Category: Snuff phone sex

Slutkins Suffer Snuff Sex

snuff sex

Slutkins suffer snuff sex at my hands for you. I don’t mind going to parks, or malls and luring out sexy little things. You know the type you like. Freckles, soft fair skin, and budding chest under a training bra. Shorty skirts and such a sweet manner about them. Those are the little girls that make your cock jump. I mean there is no way they are going to be even breedable after getting fucked by you so why should I bother keeping them alive. My boyfriend and I are happy to join in the fun and rub the blood from virgin cunny all over our bodies as we fuck while you are destroying these two!  Don’t worry I will clean this mess up, and yes, I expect you to cum inside both of them. They will taste much better in the brat stew with your yummy cum marinade.  Care to bring a bowl of hot fresh brat stew to the missus and watch her eat the brats your cock destroyed?


Sadistic phone sex

Sadistic phone sex Today is the day I will never forget. My master caught me talking to another master this was not something he set up for money or for punishment, this was a secret and something he did not know about. This meant, he could even kill me. I was petrified when he walked in on me talking to him. I was caught red-handed and there was nothing I could do about it! He smashed all my belongings and dragged me into the torture room. He chained me up as tight as he ever has and shoved a ball gag in my mouth to shut me up. “You wanna go be a fucking stupid damn whore after I have been so good to you bitch?” He spits on my face, producing needles and thread and an evil smile. I start to scream as everything starts to come together. I know exactly what he’s going to do, he’s threatened it before. He would always say “if you piss me off enough I am going to sew that pussy right up.” He was doing just that, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I watched him prepare his death meal

cannibalism phone sexDismembering limbs of woman, cutting them up into small pieces and cooking them. When he has prepared his death meal, he will make one of the little slave sluts he has imprisoned in his basement eat every last bite of the dead slut he just killed. While he is watching the sex slave eat the dismembered cooked limbs of the slut he will be sitting on the other side of the table from her. His cock hanging out, and his hand gripping hard on it. This is what the headmaster enjoys, I finally was able to figure out what got my headmaster’s cock rock hard. I thought I would never figure out how to turn him on. Now I know why he has not tortured me yet. The headmaster knows I would enjoy seeing him stroke his cock while forcing me to eat a dismembered slut. I would not cry and beg him to let me go, no. The only thing that would happen to me is the feeling of my sex slave cunt getting wetter and wetter on the chair as I ate each bite. Knowing that one day I would be on the plate didn’t bother me at all, I would be honored to die for him.

Torture sex

torture sex

I have a new master who I’ve been working for and he is seriously brutal on my pussy. I’m waiting for the day that he makes my ultimate dream come true and  snuffs me out.We have an agreement that he will but first he gets to use me for whatever sick pleasure he has at any given moment. He’s really into torture sex and I spend most of the time that I am not tied up in my room, getting fucked and tortured by him. This morning he had me kneel on the ground in front of him and look him in the eyes so that he could pull his dick out and piss right on my pathetic face. After he pissed on me like the whore I am, he kicked me hard in the ribs and told me to clean up my mess. As I was on my hands and knees, wiping his piss up off of the floor, he grabbed a handful of my hair and held me facedown in the mop bucket of hot bleach water as he force fucked my already swollen and deformed pussy. I can’t fight back or he will beat the shit out of me. I just do whatever he wants and silently pray for the day he finally snuffs me out so that I can live my ultimate fantasy.

Snuff Sex Is What The Devil’s Whore Gets

snuff sex

  They lured me in as they always do with their ads touting to me to come be a star. Yeah, it’s always porn and it’s always some form of snuff sex porn casting. These movies make top dollar for the producers and they could care less about the used up cunt hole of their lead. More often than not I will be left for dead at the scene, hauled off to the woods, or rarely dumped into a taxi to drop me at the closest ER. They pay everyone off well, well that is except for their snuffed out star. I am the lowest on the totem pole of these films and yet the star money maker for them. It’s pretty sick isn’t it? But that has been my live for the past decade. I’m just the devil’s whore.


Ass rape porn at The Pound

ass rape porn

Your Daughter was so gullible thinking we were going to volunteer with Fido and his friends. I was excited to film the nastiest ass rape porn ever on my phone for you. It is amazing what these sweet sluts will do for a baggy of weed and some furr loving. Dumb bitch, who goes to the pound after hours to volunteer? Only the furr loving she was getting was going to be her tiny body shredded to pieces by fidos 120-pound 4 legged body as he smelled sex between her legs. I had been here earlier with your young sweet things panties and a nail file to sharpen his claws. And when I opened the gate for her to feed him I shoved her in and watched as she screamed in horror as he drug her to the ground. I let my self in with a big piece of raw steak to distract my furr accomplice. I cut your darlings clothes off and smeared the steak blood from the wrapper all over her body. I let my video role as his red rocket came right out and he penetrated her ass. It was glorious her screams and the rest of the four-legged howling. Ill assured my place in hell for this snuff sex.

Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sexI don’t think I am going to survive this Halloween. I think they plan to kill me. You see, I have been bound to together in a tiny little cage, kept barely alive and fucked regularly for who knows how long here. I heard them talking about a Halloween party and how they are going to use all of us girls as part of their haunted house. I wonder what that will mean for us, but it doesn’t sound good. The day is approaching and once it finally arrived I knew. They had a room for all of us, some more brutal than others. The first room was a torture room, they got whipped, canned, and cut. The next room was more torture but they cut off body parts, branded you, used toilet play and lots of furry friend fun. The next room was the gangbang room, the one that ended your life forever. And there was the room I was in, the room where some of us died, and some of us survived. It was all up to us and how extreme each and every one of these men wanted to be. You see they paid good money to kill me.

Taboo Phone Sex Slave For Daddy

You think you know taboo phone sex, but you don’t know me. I am the nastiest little daddy’s slave you will ever meet. My current daddy tells me how obedient I am. I do all his grunt work. Daddy and his friends are heavy in the import / export business. They traffic young girls and women. In the nice house we have lurks a dark secret. A dungeon and a tunnel that runs under the belly of the city. He moves girls from one place to another to avoid detection. I help him get girls ready for dates or for the auction block. The other day we needed a super young white girl. White girls like me are in high demand but hard to find. They may be hard for daddy to find, but not me. I put on my church clothes and go hunting at the mall for whatever daddy needs. I found just what he wanted at the Disney Store. A blonde blue-eyed all-American princess. Daddy would make bank selling her to his client. I lured the little angel away. When I brought her home, Daddy was very happy with me. She was perfect. The little girl was scared, but she had no idea what was waiting for in just a few hours. I bathed her and dressed her. I did everything per daddy’s client’s wishes. She looked like an American doll baby. This time, I did the finger test. I checked her little hymen to make sure she was a virgin. I have no idea if she is just going to be a fuck slave until she ages out or if she will be fucked and snuffed. If daddy is happy with me, I don’t care what happens to that little girl. Better her than me, right?

Taboo phone sex

They Had An Home Invasion Phone Sex Plan

It was supposed to be a quiet night at home but someone else had other plans for me. I was the victim identified for a home invasion phone sex crime. I was the targeted whore for this gangbang and I was completely and totally thankful that they targeted me. I should be grateful that they made me their victim. I was raised and used by my father for just this sort of thing. Only thing different is that they broke in and snuck in while I was asleep. They even recorded their debauchery of my holes and the way they man handled me. They really slapped me around and took turns ripping my holes open. There were six of these masked assailants and I could never identify them because they had me crossed eyed from knocking me out so hard when I awoke with the first two upon me. I never heard them come in, I was wasted from a night of drinking and I think they followed me home even from the pub. I was completely fucking unaware of anything other than getting home and passing out in my bed. I know they were filming it all because there was a woman with them that was holding the camera and they had a really sexy voice as she directed the guys. I am certain they had actually been watching me for some time.

home invasion phone sex

I’m Not Always the Victim

snuff phone sex

I have a dark and twisted fantasy that I’d love to share with you. I know I can’t tell many people about this, but you guys are just as naughty as me, so I know you’re going to totally understand. You have to read till the end to get to the really twisted part, so don’t stop reading and call me before you get to the really good part!

Imagine we are in a hotel room that you got for us. A pretty fancy one because I deserve the best. You know I love it when you go down on me, but instead of lying back and letting you go to town on me, I want to climb up and sit on your face. I will slowly lower myself. I want you to stick your tongue out and meet my pussy as I lower myself down onto you. I want to keep going until I am grinding all over your face and you’ve made me cum a couple of times. You really know how to use your tongue, so it’s almost a shame to think about what’s going to come next.

Once I’m sexually satisfied, I am going to just start squeezing your throat with my thighs and sitting all the way down on your face. I start talking to you and telling you that even though you’re good at oral sex, that’s all you’re good at and men like you are a dime a dozen. I don’t have any use for you anymore and I know you won’t be good for any other woman, either. So that’s why I’m going to sit on your face and suffocate you and squeeze the life out of you with my thighs.

I know you’re dying to call me. So what are you waiting for? It might be the very last phone call you ever make, though…so beware.