Category: Snuff phone sex

Drown Me

I’ve been soaking here for hours imagining you so far away. The water feels like a trap around my little body and reminds me of the time you tried to drown me in the tub. I was smaller then, but no less wise to what you were trying to do. I felt your cock get rock hard inside of me while you held my head under the water, pressing my face against the hard bottom of the bathtub. I would have died that day, but you came just in time. Once your evil cum drained out of you, you came back to reality and let my head come up.

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I remember choking on the water and trying to stand up as you kept knocking back down into the tub, telling me what a dirty fucking whore I was and that I would never be good for anything else. You stuck the bar of soap in my mouth and told me to suck it and try to clean myself. I remember gagging on the soap, but I didn’t dare try to spit it out. I sat and cried in the cold water and you stood up and pissed all over me. I was nothing but a used up toy at that point. All the water and soap in the world would never be enough to clean me.

Now as I lay here, in my own tub, with warm suds all around, I rub my clit thinking of those days when your cock would rage for me. My pussy throbs at the thought of how it felt to be drowning and unable to fight you off. I know I am a sick fuck now because of the things you did to me back then. I take the soap from the tray, and place it up to my mouth to taste it. It brings back all the memories that make my clit tingle and throb as I cum all inside my bathwater. I will never feel clean, and for that, I want to say thank you.

Some people never shut up

violent phone sexThe tedious things in life are what really get to me, should I really have to go do the shopping or pay bills? Uggghh! Unfortunately for me though, I am forced to take care of these things and that is how I ended up stuck sitting next to the most annoying woman on earth! She was nonstop talking on her damn phone, the whole room heard all about her medical problems and how she hates her daughter in law, blah blah blah, it went on forever! By the time I actually paid my bill and left I knew that I was going to kill her, how could I not? I waited for her to come out and followed the clueless bitch home, turns out that she lived all alone, I guess no one else could stand her incessant bitching either. Definitely made it easier for me to follow her inside though, she had no idea I was even there because she was still quacking away on her damn phone! That stopped when I hit her over the head with a bat, she dropped like a stone and her phone shattered and turned off and finally there was silence. I hit her again and again until my arms were tired and her head was pretty much obliterated, there was blood and brains everywhere but I’m sure her cats will take care of all that…

Carve Me Up

You were right, I got addicted. After that weekend when you tied me up in your basement and tortured my body and my mind, I will never be the same. I lay in bed at night aching for the burning of that blade cutting though my tits. I remember you telling me that I belonged to you forever, and of course I thought you were going to kill me. But you didn’t, you let me go, and you told me that I would come back on my own. The pain is all I can think of and I have to have more.

I knock on your door, my pussy throbbing under my skirt just hoping you will answer. The knob turns, the door opens, and there you are. I don’t even dare look into your eyes – I know I am a worthless whore to you and that wouldn’t be allowed. You tell me to go to the basement. I cum down the insides of my legs at just the sound of your voice. My legs try to buckle under me as I make my way down the stairs. I can feel you behind me and suddenly I am terrified, but its too late for that. I came on my own and you know my body is yours.

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I stand before you and strip down to nearly nothing. I can feel your eyes go up and down my naked body and you take me by the arm and lead me over to the table. Your toys and tools are arranged neatly, as if you had been waiting for me. I reach out and run my hands over the edges of the blades, remembering how they seared through my soft skin last time I was here. I remember my blood pouring out as you sliced my left nipple off. The pain was so incredible I couldn’t even make a sound when I tried to scream.

You reach for a long iron poker, with a sharp tip at one end. You tell me that now that I have come back, I am yours to keep, and you are going to carve your name in me so that I cannot get lost ever again. My heart is racing as you take the sharp tip and begin scratching through the skin on my back. I feel like a lowly piece of cattle being marked by you, and you are merciless with the pain. The blade drags and cuts through my skin and the blood starts running down over my tight ass. I can smell the scent and I know you can too as your cock gets hard at the bright red cascade. I will now forever carry your name, and its time for our next game…. what do you have in store for me, Sir?

