Category: Snuff phone sex

Young Girl Murder Cases Make for the Evil Phone Sex

evil phone sex

Lets talk about the hottest evil phone sex roleplays, shall we? You do a internet search of young slut, excuse me victims and and how they were kidnapped and made into little rape fantasy harlots and them killed in the most graphic ways. There is one that has just been making my pussy gush lately. My online boyfriend Scott and I go over every sordid detail we can find. The girl, who you know I can’t name here but was in headlines a couple years back was a sweet young thing walking home from school.

A 19 year old woman took her with the help of her boyfriend. They drove her to the woods and the female accomplice escorted her to pee and her boyfriend called her a pussy and said that she wouldn’t kill the girl. After he had fucked her so ruthlessly and even had the nerve to make the female helper hit her over the head with a hammer.

All I can think about is getting that fuck slut into my grasp and drinking her pee and helping to force her holes open for my boyfriend Scott. I would even give him our piss and make snuff movies he could jerk off to after they found the young one deep in the woods discarded like a used condom!

Snuff Sex Is All I Need

Snuff SexMen come and go, but they’re always the same. They want me to like them, listen to how their day was, make them dinner, and then suck their cocks. I’m not here for that servitude bullshit. I love snuff sex only, so if you can’t kill with me or be my accomplice, well you can fuck right off! I don’t care about your cock unless we’ve already taken a victim. I love to taste first blood. If you want to impress me on our first date, bring me a hot young sack of meat to violate, mutilate, and carve up like a Thanksgiving Turkey or a Christmas Ham.

I know I’m a sexy, young ghoul and maybe you can’t help yourself. What if I carve you up instead? I can peel your skin off strip by strip, and masturbate with your blood as the lube to my demon dildo. Or, I can saw off your limbs and shove them deep inside your asshole! Do you want to choke on your own cock? Or do you want to cut off pathetic cocks with me, and relish in the high of the hunt?

Ass Goes Boom With Torture Sex!

Torture sex

Torture sex goes hand and hand with this Sadistic bitch. I love my daddy and he loves how sadistically twisted and sick I am. In fact, daddy is extremely fond and affectionate towards me ever since I got rid of my whore mother. I Offed her and I offed her good. Daddy enjoyed fucking her dead cold corpse one last time and cumming on her tits. I used the money to buy myself some nice tits, just like hers. But when I got my first boyfriend as a teen I was unable to resist my love of M-80’s and blowing things up. I wanted torture sex, and I wanted to watch things go Boom! I made my teenage Boyfriends ass hole go boom when I stuffed that fat firecracker in it and had daddy sneak in and lite the fuse while he thought I was just being kinky. I got in front of my boyfriend and showed him my tits like I promised. I presented them to him so her could jerk off on them. He was nearly ready to blast a load as his ass went boom, splat Pop goes the weasel! Daddy snuck in next to me and blew a fat load of goo on my tits as he witnessed the torture sex scene of me really fucking up my boyfriends asshole. It was such a shame I couldn’t watch it in slow motion. I enjoyed every second of the blown asshole show and daddy cumming on the fake tits that mommy’s death helped me purchase. This dipshit boyfriend didn’t survive. I am a bit of a Black Widow type and it’s best to stay clear of me. My Black Metal Satanist boyfriends always make mistakes too. I sometimes put strange things in their asses also. I have fucked a cunt hole with a shot gun and she was lucky the bullet wasn’t in the the chamber when I pulled that trigger. But she was as sadistic as me and came all over that barrel. If it’s sadistic and evil you want and love things shoved up your ass, then I will have a lot of fun with you.

Torture Sex

Roasted to perfection

taboo phone sexI found a sweet little innocent girl to feed my most taboo fantasy and she was delicious. My friend and I share a love for tender young flesh and this little whore was perfect. She was a little plump and young enough that the meat wouldn’t be tough. She was so scared, all that fear would season the meat too so I made the fear last as long as possible. We shaved her and cleaned her before my friend took advantage of all those tender little fuck holes. She was screaming her head off the whole time but that only made his dick harder. When he finished fucking her we oiled her up and tied her up with butcher’s twine and popped her in the oven. She roasted slowly for hours before she finally died, and when we finally served her up the meat was so tender and flavorful. I even made a little to go box up so that I could leave a delicious meal at her parents house. I hope they like the way their daughter tastes.

Fuck My Severed Head

I can smell my own cunt on his hand as he holds my mouth to muffle my screams!

My naked body is pressed against the gritty brick wall and it tears my tits with every punishing thrust of his cock in my shredded ass.

Moistness rushes to my pussy lips as he grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back. His sadistic voice strikes fear in me and my body can’t help but react! My heart speeds up and my cunt starts to drip as he whispers in my ear, ” You are nothing but a filthy dirty whore and you deserve to die!”

My raw ass stings as his hard throbbing cock erupts inside of me! And through the wrenching pain, my cunt starts pulsing with uncontrollable spasms!

Snuff pornI know this will not end well and I start to plead for my life as he throws me to the ground. In a fit of rage, my sadistic seducer starts stabbing my mutilated cunt over and over, extinguishing the squirting orgasm and unleashing gushes of blood!

I can see the anger and the rage in his eyes as he cuts the flesh off my mound and the sadness as he lifts the meat to his face for one last intoxicating smell.

He moves on to my tits, slashing the nipples one at a time!

Then my mouth…he lowers himself down for one last kiss of my sweet soft mouth. Then with one final blow, my head is removed!

