Category: Sex with dead bodies

My New Fuck Buddy

taboo phone sex

I want to fuck so bad sometimes that I just can’t wait to get to the morgue and I have to take full advantage of whatever is close by to get off to. Yesterday I was driving down the road, it was a long drive and I was very fucking horny! So, I put my left foot on the dash, turned the cruise control on and fucked myself silly. A trucker pulled up next to me on the interstate and could see what I was doing. He began to jerk his cock and motioned for me to pull over. We stopped at a rest area and I climbed into the truck. Without a word to each other, we start going at it like two energizer bunnies. He fucks me good and hard and I cum three times riding his hard cock in that big rig. He left my pussy filled with cum and wanting more. We have plans to meet again next week at the same spot and I cant wait.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies – Kidnapped

Murder phone sex fantasiesHis voice chilled me to my very bone. He had called twice before, issuing what I had thought were empty threats by way of prank phone calls. But, this time, I had chills going up and down my spine.

*3 days later*

He grabbed me after I left the grocery store. He has me tied up in the back seat of his car, and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I am so scared!! Oohh, we’re stopping! Please let there be people around!!! No!!!! No people, only trees!! Why?!

He’s carried me to a clearing, and oh gods!! He’s cutting my clothes off with a knife!! He’s crushing me, and … ahhhhhh, that hurts!! I think he ripped my cunt open!! I can’t scream with this damned gag!! Why is he doing this to me?! Oh god, my lungs!! He’s crushing my chest; his hands are so big, and his fists are just crushing my chest!!! I think that’s a broken….Yep, that’s a broken rib!! Someone please help me?! What’s that? Oh, please gods, NO!! Please? I can’t breathe. I can’t…

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I was walking home one night and I got taken. All I saw was a car drive by and they put a bag over my head and snatched me up. When I got the location in which they stopped, I smelt a foul smell. I heard cries and screams as they pushed my body through what felt was a long stretched path. My black bag that was over my head was taken off and I panicked as I looked around.

I saw girls, small girls crying and shackled to the ground. They were naked and bloody. I freaked because I knew there was no way out and no way home ever again. I watched as three men laughed as they beat this one girl. She looked like she was a blond, but I could tell since her hair down to her scalp was saturated in blood. They called her names, spitted on her, and finally pulled their cocks out to fuck her.

One man was even cumming inside her destroyed ripped open bloody pussy and he made eye contact with the girl. He lost it, as his fist pounded into her face over and over until he bashed her skull in. The men just laughed as they continued to fuck her dead body. They came all over her. She was just left to stay there, so that they could fuck her body whenever they pleased. The three men covered in blood finally walked up to me with smirks all over their faces.

I am next.

Blasphemy Sex – All Saints Day

Blasphemy sexNovember 1st – The day that the living visit with, and celebrate the lives of, their deceased loved ones and friends. This past All Saints Day, I found myself wandering along outside of a graveyard which just happened to be along the stretch of road I was hitching. There were no cars, it was a secluded cemetery along a stretch of country road that had seen better days. I didn’t see anyone, so imagine my surprise when 3 men walked out from the wooded area at the furthest end of the cemetery, talking and laughing. Well, being cautious, I kept an ear out for them, making sure that I knew where they were, trying to protect myself without appearing to protect myself so as to avoid drawing their attention. It was too late, though; they had seen me, and they were headed my way. I started to slowly increase my pace, but before I knew what was happening, I was being tackled from behind and toted bodily to the mausoleum in the center of the graveyard. Apparently they had used this mausoleum before, as it pushed open easily. They laid my body down on top of the sarcophagus in the center of the mausoleum, and they stripped me down, 2 holding me down while the 3rd removed my clothes. They fucked me in that mausoleum for HOURS. By the time I got to go free, it was well beyond dark, and I felt like the spirits around me were angry.

