lay bleeding out beside her. His head had a gaping wound and he was moaning and convulsing. How did this naked bitch think she was going to survive? One look at me should have been enough to tell her that I was here to kill them both. The blood was going to help my garden grow nice and big Venus fly traps and other carnivorous plants. I smiled thinking of the fertilizer I had right in front of me. Very cheap too, just a couple of hitchhikers looking for a free ride South. Free fertizzler, just needed some elbow grease and a satanic ritual to complete my flowering demon plants! Killing two birds with one stone as I knew that this sexy teen would please the dark lord. I had made the two couple in front of me holding a knife to her throat while he came inside her in a blasphemy sex ritual. My garden welcomed both the sperm and the blood. And soon when I turned my dirt and used body parts for plant food they would thank me for the feast of flesh that would help my plants grow! I raised the hoe over my head, began speaking in tongues and smashed her boyfriend’s brains all over the dirt! blasphemy sex“Oh, you shall be the greatest gift my beauties have ever received! Dark Lord take his blood and bless me for the evil inside of me needs to grow in power!” Should have heard the little bitch scream! My pussy ached to kill her right away! But I knew that I would need to tie her up and torture her to get the truth benefit of this gardening dark ritual under the way. What’s more i tied her to a tree like a common little slave as I beat her body. I called on a dark priest and he brought two of his own demonic servants to pump her body full of cum! And darkness fell across my garden and my dead body fertilizer, my little sacrifice was growing weak. We began to chant before I sliced her throat to finish my ritual with a purest form of blasphemy sex that would feed my plants.blasphemy sex

Babysitter Phone Sex Donor Day Operations

Babysitter Phone Sex

On this very fine National Donor Day, it’s time for babysitter phone sex since we’ve had such generous donations this year. The problem is, the meat is fresh and still kicking so I’m going to need some help dismembering these young ones. Oh yes, you heard me right. We’re harvesting from live brats this year as a mass movement in the factory! We’ve hired help straight from the prison yards and even death row. Only the most fucked up freaks can work for us. We’ve got the tools needed to collect the organs and body parts. Don’t worry about killing them first! Here, let me show you how it’s done.

I walked over and snatched a little girl from the floor. She had thick glasses and could have been my little sister in another like.”Pay attention. Grab the piggy by the arm.” I said as I hoisted the little girl up. My fingers dug into the soft flesh of her arm and she whined out. She didn’t seem to speak any English which made what I was about to do so much easier. Asking for a babysitting phone sex whore is how I ended up with a basement full of babes to butcher.

BabySitter Phone Sex She started kicking, so I grabbed her by her hair and smashed her head off of the wall. She said something that sounded like “Please, hungry, hurting” and that only turned me on so much fucking more! These little bitches are just toys, but I figured I should get my little charge something to eat with. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and rammed them up her nose. She was screaming as I forced her head down to the floor – causing those wooden sticks to go up and impale her in the brain. I’d retell this story during intense babysitter phone sex, but every time I relive it I get so horny!

She was still twitching as I rolled her over and gutted her open. I wanted to see what pretty colors her insides were, and I knew I could. She split open easier than an Easter ham, and blood gushed up to meet me! I sorted through her organs, cutting the last beat of her heart from her chest. The little whore didn’t speak or move again but she did follow me with those lobotomized eyes the entire time I was sorting and sifting through her sweet meats, pulling the bad from the good. Overall, this little bitch was going to make us several thousand dollars. Such a nice donation.

Babysitter Phone Sex

Fearless, Perverse and Vicious Accomplice

Accomplice Phone Sex

 A vicious and fearless Vixen. I find myself slinking around back alleys and searching out some crack and nasty prey. I don’t give a fuck how *Unsafe* the streets are in this side of town. I love the Underground club with a basement dungeon and some hard ass noise going on upstairs. My goal was to find a crack whores crotch dropping that I could destroy. I needed a fucking voodoo dolly to poke at and burn. 

I have this new set of instruments and really needed to try them out. The back alleys in this seedy side of town is always giving up some sweet little dumpster meat. I have a desire to practice a little dentistry on some worthless victim in the dungeon later, but right now I need to slice and stab something small and plump. I like to decorate the little voodoo dolly with some Satanic rites symbols and smear that virginal blood all over my cunt and tits. The final touches to get me roweled up will be luring a pervert in the alley and watch his p-cock destroy the fuck meat.

Once I get my nightly sacrificial rite done I can go to the club with a great high and feel motivated to deal with pathetic men or as I like to call them prey. My prey will be a special kind and I will first enjoy his cock. I will fucking ride him as I start to claw at his chest. I will carve him up with a broken beer bottle. His blood will be my paint so I can create my art. I will paint my circle of protection and slowly cut out his vital organs. Once I have achieved my orgasm I will cut off his phallus and offer it to Satan too.    

Snuff porn

Now about the dental bit. When I find a victim I want to keep I will remove a tooth and slap my ownership branding on his white ass.

