Category: Sex with dead bodies

The Brain Surgeon

Sex With Dead Bodies

Strapped to a table, I struggled against the restraints. Even my head was stuck in place. I could tell that I was naked, because the metal table was cold against my bare skin. Then I saw him. A tall, slender man wearing a surgical mask and scrubs. He took his gloved finger and ran it slowly up my thigh. He picked up a strange looking tool from the counter with a cylindrical blade. Realizing what it was, a circle saw, I started getting really worried. The buzzing made me scream out in fear as tears rolled down my face. Straight through my hair and skin, he drilled a large hole right in the top of my head. Blood spurted from the wound as my life left my body. Then, taking a large knife, he made a decent sized incision in the center of the whole to simulate a wet pussy. Barely able to contain himself any longer, his hands shook as he guided his throbbing cock into my squishy brain. Harder and harder, he humped my head until he was done emptying his balls into my cranium. His cock and abdomen were covered in blood when he pulled out. Unfazed, he put his pants back on and dumped my body on the side of a desolate highway.

Snuff Sex Carnal Desires

When your carnal desires begin to stir and that bulge in your pants needs something twisted to get relief and snuff sex is the only thing that will really get you off. I’m a vicious accomplice for all sorts of wicked fun and games as the twisted fun I have is what drives my libido out the fucking window. I am a fucking machine and love to fuck at the end of a messy blood coated adventure.

My last adventure as a hired hand in committing a gruesome torture phone sex act with a dumb little fucking brat. I beat the crap out of her and punched her in the mouth to make it a bloody toothless mess for my partner in crime to fuck. I fisted that young sluts cunt with my spiked rings on and oh the pleasure of seeing that cunt bleed.

Snuff Sex

Snuff Sex Dinner

snuff sexSnuff sex? It’s too final for me.  I mean snuff equals death, right?  He said we were just simulating a snuff scenario. I didn’t have a choice. He is a man. Men are always in control, at least with me. I’m just a blonde bimbo, right? I’m not good for anything but fucking, sucking and abusing. When I arrived, I was ordered to disrobe. It was time for a naked inspection. Him and his friends inspected me for body hair and cleanliness. I had very specific orders on how I was to appear before arrival. Clean, shaved and sans any make up, perfume or jewelry. Once I passed inspection, I was escorted to the basement with several other women. Someone was cooking something. I could smell the aroma. Sweet with herbs. It was hard to imagine we were being served dinner. When we arrived at the bottom of the stairs, we all gasped when we realized we were going to be dinner. Big caldrons of water hanging over open flames with girls already cooking. Have you ever smelled cooking flesh? Apples were placed in our mouths. A masked man rubbed us down with a butter and olive oil mixture. Another man sprinkled herbs on us. I sat there scared knowing I was simply waiting my turn to be cooked to death. I felt a strange mix of fear and satisfaction. If going to die, at least I knew I would make a satisfying meal. What are your cannibalism phone sex fantasies?

Strangulation Phone Sex is HOT!!

Strangulation phone sexI couldn’t breathe. His hand was around my throat, squeezing my airway. I clawed at it, trying to get it to let up, but it wouldn’t. I felt the darkness closing in on me, his dick rubbing against my clit, over my cunt and ass hole. Then, his hand released, staying loosely around my throat as he slid his cock into me, balls-deep. He started thrusting in and out of me, shoving fingers into my mouth, pinching my nipple, just using my body. He started fucking me faster and harder, and his hand slid back down around my throat. He started squeezing gently, at first, and with each thrust tightened his grip. I struggled again, making him all the more excited, and he pushed harder, and deeper into me, while closing his hand completely around my throat. I could feel my lungs burning, my throat working for air, my heart pounding harder and harder, every last inch of me clinging to my life. The last thing I felt before the darkness was him shooting off inside of me…

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I was helping my master fulfill his desires. He always told me he wanted a brat that plays at the park and has a flat chest with a tiny little butt and a super tiny tight little pink virgin pussy hole. I picked one up and surprised him back home with her. She is super pretty. She has long blond hair and is super small.

