Category: Sex with dead bodies

Make Me Suffer

torture phone sex I love being suffocated and brought back. I love the feeling of not having any air and you use my fucking tight holes. I love when you push my head on the concrete and make my face bleed! Then you put a bag over my head and let me die for a brief moment then give me some air. Better yet how about you slice my throat so I bleed out just feeling the blood rush down my fucking tits knowing I will soon be dead so you can fuck my dead body. How about you make me bleed in my panties and shove them in my mouth? I am feeling extra dirty today. I want you to slice my stomach open and fuck my intestines.

torture phone sexMake me bleed all over myself and the floor. I had a fantasy yesterday about being me laying flat on something and being strapped down, and a man came up to me and slid a butcher knife down my body and sliced open my legs first. He sliced the open and pulled out my tendons. Then he stopped and got a plastic bag and put it over my face. I couldn’t really see anything but I could feel him cutting every part of my body open. I was suffocating and I think I passed out for about 2 minutes then he took the bag off and woke me up. When I woke up and looked down my tits where completely cut off. I started to scream so he put my bloody tit in my mouth to make me shut up. That’s when I woke myself up from cumming so hard.

Snuff Phone Sex with Natasha

snuff phone sex “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the most evil snuff phone sex slut of all?”  That would be me, mother fucker. As you’re out having fun, I’m watching you. Don’t think for a moment that you are safe with other people. I will find a way to get you.

Ask me what my favorite phone sex is and I will say Accomplice phone sex. Having a willing partner is always hot and the bloody sex is so good. Together we are creatures of the night and we will get our prey. You will know that hell exists when you fall into our clutches.

Last week was a good example. A cheating whore needed a lesson. She had been out flaunting her shit and spreading her legs for the last time. We yanked her out of a car as she was getting banged in the backseat. Breathless and naked, she begged for her life. I drove her far out into the woods where her BF could find his revenge. He punched her in the face over and over as he drove his cock into her cheating cunt. I held a knife to her throat and made little slices as he got closer to orgasm. As his cock blew, I cut her windpipe and jugular. Her death twitch milked out every drop of his cum. She gurgled as her lifeblood soaked the leaves. He and fucked right there in the gore of her carcass, rolling on the bloody foilage. After we smoked a fat one, he fucked her lifeless body one last time. I fingered myself in glee as I got off on his necrophila. We were so turned on that we went out searching for another victim. We found a tasty young teen who had run away from home. We tore her to bloody pieces, leaving her for the animals, after we clubbed her with a car jack. Stay tuned for the rest of the story in my next blog.

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Murder phone sex Fantasies with Morticia

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Your Murder phone sex Fantasies are happening more and more. I can influence you and make you do what I want. You are a weak man with very bad thoughts. Thoughts so sick you want to cut your own cock off. You are becoming paranoid that everyone knows what you want to do. You keep thinking everyone is out to get you, fuck even your our flesh and blood is turning on you! Your once sweet Innocent little girl is now a dirty fucking whore. Not even legal yet and you know she has fucked every one of your friends, but she hasn’t fucked you. Why hasn’t she fuck her daddy yet? I am that devil inside of you who can make you cross the line and do what you need to do. I am that voice tell you to do one more hit. Take a big hit of that crack and hold it in.

Snuff phone sex

Your cock is rock hard and you want a piece of her pussy. You want to show me how much you worship me. You want to make her scream as you force your cock into her whore asshole. You are going to make her pay for being a dirty whore just like her mom. That bitch is the reason why you are addicted to pussy and crack. She fucked you so good and got you high all the time. You even question if that whore upstairs is even yours..  Call her down into the basement. Scream her fucking name until she gets so fucking annoyed that she comes down to yell at you. That is when you hit that bitch in the head. Knock her fucking ass out.

Taboo phone sex

Now that she is all good and tied up lets find out if she is yours. Can her cunt take your cock? Is her cunt so fucking tight you start to realize the smoke had your head in a haze. That your sweet innocent little girl isn’t a whore, She hasn’t ever had a cock inside of her. Take another hit before you realize her lifeless body is so stiff that is why her pussy is so fucking tight. What have you done? Tell me every nasty detail what you did to her tiny lifeless body.

