Category: Sex with dead bodies

Taboo Phone Sex MILF Forced Accomplice in Japanese Snuff Porn Hostel

taboo phone sexI had been locked up in a dungeon for days. Sodomized repeatedly, denied food and water, even denied sleep. I was desperate for freedom. So desperate, I made a deal with my captor. A deal that still haunts me to this day. He had a fetish for Asian school girls. In my community, not many around. At least not the ones old enough to drive yet. “Bring me four young chinks Blair, and you go back to your suburban life,” he said. I was weak, so I made a deal with the devil. I tried to convince myself that he was just going to force fuck them. I knew better. Snuff porn Japanese was most likely their fate, but I shot up to escape the reality and kidnapped some young Asian girls to save my own skin.

The folks in my gated community don’t know my dirty secrets, but my captor did. I had to return with the girls or be exposed as the drug addicted incest mommy I am. It was easy to snatch them up too. These four angels are always together; they are sisters. I picked them up from school in the soccer mom van, lying to them that I was asked to bring them to home. I was shaking as I delivered them to hell. I am not a religious woman, but I prayed for my soul anyhow.

snuff porn japaneseI tried to escape quickly, but was forced into a front row seat for what I knew would be snuff porn. He made me an accomplice to keep me quiet. No one will miss Japanese school girl whores he said. He had this all planned. I was the key to making it happen. He played me. Knew how to break me. He had a studio all prepared. Little girl bedroom set like you see in those munchkin porn vids of brats who were on the back of milk cartons for months. My stomach was turning. He had drugged the girls but they looked scared. If they could see the torture devices on the other side of the wall, they would shit their cotton white panties.

Suddenly several other men appeared. This was more than just snuff. This was like Hostel. Dirty old men bid top dollar for the Japanese school girls I kidnapped. They could do whatever they wanted to the girl they bought and my captor would film it as a way of keeping them from getting a guilty conscious. The first girl on the chopping block was purchased for $300,000. Money can buy you anything. I watched scared, riddled with remorse as he force fucked her tiny teen holes. The more she cried, the harder he fucked her. She was a virgin from all the blood gushing out her holes. Her owner liked the blood so much he slit her femoral artery. Blood gushed out her leg, her skin grew paler, she collapsed

snuff pornHe didn’t want her dead, not yet at least. He took his belt and tied it around her wound to slow the bleeding. Then he fucked her some more. She was thrashing about, crying hysterically. He invited the other men to join in. They forced their dicks in her tiny holes for hours before they turned into a pack of rabid dogs tearing her limbs off; biting into her flesh. She laid there in a pool of blood, dismembered, still twitching as the camera rolled and the men shot cum over her eviscerated body. I was numb. I killed her to save my own skin. My captor shot a needle in my vein so I could get through the next three shows.

You would be surprised of the evil that lurks in the basements of nice houses owned by supposedly nice people in gated communities. Money buys you anything, even the torture and murder of young Japanese school girls.bloody phone sex

Snuff Porn Harper Quits Her Summer Job Like A True Bad Ass

It is not that I do not like to work, or even that I am no good at it. It is just, every time I find myself in outside employment I have to deal with shitty people. Shitty people with shitty attitudes who need a fucking adjustment. This last summer I got a part time job at a car wash. It was not really a big deal, and did not bring home much money, but was a way to get my parents off my back. Making as much money as I was with snuff porn they were starting to question some of my more hefty purchases. So I started working at this car wash, made minimum wage, and got shitty tips from all of the rich folks her were too lazy to use their garden hoses. This one cunt struck me more then all of the others. She was a rich bitch and always hoovered over me with her disgusting winy voice. The bitch needed to be put into her real place, but of course Boss man though I should hold my tongue. 

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Well, there came the day that he was not around. It was slow ans he needed to run some errands so he left me there my myself. Guess who pulled up? Miss Priss Bitch. She had the same attitude she always did. Ragged on me for my boyish appearance that day and demanded I do a good job because I always left her car spotty. I could feel my blood starting to boil and felt like I had steam coming from my ears. As I finished the job she had nothing to offer but nag, nag, nags.That was it, I just snapped. I turned around and stiff armed the wretched cunt knocking her to the ground. She yelped and went to grab the back of her head as I wrapped my hands around my throat till she was unconscious. 