Rape phone sex fantasies turn me on

rape phone sex fantasiesHis rape phone sex fantasies turn me on. This killer kush makes them more intense for me. I take a big hit and tell him that he is a fucking sick p-man to want to hurt and breed little girls. My caller and I have a twisted and wicked exchange of how fucking perverted we both are. And then he asks if I have ever been molested and/or forced fucked. I laugh and moan and tell him yes, I was but a girl when some girls fucked up and had me gangbanged against my will. My fingers make me moan again and My caller says I’m very sick in the head and emotionally unstable to want this to happen to other little girls. Not all girls.. I say just the sweet ones I pick out and know they need to be enlightened to what a sick piss pot we live in now. SO what I like helping you make video’s and torture sweet little dollies?

And then he asks… Did you like what happened to you? I say not at first, but that’s a lie. I got attention, I felt good to be in a grown mans hands and used like the fuck dolls I give other men. So what if I party too much and have violent needs of torture and accomplice play with my little charges that I watch. That p-daddy types need a helping hand sometimes and I wish a teen girl would have helped a daddy do these things to me when I was a tiny tot! Come party with me and fuck and torture and even bred some young cunny for me!teen phone sex

Date Turned To A Nightmare

As a druggy cum slut of a bimbo date nights never go well. This date was set up for me by my dealer whom I owed. I thought I was just going to entertain some rich guy for him. Never thought I’d end up in a torture phone sex situation. Stupid me to think it would be an easy way around what I owed him.

Yeah I knew he was a Puerto Rican drug lord and all, but fuck the dude has class. How bad would it be, I mean he is a religious man and just deals in some seedy shit. Life takes weird turns right? Well fuck of a lot did I know. This was a set-up for my demise. Yeah, I know I should be used to it right? After all I am constantly being ruined, tortured and left for dead. Fuck knows it’s the only way I feel alive.

This guy was damned near 7 feet tall and a fucking beast. He was extremely intimidating and I was weak in the knees just imaging what his cock would be like. I seriously got wet imagining him taking me and taking me hard. This guy must really destroy girls with his fucking. I honestly could not think straight and was just all over him, wanting him. The wetness between my legs could be smelled by an animal like him.

It seems he did smell me and it made something really click. His beastliness came out. He took me to a seedy hotel that was abandoned. I was eager to fucking please him but he wanted none of that. He back handed me so hard when I tried to go for his cock. Knocking me down. He grabbed me by my ankles and dragged me across the floor to the bathroom. I was still unable to keep my hands from my cunt and he just laughed at me.

He called me a perra tonta and laughed some more. I was taped with duct tape and he started to cut me up before getting a call and rushed out. I was bleeding out and could barely get loose of the tape. I woke up in the ER hours later.

Torture phone sex

BBC Gangbang rape porn snuff

gangbang rape pornYou’re a filthy fucking man and I’m going to make you into a BBC whore! Noy just you, but your wife and your daughters too my pretty! This is going to be the best BBC gangbang rape porn that I’ve ever fucking did. It’s all your fault you’re pathetic fucking man who needs to be turned into a sissy cock sucking BBC whore. And it’s not enough that just you get your ass fucking prolapse and ripped open and bleeding. Your wife needs to be beside you watching and having the same thing happen to her as this snuff tramp has multiple black men pull the biggest fucking train you’ve ever seen. And I hope you both scream loud enough that your little sweet daughter will come down and see you all locked up in Chastity with your wife moaning and gagging around multiple big black cocks. I hope your daughter screams in terror as I fucking grab her by the throat and throw her down and add her to the pile at BBC cum. Ass rape porn 2.0 family style. And this is going to keep going for a days on end! I want it to end with you getting fucked to death. These big Black cocks are going to fuck you your wife and your little sweet daughter to death and I’m going to film it all and sell it and make lots of many motherfucker!

Take and Rape Fantasy

Taboo Phone Sex

I know that taboo phone sex can be kind of scary! I love scary! Especially when it’s all inflicted onto me and my whore body. I know you have your pretty girlfriend there as your accomplice for me. She brings you girl after girl and it looks like I am the next girl. I am your next girl. The next victim that you’re going to use and abuse at your hand. Her hand as well! You love when she brings out the scary-looking tools that she owns that scares me and every other slut you have and own yourself! What do you demand her to do? What does she do to my body that makes you so hard! Maybe she rips out my insides and makes them my outsides?

Snuff Queen Slut

taboo phone sex

Your snuff queen loves to take things to a whole new level of bloody fun! I bring in all the things you need for our snuff fun. I have all the fun new toys and all the young ones or milfs you may need to watch me torture! Play out your rape fantasy on them while I tear out their insides for you to use as hot lube! I can bend them over for you, spread them apart, and spread them open so their insides spill out after being gutted by my favorite knife! I’ll do all the work for you! Hide the body and bring you a new one. Get ready to use up all the whores I have for you!