My master was so excited that he wrapped his hands around her neck and began to squeeze her throat while he tipped her clothes off of her little body. He could not contain himself! He pulled his cock out and commanded that I hold her down. He shoved himself right inside the littlest pussy hole I could have ever imagined to see.

He ripped her open while he kept squeezing her neck. Her face was red, and she had foam and spit coming out of her mouth. Her pussy hole was gapped open wide around his cock and their was blood everywhere from her. She shook and next thing I know she was lifeless. She stopped crying and screaming and even struggling.

My master did not want to stop pounding her open with his dick. He says we are going to keep her until she starts smelling. He has a lot of cum that he needs to give her dead body.

Snuff Sex Blair

snuff sexSnuff sex Saturday night is how I now remember this past Saturday. I was partying with some guys I met at some hole in the wall bar. I was drunk and high of course. I have no relocation of how I got from the bar to the graveyard. One of the guys thought because it was a full moon it would be cool to fuck amongst the dead. I was getting my ass nailed bent over an old Civil War tombstone, when some guys approached us. At first, we thought the police or security guards. Apparently grave robbers still exist. Dead bodies are used to smuggle drugs across state lines. They look for the fresh grave, snatch the body then take it over to Mexico to be “buried.” I only knew this info because they tied us up and I understand Spanish. They thought they could kills us, have very fresh bodies to use as drug mules. They were going to kill us, until one of my cohorts offered up me as a dirty sex mule in exchange for their lives. They fucked my ass like I was an ass rape porn star to see if my ass was tight. Can’t have their smack falling out of my ass. I got slammed in the ass with a dead body next too me and many more under me. I was afraid they would kill me, so I said I would help them smuggle anything up my ass. They fisted me too with the arm of the corpse. I had a dead limb up my ass, but I knew if I complained I would be dead. I was drunk, not stupid. I like the thought of being a drug mule, actually; a live one though. I’m a druggy whore, so shoving smack up my ass might get me even fucking higher. They took my driver’s license and branded my ass so I belong to some grave robbing drug cartel now. I can’t wait to start smuggling coke and smack across state lines; but something tells me my world is about to change.

Sex With Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesWhen my friend informed me she has sex with dead bodies, I laughed. I know how it works for guys, but girls? I didn’t think it was possible unless rigor mortis had set in to make his dick stiff as a board. She explained it all to me.  There is a special anal device that stimulates the prostate making the cock hard even in the afterlife. I enjoy sex. I just don’t enjoy people. I don’t want to cuddle. I don’t want to chit chat. I just want to fuck till I cum, then be gone. I masturbate a lot. I have a Bob (battery operated boyfriend). Lilith convinced me to go to the morgue with her. We snuck in last night to check out the new meat! Death doesn’t scare me. I kill and torture for a living. If I can make people dead, why can’t I fuck the dead? We opened up drawers to check out the goods. I was looking for a porn star John Doe. I found him too. A dead nigger guy. Looked like a linebacker. Gunshot to the chest was listed as the cause of death. They didn’t shoot his dick thankfully. Even in death his dick looked huge. My first corpse was going to be a hung one. Shoved that probe up his ass, sprung that monster corpse dick to life and took the ride of a life. Came so hard on Hung Doe’s cock. It was nice. He didn’t try to cuddle. He didn’t want pillow talk and it was all about my pleasure; plus, he was hung like a horse. My friend works at the morgue, so we have decided to host after hour parties for women. Fuck Tinder. Cum on down to the morgue and have no strings attached fucking. Now I understand why necrophilia phone sex is so popular.