Taboo Phone Sex

As she came to I had the water hose wrapped around her. She laid there completely stark naked. I knelt over her. She told me I was a dike and to get off of her. You know when someone has you nude and tied up the last thing you want to do is antagonize them. That was all there was to it too! I took the end of the squeegee and began to force fuck her ass hole, ramming it all the way inside her. As she tried to yell I took the hose and shoved it into her mouth. Water filled her. I began to get excited listening to her choke. Turning around I held her nose shut and let her drown, drown while I watched the bitch die. When my boss got back he was not the least bit surprised, in fact he fucked her cold dead body just for one last fuck you. I quit, I am not good at dealing with cunts like that. And she was thrown into some chemicals to decompose, and her car was sent to a chop shop. Bye bye little slut!

Snuff Movies for Snuff Porn Movie Download

snuff moviesI have a man in my life who loves snuff movies. Instead of watching Titanic or The Notebook together, we do the snuff porn movie download thing from the Internet to my HDTV. It’s like Netflix but with the kind of movies you can’t admit you watch, let alone download. We were watching this blonde whore, who resembled me, get fucked and choked at same time. When her body went lifeless, and the guy in the film kept fucking her, my sick fuck buddy suddenly stood up and yanked me off the couch by my bleach blonde locks.

snuff porn movie downloadHe dragged me down to the basement and kept mumbling about how hot sex with dead bodies would be. He was going to use me for his own private film. He strapped me down to his torture table and told me we were going to make our own home movie. He cut off my oxygen with a board tight against my throat. As I was struggling to breathe, I heard him sharpening his blades. I pissed myself in fear.

sex with dead bodiesHe came back with an evil glean in his eyes and informed me I needed a boob job before I could be a snuff star. I was weak from the lack of oxygen. There was no warning. He just raised his knife and started stabbing my breasts. “Silicon is for toys,” he informed me as he cut out my silicon bags. Blood was cascading down my sides. I was bleeding everywhere, but he informed me he would not let me die, yet. He just wanted to make me a natural woman before we made our own snuff porn. I passed out from the board on my trachea. Woke up covered in blood with barely B cups, a bad stitch job and puncture wounds. I was in a lot of pain. I begged for some drugs or something. He squirted a tube of Ben Gay into the holes in my chest, giggled and said “no pain no gain bitch.”

Mutilation phone sexLater that night, as I sat on the couch trying to recover, he downloaded a film of what he did to me while he mutilating my breasts. I’m sickened to think what he stitched back inside of me.

Run Run away

Taboo phone sex

He found me sitting in the shade at the shitty truck stop. I had no money, no food and no hope in my eyes. He seemed so nice, he got me some food and asked me where I was going. I told him anywhere but here. I climbed up in his big truck, after a while I started getting sleepy. He started asking me weird questions and really started to scare me. I kept asking him to pull over, when he finally did he reached across me and opened the door. He kicked me in the back as I was climbing out.

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That was when I realized that he put something in my food. I tried getting up to run from him, I was weak and in the middle of nowhere. He got to me laughing, pulling his zipper down and his cock out. He bent down and took a bite out of my ear. He laughed as he looked into my eyes. “You have some beautiful brown eyes, I think I’m going to fuck them.” He grabbed pliers and his knife and came at my eye. I was screaming and trying to bite him. He took the back of his knife and hit me right in the mouth. I was choking on my teeth and blood. The pain was horrible, he pulled my eye out. He made me look at my eye with my one good eye. He stuck it in my mouth and made me eat my fucking eye. He grabbed his knife and slit my throat. I was dying as he fucked my eye.

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Taboo Phone Sex Skull Fucker

taboo phone sex

There is nothing I hate more then a man who only likes to use one part of a dying body. You see, there are many pace to fuck someone, each with pleasure and a sensation both new and arousing. Sure, you have the pussy and the ass, but why stop there. There is the mouth, the nose, the skull…you can also lop off limbs and remove the bones and shove in your own boner. That is also sexy, and the warm body hold on tight to your big hard throbbing cock. My personal favorite to watch is a skull fucker. The sounds a brain makes when a big hard throbbing cock is thrust through the eye socket of a little girlie makes my heart flutter with joy. You can decapitate the victim, or leave her little head in place. The satisfaction is the same, only the method is different. Skull fuck her little brains over and over again till you turn her brains to mush then make sure you fill it with your jizz! Then I will pour the mixture from her empty eye socket and have myself a nice treat. Mmmhmmm good! 

