Category: Snuff phone sex

Accomplice Phone Sex with Venus: Let’s Hunt Our Dinner

accomplice phone sex kill torturtureLooking for accomplice phone sex? Well, I am a sadistic bitch always hunting prey, which is always more fun with an equally twisted partner. Winter is approaching and I have this creepy little cabin in the mountains where bodies are easily hidden. You see hunting prey in the snow is better because no one will find the bodies for months. And, if they do, they are in an advanced stage of decomposition making identification difficult.  My little kill shack is off the beaten path, but near enough to a ski lodge that we can kidnap victims easily. You would be amazed how many novice skiers get off the bunny slope and end up in my backyard by mistake, which makes them trespassers, which makes them free to hunt.  It is just as easy to stalk our prey at the nearby ski lodge too. Hell this last time, my accomplice John and I just told this couple we wanted to have them for dinner. Once they arrived, we were liberal with the libations to cushion the blow that we were literally going to have them for dinner. The blizzard had rendered us unable to get to the store and our food supply was dwindling. Flesh may not be our preferred choice of meat, but the will to survive sometimes calls for extreme measures. Funny, how no couple believes us until we show them the chainsaw, knives, bow and arrows…

accomplice phone sex killer preyWe like to hunt; it’s an art form. Anything worth having is worth working for, and dinner is no exception. Hunting your food not only makes it taste better, but gives you a better appreciation for the gift of sustenance. We like to make it challenging so we give dinner a head start. Amanda and Jim were provided snow shoes, and a survival back pack that included a compass, protein bars, bottled water and heat packs. It was snowing really hard, which made this hunt more challenging because we could not follow their tracks. Turns out that was really not a problem because Amanda and Jim were dumbasses. You are being hunted by two strangers, in the mountains, in the snow and you pee?  Not up against a tree, but along your trail. They gave us a urine road map straight to them. Guess maybe giving them wine was not really fair. John and I were in the woods not very long when we picked up the scent of human piss. From there it was easy to track them. We actually spotted them early in the hunt, but where is the fun in killing your prey, even stupid prey, so soon? We let them think they were smarter than us. We let them think they might actually escape our horror winter wonderland. We gave them until sunrise. Stalked them, laughed at how stupid they were. They apparently never thought to use the compass we gave them. I was not feeling bad at all about eating them. Stupid  people don’t taste worse than smart people. You just feel better eradicating more stupidity in the world.

accomplice phone sex cannabalismThey got to this ice pond and well, my tummy was gurgling. John and I were in agreement that the hunt was over. I got all Catniss like, drew my bow and got Amanda right in the head, then her meaty companion. Their blood spilled onto the ice turning it a crimson red. We scooped up their dead carcasses, attached them to a thick branch we found, and carried them back to the cabin to join us for supper. In the basement, John used his chainsaw to sever the body parts. I used my knives to skin the flesh off the bones. I cut out the organs to freeze for later meals, and used the flesh to make a nice hearty stew. The skin of two healthy  humans makes enough flesh stew to feed two for at least a month.  Throw in some potatoes and seasonings and  I swear it taste like chicken soup.

My sexy accomplice threw the bones and clothes out back. Either the coyotes  will carry it away, or the snow will bury the evidence of our survival games. John and I hunt well together. We fuck like wild animals after every kill too. Hunting our dinner is foreplay. Having an accomplice that understands your dark desires, your taboo fantasies, your sick pleasures is important. Life is too short to kill alone. Let’s hunt, kill and fuck together.

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Hunting Snow Bunnies

He unloaded us off the back of his truck. He shoved our naked and cold bodies into the snow and told us to run for our lives. You pulled up, along with the other men who had paid for the hunt, and sat and watched as we ran like hell out into the cold forrest. Many of us already bleeding and falling down in the slippery snow. Gorgeous snow bunnies, bought and paid for. You felt your gun, and checked your jacket for extra bullets. Thats when I ran past your truck. I saw you glance at me as I ran, and our eyes met.

You didn’t look at me like a person, but like I was a rabbit, a piece of meat. Your prey. And I knew in that moment that you would be coming after me. You had chosen me. My heart was pounding in my chest as I ran naked through the blinding snow. My barefeet began to go numb and I was barely out of your sight before the gunshot went off signalling the start of the hunt. You got out of your truck, grabbed your gun, and moved slowly in the direction I had ran.

