Category: Snuff phone sex

Last Breath

Snuff pornI wake up to the sound of slapping as you thrust your huge cock inside of me. I try to moan for you master, but the gag doesn’t let a sound out. That’s when I feel the sharp pain of the knife digging into my back as you shove you monstrous cock inside of my asshole. I want to tell you to dig it in deeper and use my blood to lube up your cock but I cant get a single sound out. When you see me looking back at you to watch as you fuck my tiny asshole, you hit me in the side of my head with your free hand, and I black out again. I wake up again not being able to breath due to your cock being forced down my throat. I just want you to fuck my mouth until I can’t breath anymore daddy! I want my last gasp to be as you are shooting a thick load down my throat and I lost consciousness again.

Blowtorch my tits

Snuff sexI only deserve the worst snuff sex! Blowtorch my tits until they melt into a mess of bones and filthy flesh. I’m such a horrible cunt and my skull deserves to be fractured with a crow bar. Take your butcher knife and slice open my throat so that my spinal cord is showing. Jerk your dick and blast cum all inside of my disgusting nearly decapitated head. You have the look of the devil in your eyes when you use me as your personal snuff rag doll. You do anything you want to me and I deserve all the fucking worst. Shatter both of my hips and pelvis with a sledge hammer while you fuck my gaping wound as you call me a fucking retarded cum guzzling cunt. Turn me into your filthy fuck puppet while you chop my limbs up into little pieces. I am so fucking worthless!

I know what you did last summer

snuff sexMy neighbor is a strange guy, but I have always had a thing for strange men. He is a snuff sex lover I found that out quickly. I have seen him done so many things since he moved in last spring to my apartment complex. One of the sinister things he has done would be what he did last summer. I saw him shovel up a dead body from his van. Ever since then I have been so nosey and have watched him like a hawk while playing with my cunt. One day curiosity got the best of me, and I was looking thru his windows, and that didn’t satisfy my interest. I couldn’t see a thing. Then something came over me, and I had flashes of his van. I went down to the parking garages and started to look thru his windows. His tints were so dark along with the fact that it was almost dark time I couldn’t see anything. I tried my luck and bolted the door open, and of course, it was closed. They all were. I was about to give up when I saw a hob. Right in the hob was an extra pair of keys. I couldn’t believe it I went ahead and unlocked the back door and when I opened it I was in for a shock. There were a ton of P-cock loving pics everywhere. All the girls were tots.
I knew these were his victims. I could see a dirty white shaggy rug and drugs all over. I knew he was picking up girls from the parks and school ground. I was in frozen in fear but so turned on at the though to him doing insidious things. I felt someone behind me. It was my pervert neighbor. He pushed me in and told me I shouldn’t have been snooping around. I told him I knew what he did last summer. He was about ready to end me there. I hollered out how excited I was and how badly I wanted his cock. He didn’t believe me at first, but then it clicked in that I was truthful. I told him I was nineteen and he told me I was too old for him. I smiled and said him I make a great accomplice and would make sure to give him an endless supply of young cunts for his p-cock. My pervert daddy was so turned on he started to push me down and ram his demented dick inside me. I couldn’t wait to see him have sex with dead bodies.

sex with dead bodies

You Really Fucked Up

Taboo phone sexYou stupid fuck.  You couldn’t wait could you? I told you how everything would happen, but no, you went ahead without me and now you are calling me, freaking out.  I already see that the fact that she is missing is Trending.  Oh, and what’s this? It’s Parents are giving a press conference? With Mom crying, and Dad looking pissed off and concerned behind his crying wife.  Not only that, but they have a description of your car and half of your license plate.  At least you are calling me on the burner phone that I gave you.  That is something. 

I hear it crying in the background, you are going to have to snuff it out.  What do you mean you can’t? So you can shove that dick down it’s throat and rip it’s pussy open but you can’t kill it? What the fuck dude?  Alright, alright, calm down.  This is what I want you to do, tie it down, tightly.  Stuff something in it’s mouth.  Let me know when you get that far … and hurry.

