I met a new guy in an online community for people with fetishes like ours. He loves that I am a mortician, as he enjoys playing with the dead too. I went to his house yesterday, and he showed me where he keeps his playthings in a big freezer, taking them out just long enough to play with. He had a man and a woman, and one they were given time to thaw some, we positioned them as if they were giving each other oral, in a 69 position. He wanted some of her ass, so he started fucking her backdoor while I watched and played with my pussy. It got me so fucking wet watching him pump in and out of her tight little hole. Once he was done, I jumped on top of the guy and rode his cock to a screaming O. I left pussy juice all over his permanent stiffy and my new friend couldn’t wait for his turn.
Category: Sex with dead bodies
Cutting the Dead
I like to position my stiffs in the morgue to my liking. A little BDSM was my mood this morning and I tied her up and whipped and beat her throughout the day. As part of my post mortem gang bang, I put her on display and set up a row of stiff cocks to watch the discipline. I then took my favorite knife, one with a long, sexy serrated blade, and cut her a new fuck hole right in the center of her throat. Those stiff dicks could be sat on top of her, with their cock resting inside that hole, their blank eyes staring at one another. Oh, the joy and pleasure I feel in watching them look at each other with that dumb as fuck stare. I continued to play with my favorite blade, cutting and slicing the flesh and watching it fall to the floor. My pussy was throbbing then and so fucking wet. It was my turn for a big stiff one in my fuck hole.
It’s Sex with Dead Bodies Friday!
Just another day at the office with all of these hard cocks to choose from, on all of these cold bodies. It was a full house, so I decided to have a gang bang, taking turns with each stiff cock and leaving cunt juice on each one. I love it because I can go for as long as I want, and I like to go for a long time, and they never talk back. The stupid fucks, they are dead for a reason! They probably did something stupid. I especially like the ones whom were in accidents and their bodies are bloodied and mutilated. As long as their cock is still attached, I’m getting some of it! My cunt gets soaking wet and I have the time of my life! This Friday night is going to be a blast, I think I am going to invite my friend, Aubree to join me. She likes fucking as much as I do and claims to be a dirty whore and as sick as they come. We’ll see….if I don’t kill her first.
Come join me at Dark Fantasies for even more evil.
We stuffed her in the trunk, laughing our asses off. The little slut really thought she was going out with you. Oh, it’s gonna be a date all right but not one she’ll live to remember. I could barely wait to rip that slutty little mini skirt off and expose those fake tits.
You first told me about our victim about 6 months ago, how she was stalking your Facebook and following you around. When she showed up at my job telling me to stay away from her boyfriend, I knew she had to die. The bitch done messed with the wrong woman.
We drag her into the basement and tie her down. She is waking up now and starts spewing threats. I pull off her panties and stuff them in her mouth. Her eyes are huge with fear and that makes my pussy wet. You walk into the room clad in a black robe, your face almost covered. A punch to her face knocks several teeth out. Let the games begin.
A few hours later, she is almost beyond recognition. Her face is bruised a nice shade of purple and black. I’ve stabbed holes in her implants and a mixture of blood and silicon is leaking from the holes in her chest. You’ve violated every hole and fucked her with various objects. Now you are standing over her for the grand finale. I grab a scalpel and slide it slowly across her throat. The spurts of blood from her jugular are mixed with spurts of cum from your cock. We fuck like animals in a pool of her blood.
To read more tales of gore and sex, come visit DarkFantasiesphonesex.com for a cock stroking good time. Nothing is too taboo for a snuff girl.
Fulfilling Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
I love fulfilling rape phone sex fantasies. This morning I got to be a little black cock cheating whore who got taught a lesson. I left my ex boyfriend for this big black bull who likes to rough me up. It is okay. I don’t mind him man handling because he has a 13 inch cock. Women will do anything for a cock that big. That is why so many chicks stay with assholes and wife beaters. They have a big dicks. They are only weak for huge cock. Well my ex heard my current boyfriend put me in the hospital. He showed up trying to get me back. He was pretty shocked that I chose to stay with a man who made me black and blue. I had to dish out some tough love. “You are pathetic. You have a little dick. Leroy is more of a man than you could ever hope to be. Now leave,” I yelled at him. I was sure that being humiliating on my porch like that would make him leave. He snapped. He started calling me a Nigger loving whore. Told me I likely have a diseased cunt. I didn’t know who he was anymore. I yelled at him to take his tiny dick off my porch. Fucking fool. Yell all he wants; that is not what makes a man. Every woman knows that cock size is what separates the boys from the men. The moment I started taunting him nonstop about his tiny dick he lost it. Pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground. He pulled his cock out and fucked my ass as I laid their bleeding out. He picked up the knife and stabbed me more. This time in my whore bags. He came in me as I took my last breath. He taught this black cock cheating whore her final lesson.
Ass Rape Porn Is Only The Beginning
One of my Masters of recent has decided he gets off on ass rape porn and by sending me out to the Hotel lounges to hook. He does this to me during conventions with mostly men in attendance that appear to have money and willing to part with it. One of the conventions he got a kick out of sending me to was an Undertakers or Morticians convention.
Trying to seduce an Undertaker is not easy! I did get a rather dark, quiet type to approach me and ask if I was “Working”. We got the specifics squared away and I met him up at his room a quarter of an hour later. When I arrived I was a little perplexed as he had another woman in there sleeping. At least that what I thought! He offered me a drink and it appears to have been spiked as I felt loopy and without inhibitions.
