As a submissive whore to my daddy, when he suggested that we go looking for some new little trainees I was sure to oblige. I love my daddy and live to please him. We went to a park in a neighboring town and waited. Soon the playgrounds were full of sweet young things. As their mothers or nannies chatted amongst themselves it was easy to distract a little one. Daddy had his eye on this cute little blonde hair blue eyed darling. I put myself in a position to quickly grab her and hurried towards daddy’s van. No one noticed we took her, and we drove off to daddy’s workshop. Once there I could see daddy was going to have his way with her and that she probably would not survive the night. Sometimes daddy just can not help himself and gets too aggressive. I helped daddy by holding her down and he tore into her tight little pussy destroying it. Not quite done he flipped her over and started pounding her little brown hole. He grabbed her little neck and tightened his grip with every pound. Soon I could see she was no longer fighting and laying there lifeless. That didn’t stop daddy and he turned her over and opened her mouth and proceeded to throat fuck her little dead body until he shot his load all over her. He then smiled, cleaned himself up and went to get himself a beer. Being the little whore I am, I took the little limp body to dispose of it, but not until after I licked my daddy’s cum off of her body.
Category: Sex with dead bodies
Daddy’s Accomplice
Rape phone sex fantasies
Before I kill my victims I like to watch my accomplice torture the bitch while I slide my dildo into my shaved brown pussy. I slide my dildo in and out my hole to the point my dildo is slippery and wet. I taste the juices with my tongue then walk over and tongue kiss my victim. I call it the kiss of death. I slice the bitch’s throat while she is looking me into my eyes and her soul leaves her body soon after. She is now giving me a blank stare. I put my strap on and I fuck this her tight shaved cunt. It is still warm. I pump inside of her over and over again and watch her limp body move to the rhythm of my hips. I order my accomplice to fuck her and cum all in her pussy. He does as he is told. I then slice his throat as well. They both lay lifeless on the floor and I lay right next to them and pleasure myself some more. Oh My! I came so hard that bloody cold night. I can’t help but to kill and cum. That’s how I like to do it baby!
Dead on the outside but alive on the inside
I fuck my victims right after I kill them. The image of their lifeless bodies and the warmth on the inside makes me so fucking horny. I am not talking about men. I am talking about these dumb ass useless whores in this world. After you kill a bitch the inside of her cunt is still warm. I have a bitch I just got rid of last night. After putting the whore out of her misery I took my fingers and fucked her and slide my tongue up and down her soft warm clit. I usually have a partner there with me. A male of course. I make him stick his hard dick in the bitch and fuck the shit out of her. I know her pussy is so warm. She lays there like a lifeless doll. I scoop up her blood and smear it on the inside and outside of her cunt. Making it wet so my male accomplice can nut all in her shit. Even after death the whore is still useful. A cream filled bitch that is. She was a whore in real life and still is after death. I know this is the type of shit you want to do with me. We find a bitch. Kill her slowly or quickly whatever floats your boat. Then you fuck the shit out of her dead ass while I watch and play with my pussy. Until we both cum with pleasure. Two sick fucks getting a nut!
Sex with Dead Bodies
I know he likes sex with dead bodies. I bring him girls all the time to kill and fuck. I knew it would be my number eventually. I pissed him off. I brought him a little girl like he asked, but she was not a virgin. I just assumed because of her age that she was a virgin. I guess her daddy got to her just like mine did to me at that age. I should have done the finger test. Master is always telling me to stick a finger up their bald little cunnies to check for an intact hymen. I didn’t do that and now Master can’t sell the little whore for as much as he could if she was untouched. He slapped me around first. That was followed by rough sex. He was strangling me while imagining I was his ass rape porn star. He shoved his cock inside me so deep, his balls went flush against my ass. Master has a big dick too. He is about 11-inches. As he was brutally fucking my ass, he was strangling me too. Chocking the life out of me, so he could fuck me dead. He loves fucking girls after he has killed him. I just never thought it would be me. But there I was feeling the life go out of me for fucking up his instructions. I hope he enjoyed me after he killed me.
Vampire Snuff Sex
Snuff sex is all I have now. I am part of the undead. He turned me. My sexy, mysterious, powerful lover turned me. Now, I am a creature of the night. One of the lost girls. My hunger is real. I have tried to resist what I am, but I was starving. I went out after midnight to hunt for food for me and master. He was hungry too, but if he dies, I die. So, I went out to get him food. To get us food. I looked for something young and tender. Young flesh is healthy and yummy. Sweet blood. I found a young hooker, but she could have been diseased, so I kept looking. I went to the movie theater and found a sweet young blonde girl. Blonde mini me without the tits and still alive. She was perfect. She was on a date. They looked like high schoolers. Perfect. Two for one. I thought master and I could eat the girl, drain her blood and quench our hunger. The boy I could turn for my own sexual pleasure. Wasn’t sure master would go for that, but it was worth a shot. I hypnotized our dinner and brought them back to the castle. Master was so pleased with the young morsel I brought him, he said I could do what I wanted with the boy. I turned him as he was fucking me. His little girlfriend didn’t fair so well. Master likes to play with his food first. He used her like an ass rape porn star before he drained her of all her blood. He was so into her sweet taste; he didn’t live me even a drop. That changed things for my boy toy. No more turning the lad. He became dinner. But he was a good fuck. I guess I just had dessert before dinner.