Right, now do you have a knife? A spoon? Anything with an sturdy edge? Yup, a pocket knife will work.  You are going to get messy so take all your clothing off and put them far enough away that nothing will get on them.  Now, I want you to cut it’s eyes out.  If you can fuck it, you can do this too.  Think of it as you are making yourself two new fuck holes.  I swear to the Gods if you puke I’m hanging up, driving down there, and fucking killing you.  Now, cut the eye lids off, you don’t want it  to be able to blink a yes or no. I’ll wait…

Next, cut it’s tongue out.  You figure it out.  Make sure your fuck doll is leaning forward afterward or it will aspirate on it’s blood. Now, you want to find something bigger with an edge on it.  You found a shovel? It will have to do.  Put the edge of the spade right where the wrist meets the arm, then put your full weight down on it.  You need to get rid of those hands.  Wait … before you do that … did you cum in it at all? That doesn’t really matter actually, you need to clean it.  I don’t know, what do you have? Tequila? That will work, make it drink it, a lot of it.  Then you are going to have to pour some over what’s left of it’s genitalia, and inside of it.  Anywhere you put your cock, spit or sweat. Do. Not. Miss. A. Single. Spot.

Time for the shovel. After, you use it the way I told you, you will have to use a tourniquet so you stop the bleeding.  After you are done with that you leave it there, do you hear me? You leave it to wander.  Gather everything you have, put it in anything you can find that won’t leak and get into the carpet of your car.  Make sure that you do not transfer anything from there into your car.  No dirt, no trash, nothing!  Great, shove the eyes, tongue, and hands inside that old can. After we are done talking you put this phone in there too.  Look around, make sure there is nothing left of you there.  I don’t care if you have to crawl, you make sure nothing is left on it, or around it.  Put your socks onto your hands, then untie her, then smear her blood anywhere you touched on her, using your socks.  You put those in that container too.

Alright, now get in your car, slowly, you need to breath.  You drive your car someplace vacant where you are able to get home.  When you get home you put those clothes in the washer, you wash them on hot, dry them, then hang them up.  In the morning you call the police and tell them that when you were sleeping someone stole the car. Did your wife see you leave? No? She was sleeping when you left? Let’s hope she is still asleep when you get back, or you are going to have to figure out how to explain your absence.  That’s on you.

Before you leave the car you go over it, anything of it you see you get rid off.  No blood, no hair, nothing, do you understand? Right, I’m hanging up now, but you get rid of that container.  Put rocks in it to weigh it down and put it in the river, or bury it, or do what ever, but you never knew me, and I sure as hell do not know you.  Get your clothes and go, and do what I said because I sure as fuck aren’t going to be nicked because you were a horny motherfucker who couldn’t wait. Oh, one last thing, you better eat the sim card out of this fucking phone buddy. Good-bye.

Forced Accomplice

Snuff porn


I’m a natural submissive and the kind of person that bad people prey on and make their victim. I don’t like hurting people, but sometimes my Daddy makes me do bad things. He likes to make Snuff porn and one of the ways he likes to torture me is by making me hurt people. He knows I don’t like it, but that’s what gets him off. He led me into the basement where he had a young man tied up. He had been working him over for hours torturing him with whips and chains and knives and needles. He was covered in bloody cuts and bruises and his nipples had a rusty nail jammed through them. He started the camera back up and gave me a rusty dull knife. He told me I was going to cut this poor man’s dick off and I had better do it or else I would get punished. The man was gagged and began to whimper and looked at me pleadingly. I took his cock into my hand as tears rolled down my cheeks and began to saw through it at the base. The knife was old and dull and made the task all the more difficult and painful. He started to scream around his gag as blood began to pour from his cock. I pulled it taught as I cut through the skin and hacked my way through tendon and flesh. When I was done, only a squirting bloody stump remained.

Snuff slut

Snuff phone sex

I was out at a bar when a handsome older man offered to buy me a drink. I shyly accepted and took the drink. I began to feel a little woozy and dizzy. I woke up tied to a bed with my clothes torn from my body. I realized he had drugged and kidnapped me to take me home and use me as his slut. I pulled on the ropes but it was no use, they were too tight. He had a camera and was filming me and stroking himself as he watched me struggle. He told me we were going to film some Snuff porn today. He jammed a finger into my pussy and began pumping it in and out as I screamed in pain. He slowly added more fingers until his whole fist was inside of me, he was basically punching in and out of me. My pussy was bleeding and swollen by the time he was done. He took a flogger made of rusty strings of barbed wire and began to slap it across my body from my pussy to my tits until I was bloody and covered in oozing cuts. Climbed on top of me and pushed his hard cock into my bloody cunt and began to fuck me. While he pounded my pussy he took a finger and jammed it into my asshole. I screamed in pain as he tore through my rosebud. When he finished, my body was bloody and sore and my pussy oozed blood and semen.

