Category: Sex with dead bodies

Evil phone sex with Ivy

Taboo phone sex


I’ve known this bitch for 4 years. Four agonizing bullshit years. She’s an ex of one of my Fuck buddies and she’s the current girlfriend of one of my best friends. She’s a backstabbing, two faced, lying stupid bitch. You know, I am too, but at least I admit it. The other day I decided I just could handle no more. The dumb cunt thinks we’re friends, so I invited her to the bar. We had a few beers, a couple last laughs. She sang karaoke and it made me realize I wasn’t doing this just for myself, but for every poor fucker that ever had to hear her sing! We headed out to the car for a celebratory smoke when she was done her God-Awful song, and as I passed her the joint, I laughed. She looked at me curiously and when I didn’t explain myself, she asked what was so funny. “You know,” I chuckled. “I’m really going to miss this.” I felt a tingling in my loins as I said this and realized I was soaking my panties through to the driver’s seat. “Are you moving?” she asked, with so much desperation in her voice that I almost changed my mind about what I was about to do.

Taboo phone sex

She smiled a crooked little smile with her jagged yellow snaggle teeth that immediately reinforced my decision. I took a hit as I took the switchblade from the center console. I passed her the doobie, gripped the steering wheel and silently came so fucking hard, just looking at the fear in her eyes. “You’re a shit mother, Fawn.” I told her as I pressed the cool blade to her throat. “you treat your kids like garbage and your boyfriend even worse” I started slowly dragging the blade towards myself, digging into her warm clammy skin. I’d just sharpened the blade today and I saw a thin line of blood coming from her. I was so wet. “Hand me the j or I’ll stab you in the fucking eye” She did as I asked and I inhaled, holding the smoke in for a short moment. I leaned over as if to give her a kiss, and my hand pushed the blade into her jugular. I slowly breathed the smoke into the wound, licking the blood afterwards.

Taboo Phone sex


It was coming fast and in beautiful rhythm. “You’re a two faced lying cuntbag” I whispered into her ear. I brought the knife to her heart and plunged it in. “you disgust me, Fawn. You think you’re so much better than everyone.” Twisted the knife. “But you know what, bitch?” I stabbed her in the chest, “You” in the throat, “ain’t” in the cunt “shit” I fucked her in the twat as I continued lapping at her blood. “Any last words?” The life was quickly draining from her eyes, as fast as the blood was draining from her limp body. Her throat gurgled with bubbles of blood. I laughed. “No, then?” She whimpered one last time and slumped down in the passenger’s seat. I grabbed her tongue from her still warm mouth and slipped it out between her lifeless lips. I fingered my pussy, thinking of how I’d ride that stiff tongue after the rigor set in. I came hard and fast, squirting hard and sucking more blood from her wounds. I put the blade in my pocket, got out of the car and slammed the door. I’d figure out what to do with the body later.

Right now, “Helter Skelter” was calling my name from the stage.

Canabalism Phone Sex * Just a Simple Hunting Accident

Cannibalism Phone Sex ReaganCannibalism Phone Sex ReaganSometimes it does not pay to get in the way of how nature does things. I spent many years watching animal rights activists go balls out, trying to stop hunting season. Even in the hunting preserves. Those stupid cunts will do many malicious things.. like sabotage camps, and other dumb fucking things. Mostly they will just piss off decent hunters. After all, they just want dinner… so who cares what meat they cook right?

As they aimed for the doe, that chubby bitch came out of no where. It all happened so fast. She heard a funny wet noise when it entered her belly. Looking over, the deer had run off and it made sense now. At least she had saved the animal this time. Feeling faint she landed on her knees and tugged at the metal shaft now poking out. Her skin opened up and a rush of blood gushed out.. she was puking blood and the world faded away.