Evil Phone Sex Sunday

evil phone sexEvil phone sex Sunday? Has a nice ring too it, doesn’t it. Evil describes me well. So does sadistic bitch, snuff queen, sick, twisted, antisocial and depraved. I am not warm and fluffy. I’m evil. Pure evil. If I don’t like you, consider yourself warned. I won’t warn you twice. I was flying recently. I hate to fly, but it was not avoidable. I had been paid to dispose of a bitch for a guy. It involved me being across the US to do the deed. On the way back, this annoying little twat was sitting behind me. She kicked my seat non stop. I warned her. I warned her mother. Both looked at me with indignation and the problem persisted. Obviously, I could not snuff them both on the plane. Well not without ending up in prison. I’m smart. I’m patient. That is the best kind of evil. I waited for my luggage near them so I could get the name on the badge. I watched the car that picked them up so I could get the license plate number. I have connections. I had their address before I was even home. I know this really sick molester who loves little girls. He recently got compassionate parole. He wouldn’t mind going back to the joint for the pleasure of killing, fucking and dismembering a cute yet annoying little brat. When I told him about her, I tossed in he should do the momma too to throw suspicion off the P man just paroled in the neighborhood. He was putty in my hands. I drove the getaway car.  I knew he did them both good. He came back with souvenirs. He sliced off the little girls tits and her little bald cunnie. I told him I would freeze dry them for him. He was covered in blood, but I could still see his evil grin. He told me sex with dead bodies was something he really missed in the joint. His days are numbered because of lung cancer, but I think until then he is going to be the perfect accomplice. He has nothing to lose.

helping you have sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I want to do really bad things with you. Let’s find someone to play with. We will sneak into her house while she is all alone. Let’s watch her baby. You hide in the closet. I will hide behind the door of her bedroom. When she gets out of the shower I will come up behind her with a rope and wrap it around her neck. I will choke her until she passes out. That’s when you come in baby. Come and see what I did for you. I will tie her arms to her bed posts and sit at the top of her as she wakes up. I stuff a bandana in her mouth as she screams. Fuck her baby. Fuck that hot wet cunt. Ram your cock deep into her tight pussy. She will scream and cry but, don’t stop. I will take out the gag and hold a knife to her neck. She will beg for her life as your still thrusting hard inside of her. Watch me kill her for you. I will slit her loud little throat baby. Fuck her dying cunt harder as she gurgles and gasps for air. I will smear her blood all over her tits, as your big throbbing cock bursts inside of her corpse. Fill that dead fuck hole up with your semen. When you are done with her lets dispose of the body. It will be our little secret.

Snuff Porn Pays My Debt

snuff pornDo you have snuff porn fantasies? I have been told that I bring out the sadistic desires in men. I had no clue so many men hated a woman with red hair. But I get told regularly how badly someone wants to hurt a ginger girl as in hurt her deadly. I was doing a threesome last week with this dealer guy I know and one of his friends. I was just trying to score some free blow and weed. My dealer was buried balls deep in my ass while his friend was skull fucking me. It was nothing more than rough sex until his friend started strangling me. As he was choking me, he kept saying, “Die you red headed slut.” I thought it was some sort of role play fantasy for him, but he was really hurting me. Hurting me badly too. I could taste blood in my mouth. My vision got blurry and I became light headed. I tried to speak but cock was down my throat and my lungs were filling up with blood. My dealer just kept pounding my ass even though I became lifeless. I was jolted awake by a very hard slap. Everything was blurry, like a film was over my eyes. My dealer’s sick friend had evil in his eyes. I am no stranger to that look. I tried to crawl away but something hit the back of my head. I woke up face down in a pool of my own blood. I was confused and disoriented. I looked up and my dealer and his pal had a camera rolling. They were filming me as I laid there bleeding. They were jacking off watching me bleed and cry. My dealer mentioned me owing him money. I thought the fucking was paying for my drugs; he thought otherwise. Another blow to the face, more blood, some broken teeth and a statement from my dealer that snuff movies bring in good money.