Category: Sex with dead bodies

Ass Rape Porn

ass rape porn angieWhat a deliciously evil New Year I had! I was able to lure a fine young couple to my place that were completely inebriated! I couldn’t believe how turned on he got when I started to torture and torment his girlfriend. He had a dark side that I hadn’t counted on but it drove me wild and was a bonus. As a result I snuffed the poor little bitch way to soon. But just when I thought I had ruined the night he decided he wanted to fuck her dead body. She never let him fuck her int he ass and he wanted to ram that cock up her ass. Anal sex with a dead body made for the perfect ass rape porn. I filmed the entire thing and it took me over the edge. He was so fucking good that I let the bastard live. i am sitting her fingers deep in my wicked cunt watching the film again!

Tis the Season for Snuff Porn: What is Your Holiday Death Wish?

snuff pornTis the season for snuff porn and good deeds. The holidays bring out my charitable side. I see the need for blood increases over the holidays, so every Christmas season, I make a sizable donation to my local blood bank. In fact, I am their number one contributor. I don’t actually give my blood because I am iron deficient, however, I always find a variety of folks willing to part with their blood to help someone in need. On Black Friday, I started my holiday blood drive. First to make a sizable donation for me was this twit Ariel who ,was how we say, a complete and total idiot. She was so stupid it was a wonder she remembered to breathe. Young pretty coed. Perky tits and ass. Every man’s cream dream. My antithesis. Everything going for her expect for brains. She answered an ad in the Backpages I had looking for pretty healthy coeds for a private blood drive. She was willing to show up at a stranger’s house who wanted to take her blood for $50. She clearly had a holiday death wish.

sex with dead bodiesI walked her into the basement; she asked where the blood drive machine was, then she saw my rather large knife collection and a shit ton of empty gallon water jugs. Blonde bimbo paused for awhile. I could see the hamster spinning the wheel in her head. Her stupidity was mind numbing. I grabbed a knife and slit her throat. Grabbed a jug to capture the blood; I let her bleed out. I gave her a bunch of slices to the torso and extremities to sped up the bloodletting. Shoved some tree ornaments up her worthless snatch for shits and giggles. She contributed several gallons of blood for my blood drive, which I promptly put on ice so it would not go bad.

bloody phone sexSince I am a charitable bitch, I didn’t want to let her lifeless cold body go to waste. I called up some male friends of mine with certain predilections and offered up her dead body. I felt like I did lots of good work that day. Obtained a sizable “to die for” donation of blood and spread a little holiday cheer with some necrophilia. How I love this time of year. What is your holiday death wish? I’m feeling very charitable still.

Dead whores keep better secrets about snuff fantasy porn

sadistic phone sexIt was my worst beating yet, right out of a snuff fantasy porn movie. You punched me hard in the tits, knocking the wind out of me. “Tell me you’re a dumb cunt.” you ordered. “Nothing but a druggie slut.” I slurred the words and that seemed to piss you off more. You loved beating me and nothing I did was ever right. I don’t know why I stayed with you except for the good drugs that you fed me to pimp me out. “Show me your pussy.” I pulled up my skirt to reveal my nasty, bumpy razor-burnt snatch. Blood oozed from around my clitty where I had been fucked raw. A trickle of cum flowed down my thigh, stale and musky. “Look at you, you filthy slut. At least go douche yourself out before your next client.” Your hand shot out, busting my lip. “Please, sir, I apologize.” I lisped between broken lips. “I just need a little candy to get me right.” You shook your head, pulling out the needle. I felt heaven flow into my veins and my pussy got hot. I was ready to fuck again. I knew your dirty little secret too. You only liked to sniff my ripe pussy at the end of my shift when it was still full of fuck sauce. A couple of lines and a whiff of cum and you were jerking furiously, degrading me, pulling my hair. I opened my mouth to catch your load. Deep down I knew you were a cum-slurping fairy faggot, but if I dared speak that truth, I knew I would be dead. Maybe I would be better that way. Then you could rent out my cold dead pussy to all of the freaks who loved necrophilia phone sex and you could have cold leftovers for dinner. As this thought went through my mind, I felt your fist slam into my head and I was out cold.