Bondage phone sex

Bondage phone sex

Today I was tied to a chair. Legs spread wide on the arms of it. My pussy was there for the taking. Duck tape across my mouth. I sat there all alone waiting. Watching the door handle for someone to enter. My heart pounded out of my chest when I seen the knob finally turn. It was master. He came In holding his torture bag at this side. He rubbed his hand on my cheek like he wasn’t gonna hurt me. I knew better. He pulled out the big dildo that he had used on me before on the metal table. He didn’t even hesitate to shove it inside me. I tried to scream past the tape. No use of course why do I even bother screaming. I see a taser in his hand. This is new. He walks up and rubs one of my nipples with his fingers making it nice and hard. Then tasered me on my perky peak. I yelped behind the tape. He repeated with my other tit. He makes me sick. I scowl at him and he notices. He takes his knee and hits the huge 2 liter bottle size cock into me hard. Then he punches me in the face. You stupid bitch don’t think for a second I won’t slit your throats and go on about my day. I sob profusely. He rips out the cock. He uses the taser on my clit. It hurts so bad. He holds it there for a long while. I wish he would kill me at times well most the time. He continues to alternate between my tits and my pussy. I’ve stopped screaming it’s just sobs now. His phone rings and he walks off. Who knows how long i’ll end up sitting in this chair like this.

Blasphemy Sex and Fucking The Dead

My guy and I decided to ride over to the cemetery the other night after getting word from my friend, who was a Funeral director. Evidently a prime specimen we needed to see had been placed in a tomb earlier and I have full access as long as I give the Grounds keeper a blow job and he gets to watch. Arriving just after midnight I find the creepy groundskeeper and he leads me to tomb.

I never fucking do jack shit without making sure the deal is good and that means seeing the corpse before blowing fucking Igor. The specimen was fine indeed and my cunt just fucking gushed taking in the rigid cock, as it was beautifully huge! Satisfied on the deal I fulfilled my end letting the creep come on my tits before I mounted my dead friend and started riding that dead cock screaming out blasphemies that please my Lord and Master Satan.

 Blasphemy sex

Introducing Necrophelia

snuff porn

I have a sexy girlfriend, Andromeda, that I decided to let into my little fetish of necrophilia. Andromeda is smoking hot, and I just know that she is up for anything. Being so sexy, she has a lot of guys and girls all over her, and with her drug habit she’s especially loose these days. I’ve been wanting to bring a live person into my little “orgies” with some of the dead bodies at the morgue where I work, and I thought bringing Andromeda in would be perfect. I’d just get her really stoned first, and then I could fuck her while also showing her how fucking hot necrophilia is. I invited her over Friday night, and poured drinks for us and get high with her. I was feeling good, and suddenly all I could think about was getting my hands on that pussy of hers while shoving dead cock in her ass.

I told her I wanted to show her something, and we got in the car. We traveled to the morgue and she laughed about what we were going to do there and how lame it would be. I laughed and took her into the back, where I have a nice room with a king size bed. I put on some music and stripped down to my bra and panties. I began to dance around, rubbing my body, seducing her. She’s always horny, a real freak, so she was into it. I leaned in and kissed her and she went crazy, kissing me like she couldn’t wait to fuck me. Once we got each other’s clothes off, I took her by the hand and lead her into the room with the bodies are. There was a hot young guy whom had died from an accidental overdose. He was hung like a fucking stallion, and his cock was standing straight in the air. I showed it to her, and her eyes widened. She was intrigued! I put my mouth on it and began to suck his cock and she just stared in amazement. I looked up at her and told her to sit on it, just wait and see how good it will feel. So, she did it, and while she rode him I licked her cunny making her scream like a fucking banshee. What a fucking good time!


