Category: Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex- Aubree’s Death Dream

I am not usually a person who gets vivid dreams that scare me, but last night was different. I dreamed last night that I was at a party and I met this good looking guy there. his man asked me to go home with him, which I did because he seemed nice enough,, cute and I wanted to fuck him. When we arrived at his house he let me in, offered me a drink and we chatted by the fireplace, while he seemed to be waiting for something. He leaned in to kiss me and I just fell over.

Snuff phone sex

At that point his whole demeanor changed. He got this evil grin on his face and started to undress me. He then fantasy raped my pussy brutally and tortured my unconscious body while strangling me. He flipped me over and did the same to my ass. As I started to come to, he was still in my asshole. He pulled a knife out from under the couch cushion, put it up to my throat and slid it across. As I lay there bleeding and my body dying, I had an out of body experience in my dream. I was watching myself dye. I woke up shortly after that in a sweat and realized I was alive, but my pussy was soaking wet.

He died slowly

snuff phone sexThis guy walked in knowing that we were making a snuff film, but he thought that he was going to be killing some little whore, he had no idea that he was the one that was going to die! It was hysterical, the look on his face when he finally realized that there were no other victims, only him. He started crying and begging for his life but I just laughed cruelly and hit him again with the bat, I beat him until he was barely conscious and curled up in a little ball on the floor, then I stripped him naked and tied him to the table. I forced his tight ass open wide with a giant strap on cock, he screamed like a little bitch but he had to take it! I fucked him hard and deep and tore that asshole wide open until it was torn and bleeding then I slit his fucking throat and let the blood spray all over me!

Accomplice phone sex: Shower song

I am in a much better place financially then I use to be. I was just thinking about how my life was back then when I was broke and could not afford the things I wanted. I started to remember some of the crazy shit I use to do to get money and the things I needed. I remembered this guy I use to date back then, he was a drug dealer. It started off by doing coke with him and then it led to us fucking and so forth. There was a time I recall when we both needed some extra cah and had to do some robberies. We had broken into this really nice house in a nice part of town for some quick cash. We were just gonna break in and grab a few things to pawn.

Accomplice phone sex

We didn’t know it at the time but their daughter was home and ad no idea someone had broken in. I made my way upstairs looking for jewelry and heard some singing, the girl was in the shower singing one of my favorite songs. My boyfriend walks up behind me and says “let’s have some fun”, He pulls her out of the shower and as she screams he slaps her across the face. His dick was hard as he undid his pants, told me to hold er legs open and he fantasy rapes her sweet pussy. I cannot help it but I got so wet from watching He asked me if that made me hot, why yes it did and I wanted to watch him fuck her again!

Fantasy phone sex with Stephanie

Fantasy phone sexI want me and you to go to the bar and pick up a little brat for us to play with. When I say play I mean take her and fuck her up and dismember her little body and have fun with all the parts. I would love to see all the blood and lick her little cunt after its off her body, me and you can share it with each other. I will do whatever you want to them. I will make that little fucking slut suffer, she deserves to be fucked and snuffed. I love snuffing little fucking sluts and making them our bitch for the night. What we do with the after math is up to you baby, we can eat them, or fuck them more.

Snuff Sex w/ Fucking Demonic Bitch Goddess

Snuff Sex

I see your eyeing me and thinking about how you’d fuck me and shit. Well when I see your eyes undressing me like that I think about snuff sex with you as my Mother Fucking victim. Your just easy fucking prey for me to get my own demented needs met. I will lure you in and if you appear to have a useful sized of a cock, well I think I may invite you to my place. Oh, my place is just around the corner from the club, we can walk there so have another drink.

I slip a drug in your drink and then we finish up and you’re barely able to stumble outta here. One of my boys helps you over to my place. He knows my plans, they’re always the same. I fuck you really good and then as your still recovering from how fucking good a fuck I am. I take some capsaicin oil and rub it in the hole of your dick. Watching you squirm and freak in pain turns me on so much. Too bad your pinned down and strapped down unable to move. I love the screams and name calling and stand over you with a whip and administer lashes across your chest each time you call me something, other than Demonic Bitch Goddess. Satisfied like a fly in a pile of shit, I grab my boot knife out and castrate your useless sack.