snuff fantasy porn



Strangulation Phone Sex Fun

strangulation phone sex karmaWhen I saw her I knew that she would be the subject of a very hot strangulation phone sex call with someone who shares my love for snuff sex. Her neck was long and slender like her legs and the way she moved invited sexual advance. When I had her I fully intended on making this last for hours, Torturing her in the most evil and sadistic ways, making her beg for mercy, stripping her naked and watching her tremble beneath me. I wanted to make this violent and drawn out so that my pleasure was increased by making myself wait for that final moment when I would slowly squeeze the life out of her. I know the thrill it brings me to slowly increase the pressure around her neck, to hear the gasping as my victim fights with reality that her life is slipping away. The joy of watching eye balls bulging and staring straight ahead with a glassy look that could be mistaken for the look of a day dreamer or a star crossed lover. The only thing that gives away the reality of the situation is the redness of the face and the spasmodic jerking of the body as life leaves and death enters. But alas she was to loud and fought more then I thought she would for a little thing. She brought my fury to a boil before I had more then her blouse off and I found myself wrapping a cord around her neck sooner then I wanted to, taking her life with orgasmic pleasure and soaking my panties with hot, musky cum. My only comfort at the dismay of killing her sooner then I wanted to was when I finished undressing her limp body so that I could have my way with her as I soared again to that place of ecstasy that only snuff sex takes me.  violent phone sex karma

Mutilation phone sex with Makayla

Mutilation phone sex

Is Mutilation phone sex on your mind? I know you are sick and twisted in the head. You want to chop me up into little pieces. But you aren’t going to do it fast are you? You are going to torture me for days. Make me plead and beg you to stop. You will laugh in my face, get angry and beat me as I scream for mercy. It’s what turns you on. Hearing me scream, causing me so much pain that I black out. You love it when my body goes limp so you can stick your cock into my mutilated pussy. You like fucking a warm limp body, and you are working your way up to fucking my cold dead body aren’t you? You are a sick and twisted fucker but I like it.

Snuff porn

snuff pornSo my Halloween went rather well- you could say. Well that is if I were still alive to see the next day. I thought it would have been fun to go out with all of my friends. They always say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. I never even knew that the people, whom I called my friends, would be my enemies. They set me up and I wish I would have seen it coming before I was laying on the cold cement chocking on my own blood. I dressed up, looking extremely slutty. I met up with my friends, who obviously had to put something in my drink. I went from being extremely liked, in my small brain- to being extremely humiliated and treated like a ratchet doll. They sold me to my next master. They just gave me up and didn’t even think twice. They watched him on a big screen as he ripped my clothes off to piss all over me with his cock. They didn’t even blink as they laughed their asses off watching him put my fighting body in restraints to shove his cock inside of me, making me choke and throw up. He used every single hole. He made huge gashes in my skin. I was pathetic, I wont even try to feed you bullshit. I was fucking begging for my life. All that made him do was laugh even harder. I guess that made taking my life even more of a sport.

Goth teen phone sex

Goth teen phone sex

These little fuckers are going to come soon. Begging for candy. I’ll be my normal Goth teen phone sex whore. Tricking these fucking ankle biters who are all alone in to the house. They will never leave again. I need someone who can help me hold these fuckers down. I need someone with a big thick cock. I am gonna rip their teeth out of their fucking mouth and shove your cock down their fucking tiny throats. With your cock choking that fucking bitch, I am going to start slicing her open. I want to see what a heart looks like as its beating. I want to cover you with her warm blood. I want to watch her suffer and slowly slip away. I want you to fuck her lifeless body. Fill her up with your warm cum. Then take your bloody cock and fuck me on top of her lifeless body. Roll me around in her blood and fill my cunt up.

Necrophilia phone sex

Dead Pussy for Halloween Fun

torture phone sexThe door creaked loudly as I lie there. I wasn’t sure if it was the wind or the fact that it was Halloween until I saw your silhouette in the doorway. I closed my eyes, hoping it was just a bad trip. You whipped the covers back on my bed, exposing my naked flesh. I whimpered as you drew back your fist and punched me in the face. “Time to die, whore.” you growled. You ground your cigarette out on my titty and I screamed through bloody teeth. You grabbed me by the throat as your other hand violated my pussy, shoving multiple fingers inside of me. You were almost wheezing under your mask as you pulled out a knife. I felt the first jab in my ribs. You were one sick perv, the kind who gets off on making a girl bleed slowly. The steel blade punctured my lung and I let out a high pitched squeal.

