Category: Snuff phone sex

Have your Fun With Them, Then Off With Their Heads

killer phone sex

Maybe I’ve been watching The Walking Dead too much lately but I love watching that black bitch chopping heads off.  It gave me a great killer sex idea.  Next time we go round us up some snotty nosed little brats to have rape phone sex fantasies with.  I’m gonna chop their fucking little heads off.  Of course that’s wayyyy after we’ve had all the fun their tiny bodies can handle, and then some.  Hell, maybe I’ll grab one of those heads and bob it up and down on your cock!!  Doesn’t that sound like fun?  I’ve got all sorts of evil toys and contraptions to torture those little crumb snatchers.  Less mouths to feed for some poor dumb bitch is what I say.  Come on.  You know you want to do it.  Just the thought of all the devious fantasies that goes through your sick twisted little mind make your cock hard.  I bet you’re rubbing it right now.  Mouth watering.

The Bath

Sadistic phone sexI thought my boyfriend was being sweet when he ran a bath for me. My body felt instantly relaxed as I soaked in the warm water. I felt loved and safe for the first time in months…
But the sweet romantic gesture was totally fake. He wanted me naked and vulnerable. He gripped my shoulders and shoved my head beneath the water. I thrashed and fought against his grip, trying to gasp for air. But he was stronger and pushed me back under. I didn’t know what I had did wrong, but I knew that I didn’t want to die. I fought hard to breathe but he was strong. He climbed on top of me fully clothed and punched me three times in my face.
When I woke up naked in bed, I cried myself back to sleep. My sadistic boyfriend won’t be happy until ends my life. And when I’m dead and in my grave he’ll have another young girl warming his bed.

Sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodiesWhat a wild night it’s been, having sex with dead bodies has never felt better. Monetta and I just got home from escorting together for this filthy rich man. He’s so hott and can buy anything he wants, yet he chose the two most disgusting snuff sluts that he could find to have some nasty fun with. We’ve heard about his dark and violent ways so we were incredibly thrilled to be able to be submissive to that millionaire cock. When we arrived to his massive mansion, he had bricks of blow stacked up & ready to be snorted down. He had been partying all day long and so had Monetta and I… it was a disaster in the making already! Nothing was off limits for our kinky millionaire, he had no fear when it came to putting his hands on us and beating us like we deserved to be beaten. Nasty snuff whores have cunts that are only good for getting destroyed. We were all doing lines off each other, getting nice and fucked up even more so. He buckled a conjoined spiked dog collar tightly around both of our necks and dragged us down to his dungeon, throwing us down the flight of stairs and laughing as we tumbled to the bottom. It was pitch black, ice cold and reeked of rotting flesh. When he switched on the light, we were surrounded by fresh corpses hanging on hooks. Monetta and I were screaming in terror and as he whipped the shit out of us, causing our skin to gash open and bleed all over. He asked which rotten body we wanted to fuck, we chose the pretty blonde with her eyes gauged out. Her corpse plummeted to the freezing cement ground and as we got a closer look we could see that she had thick rope wrapped around her neck, it was obvious that she suffered immense agony as she was hanged to death. His steel-toed boots hurt so bad as he brutally drop-kicked us from head to toe. I shoved my tongue inside of the dead cunt, there were maggots flooding out and down my throat. Monetta spread her asshole open and fucked a strap-on that we latched on to the rotten bitch. He forced us to do some of the most evil shit, i’ll never be able to get this night out of my memory. Murder phone sex fantasies are exactly what victims like us deserve to go through, no matter how violent, sadistic and traumatizing.Murder phone sex Fantasies

Accomplice Needed For Ageplay Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?

rape phone sex fantasies

Because you don’t have the balls to do it on your own, you call me.  You’ve been having rape phone sex fantasies about little ones for a very long time now.  You have come close a few times, but you always chicken out you fucking weak pathetic soul.  You wanna be a “P” daddy so badly.  You just can’t bring yourself to do it on your own.  That’s fine.  That’s what I’m here for.  I won’t let you say no.  I’ll push you further than you ever thought you could be pushed.  You’re gonna snatch that girl.  That little one.  I’ll make sure nobody sees you.  But you’re gonna have to do the work.  Now, when we get her back here, I run the show.  Got it?  I’ll make that little slut gag on your dick til she pukes.  Then I’ll make her turn around.  Grab those small little hips and thrust your cock in her tight little never been touched before asshole.  It’s what you really wanna do anyways.  Don’t hesitate.  Call me and I’ll guide your sniveling ass all the way to the end.  Oh and speaking of ends, you know I am gonna snuff her little life out right?

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Some Men are Better Dead

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is for men with certain tastes. Not all men with such fantasies are Hannibal Lector, however. I have quite a few men who fantasize about being devoured by a hot bitch with peculiar tastes. I have a different palette than most people. I like a good pig roast but without the pig. I don’t eat swine. I do eat man flesh, however. Cooked just right, it is a very satisfying meal. Low calorie too. William paid me to kill him. We had a contract so that nothing would come back on me. The law says that someone cannot pay for their murder. So, he technically took his own life with pills. I just drank wine and watched. And waited while the oven preheated. No one would find his body unless they inspected my shit. I love eating men that have just died. They taste better fresh. I broiled William in a big pot over an open flame. I buttered him, so his skin would cook evenly and a pretty golden brown. I added veggies from my garden and turned him into man stew. It tastes great and it is healthy. Not to mention it last for a long time. William did more good to me dead than alive. He fed me for a month. He was very self aware. He knew he could do more for me dead than alive. Are you that self aware? I am hungry again.