The hunters looked at their kill and decided this was a doe Cannibalism Phone Sex Reageanworth taking back to camp. Stripping her naked they burned her clothes and dragged her back. The wives will know how to cook this piggy. And to their delight there seemed to be a spit big enough for a buck. The woman cleaned her out, guts and all. They put the foil wrapped potatoes where the lungs used to be, cornbread and shelled walnuts in her belly. Re using her liver they they used onions and garlic some salt and pepper and re placed it. Stitching the belly back up they started to baste her piggy thighs and took turns spinning her on the fire. They found most of the gravy came from her tits and ass. Meaty bitches are always the tasty ones!

Do you have any delicious hunting accidents to talk about?Cannibalism Phone Sex Reagan 

She Deserved it!

She was set to play an evil villain who would infiltrate the KKK. She would never be seen fully nude as she’d be married to a white man who was in on the plan as well. With her make-up and disguise fully done she participated in meetings and would often lead the rally’s against the niggers. The niggers knew her well by name, she had instilled the fire of fear into each and every one of them.
Strangulation Phone Sex

There was a rally being held in honor of the niggers that had just been shot and killed right outside of town. Just as she entered someone brushed up against her and forced her wig to get caught on the tent’s hook. Her nigger hair popped right out and she was exposed for the traitor she was to everyone, even the niggers out back watching. The massive group of cheering white people, quickly turned into an angry mob. They crowded around and lifted her, passing her body to the center and taking off her clothes along the way.

She was fully nude by the time she got to the stage, each man of the clan fucked her slave pussy hard and whipped her with each stroke. She was all bloodied by the time the last member came to shove his big white cock inside her. No whip in hand, he strangled her until he was ready to bust his giant load inside her. She surely would’ve been pregnant if he hadn’t strangled her to death.

They left her dead body laying there as they exited the building. The niggers who were watching came inside to get their taste of her dead but juicy pussy. They opened her legs and her pussy squirted cum right onto them. With a big black cock one of them went right into her pussy, shoving his huge dick all inside the Klan’s nut. Grabbing onto her big tits he pushed his cum right inside her dead pussy. One by one they filled her dead pussy right there on the stage, she deserved no better for dishonoring them both.

Snuff Porn Addiction

Snuff porn can become an addiction and a rather jading experience. There was a guy I knew that had to have his partners body cold in order to even get it up. It helps if she was pale and frail and he could really feel like he was fucking the dead.

snuff porn

One night we were hanging out and partying with a few others and this guy wanted to go down to the cemetery. Not normally a big deal, except I knew him well enough. He gets this urge to try drugging a girl up and wants to do a snuff porn with her unconscious. In fact he would strangle her while pounding her ass, or one time he wanted to cut a slit in the chicks gut so he’d have a new hole to violate.

snuff porn

This dude was way out there sometimes. Once we were getting super wasted and I actually went out and grabbed a crack ho off the streets for him. I lured her in and actually started torturing her on camera for this dude. I swear he thought he was in love with me, but I showed him. The snuff porn ended with his life slowly burning out like a candle’s flame.

snuff porn

Snow Storm

snuff porn stormIts cold outside. And I have to admit. I do have one thing I love to do when it is frozen and cold. I love to visit this little lake in the woods. It has to be the PERFECT weather. When it is icy cold AND going to freeze overnight. That is when it is perfect. I have been waiting for months for the perfect storm! Waiting for the weather to to be warm enough in the day to melt the ice. BUT cold enough at night to freeze it over. So I was SUPER excited today when I saw the weather. I have a list of possible victims for just this occasion! But I already knew who I was going to take. There is this little bitch down the street. She thinks she is all that. And she is always saying, “That is so hot” or “Isn’t that hot” Every fucking sentence. I would just ignore her, but she is my local rep to order parts for the store. I have to talk to her several times a day. And I just can’t take it anymore. I called my friend Ryan over. I snatched the little slut right from her bed. I let Ryan have fun with her first. Ryan beat her. Then fucked EVERY single hole. She was crying and begging for him to stop, but that just turned him on more! I loved watching Ryan rip her open! And when he was done…it was my turn. I drug her out to the lake. I placed her neck deep in the water. And waited. The cold water turned her lips blue. And they swelled up. She looked so pretty. The paler she got. The wetter I got. I watched all night as she slowly froze to death. As the pleas turned to whimpers. As she froze. Her tears looked like frozen water flowing down her checks. So pretty. It was so pretty Ryan had to stroke off one last time looking at her. The last thing she will ever know… is she is dying while cum is poring over her. I love it!