I stopped and knelt behind a log, freezing and terrified. My nipples were hard from the extreme cold, and my pussy had ice forming from the moisture. Then I saw you. A figure off in the distance, but I recognized your vest. I was right, you had chosen me over all the other girls. I was going to be your prize. You wanted my body to hang above your fireplace. I panicked and started running again. I knew I wouldn’t last long in the cold. But I had a choice to freeze to death or to be taken down by you like a wild animal.

I ran as far as I could and decided to hide. I had lost track of time and place and I knew you would be able to follow my prints in the snow. I had no escape. I began to lose consciousness from the froxzen weather, and I laid down in the snow to rest for a moment. As my vision cleared, I saw you there, standing above me. Your gun was at your side, and you began to unzip your thick pants. I couldn’t move or resist as you fucked me, your little snow bunny, right there in the snow. You came deep inside me, flavoring your meat.

When you were done, you stood up, stepped back, and raised your gun. Our eyes met again, and I heard a loud popping sound. The last thing I saw was my blood coloring the snow bright red……


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When I thought it couldn’t get worse, it did. He slaughtered that poor girl and stuffed her severed limps inside a freezer. Two nights in a row he’s had friends over dinner and they’re all aware she’s being served as the main course. After I refused to eat any he tortured and starved me. Today, I finally gave in. I couldn’t take anymore my stomach ached, the beatings were awful too.

Taboo phone sex Georgia 2111
Her meat was still sizzling on my plate which made me feel a little queasy. Still, I left my plate clean. He laughed and mocked me as I ate, but I hardly felt guilty anymore. She tasted so good, nice and juicy. It’s hard to tell if I only enjoyed it because I was so hungry…not that it really matters… I’m a murderer and a cannibal now.
He didn’t even really force me or threaten me, it almost took nothing at all for me to crack. Maybe he thinks I’m a horrible person that deserves this? I used to think I was a good girl, but maybe I was wrong.

Taboo phone sex Georgia 22

Suffocation Phone Sex with Cassandra: Death Pond Asphyxiation

suffocation phone sex torture bondageI woke up in a basement. Not sure whose basement, or how I got there. It was cold, damp and musky smelling. I could feel spiders crawling on me as I laid on the floor groggy and bleeding from my head. I suspected I had been hit over the head with some object and kidnapped. I tried to speak. Ask where I was, barter for my freedom. A big huge man in leather and one of those S and M masks that obscured the face, grabbed my blonde ponytail and dragged me across the cold cement, and strung me upside down from the rafter.

He started to shrink wrap me. I had been mummified before, but this was not quite the same. This felt sinister, even darker than bondage. He wrapped my face so tight I could not breathe. He was suffocating me with the plastic wrap. I was gasping for breath. I was in a panic  but trying to breathe slow ; trying to breathe period. I couldn’t move or breathe. Suddenly, he inserted a small tube in my mouth, giving me an airway. But, very little air was coming through, so I was still suffocating, struggling to breathe, struggling to stay alive.

I could hear voices, but the plastic wrap was so tight on my face I could not open my eyes. Then suddenly I was moving. Three men were carrying my mummified body like a coffin out of the basement. I was struggling to understand them. I was moving but not sure were. I was getting weak from lack of oxygen. Then one of the men made an opening where my eyes were. I heard him say, “We want you to see where you will take your last breath.” It was a creepy ass pond or lake. I could see hands sticking out of the water. They were going to bury me alive in a liquid tomb. I was starting to shake.  I even said a prayer. I felt myself being submerged in the slimy noxious smelling water. It smelled like death; like rotting flesh. They buried me up to my chin. The horrifying thing was I could see other women struggling to breathe like me. And I could see the decaying hands of the women who were unlucky to stay afloat or keep their head in such a manner that they did not suffocate.

My breathing was so labored. I could feel myself suffocating. Very little air could get in through that tiny tube. Wind was making the water splash into the tube. The pond water tasted nasty. My head was cramping in the only position that kept me alive if even barely. I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up in a fisherman’s boat. Never been so close to death before. I was the only one that made it. The rest suffocated or drowned in that death pond. I still don’t know who took me or why. It could have even been my kind rescuer. I am grateful to be breathing again, but I will always live in the fear that my captors will find me again once they realize I did not perish in that death pond like they intended.

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Suffocation Slut

I knew her time was almost up. Hell, the poor slut was just worn to shit. I know she wasn’t much older than me when you captured her, but she has been ridden hard with your torture and I have seen you stretch her skin right off her bones. It never snapped back quite right and it aged her. With winter coming I know you need fresh meat and the dungeon is crowded with some pretty worthless whores.