Punished for blasphemy

Blasphemy phone sexHaving blasphemy phone sex makes me giggle because i’m such a bad girl, I burn up into flames every time I step foot in any sort of holy and sacred space. While at church with Master on this fine Sunday, he summoned the priest into the back room where he was holding me at so that he could repent me of my sins for scolding the Lord’s name in vain. Master hates when I am outspoken against his religious beliefs and demands that I receive the highest form of punishment in repayment for my outlandish words and thoughts. The nasty shit I say about religion and the way I use Jesus’s name in all the wrong ways only makes them become more furious. They tied me up and bound my wrists and ankles together so that I was at full submission to them. Master and the priest spread my cunt up as they were each gripping on to a crucifix with an evil look in their eyes. They plunged the sharp blade of the crucifix into my fuck holes, making me explode with blood and scream for mercy. Their sadistic laughing while torturing me was so fucking terrifying. Master made me open my mouth wide so that he could piss in it. I slipped into an unconscious daze from the loss of blood and they left me there in a puddle on the floor so that I could bask in my bad behavior and realize how painful the consequences are for my actions. Blasphemy sex is so fucking violent when you’re a rotten snuff slut like me.Blasphemy sex

This whore deserved it all

snuff moviesOh this fucking whore deserved every fucking thing I gave her, I mean she was just a worthless slut what else was she good for? It was almost too easy to get her in my car, she was wasted and actually thought I was her friend, can you believe that shit? Whatever, she was too fucking dumb to live. I took her back to my place and let her pass out in the bed, by the time she woke up she was naked, spread eagle and tied to the bed with nothing else in there but a camera to record it all. Little bitch was just crying and begging to be let go but I had my perfect victim why would I ever release her? She screamed when she saw my giant dildo, it is 18 inches long, 5 inches thick and the whole thing is wrapped in broken glass, trust me, this motherfucker hurts when I fuck someone with it! I ripped her wide open when I shoved it in that pussy and kept on fucking her till I fucked her to death! I caught the whole thing on camera too so I can watch it again and again!

Killing bitches to please master daddy

Snuff phone sex

I have really nasty fucking snuff phone sex. I like taking what you think is snuff and making it even nastier and more filthy. My favorite thing to do is be your top stupid fucking whore and get other little sluts for me to torture for master daddy. I want to get a whole bunch of sluts all different ages and make sure that I destroy there little holes while master daddy is still getting satisfied. I will be wearing a slutty little outfit while I bring in the first little in, she is a little white stupid crack whore bitch. I am going to bend her tiny ass over and I am just going to start fisting her asshole until I can feel her stupid little organs then I am going to get a blazing hot knife and cut from her asshole to her little cunt.

There is going to be a fucking huge fuck hole for master daddy. I am going to take his cock and shove it in the bloody warm hole when daddy is done, I am going back to her and I am going to start pulling her fucking organs out of her body until she bleeds to fucking death like the dumb little stupid slut she is. She doesn’t fully die so I take her and put her in the bathtub where it can catch all her blood, and I am just going to cut her fucking head off and go put it on master daddies cock. You can just grab her head and face fuck her where your cock is coming out of her throat.

Sheets Were Soaked Again

Knife play phone sexI had this crazy squirting all night snuff dream. And I had to come on here and blog about it right away to all of you. I was on a date with a sadistic guy who wanted to beat the shit out of me. Which we all know I love. But where it got real kinky and messy is where he wanted to cut off bits and pieces of my flesh and eat. And have me eat my own flesh too. How freaking crazy fucking hot is that? In my dream, I could taste my own flesh and the pain of where it had been cut off. I could feel my cunt squirting and squirting as he kept feeding me my own flesh. Then in my dream, he says now I am going to stick my dick down your throat and cum as I slice your throat open until you bleed out. As I was slowly drifting off to death that is when I woke up. My sheets were soaked like I pissed the bed. But it was nothing but my own cum.

Torture phone sex

torture phone sex

 I was fucking this guy who I thought would be a good and quick hook up. He was balls deep inside of me and ramming himself harder and harder into my. He was really drilling that cock fast and deep inside of me. He started putting his hands and my mouth and face. I tried to tell him I could not breath and started to squirm, wanting him to get off of me. He seemed to really like that fact that I was whimpering and had that look of my panic in my eyes.

His mouth started to go around my nipple. His teeth started to dig into my nipple, biting it right off. I could not believe that he just tore through my flesh. I screamed while blood trickled down to my tummy. I thrashed back and forth trying to brake his grip on me. He put his mouth on the other nipple and bit down doing the same thing. He started chewing my nipples in his mouth like bubble gum. His cock was stilling going so hard and fast inside of me.

My pussy was getting raw and bruised from him fucking me so rough. He leaned down and licked the blood off my tummy and spit it right into my face calling me names. I throat was getting hot and purple from his grip. I felt myself loose consciousnesses and I would come back only to him fucking my limp body harder. I was like a little rag doll on his cock. He started digging his fingers into my tit fat, pulling the skin away from my chest.

My open titty wounds were gushing so much blood and my fatty flesh was coming out of the holes. I do not think I will be alive much longer.