A tortured night

 Nothing is drive my desire than unbridled sex. I get off more with a good dead stiff.  I used to cruise the scanner looking for perfect accident scenes where I could catch a glimpse of a dead fuck.  As time passed my mind became more creative and  needed my own fix .  I wanted to see what it was like to have someone die by my own hands.  So I plotted and thought out the most despicable plan to torture my with dead bodies

 it started off I would cruise around looking for lost souls that needed warmth and guidance. When I had them in my grasp I through my plan into action.  I would drug them till they were floating in and out of conciseness where they were just of the brink of going into the light.  That’s when I could just push them over the edge with a injection of sodium chloride and continue on my feat.  

Do you think you can hold up to my desires of drunken dead men and rough sex?  Come join me in my journey of sex with dead bodies. 

Torture Sex with Reagan * Sick Lies

Torture Sex ReaganRed hot and white tongues devour the foundation as I wait patiently for it to crumble. No one will know how you defied me. No one but me. This is the true fire that will burn. You were sick, and we compatible. Teased me with your submission, needed me with your submission. Now you burn as I do. I had to have it my way. You knew this. There was no other way. You lied as you begged for my pain. You lied because you told me I was beautiful. So I burned it to the ground. You fed my animal, and I caught the hunter. But you defied me. Only one last word I allowed as I sharpened my knife and poured the gas. Now I go on through this night, burning. Stench of your lies. I lived to break your will.

Sick * In This Moment

Is it sick of me
To need control of you
Is it sick to make
You beg the way I do
Is it sick of me
To want you crawling on your knees
Is it sick to say
I want you biting down on me

Are you sick like me

Am I beautiful
As I tear you to pieces
Am I beautiful
Even at my ugliest, you always say

I’m beautiful
As you tear me to pieces
You are beautiful
Even at your ugliest, I always say
You’re beautiful and sick like me

Is it sick of me
To feed the animal in you
Is it sick to say
I tease the hunter like I do
Is it sick of me
To watch the wicked way you thrill
Is it sick to say
That I live to break your will


Torture Sex Reagan

Necrophilia Phone Sex with Toni: Dead Dolls

necrophilia phone sex toni 300plkd 00

Death has fascinated me for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl I heard my first death rattle, but it was watching her eyes glaze over that fascinated me the most. Her name was Molly, we were both 10 years old-I HATED her. She was the first person I remember hating actually, there was just something about her that really pissed me off. It wasn’t just those pretty pink ribbons she wore in her light blonde hair, seeing them that day is just what triggered my attack. What really bothered me was her fucking attitude!
Molly’s last day above ground was a cloudy Saturday afternoon. I caught her wandering through the woods in my backyard picking flowers and cornered her. At first she thought it was joke, she even laughed a little. It was funny until I had both of my tiny hands wrapped tightly around her throat. Then, suddenly she took the situation seriously.
That bitch tried to fight back too! Can you believe that? She tried to grab my hands and throw me down on ground, but obviously that didn’t work. All of her struggling just wasted energy which probably made her die even faster. Poor little slut didn’t even have time to pray before her last breath passed through her lips. Seconds later, Molly’s eyes were blank. I stared into them for about five minutes, but snapped out of it once I realized I had to get rid of her body. Foolish girl I was, I just kicked her corpse into the river and watched it float away.