Time to trim this hell hole down. I knew when you put the pink bra on her that her time was up. Somehow she was too stupid to fucking realize it. Your slaves only wear pink when they are coming in or going out. This bitch was about to go out. You had her tied and struggling around on the dirt floor. She looked scared, but we are used to that. Being scared is a feeling I can no longer live without.

You were pacing, and I know you just wanted rid of her. Snuffing the piece of filth was too good for her ugly wrinkled body. She didn’t deserve that kind of relief. She had almost bled out last time you played with her, so she doesn;t even have enough blood left to make your cock hard. You snap your fingers at me and call me over. I crawl on all fours, as you taught me, and you tell me to take care of it.

She hears what you told me and her eyes go wide. She knows she is done and will not even get any pleasure out of it. I look around the dungeon. I see an empty bag on the table and decide suffocating the worthless cum slut will be the best way. Suffocation phone sex can be a cruel way to go for such a filthy bitch. I get the bag and try to get it over her head. With all the strength she has left she struggles and even tries to bite my hands. You kick her in the jaw with your boots, and her head lulls back so that I can get the bag on.

It didn’t take long, and I watched, almost jealous, as her last breath struggled to be taken, but couldn’t be found. She was such a waste of space. Hell, so am I, but at least I made room for another girl for you. I take off the pink bra she was wearing and offer it up to you. You stuff it in your pocket and head upstairs. You will be on the hunt tonight, and next time I see that bra, it will be on fresh meat….

Snuff By Suffocation

suffication phone sex angiePinching my pussy lips while I sit in the tub thinking about my very first suffocation fantasy and how I lived it out the only way I knew how, with my Barbie and a little sandwich bag. I saw the scene in a horror movie and it made my little girl pussy twitch with longing. I had to play make believe with Barbie and pretend I was suffocating her and taking her life.sufication phone sex barbie Now I am all grown up and I have a real live Barbie in my basement. Securely bound to the large metal X that I have. Ankles and wrists shackled well. I can hear her screams for help. The sounds of her screaming fueling the fire that is building inside me. I have already administered a great deal of torture and pain and delighted in every bit of it. Right now she is hooked to a shock machine that is set on a timer. Every few minutes she receives a jolt to her pussy and ass, The electrodes are placed just so. I am looking at the clear plastic bag on the counter in my bathroom and I am imagining putting it over her head, securing it with duct tape and standing back. Watching her struggle to breath. I will of course increase the intensity of shock and decrease the time between them to maximize her suffocation experience and my pleasure. With my fingers covered in my own juice and my nipples as hard as they can get, I descend the stairs, bag in hand. She let’s out one last scream as I adjust the electricity and lower the bag, taping it shut. The time has cum for my climax and her end. sufication phone sex2

Death by bacon

I have killed many, many people in my life but somehow I had never suffocated anyone, can you believe that? I have stabbed people, tortured them, shot them, drowned them but never suffocated them so I had to remedy that situation right away. I didn’t use a boring old pillow to do it either, no I found a huge fat pig to do the job for me. She wasn’t exactly willing but after I fucked her fat ass up a little bit she reluctantly began to cooperate. I had a little bitch tied to a bed, she was terrified and crying and kept on asking me if she could go back home to her mommy but I said nothing to her. I just looked at the fat pig and pointed to the bed, I told her to throw herself down on the little brat as hard as she could. Can you believe that stupid pig tried to lie down gently on her? Jesus fucking christ trying to get bitches to do what I tell them to do is quite a chore sometimes! I pistol whipped the fucking pig and made her do it again, this time she squished that little bitch the right way! She couldn’t move at all, definitely couldn’t breathe either. Her face was turning blue, then purple, her eyes rolled back into her head and soon the stupid cunt was dead. Of course that left me with the pig to dispose of so I shot her in the face and fed her to the gators in a nearby swamp, I bet they really loved that meal…

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Mutilation phone sex morticia

Taboo phone sex Morticia


There is nothing better than candy… no I lied… Beating people is better than candy..

That is why I got the idea to beat someone with candy.. 

I know, It sounds weird but listen. 

On Halloween we had a bunch of little dicks from town come up to our place and egg us. 

Some of us went chasing after them but I stayed in the house. 

That is when I caught one little fucker breaking in down stairs. 

Don’t these people know that you don’t go to the scary house?

We will hurt them.. I was alone and all I had was my cast Iron skillet.. 

I know my house like the back of my hand. 