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus: Who Do You Want to Snuff Out?

killer phone sex fantasies butcher girlI get asked all the time about my ideal victim. I am rather steadfast in my assertion that I have no type other than a person who has annoyed the crap out of me in some fashion. Age, race, gender… don’t matter to me because worthless fucks come in all shapes and sizes. Self entitled assholes, stupid fucks, whinny brats, needy bitches, small dick losers, are everywhere. But putting all that aside, the type I fantasize about butchering the most is the American Bimbo. Vacuous, attention seeking, drama filled, gold digging, bed hopping, Botox injecting, fake looking whores who give real women a bad reputation.

 I have zero tolerance for fake ass stupid bitches. When I see them at the mall shopping on some sugar daddy’s dime, or teetering drunk on stripper heels at some club, or using their plastic parts to get what they want, I’m consumed with sadistic ideas on how to dismember and torture them. I want to inflict insurmountable agony to their fake bodies. I have murderous visions of sawing off big bogus titties and feeding them to a pack of wild dogs. Using pliers to snap off dragon lady finger nails. Peeling the fake tanned skin from their bodies. Violating their bubble butts with a blow torch. Pulling the bleach blonde hair from their heads by the root. Sewing up their whore cunts so they cannot breed brats they can’t feed. Cutting out their tongues so they cannot ask stupid questions or lie. Yanking the ring from their worthless belly buttons with my teeth. My pussy drips at the thought of ridding the world of these dim-witted piranhas.

 On second thought, maybe I do have a type. Who wants to hunt with me?

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Finding My Way Into A XXX Snuff Porn

Snuff phone sexI received the phone call to show up at an auction from one of my long time friends.  I was so very excited because buying nice shit from auctions is one of my personal passions.  Always the slut I dressed for the occasion.  You never know when you might meet a guy who wants to take you home and use you the way a woman should be used.  That means, left bruised, battered, fucked raw and then tossed away like the trash she is.

I arrived and it wasn’t at an auction house, it was a regular house.  This through me so I phoned my friend and asked him for the address again.  He told to just get my stupid blonde ass in the house.  I hung up and walked up to the door.  Before I could even ring the bell the door opened, I was grabbed and yanked inside.  There were many men inside and three other girls.  Not dressed as white trash as me, but still there.

I asked my friend what was going on, he told me to shut up and just go stand with the others.  One by one we were taken downstairs and were told to walk around the tables where the majority of the men were seated.  We were also instructed to not say a word.  The first girl only made it to the third table when she started to cry.  Then she became hysterical and tried to run.  She was quickly grabbed and taken into another room.  I can still hear her screaming in my mind. 

The second girl didn’t make that mistake, she made her way around the room then had pictures taken of her.  It was my turn, I still didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but I knew better then to say anything.  I walked from table to table, it was then that I noticed that each man had an ipad in front of them along with an auction paddle.  I wasn’t going to an auction, I was IN the auction!  I became excited! 

After another hour or so we were all brought back into the room and we each went with a group of different men.  I was taken into one of the upstairs bedrooms that was completely covered in heavy plastic.  The first man came in wearing a hood, then the second and so on and so forth.  I was violated in every way possible.  I didn’t care why they were doing what they were doing, I was enjoying it.  Then I heard a gun shot from somewhere else in the house.  I immediately froze.  One of the men grabbed me and forced my mouth back down onto his bulging cock.  He pulled my hair back and said, “What’s the matter cunt? Haven’t you ever heard of XXX Snuff Porn??”XXX snuff porn

My First and Last XXX Snuff Porn

gangbang rape porn submissive blondeI answered an online ad for models for a gangbang rape porn shoot. I have been violated and gangbanged by men all my life, but never been paid for it. This was a chance to make money off of being a submissive whore. When I arrived there were a dozen or so men I met who would be my costars. I was given the code word “red,” to say if things got too rough for me and I needed a break. In all my life with masters and various men, no safe word has ever been honored. This was sounding promising.

