This drunk ass redneck asshole was on my nerves but he had a pretty little girl and a gambling problem so he was willing to sell his little whore to the highest bidder. I bought her and that asshole had the nerve to ask me if she would be well treated, he was feeling guilty for selling her and wanted to see if she would be going to a good home. Well I assured him that I just wanted my own little brat, that I was unable to have them so his sweet girl would be loved and cherished. Ha! What a fucking joke that was I swear I could hardly keep a straight face but he bought it. I took her home and torture that stupid little cunt to death. We fucked all her holes open and broke her fucking bones, she died a gruesome horrible death and I filmed every second of it. Then I broke into her daddy’s house and made him watch it all. He was so guilt stricken that he killed himself, it was glorious!
Category: Snuff phone sex
I bought a bitch to torture
Homemade Snuff Porn
If you make a snuff porn with me, I videotape it for you. Some guys like a murderous video for their spank bank. Harold hired me to kill his ex-girlfriend. She was a cunt and a whore. She deserved to die. I do my research on my victims. Just because a guy pays me to off some bitch, I need to make sure she deserves to die. Sometimes it is the guy who deserves to die. Harold’s ex gives women a bad name. Seven baby daddies. No job; she lives off welfare and support. She lies about who the baby daddy is to get a pay date. She has lied about men forcing themselves on her to collect too. I almost wanted to kill the bitch for free. She was suing Harold for support but he had a vasectomy and was sure he wasn’t the baby daddy. She tried to get him fired when he broke up with her. She collects babies and support. I was happy to lure her to my cabin in the woods. My client would have been the top suspect so I had to kill the bitch alone. No problem there. I just made a couple snuff movies of her dying for him. I mutilated her cunt and even carved up her tits. I made the pain intense and lasting. She didn’t deserve a quick death. The cunt has ruined a lot of mens’ lives. I was happy to snuff the bitch. After all, she gives women a bad name.
snuff sex pays the bills
Snuff sex hurts yes that is true. Did you think we were going to make it nice and smooth for you? You didn’t come up with your share for rent money, so of course, you had to pay in another form. My boyfriend and I have been fond of your cute body. We have tried to resist but now that you are at our beck and call its time for you to get on your knees for us. You will be our slave slut, and you will endure all the pain. I want to fuck your cunt and asshole up with razors and fists. I can’t wait to make you scream in pain. I like the tears flowing down your face. You will pay your debt!
Dominate Me
I want you to absolutely fucking dominate me! I want to be your cock sleeve and my holes to be used rough and hard and deep for your pleasure. Force me down onto your cock. Choke me and skull fuck me til I have tears streaming down my face and I’m turning blue. Beat me and abuse me. Leave me bloody, black and blue. Humiliate me and piss on me. Anything you want to do to me. I’ll even be your pretty little willing victim if you want to play out your murder phone sex fantasies! All of my holes belong to you and you can use them however you want. Fuck them, fist them, destroy them. I don’t care, it’s all for you!
I hate a liar
Ugh if there is one thing I can’t stand it is a liar and a thief so when this fucking crackhead whore stole from me and lied about… oh that whore had to die! She had the nerve to come in my house and act like we were bff’s or something, bitch please the only reason I even even spoke to her to begin with is because she is my lover’s family and I was trying to be nice for once. Well all that got me was missing money and jewelry so I went to that whore’s house and pulled her outside. She denied it all even tho I knew it was her so I knocked her over the head and dragged her skinny ass to my car. Her junkie husband tried to stop me so I just shot him. Crude I know but it shut him up! I took that whore home and tortured her for hours, I made sure not to cut the bitch cus I didn’t want to catch anything from her nasty ass but I broke every bone in her body and then left her on the side of the road like the garbage she is.
