I went on vacation for a bit after the whole 7 weeks and my ex-guy becoming a mutilated useless, he can’t fuck me, fuck buddy. By no fault of my own, I don’t seek out snuff scenarios, but they seem to find me.
I went to a small tourist area in Mexico. I walked around to the shops and went outside of the small towns limits to see the landscape. As I was walking along taking pictures and taking in the sights, I noticed brightly painted building kind of set into the dense trees and down a dirt road, and so I went to investigate. I approached the building; it had cars and neon signs pointing to the door. The sign read “No Hay Sexo Tabu Limites.” I took Spanish… I know what that means, No taboo sex shows. Well, I was definitely going in there. I walk in and there is a desk right in front, with a woman who asks what you want to see and she points to the signs above each door. They were all in Spanish of course but one was dead body, mutilated body, mom and son, teens… about 10 doors total. I picked the dead body door, why I don’t know, but why not? First time for everything right?
I walk in and it is quiet and dark, a spotlight comes on and there is a body of a dead girl laying on the table, and a guy standing between her legs stroking his cock. I look around and there are 5 guys sitting in the room and all of them are clearly jerking off, and when the show starts, the stroking gets more furious. The guy started pounding the shit out of this dead woman’s body. She has past rigor stage and he was putting her legs all over the place, breaking her joints to get her legs pinned back and hips wide. All the guys around me were very fixed on the scene, so I thought fuck it, I will join in. I lifted my skirt and pulled my panties aside and started playing with my clit. The guy fucking the dead girl went around the table to her head and pulled her jaw wide open and slammed his cock into her mouth. Her eyes very dead and dry looking, her head only moving as he shoved his cock deep into her throat over and over. A few of the guys blew their loads with that. The guy next to me looked over and nodded and smiled at me. When the guy started to cum is when I came. I love a moaning man. The dead girl got a bunch of hot cum in her throat.
Category: Sex with dead bodies
No taboo sex show, Mexico has it all
Snuff Porn Videographer
Snuff porn is my thing. I don’t just like to kill, I like to film my killing. Sometimes my videos are for my spank bank; sometimes my little death videos are for my accomplice’s spank pack. Troy hired me to be his filmographer recently. He heard about my work. Said he had even purchased some of my works on the underground market. He kidnapped this sweet young morsel to live out his rape fantasies as well as torture and kill her. When I arrived she was practically dead already. So, tiny and young. He had been fucking her for a few days. You could tell. Her little holes were ruined. Completely ruined. Prolapsed pussy and ass. He had ropes, chains, knives and other torture devices laid out. He was ready to party. Not sure how much life was in her. She did not look like she had any fight in her. Personally, I like it when they struggle. The screams and pleading get me wet. But, to each his own. I was simply there to film his milestone. I watched as he dismembered her tiny body. There was a lot of blood, not enough screaming for my taste, but he was hard as a rock and that is all that mattered. I filmed him having sex with her dead body too, well more like her stump. He ravaged her dead holes. He paid me extra to dispose of her body. I know how to get rid of the evidence. It is amazing what a barrel of lye can do. When I delivered his snuff movie to him, I joined him for the first viewing. It turned out better than I thought. The life was gone in her eyes, but she twitched a lot. Not my best work ever, but hot nonetheless. If you have a dirty fantasy you want to live out, make sure you hire a sick videographer to preserve the memory.
Yes Master
Over the years I fell in love with that man that abducted me five years ago. I now will do anything he wants to keep him happy. I now call him Master. Mater loves fucking other women and I’m totally okay with it sometimes he lets me join. I absolutely love it when he does. I love eating young pussy too. While Master fucks me so good and hard in my ass. I love the way he spanks me so fucking hard it makes my pussy so fucking wet. I love the way he makes me pass out when he is choking me and fucking me he makes me orgasm so fucking good. Nothing better than getting fucked in the ass with no lube, and getting choked at the same time. Master tells me to get on my knees, ” yes master.” He slaps me across the face with his big fat heavy dick . Then shoves it in my mouth all the way to the back of my throat.
Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies
Taboo phone sex fantasies are what I do best. My callers fall into two categories: mommy lovers and sadistic men who like to do cruel things to mommy whores. I have a very interesting life on and off the phone. Callers ask me all the time if I have a Master. My master is cocaine. I have long had a problem with nose candy. My husband travels a lot, so he doesn’t know the depths of depravity I will sink for a fix. He is not a dominate man, neither are our young sons. His son from a previous marriage is the closest thing I have to a master. Since I am weak for cocaine, I get myself into pickles all the time. This weekend, I was partying with some frat boys. We were doing lines and fucking. There was some double penetration going on, but nothing wild. Then one of the guys brought in a little girl. No clue who she was or where she came from. She was very young and very scared. She asked me if I knew her mommy. This wasn’t good. I tried to be maternal to the girl when one of the boys punched me in the face. He gave me a knife and told me to “carve the bitch up.” All three boys had pure evil in their eyes. I was informed explicitly that if I didn’t snuff the little whore, I’d be a dead bitch. These weren’t frat boys. They were sick twisted perverts. I looked at the little girl, said I was sorry and closed my eyes. I told myself this was all a bad dream as I plunged the knife in her tiny body. She was screaming and they were laughing. I was crying and shaking. When I heard no more screams, I opened my eyes. The guys were fucking her young dead body. All three of them. It was the most gruesome thing I had ever seen. They seemed like normal 20 something men but they were a pack of wild animals. I did the rest of the blow, got so fucking high, I’m still not sure it really happened, even though the blood stains on my clothes tell me it did.
Bloody phone sex for a cheating whore wife
The swish of the knife caught her by surprise. Her eyes widened as I nicked her jugular in bloody phone sex fashion. Her hand went to her neck as she tried to stop the squirt of her lifeblood. I hadn’t cut it deeply so it would take a little time for her to bleed out. You stepped out of the corner and watched. “Die, you cheating whore.” Your hand was on your cock, stroking your erect meat. I’d been torturing this bitch for several hours, just as you’d asked me to.
You looked at your cheating wife. Her lips were busted, her eyes blackened. I had enjoyed beating her tremendously. I’m a killer but I have high morals and cheats and liars must die. This was going to be fun. “I found out that you were fucking my best friend. How could you do that? Don’t you know that you just killed him?” You yanked open the closet door and pulled your former friend out by the hair. “How could you? Did his cock taste good?” You reached over with the scalpel and cut off his shriveled and dangly jewels. He screamed as the blood exploded.
I loved how her eyes bulged out of her head as you stuffed the severed organ down her throat. “Choke on it, cunt.” Her heels drummed the table as you yanked her legs apart. You grabbed my razor edged dildo and began to fuck your wife’s filthy whore pussy, shredding her insides. The blood poured onto the floor. I caught a drop and licked it off my finger.
I couldn’t take any more. “Fuck me while she dies.” I begged. You leaned me right over her body and slammed your fuck root deep into me. Just as I felt you throb deep in my belly, I reached over and slashed her neck. The blood spewed along with your cum.
Bring me your lying sluts and cheating whores and together we will rid the world of them.
Sex with Dead Bodies
Have you ever had sex with dead bodies? I know a few freaks. It is best when the body has been dead no longer than 24 hours. I had some fun this weekend with one of my nasty freak male friends. There was this teen girl he had his eye on for a while. She wouldn’t give him the time of day. She was jail bait, but he likes them young. I owed him a favor, so I killed her for him. I had some fun with her first of course. She was your typical mall rat teen whore. The kind of girl you see traveling in a pack. Thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. Wears short shorts with her ass cheeks hanging out, a small top showing her midriff, then gets mad when older men ogle her. I got her away from her pack with a bullshit line about being a casting agent for a horror movie. I stabbed her in the gut. One shift stab in the right place leaves a little bitch speechless and dead quickly. I watched the life evaporate from her pretty green eyes. The look of puzzlement said, “What did I do to you?” Nothing really, but it was what she did to other men, including my friend. She was a tiny little thing. I shoved her in a duffel bag and walked out of the mall to my car. I hunt at the mall often. I know how to avoid the security cameras. I drove to the old house I inherited that’s in the middle of nowhere and gave my friend his present. I watched his cock get hard at her lifeless body. She was fresh enough that her pussy was still very warm. I watched as he fucked her dead body. She was bloody, but that didn’t matter to us. He fucked her dead holes for hours. I more than paid back my debt. When he could cum no more, I disposed of the body in the swamp. Just another teen whore runaway is what folks will say. Teen sluts are a dime a dozen.
Smoking Suffocation Phone Sex
She screamed and the smell of charred flesh filled the air. I was playing one of my favorite suffocation phone sex games. This one involved a lit cigarette and lots of smoke. Looking at your erect cock, I knew you were enjoying it too.
We had picked up this little truckstop whore along the Interstate yesterday. She was thumbing home after her shift and it was her lucky day. You lit up a fattie laced with something and she greedily inhaled it. She was snoring in the backseat when we pulled far back into the woods.
I tied her to a table. Your cock was throbbing so hard that I was afraid you’d come. The tip of my cigarette fixed that real quick. Your pain is my pleasure. And the best was yet to come.