The filming took place in a warehouse bathroom. To say it was disgusting would be praising it’s condition. The stench was awful. It smelled like death. I swear this was the bathroom from the original Saw movie. The  director instructed my costars to tie me up. This was to be a bound gangbang film. Duct tape immobilized my legs; rope on my arms restrained my upper body. The filming began once my body was secured. They fucked my ass, my mouth, my cunt repeatedly. I couldn’t escape the smell of death. I tried to push it out of my mind, but I knew something was up. This was all too good to be true for a subby bitch like me.

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While I was being drowned in cum, I saw blood on the floor in one of the stalls. The director realized I saw it. He grabbed me by the hair, dragged me over to the toilet and shoved my face into the nasty bloody water. “The next stall will be coated in your blood whore,” he snapped. Then he bounced my face off the cold hard toilet seat. I woke up on the floor, blood dried to my face, covered in jizz. I squinted to see better as stark light was hindering my eyesight.  Every man who had fucked me was holding some sort of deadly weapon. I saw a knife, a gun, a hatchet, a hammer, a chainsaw, brass knuckles, even a stiletto. I yelled “red” repeatedly hoping their weapons would drop to the floor.

“Stupid greedy whore. This is a XXX snuff porn shoot and you are the victim,” were the last words I heard before, “Snuff the bitch out.” I was bound, gagged, laying on a dingy floor when they charged me. I was stabbed, beaten, cut, shot…My fingers were being snapped off my hand. I could see nothing but red. As I laid in an huge pool of my own blood, unable to move or even speak, the director said, “Cut.” The final words I would ever hear. I thought it was over; that I would be released to get medical attention. Wrong. Cut meant cut my head off. I saw the axe rise above my bloody head, then everything went dark and cold, so very very cold.

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Gangbang Porn: Roleplay with Toni

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Whenever I think about all the pain and suffering in the world it doesn’t make me depressed or upset me like it does most people, it turns me the fuck on. The world is a dark place, I’m just one of the few people that excepts it for what it is and embraces it. The rest of you assholes can deny yourselves the things you truly want, but I have one life to live and I’m going to have my fun. If I see some slut walking down the street, I’ll take her if I want her. If there’s a boy I want to torture and skin alive I just do it without any hesitation. Consequences don’t exist for me, the only thing that matters is my pleasure.

The last bitch that got in the way of my pleasure is rotting in the ground in the middle of nowhere now. That stupid whore was one of the pretenders. She thought and tried to act like we were alike, but in the end just was nothing more than a sad goth girl.  Once she realized I was “too extreme” for her I knew she would try to expose me and obviously I can’t have that so I shut poor Lisa up FOREVER. Dumb cunt has no one to blame but herself for it too! I guess she thought everything I said was a joke until she saw me in action.

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You should have seen the look on her face when I cut this faggot’s cock off and jammed it down his throat. She looked horrified! While I was rubbing my dripping wet clit watching him die slowly and painfully, that pussy was in the corner crying and begging me to stop. She made a BIG mistake interrupting me getting off, but her biggest mistake was lying to me. A smart person would have held it together in front of me, so yeah it’s her fault she’s a nothing more than a festering corpse fertilizing the earth now.

I didn’t go easy on her either I wanted her to suffer and have time to reflect. Never in my life have I seen such shameless begging. I didn’t just torture her myself either, I invited some friends over to play to really teach her lesson. While they were gang raping her I put cigarettes out on every inch of her sad little body. This morning I was rubbing my swollen clit in my latest victim’s face while I thought about watching that foolish skank taking her final breath. Even after the memory of the fun we had with her fades I’ll always have a recording of it to watch…

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Killer Phone Sex British Twat

Killer phone sex

My teeth felt the kick of his boot heel once again. He had offered me food as he fucked me in my asshole and offered me a drink as he pounded inside of me. I am sure the balloon in my stomach would burst that was full of the heroine and I would have my last high. Kicking me again I felt the sound of the hits that were being delivered to my rib cage. I was trying to enjoy the snort of my last blow as the punishment continued on my torso. It was the price of partying too much with a maniac on my campus. I should have known something was wrong when the party started and someone spoke the words killer phone sex rocks the house! I was so high I didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about or being led back to the a room where the real party had just started. Some guy whoever the hell he was ripped me out of all my clothes and I was naked I felt the bottle being tossed at me but didn’t give it much attention.