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Taboo Phone Sex: Sewn to Own

taboo phone sexHe said I was too beautiful. I thought he meant it as a compliment. Then he used my face as a punching bag. So when he said my body was too perfect, I knew I was in trouble. He started carving me up. Cutting my flesh. My beauty pissed him off so he took it from me. “Ugly whores make the best slaves,” he said as broke my nose and sliced my clit. He hit me so hard I passed out. I woke up in a morgue like room. I was trembling with fear as I saw all the cutting instruments next to me. I could smell the death in the air.

torture sexI glanced over and he was stitching up a dead girl. “She use to be beautiful just like you. Now look at her,” he said. His cock was hard. She was all scarred up. “Scars make you ugly. Ugly makes you submissive,” he kept repeating as he started fucking the dead girl. After he came in her corpse, he moved closer to me with a big needle and thread. I peed on the cold table from fear and disgust. I thought he was going to kill me like he did the other girl and fuck my lifeless body. Apparently he just wanted to unpretty me so I would never leave him. He did not realize I was his already.

ass rape pornHe started sewing my cunt shut. “Now you won’t be tempted to be a slut,” he said with evil glee as he pierced my pussy mound with a big needle. I screamed, but he kept sewing until my pussy was closed for business. Swollen, bloody and sewn shut in the shape of a corset. Only he could untie my pussy for his pleasure. It was like a chastity belt, but painful and bloody. Now I was scarred, scared and submissive. His ugly fuck pig until he grows tired of me.  I was sewn to own.

Taboo Phone Sex: Whats Your Poison?

The taboo phone sex tape I was listening to the other night gave me such an awesome idea. I usually like to do things messy, and love gore. However, I had an idea of poisoning a certain someone, and was going to have a lot of fun with this! I want the most exquisite outcome, and that requires the right dosage.

Taboo phone sex

So this friend of mine is not really  friend as I heard some things this whore has been saying and doing behind my back. The adoration I have for a romantic outcome will certainly be effective here. I will make sure this whore becomes blissfully taken by my puppet (he’s an attractive one that is head over heels for me). I can get him to do just what I need him to and he will be convincing, after all he will be dosed with a little something special also.

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I have intimate knowledge of this whores favorite things and am aware of a certain deadly allergy she has. It just so happens that this thing that causes her reaction is available in an extract. To sweeten the punch I will add a little extra special proprietary blend I have been saving. I got this “special” poison from an Haitian Voodoo Priestess with another use planned for it. However things got messy before I could use it. I had a little party and fed my puppet some pastry with a cream filling that contained the poison allergen with the knowledge of how it will be dispensed.ass rape porn

As I am aware this whore loves giving blow jobs and I know she will blow Michael (puppet), and thus get just the fix anticipated. I am so giddy with excitement to see her foaming at the mouth and comatose. Once I have her corpse getting cool I will gather the male friends that have been dying to have intercourse with a dead girl. Oh the money and fame I will make off of this crack head whore who just didn’t know her place.

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

Daddy picked me up today and we did a drive by, by my community pool in my neighborhood. It was like a parents drop off place for their brats. Usually daddy likes to play with me, but today he thought it would be fun if we got other little toys to have some fun with. So we grabbed about three pretty fuckers by the pool and threw them in our truck and took off to our secret place in the woods. I sucked daddy’s cock the whole ride there, I was really excited. When we finally arrived we didn’t waist too much time messing around. We went ahead and hopped right into our dirty pleasurable deeds. We took knifes and made slices all over their bodies. We cut them up like veggies for a stew. It was a rather good look for them. They bled all over the place while daddy continued to fuck their little bald cunnys with his cock. I saw the life slowly and painfully drain from their bodies as we poured their blood out of them. There was no way to even muffle their screams and cries, even when they finally stopped making noises and they clearly were lifeless, daddy continued fucking them, blood was everywhere, it was beautiful. The whole experience was so hot. He came all over them, over and over again. I really hope we can keep them one or two more days for some extra fun before their bodies start to spoil.

