Category: Sex with dead bodies

Decapitation with Daddy



sex with dead bodies


Daddy has been coming into my room since I was really little and having fun touching my hot little body. I’ve learned so much from our fun times together but I think we’re at a point where I could do without that late night wake up call to suck his cock. Tonight I hid a big knife under my pillow and waited for daddy to come in for his nightly cock sucking session but I had a little extra surprise in mind. As he going down to kiss and lick his favorite young bald pussy, that’s when I pulled out the knife and kissed daddy goodbye. It felt so good to slice that blade through his neck and have daddy’s blood pour all over my lap. The look on his face when his eyes rolled into the back of his head, I knew I wanted to cut his tongue out first so I could make him lick my cunt one last time and eat our my asshole. I cracked opened daddy’s jaw and shit right down his disembodied throat! Then I sat his head up on one of the bed posts so he could watch me fuck his rock solid rigor mortis cock. Oh daddy, I won’t miss you at all because I’m going to keep you around for awhile to use as my own little sex doll just like you’ve done to me all these years. 😉 Evil feels so good!

Hardcore fucking

torture sexMy master had a huge fight with his wife I never really see a soft side of him, I always wondered if he had a vulnarble bone in his body, I actually found out he did, He came over and started to have hot passionate sex with me it was kind of a shock so not him, Then after he came, he got aggressive and need some torture sex, Now this was more like him, he had me tied and started to strangle me, it was as if he was so embaresssed to show any type of vulnarbility in his character, he had to put me right back in place, I was so fucking excited to feel that whip hit my ass and to feel him pump me hard with his cock, I felt my tight ass rip each time he would force his cock into me, I was so incredibly sore from taking his cock in all my holes, I just couldn’t get a break.

Porn marathon fun

Ass rape porn that ends up being cum on my face makes master super excited. He likes to torture me like a slave and loves to see me drenched in his cum. I never waste a drop. I love wearing different types of outfits for him because I know it gets him ready pounce my pathetic pussy. Sometimes he just needs to see me covered in piss just to get his dick hard. If I don’t get him off in time I will surely get my ass rammed by his BBC friends. They are not nice when it comes to a slave who cants please the master. My only job is to make sure he is pleased and if I don’t make that reality I will surely suffer the consequences. I have been tied and strangled just for masters amusement. what he says goes. I shall do everything his heart desires. If he wants me to gag and throw up and clean it up I have to do that too no if and or buts.Ass rape porn

Recruiting slave pets

I have been working for a guy who is totally the most wicked person I have ever met. How we met is a long story, I will for sure share that another day. Let me get to what this pervert does. He has an obsession with a fantasy. The fantasy sex with dead bodies is what gets his dong off. He makes me bring over my friends and he has his way with them. He makes us play dead, He’s insane but it gets our pussy so wet to do exactly what he tells us too I never thought I’d let a guy overpower me but he has totally done that to not just me but all my friends. He has a cult-like relationship with us and we really will do anything for him. Lately, we have been recruiting stupid sluts like us and we have been teaching them to take orders and be little slave pets like us. Sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodiesI had his hands around my neck and his cock balls deep inside of my pussy. My pussy lips were stretching around his cock. His big balls where beating harder against my ass. I could not breathe, my hole body started to turn limp. I felt myself leave my body. I was floating over myself watching him fuck my dead body.

Even though I was not breathing he was crushing my wind pipes right into his hands as his cock kept fucking me harder and faster. I was completely limp on his cock. He took a knife and started stabbing my body, making my cold blood spray all over him. He started cumming inside of my holes as he bathed in my blood.

After he was done, he gave me a sweet kiss right on my lips. He flipped me on my tummy and took my ass from behind. He was no where done with my little dead body.

Snuff Porn Remake

snuff porn

I watched snuff porn all weekend. I needed some inspiration to kill. I sure got it. I watched this one movie that dismembered a young girl. It was pure torture, which means pure arousal for a sadistic bitch. I love a bloody kill, especially one that prolongs the agony. No pain, no gain, right? I was soaking wet after all her limbs were removed. The executioner fucked her bloody dead stump too. Fucking hot as hell. I knew just the girl for my own remake and just the right accomplice. My best male friend has been complaining about his bratty neighbor girl. He talks about how annoying she is, but he speaks about her in a way that tells me he wants to fuck her. Just because a little cock tease gets you hard, doesn’t mean she still can’t die. I knew torture sex may be too extreme for him, but if I got him fucked up, I knew he would get violent. He doesn’t drink because he has some condition that makes him get wacky when drinks alcohol. I spiked his drink with Ever clear grain alcohol. It is strong and tasteless. We went to my kill shack where little April waiting for him. I had her naked, bound and gagged just for him. His dick got hard, so I knew he was happy to see her. He wasted no time. He pounced to fuck the shit out of her. As I saw cum oozing out of her ravaged bald cunt, I started sawing off her limbs. I thought he would freak out, but he stroked his cock harder. He even stroked his cock using her spurting blood as lube. He helped cut her limbs off with me. She screamed bloody murder, which just made it hotter for us both. I didn’t peg him as the type to have sex with dead bodies. I was wrong.  I have a confession. I licked her dead cunt and it was yummy.