I hid by the door to the basement.. My basement where I do all my bad things… 

He didn’t know what him… When he woke up he was laying on my work bench.. I know he could smell the candy melting… and he saw me working on something. 

Taboo phone sex Morticia 2

I think he was scared but I couldn’t hear his screams… I super glued his lips together! 

I grabbed the boiling pot of melted candy and I poured in onto his exposed chest.. 

The thing about sugar is it burn deep in the skin and nothing really helps that pain. Especially in this basement.

After I poured all the hot sugar on him I let it get hard… 

I knew it was still burning him… 

That is when I grabbed my new flogger… 

It was breath taking to see his young skin and blood break away with every whip… 

He is still down there.. burning.. bleeding…

what should i do next?

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Revenge Fantasies

bloody phone sex knife play snuffI was watching some stupid ass old TV show last night called The Love Boat. Corny as hell, but it gave me sweet dreams of murder and mayhem. I dreamed I was on The Bloody Boat, along with all the bitches and tools that were mean to me in my life. In my version,  I was Venus, the evil cruise director. Every room was rigged with some torture device fitting for whatever offense that individual committed against me. Make a great horror film, don’t you think? Just need an accomplice or 6 to help me execute all the bullies and mean girls from our youth. Think about it, all the unsuspecting morons we hated under one roof, held captive at sea. We could torture, mutilate and kill them all. Dump their bodies into the sea to be shark bait.

So many scenarios. We could poison them at dinner, rendering them sluggish making it easy to slaughter them. We could gas them in the ballroom, but that would be too quick of a kill and hence no fun really. We could design rooms like in the Saw movies with torture devices. Each person has to decide how bad they really want to live. What extreme measures are they willing to take to spare their worthless lives? Or, we could use my knife collection, sneak into their rooms at night and butcher each one in their sleep like a serial killer. The possibilities are endless. I love revenge kills. Revenge fantasies.

I just need the right evil minded accomplice to help me flesh out my fantasy kill. Is that you?


You have her tied to the bed, and me tied up in the corner. I can only assume you’re about to make me watch something I don’t want to see. She is so young and tiny and scared. Her little naked body is stretched as far as it can go – each arm and leg spread to the four posts of the bed and tied tightly. Her ankles and wrists are bleeding from her attempts to get loose. The ropes have dug into her flesh and her face is stained with tears. Her front teeth are missing, and I don’t know if you did that or if its simply her age.

You enter the room and come over to me. My body trembles in fear. You stroke my hair, seemingly with affention. You tell me that I get to watch  today. You tell me that I get to see how to deflower a princess. I hate that your voice is so soothing and makes my cunt tingle. I can’t even look in your eyes because you terrify me so much, but I can’t help but need you and want you. You walk over to the bed and the girl starts to squirm again, screaming a shrill little girl’s scream.

I try to look away, but I cant, as you pull a metal rod out from under the bed. It is about 3 feet long, 5 inches in diameter, and already has blood dried on it. The girls eyes bulge at the site of it and she loses her breath, unable to even scream anymore. I want to beg you to stop, but I know better than to speak. I keep my head down, but watch you with my eyes. You take the metal rod and swing it with all your strength into her stomach. Her body is tied so tight she hardly even moves from the strike, but I hear her ribs crunch inside of her. Blood begins to pour from her mouth.

You wipe the blood from her mouth onto the end of the rod and then move it down between her legs. You position it perfectly to jam it directly inside her as she starts choking on her blood, trying to scream again. With one strong thrust, you jam the rod so far inside of her that I know her tiny womb had to be destroyed. Blood pours out around the rod as you twist it even further up inside her. I feel sick to my stomach, but I can’t take my eyes away from her demolished little cunny.

You turn around and look at me, to make sure I am watching. Then you pull the rod out of her tiny body. At least 16 inches of it are covered in her fresh blood. You dribble the blood over her naked body as she convulses. I know she is of no use to you now. She has been deflowered and you have lost interest. I watch as you raise the rod over your head with both hands like an ax, and swing it down onto her face, crushing her skull with one hit. Blood splatters so far that it lands at my feet. You toss the rod on the bed next to her dead body and leave the room.

I know this is where I will be sleeping tonight. Tied in this chair, in the dark, with her corpse in the bed. You know how to break us sluts. I already have the evil thoughts and I am actually happy it was her instead of me. You’re making monsters out of us by fucking with our minds. I no longer feel shock, or even pity, just exhaustion. I lean my head against wall and close my eyes to sleep.