Helping me undress he directed me to get into the bed with the other woman and be silent. I slipped in only to find she was cold and blue. Gasping I tried jumping out of there when he shoved me back down with a gun fitted with a silencer. Fuck! I did as I was told and made out with the dead corpse while he took turns fucking her cold dead hole and my warm moist cunt. He came in the dead body and as he was cumming he pulled me by my hair and shoved my face down in a pillow trying to suffocate me and that’s all I recall.
Snuff Porn: Enjoy Killing Me, then Enjoy Fucking My Dead Warm Corpse
I have been told I am the perfect snuff porn star. I don’t know how to take it. I think every submissive whore fantasizes about being killed at the hands of a strong dominant man, but in reality she doesn’t really want to die. I can’t control fate, however. If I am meant to die at your hands, then so be it. I went out for my morning jog . It was way too hot to be running later in the day. I took a new route through the park. Something hard hit me in the head. I kept running despite feeling dizzy. When blood started running down my face, I knew something bigger had hit me than I thought. I guess my adrenaline was pumping. I stopped, stumbled and passed out after seeing a shadowy figure. I awoke tied to a St. John’s cross with an industrial vibrator torturing my pussy. I started convulsing from the over stimulation. I begged for mercy. If he wanted to explore some rape fantasy he had, I assured him I wouldn’t fight back. “I’ll do anything, just please don’t hurt me,” I begged. “I’m not going to violate a diseased whore. I’m just going to bash your brains in,” he replied with an evil laugh. I pissed myself in fear. He sounded like Jack Nicholson in The Shinning-completely deranged. I knew he was serious when I saw the table of torture devices. Deadly items like saws, hammers, butcher knives and chainsaws. He started by ramming a sharp spike between both tits. I let out a blood curdling scream. My tits were spit roasted. He pierced my clit with a similar object. Blood was trickling down my body like I was a Vampire’s bitch. When I started to pass out from the pain, he punched me in the face. The cross I was affixed to spun around. He gave me a spin like an amusement park game as he threw knives at me. One hit me in the femoral artery. Blood gushed out of me. I felt cold, weak….as things went dark, I heard him say, he was going to enjoy my warm dead corpse.
Necrophilia phone sex with Morticia
He stunk of fear, sweat and blood. I knew when he knocked on my door that he needed me. I didn’t think I would be cleaning up his fucking mess right now. The fire is roaring and the beasts are barking. I made him cut off her clothes and burn them one and a time. His dumb ass tried to keep her panties. He fucked this up already and he needed to just fucking listen to me. I grabbed his hard cock and squeezed my sharp nails deep into the shaft of his cock to make sure I had his full fucking attention and I asked him if he fucked her. He looked away as if he was ashamed of his actions… Did you put your cock deep inside of her? That’s how you did it isn’t it. You shoved your cock into her virgin asshole and started fucking her, ripping her apart and you couldn’t stop her screaming… You covered her mouth with your hand.. Did you forget to let her fucking breath through her nose?! His Grunts were all the answers I needed. I let him go and he cut the string that was holding her up in the tree as we prepped her body to burn and feed to the beasts… He started to spread her lifeless ass cheeks apart to shove his cock deep inside of her again.. But I wanted that rock hard cock deep into my cunt so fucking bad.. I walked over and put his face in my pussy as he fucked her cold asshole he licked my pussy until I pushed him down and rode his cock. I came so fucking hard when he blew his rotten load deep inside my warm wet cut. Cleaning up his messes made me so fucking hot!
Snuff phone sex Addiction with Makayla
My daddy is a very twisted man, something deep down inside of him is rotten. His deep down rottenness is taken over his body. His Addictions are more than drinking and getting high. Now he can’t stop, I still remember the very first time I saw it. That was when I finally felt a connection with my daddy. Daddy was on-top of this girl. She couldn’t have been much older than me but she looked just like me. I could see the light slip out of her blood shot eyes. Her face was blue and she was gone but daddy kept fucking her. He kept choking her, squeezing her neck harder and harder. Slamming his cock in and out of her bloody asshole. He forced his way inside of her holes. He got her high, tied her up and made her his very first victim. I had always questioned if he was even my father until that night. Watching him fucking her like that made my pussy so fucking wet. I knew I was just as evil and rotten as he was. Ever since then I have wanted to be fucked just like my look a like.
Snuff Sex Fun
Snuff sex is what he wanted. His wish was my command. He paid me quite handsomely for a ripe young thing. It is always a pleasure when he calls me. We share a similar taste for pain and torture, even the macabre. I snatched up a little cunt per his liking. Blonde, angelic looking, oh so young and tiny. The key is taking a little one that neither of you have any association with; that way when she turns up missing you are not even considered as a suspect. Random acts of violence happen all the time. Little girls go missing all the time. When I presented him with Britney, his cock stood at attention. We were going to do very very bad things to her. We were out in the middle of nowhere. She could scream for mommy all she wanted. Mommy would not come. My client force fucked her little holes. They bled of course. She was so young after all. Still a virgin. The blood dripping down her thighs afterwards made me wet. He likes to fuck the little ones. I snuff them out for him. He likes to have fun with them before and after death. Sex with dead bodies, especially tiny young dead bodies is wicked hot. I took my knife, pressed it into her belly button and slowly twisted it in. Pinned her to the floor like a squashed bug. We watched as the blood drained out of her. We watched as the life drained out of her too. When her body was still warm, he shoved his cock in her dead fuck holes one last time as I masturbated. He came deep inside her asshole this time. He loves fucking dead little whores. I love watching. We make a great team. Her body was so tiny she was easy to dispose of. I just chopped her up into little pieces and tossed her in the garbage disposal. Bleach and lye get rid of any DNA. It was another hot adventure together. I make a great accomplice.