Category: Snuff phone sex

Indulge in those dark thoughts

killer phone sex

Let’s have some killer phone sex. Your bitch wife is annoying you again and not satisfying your needs as a wife. I’m sure your sick of her and want something young and hot and someone who won’t let themselves go. You need an accomplice, someone who will keep that cock throbbing and happy at all times.

I want you to show me you love me more than her by suffocating the bitch. I want her to walk in on us fucking, and seeing the look on her face drives me fucking insane. I love to think about you fucking with her in so many ways. I won’t use to hold her captive while she watches you fuck me and get off with me.

I want to slap her and punch the shit out of her. Watch as I dominate the fuck out of her and make her beg for mercy. I want to destroy her and give her a nice slow, painful death for being such a loser.

Mother’s Day Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Mother’s Day was a fun fucking event for me and my delicious accomplices. We decided the best thing we could do to celebrate was to make little whiny whores into mothers. I was going to force breed these bitches; they’d miss a period, and then cry when they pissed on that little stick. They’d remember who did this to them, every day of their pregnancy.

They’ll have to relive the hours I spent making sure my rape phone sex fantasies got fucking fulfilled. I grabbed the youngest cunts I could find. Once they start bleeding, they can start bleeding. Bitches get their periods quite young these days, so it came as no surprise to me the special age of these sweethearts. I was going to make an entire new season of Teen Mom; Trauma Survivor Edition.

What I did to those little fuck dolls was unimaginable, but you know damn well I did it. Burning, bruising, and forcing cum load after cum load, cock after cock, into those innocent virgin cunts. I destroyed them, destroyed their chance at a future, destroyed their self worth.

And when it comes time, I’ll swing by their little houses and harvest what’s fucking mine; their little ones. Or should I say, my new fuck toys.

Accomplice Phone Sex

Snuff Phone Sex Lover

 He called my line for snuff phone sex. He was in love with me. I have no use for him. Guys like this are a dime a dozen. The ones that don’t understand my sadistic nature are always in for a rude awakening. 

The fact that this one was married and had a daughter made things fun for me. I’m like a serial killer. I’m sadistic and that means I have needs. These needs a rather dark, twisted, and morbid.

So, when I told him that to prove his love for me he needed to kill them. His wife and his daughter needed to die. The only way that we could be together was forming a blood bond. That blood bond is what excites me as it’s the blood of his daughters fantasy raped cunt on his daddy dick that excites me. 

He was to violate and destroy her. That was the way he needed to prove himself. I don’t want another mans baggage. Lynch the bitches after we destroy them. The bonfire of his transformation. He is now my partner in murder, mayhem, and madness. We destroy small things with big mouths.
Snuff phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex for the Entire Family

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex gets men off more now than ever. I attribute it to being cooped up inside with the family. The boring family. I get calls often for family annihilation. Sometimes, I get to kill the patriarch and sometimes I am just killing the rest of his family. Family annihilators are always showcased in crime shows like Criminal Minds and the Law and Orders. There have been many in history who took their wives and brats like that Colorado dude Chris Watts. I get it. Wives nag and brats suck the life from you. Sometimes life would be better without them and some new hot thing on the horizon. I have killed my share of narcissists and brats before, and whores too. I have just not killed an entire family, but when I met Tim, I wanted to waste him, and anyone associated him. He hired me to kill his family and shift blame off him. I am a contract killer; however, I have standards too. He was an annoying tool who wanted to waste three young girls who could make me a lot of money in the sex trade. He was a tool, a jagoff, and every name I could think off. I took his money, but I did not stick to his plan. I called my friend who pays premium price for pretty whores and the younger the better. I sold his wife and three brats, profiting off them twice. I made it look like the wife ran off with them. My client thought I killed them and got rid of the evidence. I came back the next day and snuffed him out. I take killer phone sex seriously. He did not deserve to live. I made it look like a suicide and blamed him for the disappearance for his family. I wanted to carve the tool up. Take his cock and his balls, but to stage a suicide takes restraint. I put him in the bathtub drugged up and slit his wrists. He bled out slowly, but he knew I killed him and took his money. The next day the news was blasting family annihilator headlines and just counted my money with a smile.

Georgia’s first robbery

rape phone sex fantasiesI remember that day like it was yesterday. The day I was forcibly taken in the back of a gas station while just wanting to grab some snacks. I heard the bell ring and a few gasps and screams. I looked toward the front and saw these two men wearing all black. They were big scary men with guns. I tried to run and hide but it was too late. While one man was robbing the cashier the other chased me down the chip aisle. He snatched me by my hair and dragged me down, pulling me into a dark corner. Everything is black and I feel pain as he tears my clothes off my tight and fragile body. First I feel his fingers enter me, stretching me out to be the perfect size for his big cock. Then as he’s gripping my tits he rams it into me! I feel the pain explode inside of me as he robs me of my virginity in the back of a gas station while his friend robs it! I push through and am left covered in his mess of hot cum and my blood running down my legs. Not only was the store robbed that day but so was I.


