Category: Snuff phone sex

Torture phone sex with Layla is Evil!

torture phone sex  “You fucking nigger bitch if I don’t kill you when I find you!” I was trying to play it cool and hide behind some boxes in the warehouse. The blood was seeping from my open wound and I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to make it very far.  My guts were ripping apart at the sound of the knife that hit me there and the blood from my cunt was also dripping onto the edge of the knife. He wanted to play and I was so ready to do whatever it took to get out of this situation. But I know there is no escape for nigga slut that was trying to get away. I don’t know how many of them had taken me here I just knew that if I wanted to survive this game I had better keep quiet and not let them find me again. I had hit one of them with an icepick that unaware they had left shoved in my hole, and I was fighting with every last breath!

     One of them had lit the match and singed my hair while I was sucking his stick. I really was on fire! After putting it out, the piss and shit throwing started and I tried to fight them off while they spread my legs apart and squeezed themselves in my holes. I screamed, I bit, I tore flesh but they were doing more than fighting. They punched me in my face and razor cut me so many times I had lost count and the canines in the background were barking at the screams because they wanted blood. The only chance I had was to play dead and hope for them to go away. When one of them turned their back I guess to get more acid I tired and staggered to get up and disappeared in this shed. But I had to be leaving a bloody trail because soon the canines were after me and I heard the footsteps. Then I saw the flash of light and me being pulled to the middle of the floor. I was floating but they weren’t finished my legs were being forced apart and glass was inside of my pussy and acid was burning my flesh. But I felt nothing was I dead I don’t know all I know is I heard the dial tone and thud and a kick and maybe a snap but who can tell when you are dead?

Langly’s Party Daze

Killer phone sex


I felt the kick to my face and the one thing that had held me down was that I couldn’t see him anymore tearing into my flesh and asshole. He had placed a metal rod in his jolly and was now plunging it into my asshole with the glass. Bloods squirted as I screamed at the pressure of the metal pounding into my gaping hole. Plunging the knife deep into my gut I felt the rip as my organs were being disemboweled. I thought this was what you see before you die a gruesome death! The blood pool was mounting on the floor and I was feeling myself go faint. Blow was all over my back with the blood and I could feel him snorting it up his nose. With each pound I felt his jolly grow longer and longer. That’s what coke did to you pressed the energy and release to new heights. He was full of it and I knew death for me was the only substitute.

     He had brought me here in hopes of having the party of a life time and I was getting that alright and then some. The experience was one I would die for he said so I had no quirks about getting in the car with a complete stranger as long as at the end of the night I was loaded. But it had ended badly of course with him smacking me to the ground with a hammer and nailing a crucifix  on the wall. A trophy he had said to Christ! And I was the sacrifice! With each slash that cut into my flesh I knew this party was not going to be over until I was dead. I tried to gather myself as he sucked my blood but I was too weak and my body was going numb. The last thing I felt as he tore the knife into my asshole was a metal pole pushed into my cunt. Then there was nothing but splashes of water oh so I thought as my eyes closed.

Torture Phone Sex Maneuvers Layla

Torture phone sex

     Fuck that nigger bitch up! One of them taunted as they hit me with the shovel. I was trying to crawl to do anything to get away but it just was one of those things. I was not going to be able to get away there was no mercy for a sinner in hell! I was just trying to hold on as best as I could as they hit me with the shovel repeating the words of payback bitch! That no account good for nothing son of a bitch was here watching as they were kicking the life out of me. Using the blunt end of the shovel I felt my legs spread apart and the shovel pulled so dark and deep inside. One of them was shitting and I knew instantly they were going to make me eat it. One had thrown up before and I was ordered to eat and lick all of it off of the floor. At first I was going to gag but then I soon got accustomed to it and it was the norm now. It was in my belly as well as the numerous amounts of cum that I had sucked in the weeks here.