     The next thing I knew I was being slapped by a big hand that knocked me to the ground, The force at which he hit me would haunt me until my impending death. Ripping my clothes off and spreading my legs apart I felt the first of them push into me and the blood gush out of my cunny like water. It was all I could do not to cry and scream at the top of my lungs as I felt the gag go in my mouth. I smelled the scent of my cunny and the cream from my underwear that was being forced down my throat. My lips were torn open again and I felt the balloon inserted inside  my mouth and the stiff kick to my stomach. As I felt my body ripped apart from the position of cocks I felt a little tear roll down my face. It was too late much too late. Picking up my bloody body and putting me on the wheel that ripped me from limb to limb my last thoughts as he pulled me apart were that this was one party I would never forget!

Camp Fire

Cannibalism phone sex

I saw them earlier. They must be hiking up into the mountains for a party. This weekend is one of the last for spring break. I am hungry. I know there is easy prey out there. Its almost like a horror movie is playing out in my life. City brats who have no idea about this mountain or the people around it. My mother and her clan own this land, they do their crazy witch craft shit. I know I can get the men to help me grab those brats . We need a few for the blood moon. I walked up the path to see them all there. They were doing the typical teen thing, drinking around a fire, some a re passed out and some are fucking in plain sight. No one noticed me. No one saw me walk into their camp until I grabbed the big titted red head and threw her into the fire. They started to scream and run as I stood there laughing at them. The men from the cult grabbed them and tied them all up. I grabbed the red head who fell out of the fire. She was begging me to stop. To help her. I kissed her burnt lips and pushed her back into the fire. I’m going to eat good tonight. Now I need to find my new sex slave. I’m thinking about using this big black one. 

Killer phone sex

Spring Means Pig Roasts!

cannibalism phone sex snuffOne of the many things I enjoy about warmer weather are picnics. I am a huge fan of old fashioned pig roasts. I find the perfect pig, invite a few close friends over, and we set around the fire telling ghost stories and eating. Now, my pig roasts are unlike any other you have attended. I don’t actually roast pig. Pig is cheap and bad for you. I have a much more sophisticate pallet. I roast young women, sorta like veal. The younger girls are more tender, void of the toxins that plague more seasoned meat, and leaner.

We stalk the perfect “pig” for weeks. Learn her habits, determine if she is pure enough to devour. She has to be special to sacrifice. This year’s piggy is April. She is as smart as she is beautiful. She is a vegan who does not believe in dying her hair or tanning or using botox. It is rare to find a natural beauty in this day and age. But we are patient, and we do our research to find the perfect meal.

fantasy phone sex cooking fleshRight now she is in my basement getting prepped. Being fed healthy smoothies to plump her up. Having her body washed daily in pineapple juice to make her tastier. People think cannibals are savages, crazed killers, but there are many sound reasons for eating human flesh. It’s quite healthy. The bones can be ground up for many medicinal benefits, including good dental hygiene. Many diseases can be prevented by eating the human brain. It promotes  communalism. It helps with population control. One body can feed a family for several months , and provide well balanced nutrition. So cannibalism is cost efficient.

My friends and I are always looking for, um, fresh meat. Although it is fun to hunt your dinner, there is nothing wrong with pointing us in the direction of our next meal. Maybe you would enjoy helping me stalk my next meal or would like to offer yourself up as dinner. There is no higher purpose in life than sacrificing your life for others. When my next meal is served, will you be a guest or the main course?