necrophilia phone sex toni
Ever since then I’ve been addicted to death. Not just murder or watching someone die, I love everything about it. When I was 16 I straggled a boy named Eddy. It didn’t matter that he was 18 and on the wrestling team, he still died very easily. I started off on top of him, riding his thick throbbing cock. I continued like that for awhile, but when I got bored I wrapped my hands around his throat. He struggled while I was fucking and choking him at the same time, but it didn’t save him. Eddy filled my soaked cunt with his last load of cum just seconds before he died, it was fucking amazing! That was the first time I ever killed someone while their prick was still inside me and now I do it every chance I get.
Maybe I enjoyed it too much the first time. Is it bad that I kept Eddy around for awhile? I mean, it wasn’t for long because of the smell. Couldn’t have been more than a week before I found a replacement. Don’t worry I had a lot of fun with Eddy, with a massive dick like his I didn’t mind that he was dead. Watching him decay more and more each day was just as exciting as fucking him. Once I threw Eddy, I found plenty more toys to play with. I’ll never run out the world has an endless supply!!

necrophilia  phone sex toni 0390nnr 00

Bloody Phone Sex with Reagan * Death Cums To Me

Bloody Phone Sex Reagan

As I hide in the shadow, my cunt is screaming for bloody phone sex. One by one they cum down this alley, and I can’t help but laugh as they try to scream. All that is audible is the blood gurgling in the throat from the slash of open  flesh. Fresh blood spatters all around, as my thrusts of this knife become more intense. The last shallow breath is accompanied by that sweet blood choking sound as the lungs fill up with the blood from a badly slashed and severed chest. Admiring how I look covered in so much blood, I smile as I look down at the now unrecognizable victim. My cunt throbbing…

Time to slink into the shadows, knife readied for my next sweet death. I needed more. More screams, more blood, more lust. I smile as I hear another set of foot steps. I do love when death comes to me… I spin around as this one sees the massacre on the ground and is frozen when I step in between my fresh corpse and my new friend. In one motion I slit his chest open. Quick and easy, like a knife through butter.. again the lust takes over and in a split second blood, once more, is covering me while veins and arteries are severed.. shallow breaths..

My sex is on fire as I am engulfed in a crimson flood.. this is the only way. As I rub my now bloody cunt I can feel the fire become so intense my legs shake. I slip the handle of my knife inside my snatch and fuck my cunt so hard. Screaming I finally release and cum all over my dead bodies.. knowing they watch from dead eyes.. I stand up and walk slowly away.. dripping blood and cunt juice I search for more. My cunt hungrier now than it was when I started. I will wait for the next one..

Bloody Phone Sex Reagan


Necrophilia Phone Sex

Come join my quest for necrophilia phone sex.  I can’t wait to get right to it and find a good stiff dead cock to ride.  Lets start off by cruising the holiday Shops. There will be a lot of lonely single men just looking to for that perfect gift, and I will turn him into MY perfect gift instead.  We shop long and hard finally we find the perfect victim.  You finally find the perfect owner of a soon to be dead cock for me to fuck in the family bathroom. I look in the door and agree that he will do nicely.

Necrophilia Phone SexI lure him back to our house for a drink. I portray myself to him as innocent and harmless. I make him feel at ease as I give him the drink that has been laced with something to make him more compliant. I put in just the right amount to make sure it sends his heart into a spastic rthym that will throw him into cardiac arrest.  He collapses to the floor, I wait a few minutes then check for a pulse.  It is done, he is long gone.  I can feel my clit begin to throb as I wait for the rigger mortis to set in, I reach down and stroke his lifeless cock, holding it for more than an hour as I stroke my pulsating clit.

You emerge from your hiding place and help me undress my fuck toy.  He has a nice body beneath those winter clothing, bonus for me. I lean down and suck his cock into my mouth, it tastes like death.  I spit on it to lube it up, then you help me climb on board. You watched me ride that cock for a few hours before lividity set in and the rigger mortise began to leave his body.  It was the best shopping trip ever, you got the gift of seeing me riding a stiff lifeless cock, and I received the gift of having multiple orgasms.