     I was the nigga bitch that was going to be fucked and gang banged and the debt was never going to be repaid. I knew that now and it was just a matter of time before this life was going to end! Being pulled on my back I felt one punch in my tits and stomach and my breath go out of me. Slapping me to the ground and  then raising me and slapping me again they counted off the money that little bitch owed! That mother fucker owed so much and I was the one paying for his debt. I felt the hardness and bulge as an oversized ball was placed between my legs. I was half out of it that I didn’t realize it was a rat! I felt the knawing of my skin as it ate at my flesh and tore my little clit to pieces. It was only the beginning this torture phone sex game was just getting started and the thing of it is. When they called people whatever they said to do to me is what this gang would do and keep doing to me. They were in fact in complete control of my fate!




Give Me More

After cuddling for 5 minutes, you get the tennis ball.  You push it into my widening vagina.  It feels like a lump of food being caught in my throat, only much bigger, and in my cunt instead.  You push it in more, and when it can’t go in more by pushing, You hit it with the bat.  Sometimes you miss and hit me.  You hit it until it disappears inside me.  But now you have lost the ball and have to get it back.

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You push on my lower abdomen, and tell me to push under threat of cuddling.  Eventually, after much labor and screaming, the ball pops out, bouncing off of the opposite wall. I begin to breathe easier until  you  remind me about the softball, which is much bigger.  My eyes widen as you begin pushing it into me, knowing that it probably would not fit in.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is the audacity of the attempt, and the pain.  Eventually you give up.  My pussy is bruised and bleeding.

This makes your cock rock hard and even with my pussy on fire, I want your cock. I want you to pound me – not cuddle me- so I pretend I don’t want you. I pull against the ropes and try to scream. The predator inside you attacks and sticks your hard cock into my swollen and bleeding cunt. I continue to scream even as I cum because I don’t want you to stop. You will never know that I had that orgasm, because this naughty little pain whore will never tell….


I wake up to find myself tied to your bed, legs spread, and my cunt exposed and unprotected.  Next to the bed is a table with various items:  A miniature baseball bat, and tennis ball, a soft ball, and a small chest cooler.  I look down and see a large knife laying between my thighs, the tip pointed at my pussy.  I don’t know if it is a promise or a threat, but it is there.  You approach the bed,  with your cock fully erect.  You grope my soft parts with one hand, and stroke yourself with the other.  

Your hands go everywhere, and penetrate my pussy, gentle at first, and then forceful and merciless afterward.  The ferocity of the penetration makes me scream at first, but it feels good, and I relax into a moan. You push in more, and my body arcs with ecstasy, and my juices flow.   You’re not giving me a chance to be afraid before I am aroused.  That way I cannot resist.  You work me up to the point of climax, before you pull out.  I’m not allowed to cum yet.  Instead you take the bat and hit my breasts with it.  They jiggle like punching bags, with red welts appearing.  You also hit my thighs, tummy, and finally back down to my pussy.    

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After hitting my pussy, you slide the bat inside, and fuck me with it.  It rubs raw against me on the inside, especially when it hits my cervix.   You work me up to a climax, and again deny me the pleasure.  I beg for you to let me, but you must punish me for asking.  Since pain excites me, you lay next to me on the bed, put your arms around me and hold me. FUCK, I hate cuddling.

Killer Phone Sex exclusive this Nigger Bitch Cunt must die!

Killer phone sex


What were my captors  going to do to me now? The gates were closing and I saw them walk away. I heard the growling of the canines and I turned around to see the Doberman’s almost too late. They pounced on me like a tiger to it’s prey and soon my flesh was being eaten by these ferocious beasts. I yelled and screamed but there was nothing anyone could do. As the flesh was ripped from my body I thought of all the things I wanted to do before this had happened to me. I was certainly going to kill that crack addict husband  of mine but ,what did it matter now? He was going to hell for what he had done but I was going to. The needles that were pinched into my pussy were numb now not to mention the little one that they sent into me to suck and fuck had been turned out into the street. Gladly no doubt to feed a heroin addiction. It was my guess that he was going to bring this gang a lot of money or be killed. I was past that point of my life and I needed so much more than that. I wanted death but it would not come. It was just going to have to wait. I was trying to sing to fill my lungs with air but the blood that filled them was increasing and these canines that were eating at my flesh were certainly going to take my life now. 