My eyes, though dead, continue to stare at his cock while he fucks my severed head until warm creamy cum drips from my bottomless throat!

When he is done, he tosses my bloody cum filled head aside and I clumsily roll in the opposite direction as he walks away.

Then I wake up! Check my nipples…yup, still there. Pussy…mmmm still there and sooo creamy wet!


A Bloody Fucking Mess

accomplice phone sex

Sometimes daddy lets me bring a friend along to play with us. So, I took my good friend who is just as perverted and sadistic as we are. Did I mention she is also a hot piece of ass too? Well she is and that makes it all the more fun. We headed out to find a boy toy to use and abuse before, well you know. Didn’t take long, there is an ass at every corner bar and we quickly zeroed in on the leader. A cocky nice looking but completely stupid hunk of meat. I smiled at her and she nodded and then we put our charm on display. The thought of two girls was all it took to lure this dude back. Now daddy was anxious, but I wasn’t going to let a good cock go to waste. We got that dude hard and had an incredibly hot threesome. After we had had our fill, I sucked him hard one more time. He thought he was going to go another round, but his thoughts were crushed when daddy came out from the closet with his blade and stuck it deep inside his back. As he lay in pain, we stuck a dildo covered in icy hot up his ass and rammed it deep. We cut off his nipples, whipped him with a paddle and finished by taking a meat tenderizer to his balls before completely castrating him and slitting his throat. It was a bloody fucking hot mess.

Cock and Ball Pain ending in Castration phone sex

Castration phone sex

I would love to torture your cock not just any torture either. The slow destructive kind that ends up with your balls and cock in a mince meat pile on the floor. Some nice sharp heated wires threaded through your balls makes my cunt ache so bad. 

You want me to hurt your dick? That I will. Three long nails what they used to crucify Jesus shoved through your dick. Just call you porcupine dick. Driving each nail through your hard cock. The blood spill would be enough and seeing you in agonizing pain. But I want more. I want to take the pliers and pull every tooth out of your mouth.

You will have a bloody gapping mouth that will be perfect to such my accomplices cock with. Oh and to suck my clit with too! Bloody mouth full of pussy and cock, you like the sound of that? Well I like the sound of your gargling your own blood as I take a hammer and concrete block to be each of your nuts. Smash them like grapes or eye balls.. oh that gives me an idea.

Let this bitch of darkness gouge out each pretty eye and smash them too. After I will slowly dismember you and cook you in my big oven. Your blood is on my hands and it makes my pussy squirt!

I Don’t Fuck Around, I Kill

Snuff Phone SexThe weekends are for hunting. Fresh blood gets my cunt all drippy and slippy, and I love to fuck myself with my huge black dildo. I was sitting at the bar when this older man approached me. “Hi, I’m Levi. Can I buy you a drink?” I didn’t give a fuck what his name was, but I let him go ahead and buy me some Jim Beam Sour Apple shots. He chattered on about his day, and his interests, and how beautiful I was. All I could think about was ripping out his fucking tongue.
I wondered what his cock would look like stuffed down his throat. I wanted to put his tongue up his asshole. I wanted to hurt this mother fucker more and more with every breath he took. What a useless meat bag.
But, needed to play the game, I turned and batted my long lashes at him. My eyes were intense as I rose and beckoned him to follow me out into the alley. “So you want to fuck around?” He grinned. He thought he was finally getting some ass. He was going to get something alright. I nipped him with a needle right in his neck, and that tranquilizer had him collapsed in seconds. “I don’t fuck around, meat bag. I kill.”
He woke up in my playroom; the sub-basement of my home. He was chained, and hanging from the ceiling by his wrists alone, toes barely grazing the floor. I stood before him, just as naked as he was. My cunt was running rivers down my thighs, and the smile on my face was pure sadism. I didn’t know if I’d be killing him tonight, or if I’d flay him strip by strip. I’ll let you know what I decide, and how it goes; for him, that is. Either way, baby girl is a fucking winner. I can’t wait to fuck my dildo, and use his blood as lube.

Torture Sex

I killed him slowly

taboo phone sexThis guy was such a loser, I’m sure you know the type, little dick terrible personality and an undeserved ego. He was trying to hit on me and just not taking no for an answer even tho I am clearly way out of his league. He was on my last nerve but I couldn’t kill him right there at the bar so I somehow swallowed my rage and allowed him to think I was into him. I took him back to my place and that was it for him, he signed his own death warrant by coming with me and he didn’t even realize it.  I told him that it was always a fantasy of mine to tie and guy up and blindfold him and he was only too eager to allow it. I tied him tightly and that’s where the fun really started. He thought I was sucking his cock until I ripped off the blindfold to reveal my accomplice sucking that dick, he reacted in shock and told me to let him go but I didn’t. Instead I tortured him while my friend force fucked his tender little asshole. We left him there to see if he will die or live on to be tortured some more tonight. I wonder how long he will last…

Skull Fucked Snuff Sex

I was enlisted as the lead role in a snuff sex film. This film was supposed to be just a nasty intense ass violation porn. The anal violation and gangbang carried out into a messing rough play of a scene. As a pain slut I was used to such and enjoy it. They didn’t like how wet I was getting and enjoying their supposed torturing of my ass, pussy and face. I was beat down and strangled. They decided to do a finale of decapitating my blonde whore head and all four of the guys skull fucking my head holes. They shoved their cocks in my eye sockets, in my mouth, and in the cut off area in my neck hole. It was a closing scene of my face destroyed and dripping with semen.

Snuff sex