Category: Snuff phone sex

Master, I Want it Harder

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Master made me strip naked and wait for him with my ass out and ready for his cock. I pulled my cheeks apart when I heard him coming close. Spread wide, I felt his hands explore my pussy and ass as he fingered both holes. He smacked my ass hard, making me squeal. After a few whacks, he grabbed a paddle and spanked me with it until I was red and sore. In between each slap, I had to tell him that I want it harder. And he always complied with that request, regardless that it wasn’t actually what I wanted. When I don’t ask for more, the punishments become much worse, so I know better than to beg for mercy.

But sometimes, fate decides the punishment for me. Something must have made him very upset that day, because I felt a knife pierce through my back. Even still, I choked out, I want it harder! Stab after stab, I asked to get it harder. The blood poured down from my body, pooling around my knees. Filling my lungs, the blood came up from my throat as I coughed. This time, I was no longer able to ask for it harder, as I had lost consciousness, barely clinging to life. In a fit of fury, he dug the knife through my neck, cutting my spinal cord and brain stem. Time for a new slave.

Snuff Sex Death

snuff sexSnuff sex Cassandra is my handle in a few fetish online chat rooms I belong too. It is because I have fantasies about dying. Some of my fantasies are inspired by my callers. I have some sick twisted regulars. One of my most creative callers recently did a call with me that had me bragging in one of the chat rooms about wanting to die in just such a fashion. He was a mad scientist of sorts creating new drugs. Killer drugs. I was a sex slave thus he could legally test his drugs on me like I was a lab rat. I woke up strapped down with him injecting his drug into me. When I protested he reminded me I was a sub human. I asked questions. I wanted to know what was going to happen to me, but he was vague with the details. He shot a needle in my arm. Nothing happened. When he hooked up an industrial sized vibrator to my pussy, I thought this was like a female enhancement trial. No such luck for a blonde bimbo slave. It was a death drug. When I came, my heart would stop beating. Death by orgasm. A hot and terrifying concept. I tried not to cum. I tried to think of horrible things so I wouldn’t cum.  I couldn’t. I am a pain slut. I am a snuff porn junkie. I resisted for as long as I could but the intensity was too strong. I came. I felt my heart seizing up like some one was on the inside squeezing it. Within minutes of cumming, I was dead. Wouldn’t it be great to die by orgasm? Sure, your dead, but what a way to go.  If you want to snuff me, which I know you do, make me cum to death.

Even Pretty Women Can Be Evil

Accomplice Phone Sex

Home all alone for the weekend, all the doors and windows were locked. And I knew better than to let any strange men into my house. That’s when I heard a knock on the door. I peeked through the window and saw a nice looking lady outside. So I opened up to see what she wanted. She said her car had broken down, and her husband and little ones were waiting for her at home. They would be worried when she didn’t show up, and her phone had died. With a smile, I let her use the phone in our kitchen. The instant I turned my back to her, she grabbed my small body and held a cloth over my face. It smelled funny, and then all of a sudden, things began to fade.

When I woke up, I was tied down and naked, ass up. Looking around, I saw that I was still at home. That’s when I saw the woman, now dressed in a dominatrix outfit, and a strange man was now in the house as well. I tried to scream, but my mouth was gagged. The man instructed the woman to take a cane and whip me with it on my bare ass until it was red and raw. With each lash, I cried out in pain. Fighting my restraints was useless- they had been expertly secured and there was absolutely no wiggle room. When my cheeks were so red that I could feel the heat radiating off of them, the woman stopped as the man came up and forced his hard cock inside my cunt. Wrapping his hands around my throat, he strangled me until things started to fade again, this time for real, as he blew his load inside me. They left my naked, dead body tied up as they made their escape.

There is nothing left but BLOOD and Semen

Snuff phone sex I had this nasty sexy fantasy I would love to play out with someone. So it starts out with you kidnapping me from a bar where I am wearing a short little skirt with no panties acting like a little fucking whore, so you want to teach me a lesson. You throw me into a bathroom and I hit my head on the corner of the toilet as I fall. You come over and tell me if I want to be a little a whore your going to treat me like one. You bend me over and start fucking me as hard as you can in my pussy and my ass.

Then once you tore my holes until they where bleeding you told me, “Now that I fucked your holes I am going to have to make new ones and fuck those”. You take a knife and slice all over my body and fuck those holes until all that left is blood and semen.


kidnapping phone sexAs I was walking home from school on 8th street, I got abducted by  two men in a black mini van with tinted windows. They drugged me with a clothe over my mouth and nose. I woke up, it looked like an abandoned house, tide up to a metal bed. A man walked in and told me I was going to be his little fuck slut whore, to do as he said if not he was going to kill me. He told me he was going to let me loose if I promised I’d be a good girl. ” I promise.” I said. He then got me all naked at started beating me, slapping me across the face, spitting on me, and kicking me all over my body.Then he pulled his zipper down took his big cock out slap me with it. Told me to get on my knees and start sucking his cock. Then turned me around and forced his cock into my asshole. I remember crying in pain the more I cried the more he seemed to enjoy it. Come and take your turn.