Snuff phone sex in the park

snuff phone sexI’d had a very nice day at the park doing drugs and panhandling. I’d even crashed a few parties and been offered a few drinks. I was feeling no pain as I staggered through the grass. I had no clue that I was being watched until it was too late. A group of homeless men living in the shadows of the park were like silent predators, seeing my small, drugged body as the perfect sexual target. They were on me like wolves, beating me unconscious and pulling me into the netherworld of the forest.

I could barely open my battered eye sockets. I tasted the blood on my lips. A dozen of them stood around me. I could feel my ravaged pussy now as yet another one of them climbed on top of me. His foul breath came in gasps as he pumped me viciously with a rock hard cock. Another feral creature stepped forward and grunted, trying to get his nasty stick into my ass at the same time. I whimpered and they knew I was alive. A third one grabbed me by the air, pulling me upward to his giant cock and plunged it into my throat. He used it like a weapon, asphyxiating me, as I wheezed for air. This seemed to inflame them and I was surrounded by horny animals, all wanting to use and abuse me. I felt the world going dark around me as he rammed my windpipe over and over with his oversize meat stick. Even in my drugged state, I knew I was dying. My soul seemed to leave my body and I found myself hovering over it, watching these monsters continue to fuck my dead carcass. Despite it all, I felt my pussy begin to twitch in orgasm. It was one bad drug trip…or was I really dead?

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I was on vacation in Mexico and I met some very nice people outside of the resort I was staying in. They always say don’t go outside of the resort but I’m a curious one who likes to explore and meet new people. I was in the car with four other people and I noticed that we kept getting further and further away from my hotel. I didn’t ask where we were going since everyone was rather quiet and I felt uncomfortable. After awhile the car finally stopped and we all got out. I noticed a foul smell in the air. I looked around me to see a huge pit, I got closer to the pit and looked down. I saw dead bodies- men, woman, wee ones. I immediately tried to run but on of the guys caught me off guard and tripped me. I fell to my face and had the dirt fly in my eyes. I tried to plead them to let me go and to please not hurt me. They mocked me and laughed. They grabbed me and through me down next to some already deceased bodies. I panicked, the men held me down and took turns forcing their cocks inside me. I had gravel and dirt in unspeakable places. They were thrusting hard and fast in all of my holes, ripping them apart. I tried to struggle away from them, but my little body and strength was no match. They laughed and took turns fucking the dead bodies around me. The took me by my hair and made a slice at my neck with their dull knife. I felt blood rush down my tits and torso. They started putting their dicks in every hole of mine. My pussy, ass, mouth, and the slit in my neck were filled with dicks. They pounded at my holes until my body became lifeless. Just another body to go in their pit.

Accomplice phone sex for your pleasure.

accomplice phone sexI banged her head on the floor so hard that I felt her skull crack. It’s just so easy to kill. You were laughing your ass off stroking your cock. I knew that you were excited. Necrophilia was your favorite thing. You liked me to get them right on the edge of death in a violent fashion. Once her eyes rolled back and her breaths were swallow, it was your turn. You loved the feeling of “fucking her to death.” You rammed your cock in every hole, listening for that faint last moan and your favorite “death rattle.” As she began to cool, you got even more turned on, warming her carcass with spurts of cum. You were just as evil as me. We had just found this little victim as she came home from school. Such a petite blonde beauty cluttering up this world. She just begged to be taken. One little opportunity is all it takes, people, and you too could be the fuck meat on my slab.

snuff phone sexIf you can’t take evil, wicked, bloody, and dead, better leave my blogs now. I am far from normal and so are you. Let’s violate, plunder, beat, and kill. Who’s on your mind tonight?


Sex With Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodies angieOne thing at a time. It’s been a month now and I am so close to the grand finale that I can’t stand it. It started with a drive on a cold winter day. Th snow was coming down hard and driving conditions were getting rough. Her silhouette was barely visible as she walked along the side oft he road fighting the wind. She got in my car willingly and I have had her ever since. She became a project for me. And evil, twisted project. I started by using my wire cutters to snip off fingers and toes and cauterizing the flesh to stop the bleeding. Each time I removed a piece of her, I wanted more. After last night she is simply a torso with a head. All of her limbs are gone. Looking at her wiggling and squirming has my cunt so fucking wet with the need for the final step. This will be the last appendage to remove. Being left with her lifeless be-headed body is what I have been waiting for. As I fasten my strap on around my waist I am anticipating the build up as I cut her head off. I can’t wait to cauterize her neck and then slide my dick into her lifeless body. Is  there anything better then sex with dead bodies?

