Category: Snuff phone sex

Snuff Sex Dinner

snuff sexSnuff sex? It’s too final for me.  I mean snuff equals death, right?  He said we were just simulating a snuff scenario. I didn’t have a choice. He is a man. Men are always in control, at least with me. I’m just a blonde bimbo, right? I’m not good for anything but fucking, sucking and abusing. When I arrived, I was ordered to disrobe. It was time for a naked inspection. Him and his friends inspected me for body hair and cleanliness. I had very specific orders on how I was to appear before arrival. Clean, shaved and sans any make up, perfume or jewelry. Once I passed inspection, I was escorted to the basement with several other women. Someone was cooking something. I could smell the aroma. Sweet with herbs. It was hard to imagine we were being served dinner. When we arrived at the bottom of the stairs, we all gasped when we realized we were going to be dinner. Big caldrons of water hanging over open flames with girls already cooking. Have you ever smelled cooking flesh? Apples were placed in our mouths. A masked man rubbed us down with a butter and olive oil mixture. Another man sprinkled herbs on us. I sat there scared knowing I was simply waiting my turn to be cooked to death. I felt a strange mix of fear and satisfaction. If going to die, at least I knew I would make a satisfying meal. What are your cannibalism phone sex fantasies?

Gang Rape in the School Locker Room

Gangbang Rape Porn

I had forgotten something in my locker at school over the weekend. Luckily, the school is still open on the weekends for the boys’ football team to practice. Heading to my locker to get the text book I forgot, I had to pass by the locker room. Practice shouldn’t have started yet and probably wouldn’t for a few more hours, but there were a few guys who had arrived already to get warmed up and set up the equipment. I thought nothing of it until I walked past and one of the athletes called me over. Unsure of what he could possibly want, I came closer only to be ambushed by some of the other players. Their big arms held me in place as I was dragged into their locker room. About five big football players surrounded me, ripping off my clothes and passing me around like a rag doll. I tried to scream, but it didn’t matter. Nobody could hear me. Someone picked me up once I was fully naked and stuck their cock in my asshole. It was a ripping pain that brought tears to my eyes. His hands grabbed my neck as another one of the team members came up to start fucking my pussy. Having both of their cocks in me was a lot to handle, especially once the one fucking my ass would bring me to each of the other players, so each one could slam my tight slit with their veiny fucksticks. They had no mercy for my tiny twat or for my throat. I was let down onto the ground but the big guy came up behind me and forced me to bend over. He then pulled back my arms while drilling my sore asshole. The others took their turns holding my head in place as they fucked my throat. After being thrown back and forth between them for what felt like forever, they threw me to the ground to all blow their loads over my bruised and battered body. Then without a second thought, they left to set up their field.

Strangulation Phone Sex is HOT!!

Strangulation phone sexI couldn’t breathe. His hand was around my throat, squeezing my airway. I clawed at it, trying to get it to let up, but it wouldn’t. I felt the darkness closing in on me, his dick rubbing against my clit, over my cunt and ass hole. Then, his hand released, staying loosely around my throat as he slid his cock into me, balls-deep. He started thrusting in and out of me, shoving fingers into my mouth, pinching my nipple, just using my body. He started fucking me faster and harder, and his hand slid back down around my throat. He started squeezing gently, at first, and with each thrust tightened his grip. I struggled again, making him all the more excited, and he pushed harder, and deeper into me, while closing his hand completely around my throat. I could feel my lungs burning, my throat working for air, my heart pounding harder and harder, every last inch of me clinging to my life. The last thing I felt before the darkness was him shooting off inside of me…

Snuff sex is sick twisted fun!

snuff sexSnuff sex is sick, twisted fun and I can’t get enough of it! Yesterday though, I kind of outdid myself. My neighbor’s daughter was having a sleepover, all those teen girls were over there by themselves and there was no way I could pass an opportunity like that up! I called a few friends up and we broke in over there together, we were completely silent because they were all still awake. They were all in the girl’s bedroom so it was easy to take all their cell phones and restrain them so we could take turns fucking them all. They were all “good girls” they had no idea what to even do with a cock… hell, most of them had probably never even seen a dick before! That didn’t stop us from fucking all their tight holes and using them until they were all broken and bleeding. The were begging for their lives but I couldn’t leave any witnesses, I lived next door for christ’s sake! We shot them all and left… I even did the neighborly thing and called the police to report the gunshots…

Cannibalism phone sex

cannibalism phone sex

Me and my master have discovered the perfect girls that we have taken while they were sleeping tucked away in their beds. They were having a sleep over and we decided to take them for our game. My master was very hungry and needed to fulfill his appetite. When we got home I chained the girls up and prepped out area.

