I killed them both, I had to there was just no way around it! It’s their own fault tho, they were out so late and all by themselves too, how was I supposed to resist that? They were a young mother daughter pair and the thought of killing that little brat in front of her mother has me dripping wet before I even got them in my car. It was easy enough to convince them to accept a ride from me, after all I do look like a sweet woman when I choose to… they didn’t even realize anything was wrong until I was far away from where I told them I would go. The mother got scared and tried to bolt but I just pulled out a gun and put it up to that little brat’s head and she stopped all that bullshit quick! I tied the mom up and made her watch me fuck the little brat to death, her screams were so satisfying to hear! I couldn’t let the mother live after that but I wanted her to really suffer first so I rented her out to some drug dealers and got her fucked to death too!
Category: Snuff phone sex
I killed them both
Sis And Me Looking Together
My sister and I decided to go out looking for some pervert peeps to get a hold of us. Fingers crossed we will get beaten and possibly killed we hoped. We have the same fetish. We both want to be used, beaten tortured and then killed. Hopefully we get gutted with a knife. We made ourselves slutty as hell wearing no underwear or bra. Short ass skirt and low cut blouse. We got “picked up” by this creepy looking dude. We thought maybe he would be the one to snuff us out. Well we did not get snuffed out but we did we get used, abused, and sent home. Two out of four is not bad I guess. Do not get me wrong we still enjoyed the night. And I am not complaining. I guess I will have to wait a bit longer for my happily ever after.
Fantasy phone sex with Stephanie
Do you wanna use me like a little fuck doll? I would love for you to use me however you would want master, you can make me bleed and scream as you abuse me. I like feeling that pain until I have to bust out screaming. You can use any hole however hard you want, do you think I’m not serious? I am the best pain slut on this site so call me and let me show you how a real good girl acts towards her master. I love being degraded and abused at the same time, whatever will get daddy off you an do to me. I have no limits so you can do whatever goes on inside your brain to me. I will be a good little fuck doll I promise.
Snuff phone sex
I was at a club and finally got done doing my stage time. I went to the back to freshen up and maybe pack my stuff up for the night. I was all alone since the girls were all in the front giving dances and preforming. I heard a mans voice behind me so I quickly turned around. I was still ass naked from my performance.
I told him he could not be back there. I was thinking he may just leave and say it was a mistake that he was back here. Instead, he pushed my body up against my dressing room vanity and forced my legs apart. His hand went over my mouth to muffle my shrieks. He entered inside of me with his swollen cock and began to fuck the shit out of my cunt.
He whispered into my ear how I was a little dirty slut just asking for this. He was giving me what I wanted. I tried to plead through the cracks of his hands to let me go but he was not budging. When he finally used me as the cum rag he intended, I thought he was going to be on his way. He took me by my hair and led me out the back to his car.
He demanded that I get in and took out a sharp blade. I decided in that moment to try and sprint off. I did not even stand a chance. He grabbed me and made a slice from my neck down to my tits. I gushed blood down my torso. He told me he wanted to keep me alive a little longer and that I need to be patient to act stupid like that.
I submitted to him and just got in the car. I have no idea where he plans on taking to me, or worse- what he plans on doing to me.
Snuff sex is for the wicked
Snuff sex is for the wicked, the twisted fucked up kind of people like myself that just can’t get off in normal boring vanilla ways. That’s why when I saw that sweet little bitch walking all by herself I knew that I would be having a very fulfilling evening. I lured her into my car and took her with me to my remote cabin in the woods where no one would be able to hear her scream. I stripped her and tied her to the bed with her legs spread wide open and then fucked her with my favorite wicked strap on, the one with the razor blades embedded in it. It ripped her to pieces from the inside out and she soon bled to death in a horrific way. It was very fulfilling for me, I came more times than I could count!
Taboo phone sex with victim Aubree
Some people wonder what it feels like to have the euphoric feeling of floating out of your body. Well I feel that every time a man decides to choke me and fantasy rape my asshole and cunt when I am unwilling. I have gotten so use to losing consciousness and being taken to the brink of the loss of consciousness that I do not even know what it feels like to be caressed and gently fucked any more. Quite honestly I crave being choked, punched, slapped and humiliated because it makes me feel alive. If I am in pain I know that I am alive and not dead… yet anyway. I am sure some day some man will be raping me while he is holding my throat so tight that while my skin bruises and my eyes turn red from the blood vessels popping, that I will simply fade away into nothing and my corpse will be all that is left as he continues to fuck my shell and then throw away what is left of me.
Snuff phone sex with Stephanie
Please hurt me! I want to feel how pain you can cause me and I want to see if you make me hurt. Take me to a room and do what you will with me, Treat me like I am a piece of dirt. I am literally here on this earth to please you and be your snuff phone sex fantasy slut. I will scream and make you cum all over yourself. I can go as extreme as you want, if you have any ideas you can call me and tell me what you want baby. Just know that I am here for you to snuff and make your little bloody fleshy whore. I wanna die on your cock fuck me to death please baby.
Locked In The Cabinet
My sadistic and psychotic Father took it upon himself to lock me inside of the kitchen cabinet underneath the sink for absolutely no reason at all aside from the fact that he gets off on seeing me suffer at the strength of his own hands. After forcing me to be crammed into the small box of a space for days on end, he drilled a hole from the outside, finally letting in some fresh air that I could gasp up into my lungs. There were so many bottles of cleaning products locked in the cabinet with me, it made it hard to breath with the strong scent of chemicals penetrating my insides. Although I sounded like I was hacking up a lung from coughing so hard while trapped in that hell hole, my Daddy still didn’t give a fuck. He is sick and depraved, he has no remorse for his actions whatsoever. I’m used to his worthless treatment of me, it’s been like this since day one when I entered into this world. I’m a washed up, used up bitch and my cunt needs to be punished as often as possible! Daddy gave me what I deserved, after all, that’s the treatment that pretty little cum sluts like me are supposed to be receiving! Torturous and dark, my young, sexy sounding voice only makes it all the better!
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies: Use Me
When Murder Phone Sex Fantasies are the only thing that will make your cock throb, grow hard, and explode jism like a fountain then you are in the right place for mayhem. I’m a worthless fucking cunt that deserves to fucking die. Kill me, beat the crap out of me and make me cum, or forbid me to cum and piss on the open fucking knife wounds you just inflicted on me. Or invite a bunch of cracked out niggers over to jack me the fuck up and then use me like a filthy mens bathroom. Piss on me, in my mouth or on my pretty face and big luscious tits. Let these thugs force fuck my anus, cunt and mouth and jerk off their big filthy pieces of fuck meat while they shoot me up with filthy needles making me overdose while being fantasy raped.
I’m a useless bubble headed blonde that deserves every bit of punishment administered to me.
The Belt
I was so scared walking towards my front door. I didn’t make enough money to keep my crackhead boyfriend high all night. I opened the door and handed him all of the money I made from hooking up and down the boulevard. He counted the cash with an evil snarl on his face. He threw the cash at my face then slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor. He spit on me and relief briefly flooded through my body. I thought his tantrum was over, but I was so wrong. He gripped my hair in his fist and dragged me upstairs like I was a rag doll. He flung me towards the bed and pulled his belt from his pants.
“Get your fucking clothes off NOW!” , he demanded.
I took my clothes off and he started whipping me with his belt like I was a runaway slave. He hit me over and over again, each last worse than the one before. He hit me until his arm got tired. With welts all over my body, I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.