     I remember them putting the blood on me just laughing as they taunted me. Crack Addict whore is what I heard. Fucking Nigger was another slant. It wasn’t’ that I was going to die I knew that I had to die.  I had met my end with the countless rifts of cocks that had flooded my hole or the baby that was conceived.How long ago? I was standing with my daughter now with the blood all over me, they  would not let me  live. And if my daughter were to survive what would happen to her?. I kissed her closely and waited I tried to throw her away from the wrath, but  it was not to be. Would death be any better? Would death be better for either of us? Slamming her against the wall and breaking her neck would be her chance of peace. I thought of seeing her in heaven again. When the canines came and my eyes closed I felt one humping my cunt but it was too late it was always too late to know. I heard my baby scream and then darkness was all there was.


I knew you had been watching me for a long time. You call my house constantly and hang up the phone. All times of the day and night. You send me letters with no return address and the handwriting is scrawled like a maniac. The police haven’t done shit to help me, and I walk around scared all the time. Last week, there was even a note on my car. It said you were watching. I had no doubt that you were.

I got an alarm system for my house, and started carrying pepper spray. Everywhere I went, I checked behind me to see if you were there. I rarely went anywhere at night because the dark just seemed more scary, knowing you could be lurking anywhere. You emailed me pictures of myself from everywhere – the grocery store, the park when I jog, and it was never ending. You had me acting like a scared little mouse, just waiting for the cat to pounce.

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Last night I had to go visit a friend at the hospital. I was there much longer than I thought I would be and I had to walk back to my car alone in the dark. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. The parking lot was quiet, and I just kept thinking about you and if you were watching me. I was almost to my car and remembered my pepper spray was in my purse. As I went to reach for it, you came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I could smell sweat and leather and you had a grip on me that I couldn’t break free of.

You shoved me against my car, ripping my blouse open, and I could feel my tits against the outside of the cold window. You had been there waiting all along. Your months of patience had finally paid off. You had me alone, and in the dark, and now I would become your prey. As I felt your cock enter my pussy, and your hands go around my throat, I knew that I wouldn’t make it out alive. You tightened your grip, and the last thing I remember is feeling your hot cum shoot inside of me… then it all went black.

Layla’s Last Moments

Torture phone sex


Blood drenched from every area of my body I knew I was going to die and it wasn’t like heaven had a open door for me with the life I had lived. But I couldn’t help it I loved that crack addict husband and if this was to be the end then I was glad for a little while at least that I had lived it fighting off these assholes that were violating my ass every time they had a chance. Come to think of it I don’t know if it was the lack of oxygen from the rope wrapped around my neck or just the will that had gotten me so over the edge that I just wanted my neck to break. To hear the snap would be the best thing in the world for me before my eyes closed I was say my prayers but there was none to say. They had used razors and needles on my skin and now they were cutting me up again with glass. I knew the next thing would be the beer and bottles and things that they were going to throw at me. It was the piss showers that were better. I could take all of that but to be ripped open by another gang member I don’t know if I could take it.


      They had said amongst themselves that I was going to be taken to another location to earn my keep and I knew whatever plan they had in store for me was going to be worse than what I had endured already. It was hot and sweet to think that my love for a no account asshole is what had got me here and it was just as cruel to think that this was not going to be the end of me. I needed to try to live for the little one they had just brought in but I couldn’t. I was on my way out and I knew it was only a matter of time before my rotten corpse would be in some alley or street. As they forced fed me I felt the drool or glue lining my lips and the way they had the smiles on their lips let me know they had something in store for me that I couldn’t control. The thing that bothered me the most was the fact that I didn’t think things were going to get any worse boy was I wrong. The glue was placed on my lips and then the duck tape. Placing one hand firmly on my head and the other behind my neck he pulled with such force that my body shook. Then my neck snapped and then …..

Fuckpig Slaughter

There they were, hanging from the pipes in the ceiling like fuckpigs waiting to be slaughtered. I had seen it before. I knew what was coming. I sat quietly in my cell, no chains needed anymore, you knew I wasn’t about to try to escape. These stupid girls were about to find out what happens when someone tries. I watched you across the room, sharpening your blade. The sound of it scraping metal on metal against the sharpener made my teeth chatter.