Guzzlin’ A Cum Bomb


Teen Rape Porn




I woke up with a funnel down my throat and I was already choking so hard I could barely breathe.
That’s when I realized I was swallowing tons and literal actual tons of shit and piss from a beer bong.
I had some how gotten lost on campus and ended up being the subject of hazing by a frat who were
enjoying their first gang bang kegger. I was tied down to the table and the tube was almost all the
way down my stomach. The shit smoothie pouring down my throat and and I was pretty positive it
could not get worse than this but that’s when they whipped out their dicks and started filling my
stomach with jizz. My tummy bloated up like I was pregnant, I was so full of cum. Then they sliced me
open and fucked my belly button as if it were a flesh light. Finally when they were done with me
they skinned my body and used me as their new battle flag during Greek week. I wonder what the football
is made of.

No More Cat Calling


ass rape porn


So I’ve been pretty sick and god damn tired of this one guy who always tries to touch me when I’m
walking past the bodega by my house. For some reason homebody just has this stupid idea that’s how
you get a girl’s attention. I think it’s high fucking time that a girl teaches him what not to do with ladies.
I talked him into coming to my house and that idiot thought he was gonna get lucky but instead I jabbed him right
in the gut with my knife. While he screamed, I road his face so hard he couldn’t breathe. Then once the rigamortus set in, I jumped on that cold hard cock and road it till I came. Then just for extra good measure
flipped him over and fucked his ass with his own dick after I sliced it right off his body.
I guess maybe his friends are going to wonder where he is but I figure once the body shows up in the dumpster
behind that store and missing the dick they will all get the picture. I’m evil, horny and ready for another victim.
Wanna play?

The Private Collection


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I woke up in a dark room. Looking around for any way to turn lights on, I was completely faded.
I guess there was something in that last drink at the bar? I kept walking around the dark room, totally blacked out.
I kept feeling weird fleshy pieces along the walls that were sticking out but didn’t think much of it until the lights came on.
Once I could see what I had been touching, I couldn’t help but vomit all over the floor. It was cocks.
Thousands and thousands of cocks attached to the walls. Suddenly I couldn’t help myself, noticing they were all hard.
I had to fuck those cocks.
I ran around the room like a crazy nympho bitch, pleasuring myself on all the dicks. Cumming over and over
on each dick. All the beautiful dead man’s cocks, every nationality. A rainbow of orgasms waiting to happen.
After exhausting myself, I opted to take a nap. That’s when the lights went out again. I wonder what will be there
when I wake up this time? Or do you think my privates will become apart of this gallery on this next run?
I guess when I wake up, we’ll find out. 😉

Sex with Dead Bodies Because Dead Dick is the Best Dick

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies is better than online dating. A chick like me doesn’t play well with others. I certainly do not enjoy playing games. I like to fuck, but I hate dating. Even men with big dicks annoy the fuck out of me. I play my own dating game. I use Tinder to find hung studs, I’d never miss. One night stands are the best. George was my latest first last date as I call them. I demand cock pictures up front. I don’t want to primp for a small dick. George was 9 inches soft, so I guessed a good 11 or 12 inches hard. We met at my favorite no tell motel off Route 66. We had a drink first, but he annoyed the crap out of me from the get go. It might be me; I have a low threshold for pricks. I gave him a hand job as part of the foreplay. Normally, I don’t partake in such stupid mating rituals, but I needed his cock hard the moment I thrust the knife in his chest. I primped long for this cock. Took me forever to assemble all the medical tools to preserve his dick. It was going to be the highlight of my dead dick collection. Once the dude dies, rigor mortis takes about 3 hours to kick in. That’s the prime fucking time. Through trial and error, I have discovered that the dick needs to be erect at the moment of death for the best dead fucking. I looked so good too. I am patient for the right man. He was the right one too. I did my nails and sharpened my knives while I waited for rigor mortis to kick in. Then I rode that stiff cock to a massive orgasm. Instead of a post coital smoke, I castrated his cock, stuffed it and saved it for my collection. Dead dick is the only dick.

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