A Real Snuff Porn Documentary

taboo phone sex angieThe chamber is ready. The entire time I was setting it up my pussy dripped with anticipation. There is a large one way mirror on one wall. Microphones are set up for recording sound. A video tape is set up for recording image. I have three victims, two female and one male that have been kept while preparations were being made. He just left and I have the gas in my hands. My hands are shaking with anticipation. I believe I have enough for one solid week. I am retrieve the military rations that I bought and setting them up in the room. The three cots are set and everything looked good. He called the gas Scarecrow Fear Gas, named after something from a Batman movie. It is supposed to be a highly hallucinogenic gas that when taken in large quantities creates a paranoia and visions of fear and panic. I am very careful to set up the dispensing of the gas in a steady stream though the vents. As I lead my victims to the chamber I could feel the juices flowing down my inner thigh. I open the door and lock them in and begin the stream into the room. I leave and go to get a bite to eat, take a shower and masturbate. Alone with my thoughts as I allow the gas to take some effect. Staying away as long as I can, I return to the chamber. I can tell by their behavior that the gas is having some effect on them but not like I thought. Disappointed I retire to bed leaving them for the evening. The following morning I wake early eager and horny. I eat my breakfast and return to the chamber. Now we have something. They are all naked and hysterical. Each lost in his or her hallucination. The fear is evident in their eyes and the irrational behavior is turning me on. As I sit and watch I masturbate to the evil taking place before my eyes. As the day goes on and more of the gas is inhaled the behavior becomes more bizarre and satisfied every evil thought in my head. Finally I retire for the evening eager for day two. Returning to the chamber I find carnage. The female has ripped her finger nails off and is biting chunks of flesh our of her arms. One of the men has skinned his cock some how and it is a massive chunk of meat. The other male is in the corner clawing flesh from his face and laughing hysterically. I cum instantly without even touching myself, reveling in my glory. I leave them again as I have errands to run. When I return I find that the female is dead, the males are pulling her organs from her flesh torn body. What a shame I had hoped she would last longer. What happens next you will have to find out by watching the film of my torture.

Sex with Dead Bodies: What’s Your Sick Fantasy?

sex with dead bodiesI get told all the time I am going to hell. I take it as a compliment. Means I am not afraid to go into the fringes, the dark crevices of human desires. We all have sick and perverted thoughts. Just most of you let guilt or morality or common decency rule your actions. Not me. No impulse control. No censor. I am your perfect accomplice because I will push you to act on your sick fantasies. I use blackmail, torture, even threat of death to you or your loved ones if you don’t do as I want, which is really what you want too.

Take Chad for example. I hacked his computer. Guys are such easy prey for a little dirty IM. They think I am some blonde buxom goddess, start cybering with me, and boom, I’m in their computer seeing all the sick things that make them hard. Chad is a necrophilia wannabe. He wants to have sex with dead bodies. A cold corpse gets him hard. So, when we were sexting about our dark desires, I laid the bait. “I fantasize about being a corpse and getting fucked,” I typed on my computer screen. Funny, he suggested we meet. Men are so easy to manipulate.

taboo phone sexHe was a bit shocked to discover that I didn’t exactly look like my yahoo pic. When he tried to run, I showed him my big knife, and photos of some of the sick shit I pulled off his computer. “Consider me your dark angel helping you make all your dreams cum true,” I said with an devilish grin. I blind folded him and took him on a little trip to the county morgue. I have a like minded sick friend who gets me access to the cadavers after hours. It’s good to have friends in dead places! I had the perfect specimen picked out for Chad. This poor dead girl headless and without any organs. An empty vessel so to speak. I may have helped remove her guts for my own sick pleasure, but that’s for a different blog.

necrophilia phone sexI removed the blindfold. Chad gasped in horror while simultaneously popping a huge boner in his pants. I held the knife to his back and made him fuck her cold dead cunt. It was fucking hot as hell because you could see his cock poking through her open cavity. Just a hollowed out skeleton; all that remained was bones and some sinew. She was ice cold; but his cock was red hot. When he came, I could see the cum decorating her rib cage, from the inside. “Aren’t you glad you met me Chad,” I inquired? “Now your twisted fantasies are a reality.” He still looked at me like I was the Antichrist before scurrying away like a scared puppy.

Face it. Maybe not now, but some time, he will be grateful he met me. You will too. I will help you by whatever means necessary act on your most sick and twisted desires. Everyone needs a dark angel on their shoulder.

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