She awoke painfully, barely able to focus. When she realized what had happened and opened her mouth to scream, I busted her lip. “Time to play, slut.” I purred. I lit a cigarette and took a long drag. I reached for a plastic bag from the nearby drawer. It was clear so that when I pulled it over her head and duct taped it at her throat, I could see the fear in her eyes.
This is where it gets fun. These are special plastic bags with a valve. I took a long drag on my ciggie and blew it into the bag. The nicotine and carbon monoxide created a gas chamber that deprived the victim of oxygen. She would die a terrible death by suffocation. Of course, I expedited her demise by burning her flesh, her tits and labia, with my Marlboro. The harder she screamed, the faster she died.
Right before she took her final breath, I turned her over to you. Your swollen meat could barely wait to fuck her seared flesh and fill her with cum as she shuddered out her final breath.
Teen Rape Porn: My Son Can Get a New Girlfriend
Do you like teen rape porn? I know what you are thinking. I am way too old to be a teen. That is true; however, I have sons, so I have access to teen pussy too. My little mother fuckers are pussy magnets. I got jammed up with one of my dealers. He gave me a way out. My pussy is too old and used up for him or any of his clients. He can’t make as much money off me as he can young girls. I just had to deliver him a virgin girl. That is harder than you think these days. My middle boy had a little girl over to study. I was sure she was a virgin. She is a good Catholic girl. I spiked her Kool-Aid so she would pass out and I could check her bald slit. I saw a hymen. I won’t lie, I wanted to fist the little whore. She was everything I no longer was, but if I ruined her pussy, I was out of drugs. I told my son she got sick and I was taking her home. He never asks questions. I delivered her unconscious body to Raul. He was impressed. He inspected her tight holes and concluded she was untouched too. It was a good night for a gangbang rape porn. He stripped her naked and called in his buddies. I felt bad when I saw how savagely they fucked her holes. Not just cocks. They used fists and baseball bats too. She was getting tore the fuck up like a piece of meat by savage animals. She was semi awake. I guess the pain woke her up. Raul tossed me some coke. I got high. You know, I tuned in and dropped out. That young little school girl was never going home again. I just had to come up with a good story to explain what happened when she left my house to never be seen again, unless you consider snuff porn being seen again.
Fucking a Dead School Girl
You see me walking home with my friends from school. I live a bit further out, though, and must separate from the other girls. The sky looks stormy, but I continue down the path alone, nobody in sight. Watching me from afar, you have the burning desire to ruin my day. What a pretty sight for my pretty face to be covered in blood. I’ll bet you’re dying to know what my screams sound like when I know there is no chance of being saved. The scent of my guts strewn about the room would make such a perfectly sensual perfume to set the mood. You storm into my home while I am in the shower, fling open the curtain, and sink a dagger into my chest, hilt deep. Barely able to react, I fall to the shower floor. Blood splashed across my lifeless face and the walls as you slashed open my stomach. Pulling out my guts, you twisted them around your throbbing cock and started fucking my entrails. Then you dragged me out of the tub and dumped me on the floor. Furiously, you begin to pound away at my pussy, impaling me with your fuckstick in such a way that no living girl could ever handle. Cutting open higher into my chest, you explore my innards. You then discover that you can see my pussy getting fucked from the hole you’ve made in my belly, so you reach through and grab my fuckhole, squeezing to make my cunt unbelievably tight around your cock. Shaking, you grunt as your balls explode into my dead slit. Time will only tell how long you can wait to kill again.
Snuff Porn Inspiration
Snuff porn? Do you like watching or making it? My Master enjoys both. We have been watching this series of Japanese snuff films all week. It is foreplay for him. He was fucked up on meth last night when we watched this bondage film. I thought it was a bondage movie, but in the end, the man in the executioner’s mask, slit the bimbo’s neck while he was cumming in her ass. There was so much blood. She went lifeless quickly. It looked so real. Hard to believe it was fake. When it was over, Master pulled me by my hair over to a recreation of the same bondage device the girl in the snuff movie was hooked up too. He was really fucked up. Pissed too. He found out that I fucked another guy without permission for some weed. No man can touch me unless he grants permission. He tied me up like the girl in the video. He even put a ball gag in my mouth just like she had. He pulled out his dick and started force fucking my ass. He never uses lube either. It was hardcore anal torture. He pulled my hair so hard, a got a fist full of my blonde locks. I screamed as I saw the knife. He was angry enough for snuff sex. He put the blade to my throat as he fucked my ass. He bit my ear then dug the knife in just enough to nick my neck. I could feel blood running down my neck into my boobs. I closed my eyes tight, fearing the worse. Instead of slitting my throat, he carved his initials in my “whore ass” and cut off chunks of my pretty hair. “Now other men will know who owns you, whore,” he seethed as he came in my ass. I am running out of lives.