Snuff Porn Fantasies

snuff pornHe told me I was perfect for snuff porn. I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not. Did he mean I looked like a good pain slut or did I look like the kind of girl that should be killed? Turns out it was both. He put on a Japanese snuff film and talk about all the ways he could kill me. My pussy was super wet. Seriously, the more graphic he got about killing me, the more I wanted to die. I know, right? What is wrong with me that I would actually want to die on film? I am a submissive whore. I prefer being used and abused than treated like a princess. Pain and violence make me horny. He was getting high which always takes him to a weird place. I was huffing a spray can bottle for a quick cheap high. It was impossible for me to feel pain. I told him to hurt me; like seriously hurt me. He took his cigarette and burned my clit. I yelped in delight. I begged for more. He took his switchblade and carved his name in my stomach. The hot crimson blood trickled down my stomach. He started stroking his cock until he came on my belly. The look of blood and cum mixed together on my stomach was so hot. He fucked me twenty minutes later, cutting my face and arms. Blood and sex are fricking hot. Want to fuck me then kill me? I really do deserve to die. I want to star in your snuff movies.

Taboo Phone Sex with Submissive Aubree

I really enjoy watching porn  that has a lot of violence in it. When I go into the sex shop down the street to pick up a new toy or porno, they always have some kind of new snuff films in. I could browse their sections for hours and I get wet every single time. My favorite kind of snuff film is the fantasy rape porn which ultimately ends up with the woman being brutally fantasy raped, tortured and slowly strangled for his enjoyment. I love it even more when there is an accomplice involved. When I find the good movies like that I always fantasize that I am the accomplice and I get to help my master torture and bleed the victim like a stuck pig.

Taboo phone sex

I would ram my fist into her cunt and rape her ass with a baseball bat.  I would do everything and anything to please my master so I could be held in the highest regards, this way he would let me come over and over as we inflict the most sinfully pleasurable pain upon the victim together. Then he would fuck me so hard that I screamed, right over her lifeless body.

We killed her slowly

taboo phone sexMy friend brought me a little bitch to play with and we may have gotten a little too rough. He was supposed to bring the little bitch back home at the end of the night but instead we had to bury her in a shallow grave. I don’t give a fuck tho, I had a ton of fun forcing all her virgin fuck holes open and making her scream and cry and beg for her momma. He’s the one that had to explain to her momma where she went, not me! Anyway, it started off simply, we were just going to fuck her and call it a day but you know how excited I get! The second I saw her little pussy bleeding and torn open I just went into a frenzy and ripped her to pieces! I guess I just don’t know when to stop!

Evil Phone Sex: Killer Couple

Evil phone sex


I have always had a thing for couples. There is nothing better than have the wife lick my pussy as I ride her face, as her husband fucks my pussy and then my asshole. I get so wet when my holes are stuffed with the wedding bells of bliss and then I slit the throats of the unsuspecting victim. The wife’s blood drips all over the bed as the husband and I fuck in her warm sticky blood. The poor unsuspecting thing not realizing that her husband and I had met at the bar a few months earlier and had the whole thing planned. I had been waiting to have her tongue in my pussy knowing full well I was gonna play with her husbands cock in the dripping wet and warm blood flow from her neck. I watched her husband eyes fill with delight as he watches the blade rape across her flesh exposing the underneath tissues. Oh what a killer couple we are.

Strangulation phone sex

strangulation phone sexI thought I was having a normal fuck tonight with this guy I was seeing. We were in his bedroom about to hook up until I changed my mind. I told him no, but I guess it was too late. He told me he was going to take my pussy and holes how he wanted and I do not have a choice. He pushed me down on the bed and ripped my clothes off of my body.

I tried to wiggle my body out of his grip but there was no way to break free. The more I struggled the more tighter his grip got around my neck. He was squeezing my neck so hard that I could not even gasp for air. His cock slid inside of my pussy and he thrusted huge thrust into my pussy rocking my whole body up and down his bed and cock.

He was fucking my dry pussy so rough that it was hurting. I am going to have a choker of bruises embedded on my neck from his huge hands.