Snuff Sex – Coulrophilia/Psychrophilia

Snuff sexI was hitching through North Dakota when he came across me. I felt bad about him from the moment he pulled up alongside me, but all my efforts to make him move along failed. That was when I knew I was in trouble, and I tried to take off. He was spry and agile for an older man, and he very quickly and easily caught me. I had no chance to fight; he was so quick that he had me pinned before I could even turn over. I felt him begin to bind my hands, I think it was with rope, but I would have to find out later. I struggled under him, the little bit that I was able to move. He gagged me with a ring-gag, so I knew, once again, that I was in deep shit.

He drug me back to his truck and buckled me in, since he knew I was unable to do anything about it. I have no idea how long we drove, or how far. I just know that when he stopped, it was in a place surrounded by wooded areas. The temperature was dropping, so I knew it was early evening. He drug me through the trees for a good while before finally tossing me to the ground. I could hear water, and I wondered if anyone lived nearby who could help me if I could just project my voice well enough. When he didn’t even bother trying to get me to shut up, I knew it was hopeless. He bound me, hands and feet, to roots in the ground, and I knew I would never get up from there again. He left my view, and I began to search around for a weapon of some sort.Killer phone sex

When he came back, I was completely at a loss. He was dressed as a clown! He had the makeup, a wig, everything! The only way I knew it was him was that he was carrying the clothes he had just changed out of!! He set those down, walked back out of view, and came back carrying 2 large buckets. He poured freezing water all over my body, and I began to shiver. As the night grew closer and the temperatures dropped, he kept dousing me with water until he saw ice start to form from the moisture. Then, he started some ritualistic something or other. He was touching me all over, rubbing me with various parts of his clown getup. It was as I was getting closer to freezing to death that I noticed his cock was poking a huge tent out of his outfit. It was mere moments before I drew my last breath that I saw his cock hovering above my face, and then slipping down into my throat through that ring-gag.

My Fantasy Phone Sex Call Come True

fantasy phone sexFantasy phone sex is what I specialize in. I am the girl for your dark desires. Anything from rape fantasies to snuff, I do it. A caller asked me what my fantasy was last night. Usually, no one cares about what a stupid whore wants, so I was thrilled to tell him that I have always dreamed about being a vampire. I was obsessed with the HBO series True Blood. I read all the books too. One vampire in particular, Eric, was a Nordic god. Dominant too. Just what I like. A sexy in charge man. My caller liked the idea of being an S and M vampire.  I walked into his bar, saw him and got weak. He cast a spell on me I couldn’t resist. In that moment, I became his. One bite on the neck turned me. He drained my blood. Snuffed me out then brought me back to life as his immortal vampire queen. I may have had the power to kill, but I was still his bitch. He turned me for the purpose of procuring him young girls. The beauty of being a vampire is that you stay the age you were when turned forever. Perfect for a P man. I had to get him some little angels. He described his perfect type and I knew just where to find them.  Luckily it is still dark in the morning when the little ones are waiting for the school bus. I picked up three sisters all just a year apart, none of them sexually developed yet. Just how my master likes them. Watching them submit willingly to snuff sex like I did was intoxicating, but what made my cunt wet was their screams as he tore holes in their tiny necks. They died but were reborn as immortal little ones the next day. They will never grow old. And, the hottest part, they will stay virgins forever. Even when master violates their little fuck holes, the very next day the hymens grow back. Who knew that being a vampire was the perfect lifestyle for P men? What is your dark fantasy?

Evil phone sex with Ivy

Evil phone sex

Normal sex just doesn’t cut it for me anymore. After watching my cousin end her own misery. I have been turned on by taboo things. I am asked all the time if I really am into it. Well baby my pussy is dripping wet and I want to have a night full of torture with cum and blood flowing! Do you think you can be my helper? Help me snatch the perfect slut who’s body has just started to develop.. I like em young and tight. Listening to her gagged screams as you shove your cock into her tight virgin asshole making her scream… Fuck I am about to cum just watching you torture her! Take her gag out. I want to sit on her face and feel her screaming into my pussy! I love feeling her scream right onto my clit! Making me shake! I want your cock now! I want your big bloody dick shoved into my tight wet pussy!