Blair paid with her blood

rape phone sex fantasiesBlair has a bad habit of owing bad people money and the bitch never learns her lesson no matter how many times someone fucks her up. Well, this time she fucked up big time because she ended up owing a friend of mine and he is one sadistic son of a bitch! He dragged her to me by her hair and threw her at my feet and told me that I could do whatever I wanted to do to her, how could I resist an offer like that?? I strung that bitch up and left her hanging there for hours, I’m sure her whole body was aching, the urge to stretch her body out must have been a crushing need by that point but she knew better than to complain about it. That’s when I put on my biggest strap on cock, 18 inches of black rubber wrapped in razor wire and I slid that sucker all the way up inside her. She couldn’t help but scream and the razor wire cute her pussy into ribbons but I didn’t stop. I fucked that whore until I was tired and then left her hanging there to see if she wold bleed to death. So far she’s clinging to life but we will see what happens…

torture sex

Babysitter Phone Sex Blasphemy

He was tainting my terrority and I did not like it one bit, that fucking p-man Priest. I was going to do him away with and in a really special kind of way. You see I really love the idea of playing accomplice to a Priest and have a morbid fucking time doing it, taking these brats and fantasy raping their cunts and penis’ and sodomizing those puckered fucking holes. But, this mother fucker has caused awareness to the hood and everyone is overly vigilant, so no more abductions for me, I have to stick to the babysitter phone sex debauchery. I sauntered into the congregation of this dudes church and started to make a fucking scene with the preacher and exposing his penis for all to see as I taunt on about his p-priest filthy perversions he has been subjecting the young’uns to. And the congregation ate that shit up shaming cursing spitting and finally some of the dads came up and started beating the fuck out of him for me. I lit a cigarette and stood there puffing away, “you see dirty man, we could have been a team, but you ruined that opportunity so fucking burn on your cross and the next young ass I sodomize I will do in your name fuck wad. But first you are going to your grave tasting my ass” as I sit on his face and push out the cum of Satan’s spawn out of my ass with all it’s brown glory. Oh, and Satan’s Spawn is my boyfriend as well as this priests son, his faggot ass knocked up a young street whore in his early years, so it was a lot of fun for us! Tossed the cigarette in some gasoline slid my panties off dipped them in the gas and shoved the cum filled crotch in his mouth and left that place burn.

Babysitter Phone Sex

Bloody sex

Torture phone sex

Daddy likes to get me all bloody when he fucks me. He tortures me for a while with knives and razor blades and cruel leather whips until my skin is split and bloody. He took a sharp knife and ran it from the middle of my tits and down between my pussy lips, cutting the skin the whole way. Then he used a razor blade to split my small but sensitive little nipples until they gushed with blood. By the time he’s done with me, I’m a soaking bloody mess and the room looks like a murder scene. That’s when he’s ready to brutally force fuck my holes and enact out his darkest and most twisted snuff rape fantasies on my small and defenseless body. He jams his cock into my torn and bloody holes and fucks me until I’m screaming in pain and cumming at the same time. Daddy loves seeing my blood on his hard cock.

Sexual Depravity

Accomplice phone sexIt seems the tables have turned.  You surprised me instead.  I walked into the house and there you were, with all these little presents all wrapped up with rope awaiting me.  You came over to me with a glass of champagne and I told you I would be right back.  I put something on for you, because there was a certain way I wanted my gifts unwrapped.  When I walked back in, I grabbed my glass then instructed you. 

I decided to make a little game out of the whole thing.  You had already placed the tarps and heavy gauge plastic on the walls and over the windows.  The music was blaring and you had your shirt off.  I wasn’t the only one watching what you were doing, the gifts were too.  Once in a while they would look at me and I would just give then a little smirk.  After you were done setting up, I motioned for you to come over to me.

I told you that for each one you destroyed, I would take off a piece of clothing.  If you did a good enough job, we would even fuck.  You pulled a chair over and I sat down to watch the show.  If the music hadn’t of been so loud I would of been able to hear their screams.  Desperate, ear piercing, and full of pain.  I watched their faces though.  I always watch their faces.

You were in your element.  You deftly dealt with them, one by one, those sweet little gifts were unwrapped in the most delicious and horrible manner.  One by one an article of clothing came off, until I was wearing nothing but my stockings and heels.  As the last of the light went out in the last gift’s eyes I moved toward you.  You pulled me to you and we fucked right there on all the discarded wrapping.