Off with your cock, Loser.

castration phone sexYou cheating fucking Loser. I spit in your face. You’re the type of man who deserves castration phone sex. Do you really think you can get away with treating women this way? Do you think your cock is so special that you can stick it in any fuck hole you please with no repercussions.

I watched you in the club tonight, looking all ghetto in your saggy pants and swagger. You hit on every woman who walked by.  Just the good looking ones though. The less attractive, you poked fun at. I watched girls faces crumple as you verbally destroyed them. I’m a cold hearted bitch but you are an asshole who deserves a whooping. Bet you wouldn’t be so smug with no cock or balls.

Tired of watching you, I approach you. Your eyes light up as you take in my slim body. “Wanna smoke a fat one?” I ask you. You nod and follow me to my car. “Hey, sexy, you wanna suck my cock?” you ask me. I respond with a kick to your nut sac with my steel toed boots. You go down hard.

You’re my prisoner now. You’ve gotten into some bad pussy for sure. MINE. I’m gonna give you what you really deserve. I unzip your pants and lay your cock out on the table. Your eyes bulge as I pull out my blade. Blasphemy explodes from your mouth as you beg to the almighty. Too bad, loser. You met the devil instead and now she owns your soul.

Vengeance is mine, saith Natasha. Welcome to hell. Now you get to burn forever as a dickless loser.

Snuff sex is what killed her

snuff sexSnuff sex is what killed her but it took days and days of her suffering before she finally expired. By then I was bored with her, she was too weak to be much fun and I was read for her to just fucking die already! I had already done everything I could think of to hurt her, she was missing limbs, her bones were broken she was well fucked and burned… even skinned in places and still that bitch wouldn’t die! Was she some kind of super human victim? An immortal whore? She was boring and annoying me with her very presence so I decided to just beat her to fucking death and end it all! I picked up a heavy pipe and just started smashing her with it over and over and over again until she was reduced to a pile of mush… finally dead so I could move on to the next thrill.

Snuff sex

snuff sex

I was hanging from the ceiling with a noose around my neck. I was completely naked and I had an upside down bucket to stand on. I was really trying hard to keep my balance. Any wrong slip and I could totally hang myself. It was getting rather exhausting trying to hold myself up. The guy that has made me his prey, his victim was standing there always in amusement.

I thought about just hanging myself to escape his rath. He got a big chair and sat down on it. He asked if I wanted a chance to give my legs a break, however that would mean that I would have to tire another part of my body out. He told me to straddle his lap and to bounce up and down his cock. His cock is massive.

It hurt so badly bouncing up and down it while the noose now became a leash and collar. He was tearing my pussy open, holding my cunt down on his cock not letting me bounce up and down. He even started teasing me. He pushed the chair away so that I would have to stay stuck to his cock, if not the noose would tighten and I would die.

He lowered himself on the floor slowly, making the noose tighter with my pussy around his cock. He was about to come and finally lowered me all the way down to my death as he squirted his cum inside of me.

Snuff Porn Cannibal

snuff pornSnuff porn Memorial Day weekend best describes my holiday weekend. I have a certain craving for BBQ. A special kind of BBQ if you know what I mean. The summer season is upon us. That means young girls are going about town scantily clad and drinking way too much. I am a cannibal of opportunity. This weekend, I paid attention to where the backyard barbeques were and did what any hungry bitch does, I stalked my future meal. Kind of fitting that I nabbed this chunky coed coming out of a pig roast drunk as a skunk. I like them with meat on their bones. Skinny girls don’t taste as good. This little piggy was perfect. I guessed she was about 5’3 and 160 lbs. When I got her home, I was right on the height, and only off by 3 pounds. I’ve been stalking my dinner for years now, so I’m very good. Usually, I chloroform my future meals, but she was so drunk, I didn’t need too.

cannibalism phone sexShe was perfect. No hair dyes, no piercings or tattoos, no fake boobs and no botox. I didn’t need to fatten her up either. This was my best find to date. I mean she was ready to cook as is, which is rare. I decided to boil her instead of cooking or roasting her. Makes for a more tender, succulent meal that way. I chopped up a variety of garden vegetables, tossed in some cumin and other spices, and let it simmer while I buttered her up. I mean literally buttered her up. I melted a couple pounds of butter, mixed it with some scallions and basted her body like a Butterball turkey. I infused her with water to wash out the booze. I let the butter seep into her skin while she detoxed, then put her in the boiling pot. Takes about 8 hours to boil a chunky coed. I am patient. Plus, I love the smell of boiling girl that permeates through my home. She smelled almost as good as she tasted….

evil phone sex


She had to die

taboo phone sexShe had to die because she was too loud and way too fucking annoying to live! All day long she would blast her music and keep me up, she acted like I was being unreasonable when I asked her to turn it down so I just fucking pushed my way into her apartment and started beating her. She was screaming and crying and promised to turn it down but it was too late for all that shit, my blood lust was awakened and she was gonna die! I beat her till I knocked her the fuck out then I invited a few friends over to fuck her. She didn’t like that very much but who fucking cares right? We fucked that bitch to death and now I will have nothing but sweet silence!