Cowboy killers

killer phone sex

Cowboy killers are the term used for full flavor cigarettes that ranch hands smoke. Its a slow death but I can get behind that! I want to kill you slowly by my knife cutting into your flesh and bleeding you out slowly.  I do smoke and enjoy using my smokes to burn your balls and thighs if I am so inclined and I am inclined all the time. I am sadistic and twisted in my desires to hurt you. I believe that some men need a little castration after masturbation. And my snuff whore heart always takes it to the extreme and wants to kill you by the blade of my knife. Are you balls worthy to stay on your body? Have you been evil enough? Perhaps you should bring us a nice young play thing and I will let you keep you balls. Then again I am a ball slicer and dicer, I wouldn’t want to cut them off just yet when its the perfect canvas for pain! Are you down to accomplice with me or would you prefer my own sick and twisted torture on your body? 

With all my demonic hate, 


the murder phone sex fantasies queen of the night!

Shall We Burn Them?

accomplice phone sexDamn…. Daddy was feeling really naughty last week. I had picked up some hours as a volunteer of sorts at the local hospital. It was for the less fortunate, those without family or anyone to monitor what was going on. It was full of cute little things with flat chests, bubble butts and sweet bald cunts. Daddy was in heaven when I received a key to their nightly quarters. We planned to enter and retrieve a few of them and have some fun before the sun came up. As they lay asleep daddy picked two cute little blondes to enjoy. I had daddy pick one up and I picked up the other and we headed to a more private area. A soundproof room that is never checked. They were still a little groggy as we ripped their clothes off. He was feeling evil and soon I found myself body slamming and stomping and choking those little shits. Hell, he even had me put the spiky heel of my boot in one’s eyes and push until her eyeball popped out. If you have never seen that it is a must. Blood and goo – damn. Of course, as they lay beaten and bloody his cock was rock hard. I was soaking wet too, so I unzipped his pants and sucked his cock before climbing on top of him and riding him until I came all over him. He didn’t cum in me though. He pulled out and squirted those bodies lying on the floor. Then it was time to get rid of their lifeless bodies. You do know that these hospitals have crematoriums, don’t you?

Deviant Bloody phone sex

Bloody phone sex

Bloody phone sex with my dirty daddy makes me want to rub my cunt. I like to make his cock rise every time I mention to him how hot it is to gut a slut up to pieces and to have her beg for her life.

It makes me wet as fuck too. I Know dirty daddy dave wants me to slice her up to pieces after a little poolside fun. First and foremost, dirty daddy wants me to hold her down in a body of water.

Preferably a hot tub. Get her gasping for the air, then attack the slut when she’s vulnerable. Daddy wants to see the puddle of blood while I sacrifice her body for his pleasure. Daddy loves to fuck over a dead body.

It may not be very comfortable, but the rush of excitement gets us so fucking horny, and we can’t get enough, so we have to go on a killing spree together. Cut little sluts up with sharp knives and blades.

Evil phone sex whore Stephanie

evil phone sex


I love meeting new masters to serve, on my evil phone sex calls. I’ll do anything to please the one who owns this slutty whore pussy. My last master had me take on a job at a special care center. I made sure that he had access to a buffet of perfect, tiny little brats to torture and abuse. No one suspected a thing the entire time when my boyfriend would swing by and see me at work. No one knew that we were shopping and picking out the perfect torture doll. We waited and planned, until my last day at work. I had him park his van out back and wait for me to walk right out of the back door with that tiny slut. Once we had her in the van, he sunk his knife straight through her tiny chest, pinning her to the floor as he savagely ripped her little clothes right off of her body. As soon as she tried to scream, I crammed her tiny panties in her mouth and pushed them down her little throat. I did exactly as he had instructed me to do and held her little legs up over her head as he forced fucked that tiny slut and exploded into her perfect, tight pussy. After he was finished with her, I slit her throat and tossed her over the bridge on my way out of town. Now, on to my next victim.

Bloody Phone Sex is Bloody Hot

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex is bloody hot. I am not squeamish at the site of blood. I love blood. I discovered this at a young age. I was a schoolgirl when I had my first kill. I did not kill animals like most sociopaths, however. I did not target sex workers or the homeless either. I wanted a fair fight, even at my young age. I killed predators. I would get on my dad’s computer and look for where the registered sex offenders lived that were nearby. There were a lot. Did you know that when sex offenders must register where they live, it list their sex crimes and ages of their victims? It was not that felt like I had to defend little girls and boys like me. I hate brats. I hated them then and I hate them now. It was that as I was developing my dark side, I was looking for a fair fight and I wanted to kill someone no one cared about. I wanted to kill people that had a lot of enemies to generate more suspects for the crime. Even as a little girl, I was smart about killing. My first victim was a man 4 blocks away from where I lived. He had sodomized many little boys. Spent 20 years in prison and was out. I cased his place for weeks. No one lived with him, so only maybe his parole officer would look for him. I broke in a few times because I was tiny enough to get in and out of the doggy door. I knew he stilled liked little boy dick. He had stacks of illegal magazines and videos. One night, I crawled through the doggy door and stabbed him to death in his bed. Blood went everywhere because he was a fat fuck. He choked on his own blood. He was shocked to see such a young girl wielding such a big knife. I carved Pervert on his forehead and justice on his chest. No way this crime was getting blamed on a little schoolgirl who lived down the lane. It never did. To this day it is unsolved like many of my snuff porn victims. I love to kill, and I love a bloody mess. A fair fight is not always required because I do love mutilating tender age flesh too.