Never Seen It Coming

Snuff sex       I am such a worthless whore who deserves to get the living hell beat out of me. And that is exactly what happened to me today. I came home and the moment I walked through the door I felt a sharp stabbing pain to the back of my neck. He was waiting for me behind the door and the second it closed he attacked me. Most times I see it coming but not this time. Once I was down on the ground he repeatedly kicked me with his pointy toed cowboy boots. I started to feel a warm rush come over my face and then I seen it. A pool of blood started to build up beneath my near lifeless body. I thought he must have broke my nose and that was where all the blood was pouring from but it turns out he had cracked my skull. As I begged and pleaded for him to stop it was just giving him more fuel to beat me even more. I finally gave up and went limp. The last thing I remember feeling was his cock ramming my asshole. I was face down in my own blood practically drowning in it. When I woke up in the hospital I was alone and confused. At that very moment I had no idea what happened and couldn’t answer a single question they were asking me. Finally I fabricated a good enough story for them that they believed me and I was soon released to go back home.

Have you ever had sex with dead bodies?

sex with dead bodiesHave you ever had sex with dead bodies? Now, now pet, don’t give me that look! I know that it is a taboo kind of thing and something that only the most hardcore, evil twisted people like us could possibly be into but you are sitting over there acting like a prissy little princess that is afraid to get his hands dirty! Are you not already covered in this whore’s blood?? Did you not profoundly violate this little bitch while she was still breathing?? If you could do everything we just did to her while she was still breathing, how could you act all squeamish now that she is dead? Why let all those tight little fuck holes go to waste? Quit acting like a little bitch and get your ass over here now! We are going to violate this whore with your cock until I say we are done… and trust me lover, you are going to love this shit just as much as I do! Her small broken body can be used in so many ways and now that she is quite dead there will be no resistance at all. You will be able to shove your cock all the way down her dead throat with no chance of her biting you, or use her pussy and ass until you rip them to shreds… and all of this with no screams from her at all. No one will hear what we are doing with our little love doll so we will be free to do absolutely anything at all, doesn’t that sound heavenly? We’ve already done so much together lover, why not go all the way down the rabbit hole into madness? Give up all of your notions of what is proper and what isn’t and join me on the dark side…

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Sex with Dead Bodies: Fucking Dead Whores No One will Miss

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies is something I have only  heard about before. Honestly, I thought it was  something that only happened with morticians and medical examiners. You know, people around dead bodies all the time. Last weekend, I was getting abused at an underground S & M club. I’m a pain whore, but I owed some money to a dealer who decided I could work off my debt with his friends. I had no clue what sick fucks they were. I was suspended from a rafter. Ball gag in my mouth. Hands and feet bound tightly, extremely tightly. I had a cattle prod up my ass which shocked me anytime I flinched. I heard awful noises. Blood curling screams mixed with what sounded like chainsaws or electric saws. The lights came on and I saw the carnage, which made me flinch a lot. I’m  shocked repeatedly as I scanned the room seeing dead girls, dead dismembered girls being fucked. Men were paying for the privilege to fuck fresh dead meat. Most of the girls were limbless, just bloody stumps. At that point, I was scared shitless. I had never seen such a gruesome scene in my entire life. Was snuff sex in my future? I felt a hand around my throat, a cold hand. A voice whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry Blair, someone would miss you. We only kill runaways and street junkies. Whores no one wants anymore.” I felt guilty for feeling relived, but I puked on myself watching men cum in dead pussies. Would you pay to fuck a freshly killed girl? I was forced to watch the carnage for hours with the cattle prod in my ass. Crying, blinking, trembling, all made me flinch which shocked me. Pain pulsated through every vein in my body.  I pissed myself repeatedly. When I was finally let go, I vowed to never do business with that dealer again, but then again, I am a junkie whore with few options left for free drugs.