I got a big pan ready, and stick big enough for a hog, and a huge bowl. I cut up potatoes and tossed them into the boil to boil. I made a glaze from my masters jizz mixed with cranberries and some other secret ingredients. I went over to the little blond one and spread her thighs open asking my master to rupture her cherry so that her juices would flow out of her.

He stuck his cock into her and even pumped her full of his cum. I continued to stuff her with fruits and veggies. I tossed her on the pan and shoved her into our custom made oven that was huge. We watched her turn crispy brown. The other girl that had pretty brown hair was a lot more plump. Perfect to get fucked up the ass with.

ass rape porn

I jousted the pole right into her splitting her open and put her over a fire to roast. I continued to jerk masters cock all over her coating her in his sticky glaze. I basted her body with butter. The other blond one was so scared she couldn’t stop crying that she was already seasoning her body with her salty tears. I let me master fuck her in all her holes.

He tore them open making blood gush down her legs. I threw her into the pot to hear her body crack and scream as we build and cooked each girl alive.

Seven weeks of the Seven Deadly Sins

Sadistic phone sex

As we come into a new week I had an idea of how to spend the next 7 weeks or so with you exploring the 7 deadly sins and see where it can take us. I am hoping for a deep dark journey into every nook and cranny of snuff…in a 7 deadly sins motif.
I wasn’t sure what to start with, envy, lust, pride…7 to choose from, 7 to salivate and bite your lip over. Lust almost seems too obvious for us don’t you think? So let’s start with a truly retched one. Gluttony, I don’t want to give too much away for the first edition of 7 weeks of deadly sins. I will tell you this. You know how fat is always the tastiest part of almost everything? That ring of gristle on the edge of your steak, that pork chop with the tasty rim of fat. Maybe we’ll let our gluttonous whore really taste some gristle.

Torture sex in the church

torture sexTorture sex in the local church, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon, right? Well that’s exactly what I did yesterday, I waited until services were started and I locked all the doors so that no one would be able to escape. Then my friends and I took them all hostage and forced them to do all kinds of fucked up shit! I led all the little ones up to the altar and forced them to kneel in front of their preacher, they were terrified and crying and just seeing that had me wet as fuck! I forced the preacher to pull out his cock, he tried to protest but he was already rock hard so it was definitely a token protest at best. He looked eager to get as many of them sucking his dick as possible and trust me, his congregation could definitely tell. They stopped grumbling at us and started getting pissed at their preacher instead. They were calling for his blood after watching him fuck all those little faces! I let them take him and they tore him to pieces, they never even noticed when we slipped out!

snuff sex

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder phone sex fantasies Langley



Murder phone sex Fantasies are one of my favorite pass times!

I had one that got me off so hard, I think I might have to send my work bench to be refinished…

I was at a bar, and of course, all my friends had left me there, by myself…. Poor me, right? Right. So I was pretty buzzed when this hot guy sat beside me, and started talking with me. We had a wonderful conversation, with so much in common! As we smiled and laughed, trading stories, his hand laid upon my thigh. My nipples shot out so very hard, and I was very aware of how wet I had become!

Needless to say, he came home with me! I was so horny, and so excited! But, as I walked through the door, a pain exploded behind my eyes, and everything went black…

I came to in my shop, naked but for my panties, and very strapped down! I could barely squeak around the gag in my mouth. There was that hot guy, standing over me, smiling so wickedly! Naked, and rock hard, he moved around my shop, opening drawers, examining shelves… I was crying, begging for my life with all I had, but it didn’t faze him. It seemed nothing would.

When he rolled my little table over to me, full of all things I owned out there with a blade, my blood froze! I couldn’t breathe for the terror gripped my throat so tightly!

Faster than my eyes could follow, he grabbed my curved skinning knife and slammed it deep into my pelvic bone! I screamed and screamed, choking on my own saliva-drenched tongue. I barely drew a breath before another slammed into the other side of my bone, shattering it to pieces within me. I started to black out from the pain, but a jolt from my own fucking tazer brought all new pain and awareness.

He was now holding my jigsaw, looking at the blade adoringly. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…

He turned it on, and with his eyes looking deep into mine, slipped it through my flesh from hip-to-hip like a bot knife through butter. Small bits and pieces of me flew from the blade, splattering wetly all over his naked body, the walls, the ceiling. Pieces of my meat, my organs, everywhere.

As I cried, choking on my own fluids, and shaking from the deep cold only shock can bring, I could barely feel his hard cock stroking through my internal organs like a sickly wet pocket pussy.

As the last of my life drained from my body, and his hand playing at my mangled, missing pussy, I heard him come in my bloody body cavity…

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I was helping my master fulfill his desires. He always told me he wanted a brat that plays at the park and has a flat chest with a tiny little butt and a super tiny tight little pink virgin pussy hole. I picked one up and surprised him back home with her. She is super pretty. She has long blond hair and is super small.