I looked over at the other table and there was a young girl. Pretty and blonde, her eyes bulged in fear. She had watched you torture me. Her fate would be much worse than mine though. Her name was Parker and you had plans for her. You wanted to keep her for breeding to give you an heir. She would be violated until she achieved your demand, then forced to watch her own offspring being abused as well. We both gasped in fear when you returned to the room.
Your shaft was rigid in your lust for blood. You dipped your fingers in it and into my mouth. I suckled them, knowing that this was the end. I was in for a bloody ending after a night of torture. Once you satiated your need for pain, I knew what would happen.
As the sun touched the morning sky, I was near death. You had violated me in every way. My pussy was ripped from hole to asshole. My nipples were gone. My body bled from a dozen punctures, soaking my satin sheets. You had jerked off many times as you tortured me and still you fisted your raw meatstick, the blood soaked head drooling pre-cum. You had not allowed yourself to cum, choosing only to edge for all these hours.
Now you climbed upon my broken, prone body and forced yourself inside my bloody hole. Your hands went around my throat as you began to pump. I felt my life leaving me and it was almost sweet relief. As I took my final breath and exhaled with a twitch, you joyfully fucked my dead body. For me it was the end, but for you, the fun was just getting started……

bloody phone sex



Kinky Ass Murder Spree

Snuff Porn

I feel like going on a murder spree today just for the hell of it. What do you say do you want to join me? I’m going to wait outside the club as it’s letting out. All those drunk men and women stumbling around blindly trying to make their way to their waiting car or flag down a taxi. They’re ripe for the picking. Let’s grab a couple and throw them in the back of the van. Then we can drive out of the woods and practice different ways to torture them and make them bleed out. I have such a beautiful assortment of knives to cut into their flesh and watch the lovely puddles of blood growing beneath them. I want to use their blood like body paint and roll around in it with you as you fuck me. Maybe we can hack off a few limbs and leave their body parts strung up from the cabin ceiling. They do make the loveliest decorations. My cunt is so wet from offing all these innocent losers. I want you to have the most intense orgasm of your life as you help me kill victim after victim. Let’s go on a massive murder fuck spree and leave a wave of carnage behind us.

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Why I love Fall!

Cannibalism phone sexFall is my favorite time of year for a couple reasons. First, I love Halloween. Not only do I like all things horror and scary being a Goth girl sadist, but the entire month of October is hunting season for me. Why? Because dumb bimbos find the need to dress in some sort of slutty costume for the entire month. Slutty nurses, slutty secretaries, cheerleaders, sexy bunnies or kittens… Hell girls will be a slutty nun to bring attention to their bodies. This helps me with the second reason I love this time of year so much. Thanksgiving. Fuck the pilgrims. I am all about that special dining experience. October allows me to better see the meat if you know what I mean. All those stupid bimbos walking around in slutty costumes, drinking too much, means I can find the right meal a month in advance. That gives me plenty of time to fatten her up; purify her body; work on the right recipe; and invite my fellow friends who enjoy a fine dining experience too.

snuff porn cannibalismThe best meals are planned well in advance. With this kind of dining experience, you need the meal prepared correctly. No running to the store for a back up rump roast if you burn your girl. Ii mean meal. Now, sometimes a special accomplice hires me to make a meal out of an annoying ex or co worker. It is fun to dine on the dregs of society. At least he or she can bring some happiness to people in the end! Regardless of how the meal is selected, the preparation is what makes the meal scrumptious. Skinny sluts need fed a month of protein shakes. Most whores need the dyes out of their hair; the saline out of their tits (although I do try to nab the meals with real breasts); remove all piercings and fake nails and crap. Daily washing in a butter sauce makes the skin so tender and juicy. About a week before Thanksgiving, I start experimenting with seasonings and special sauces. I’m an excellent cook. Of course I have been schooled well and trained in the preparation process by experts. Now is the time of year for all those special meal requests. I can nab just about anyone with no difficulty between now and Halloween. I’m also looking for help with the meal preparation process. And of course folks who would like to spend Thanksgiving with me dining on a most special meal.

I love cannibalism phone sex fantasies. I have peculiar tastes, do you?