Jezabels Evil Phone Sex Freak Show
Welcome to my Evil Phone Sex freak Show. These hot nights bring me so much pleasure as it provides the perfect opportunity for me to grab some sweet teen girls who are being whores out in the dark. Our cabin in the woods makes damn sure we can hear every scream and beg for mommy and daddy! I take the perfect ones and tell them this the last time they will be free. My Little girl Vampires are the perfect way to lure them to that sweet death that is coming. I threaten death to those mommies if they don’t come with me. I have mothers watching everything we do. Such a shame I look her in the eyes and watch as I saw her mother’s head off! Don’t worry we will provide plenty of hymen popping bloody sex for you. Take that sweet spot on the back of her head and push your dick in her skull! Bring your dick out with brains on it! Gouge her eyes out and skull fuck her. That is before we tear you piece by piece. See my Little accomplices want to survive. They do this by drinking the blood of others. Little forever young virgin vampire whores whose hymen grows back each time we force fuck them! They Slit those throats of that innocent and drown her in the tub. They will do anything for us!
Torture sex with a breeding slut
Torture sex with a breeding teen is what you need. I am your slave slut, and I will keep popping out tots for you. You love it when I can give you a female offspring. Together we will make so many sluts. We will brainwash and train them. Once I get too old to give you more youngins, our daughters will start doing so for you. I will make sure the cycle is never-ending. You will enjoy being served forever and ever. I will make sure your needs are met. That is my priority. I love being an obedient slut for your master. I can’t stop making your fantasies come true. It is always my pleasure to do so for you. I was born to make you happy.
Killer Phone Sex
I’m such a fucking worthless whore. Just a cock sleeve for you to use and abuse as you see fit. You know all the best ways to beat and torture me like I deserve. I live an endless cycle of being beaten bloody, black and blue and having my holes destroyed over and over. You finally got tired of me, I guess my pussy wasn’t tight enough, my ass prolapsed and swollen, my mouth not good enough. That’s when you decided I could still give you pleasure in another, more perverse way. Murder phone sex fantasies are all my broken and useless body is good for anymore. You tied my hands together and attached them to the bed frame above my head. I laid there naked and afraid when you pulled out a kitchen knife. You instructed me to be still and stay quiet while your ran the blade over my skin. You had tortured me with knife play before, the cold steel against my flesh. But then you stabbed my abdomen and I screamed out in surprised pain. I knew it was over for me when you stabbed me again and again. The blood pouring out onto the bed and splattering with every motion of the knife. I eventually stopped struggling and felt my body go numb, my head go light, and my vision blurred. Just a body in a pool of blood when you used my pussy for one last time.
Bondage Phone Sex With Delicious Prey Gen
Working as an escort servicing men parties sent me into a strange situation that really had no escape with a bondage phone sex scene. I was picked up b the man who booked me for the event. I was sent a dress to wear along with the accessories and red leather heels. Everything was lavish and designer and fit me perfectly. There was also a questionable item, a silk bondage type bag to put on my head that covered my face and eyes. I was told to put it on and wait once I let the visitor in my building. I was not to see him in any way whatsoever. I was led out by the man and helped into a car’s backseat from how it sounded. At our destination two men hauled me from the car into some sort of labyrinth, still unable to see just guided through a maze of sorts. Upon arrival to the center I was relieved of the cover and allowed to see my surroundings. I stumble a little and offered champagne as ten hunters looked me over. The all had tailored Victorianism hunting costumes and each held a different weapon, most of them were blades glimmering and sharp of differing shapes. One had a pistol and another had a bow and arrows. The champagne was spiked and I was completely confused and disoriented. I was told to remove the dress but keep the heels on. I was not to wear panties or a bra so stood naked in 6″ heels. The final command was at the sound of the pistol I was to start running, and had 5 minutes lead then the ten hunters were going to hunt me and disembowel me as they forcefully had their way with me and murdering me like the idiot prey I was.
Toothless Whores Suck Cock Better.
I love to bring little whores of all ages down here for you to beat and torture. I am a good accomplice by grabbing the tender vittles you love to force fuck and murder all night. It’s a process for the gangbang rape porn to begin. My sadistic men love toothless bloody mouth whores for cocks to fuck esophagus. Its called a bloody gullet fuck! A real skull fuck will happen after eyes are gouged out of sockets. But I get ahead of myself.
First, the Vaginal exam chair where they are tied and fitted for good torture devices, Pussy and cunnies are inspected to gauge the right amount of pain and stretching ability.
Tears and begging are common and that is the best part for me. Knowing I will never let my victims go and my mind racing with how much I will destroy each and every fuck slut I can. I really must go now I have teeth to pull for your smooth cocksucking later!