My master was so excited that he wrapped his hands around her neck and began to squeeze her throat while he tipped her clothes off of her little body. He could not contain himself! He pulled his cock out and commanded that I hold her down. He shoved himself right inside the littlest pussy hole I could have ever imagined to see.

He ripped her open while he kept squeezing her neck. Her face was red, and she had foam and spit coming out of her mouth. Her pussy hole was gapped open wide around his cock and their was blood everywhere from her. She shook and next thing I know she was lifeless. She stopped crying and screaming and even struggling.

My master did not want to stop pounding her open with his dick. He says we are going to keep her until she starts smelling. He has a lot of cum that he needs to give her dead body.

Cannibalism phone sex over spring break!

Cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex Langley

I dearly love sharing my cannibalism phone sex fantasies with you! You so intrigue me. You live so far away, but sharing these yummy treats makes me feel so close!

Spring break is such a wonderful time of year to go shopping for girl! Rick and I retire to our lovely mountain retreat, and wait above the hiking trails. A nice, warm day, and a steep, winding hiking trail assure that soon, a nice looking main course is soon separated from her friends. I cut her off before she can catch up, and easily knock her lights out, carrying her up to Rick, and our waiting 4 wheeler. We go out of our way over a hill, leaving her shirt, and bloodied, torn ID by a cougar den. She’s going to be eaten anyway, they may as well believe it was by a cougar!

When we arrive, and we have her inside, we undress and inspect our quarry. She’s got nice, thick thighs, a rounded ass, and even a strong, meaty looking back. She’s just what I was hoping for, to prepare a perfect slow-smoked long pig, mountain style!

While Rick prepares the wild rice, and other side-dishes to set overnight, I get her head shaved and smoothed, and get her all clean and well-buffed. No need to shave the rest of her, everything is already nicely bald. So very considerate!

Next, I clean off outer skin of the she-hog using a white cloth and vegetable oil to remove any hair or sweat that may have gotten on the skin. Next, I spray all of her outer skin with vegetable oil using a spray bottle. This will keep the skin from burning during the cooking process.

For a truly juicy, perfectly textured rack of girl meat, you gotta inject the shoulders, hams, loin and bacon with a minimum of 2 gallons of special sauce. I mix:

  • 32oz Apple Juice
  • 32oz Water
  • 1/2 cup Kosher Salt
  • 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Lt. Corn Syrup
  • 1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Dry Rub
  • 1 TBS Worcestershire
  • 1 TBS soy
    As I start shoving the long, hollow needle into her bits and pieces, she starts to wake up, crying and begging for mercy, screaming at the pain as my needle takes chunks out of her soft little bits, filling her full of meat-tenderizing fluids. She can scream all she wants, no one is up here for many, many miles. We made sure of that!

The smoker is ready to smoke for 17 to 20 hours. The pit will need to be at a temp of 220 degrees, so I planned accordingly. It’s a nifty little set up, resembling an old-fashioned, single-person sweat box, but bigger. She’s suspended inside, all wrapped and tied-up like a crying, whimpering turkey, with her head through the top. We gotta enjoy the show, after all. Place the Heather-hog in our pit that is up to temp. She cooks at 220 degrees for four hours. During this time, we were sure to add lots of hickory and peach wood chunks to the fire chamber. When smoking girl meat, I recommend a good quality coal like chef’s delight or chef’s select and always use dried hickory and peach chunks with or without the bark, and I have a soft spot for soaking the wood in water. I was impressed, she stayed somewhat aware and wailing, begging, pleading, bartering for her life, for nearly this whole time!

Next, we sprayed her skin again with vegetable oil, and then finally wrap the entire gal with aluminum foil. This kept the meat from turning too dark, and also trapped all the juices inside so she would self baste… Self-basting, pre-shaved, she’s making this so much easier. This meal was meant to be!

Once her shoulders’ internal temperature has reached 170degrees (and had been cooking for about 16 hours at this point) we removed the foil, and injected her shoulders, loin, bacon and hams with another round of my second- shoot sauce, which consists of :

  • 64oz – Apple Juice
  • 1 Cup – Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 tbs – The BBQ Rub.

Next, she continues cooking without foil until shoulders reach 185degrees inside, just for safety. Who knows what’s been in there.

Now, it’s time for the yummy glazing! Nothing sweetens a girl pig up like these:

  • 1/2 Gal. – Your Favorite BBQ Sauce
  • 2 Cup – Honey
  • 16oz – Peach Jelly
  • 1 Cup – Teriyaki Sauce

The girl-hog cooked for another 45min, to let the glaze set. Lastly, we misted her with apple juice to give a nice shine then, garnish ed her with local wild herbs and berries, and served her with Ricks wonderful creations!

We enjoyed our teamwork outside, under the stars, before a nicely crackling fire, with our red wine, and some soft blankets, cuddling as we feed each other bits and pieces of our yummy smoked Heather hog.