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The girls were hogtied and swinging back and forth as they tried to scream. Every once in awhile they caught a glimpse of you preparing the blade. I could see the pure terror in their eyes. I knew you loved seeing it too. They still had that glimmer of hope, hell, some of them you hadn’t even tortured yet. They were hoping you were just trying to scare them. Little did they know, you were only keeping the ones, like me, too scared to try to leave. I watched as you approached them. Their naked bodies hanging at face level to yours.

The blade picked up the glow of the only lights in basement. The first girl began screaming as you sank the blade straight into her throat. Her scream was caught off like someone turning off a radio. Blood spurted out in an arc about 5 feet from where she hung. I saw another of them faint. That wouldn’t save her either. You would wake her up for her turn. You loved practicing your techniques, and you were using your favorite blade. You raised it to the second girl and stuck it straight up through her back. With one swift yank upwards, her guts spilled onto the floor. She never made a sound, and those are the ones that scared me the most. I continued to watch as you slaughtered the fuckpig whores, one by one, and curled up in my dirt bed, promising myself I would never disobey you.

Babysitter Phone Sex with Venus: Don’t Fuck with an Evil Babysitter

babysitter phone sex bloody knife

Against my better judgment, I answered an ad for a babysitter. I needed some extra cash, and although I detest most rugrats, I thought I could endure some spoiled brats for the right price. The ad I answered was too good to be true. I’m not a dumb blonde, so when anything sounds too perfect, I bring my knife collection as a safety precaution. Beautiful mansion on several acres in the middle of nowhere. Red flag #1. Picture perfect family red flag #2. Paid me in advance and very well red flag #3. When the parents left, I had my eyes and ears open as I was pretty sure I was watching the devil’s spawn.

I’m not your typical babysitter. Fuck, I’m not your typical anything. So, I roofied the brats with their warm milk. Once they were knocked out, I went snooping to find anything to alert me to the dangers that likely lurked within those walls. Being an evil bitch with a penchant  for sadism, I knew what to look for- trap doors, false walls and the like. In the basement, I found it. A hidden door that led to a room of horrors. Young dead girls hanging from meat hooks in various stages of decay. Some I recognized as missing persons in my neighborhood. Red flag #4 dead babysitters in the basement.

Don’t fuck with the babysitter is my motto. I went upstairs, pulled the devil’s spawn out of their beds and tied them to the dining room chairs. Laid out my massive knife collection on the table in full few. Got some cold water and threw it in their little cherub faces to wake them the fuck up. Then I demanded answers. With knives to their throats they admitted their parents like to do naughty things to their babysitters. Each week a new babysitter arrives but never leaves. Daddy likes to force himself on young girls while mommy watches, then they snuff the girl out so she can’t tell. No one fucks with Venus unless Venus wants to be fucked. They hired the WRONG babysitter this time.

rape phone sex fantasies bloody sexI’m not above killing little ones, especially if they have evil parents. Chances are they have the devil gene in them too. I waited for ma and pa to return home. When they walked in the front door and saw their babies tied up, I clocked them over the head with a baseball bat. They woke up tied to a chair just like their brats. All four of them spread eagle, tied to chairs as I circled around them like a vulture. I looked at the parents and explained to them that I discovered their dirty little secret in the basement, and how their brats filled in the gaps. Then without warning, I butchered the demon seeds in front of their parents. 50 whacks at least to those brats. Blood spewed in the face of their parents; their little bodies thrashing about  violently; I could hear them gurgling on their blood…. Parents were mortified, in shock, screaming. I took the knife and fucked mommy’s cunt with it. Big ass blade pierced through her pussy slicing her internal organs. I chopped daddy’s dick clear off and shoved it down his wife’s mouth. “Now you won’t violate any more babysitters or birth anymore demon seeds that could inherit you evil genes,” I said. I licked the blood off my crimson red knife. I was so turned on by all the blood.

They were going into shock, bleeding out everywhere. I called 911 and left confident they wouldn’t turn me in. Giving me up as the sadistic bitch that killed their little ones and mutilated their sex organs, would reveal them as babysitter killers. They can keep on violating young girls if they want, but the cycle of evil ends with them. Oh wait, daddy has no dick no more.  He can’t even violate his hand.

Don’t fuck with the babysitter.