Sex with Dead Bodies
I was at a Halloween party with this guy who said he loved having sex with dead bodies. I thought he was joking until he showed me his morgue ID. He works at the county morgue. I have heard about creepy shit like this, but thought it was just urban legend. He asked me if I had ever fucked a dead man. I had never even thought about it until he told me when the cadavers first come in, the men have hard cocks from rigamortis. I started thinking about all those stiff dead dicks attached to men who couldn’t hurt me, who couldn’t shame me either. I know I am a taboo phone sex slut, but this was extreme taboo even for me. We got high together, and he took me to where he works. Signed me in as a visitor. I was walking around with the dead. I was scared and aroused at the same time. He found this black young gang banger who was shot just hours ago. He was on the slab awaiting process of the body. My new friend processes cadavers of crime scenes. He worked quickly to get the DNA evidence he needed for the police so the cock would still be stiff as a board. When he was done, he told me to hop on the cock and take it for a ride while I could. My morgue buddy jacked his cock watching me fuck a dead man. The dead man’s cock didn’t feel dead. It was warm and twitching inside my pussy. I felt wickedly sinful. I had never even thought about necrophilia before. Now, I may never stop thinking about it. I came so hard and so did my buddy. He didn’t mind sloppy seconds because there was no cum in me. Dead men can fuck but they can’t cum.
Teen Rape Porn With Gray
I have a new favorite hobby, teen rape porn madness w/ ghastly sinister and gore-ific fuckability. So, it’s my thing to destroy young fucktwats and make their daddies watch and assist. It’s really the fucking best. But!! You see I happen to have gained a new dirty little fetish, and that is taking down some millennial twat-o-grammers aka Instagram models. Yeah, I got really fucking bored and annoyed with so many shallow bitches online fixated in all these stupid little cattle style following and the whole I’m a model, I’m popular from my selfies shit. This whole scene is one big fucking sickness that I feel I need to harness my bad ass self and take on the role of the Angel of Death. I lured in a few of these dumb shallow bitches and had them singing the death chords for my boyfriends black metal band. They really thought they were going to be actually trying out to sing! What a god damned joke! I rigged up some scrumptious mimosa cocktails with a little special something to really kick their asses. These dumb cunts had it coming and hot damn I had some of my boyfriends groupies cumming harder. Yeah, I did vile things with some nice power tools. I loved fileting that pussy with a cheese grater dildo ratcheted into a drill. The screams, the gore the level of excitement it gave me and my lover we fucked so hard with their blood all over us. Who do you wanna fuck up?
Snuff Porn with Ankle Biters
Snuff porn with little ones gets my cunt wetter than anything. I hate brats. Not a maternal instinct in my body. So, if you want to violate super young pussy, I will encourage you. I will never stop you. I have this friend who thought if he confessed his dark desire to skull fuck a little brat, I would stop him. Instead, I kidnapped an ankle biter for him and told him to fuck her eyes out. He couldn’t believe I brought him a brat. Of course, I did because I am a sadistic bitch. This little girl was screaming and crying for her mommy. I told her I killed her mother. It made me wet to see the fear in her little blue eyes. My friend was done with his guilt and doubt. He was ramming his hard cock in all her tiny holes. He skull fucked her until she passed out. I slapped her back awake until one time he fucked her dead. I knew it would happen because she was the tiniest victim. He kept fucking her even though she was dead and lifeless. Because she was tiny like a rag doll, when he continued to fuck her dead body, she looked animated. I let him have his thrills. Sex with dead bodies is as hot as fucking a tiny little girl. I took care of her remains. No one ever finds the body when I am your accomplice.
BabyGirl Vamp Cunt Is Still Sex With Dead Bodies
Your desire for sex with dead bodies excites me. I am the accomplice that had exactly what you were looking for. I met you as you were working in the morgue. Right on top of that young hooker pounding her cold pussy. I laughed and told you I had another playmate or two that would react to you and they were already dead. And if you were a good boy, I could find us some sweet fresh taint to kill and fuck to death. You wanted to know why I was being nice to you. Let’s just say I have a soft spot for men who like dead things. I brought you back to my dark dungeon of horrors. Two tiny young girls were there. They smiled and showed you fangs as they undressed you, they are always naked and flat chest and eternally bald cunts were all yours. You couldn’t believe that every time you fucked them those hymens grew back. They are undead and fucking tight cold twats that screamed and reacted when you penetrated became all you could think off. And then we moved on to warm flesh. Brats that are forgotten about in society perfect to make our killer phone sex fantasy cum to life. Come to the dark side so we can destroy littles and fuck the dead aftermath!
I was Turned by a Vampire
I was turned last night. Last night was a night that I’ll live eons and remember. I am a different kind of woman now I am a better version of myself in every single way. I live in a town where there is a rumor going around about a particular wealthy dark, handsome stranger. He has a cold demeanor, to say the least. The man’s name is Mr. Finkel, and the rumor is that he is a vampire. I hardly ever see him out, especially in the daytime I’ve only really seen him out at night. I thought the townspeople we’re acting like stupid Dark Ages imbeciles. I’m not frightened of dark, handsome strangers with loads of money. Mr. Finkel lives in a mansion right on a property that overlooks the town. I think everyone is jealous or at least that’s what I thought anyway. The townspeople decided that I should go and find out if Mr. Finkel was, in fact, a vampire because I wasn’t afraid. Everyone got together for a meeting and told me that I have to be the one I didn’t think about it before, but now I know it was because I’m also the town cum-dumpster whore. All of the women hated me because I fucked all of their husbands. I feel like if their husbands and boyfriends love them, they would have been able to resist my sexual charm, but they weren’t able to resist, so did they love them?
I have slept with over half of the townsmen single married and a few gay guys too. What can I say I love sucking cock. I love wrapping my lips around a big fat hard cock rod. I love getting my asshole fucked, and I love being treated like a slut. Those women we’re more than happy for me to go up there in that big ass Mansion because they thought that I would get killed and they thought that the vampire would devour me and I would be out of their hair. I went up to Mr. Finkle’s mansion. Mr. Finkel had this gnarly doorman that looked like something out of a scary movie, but I didn’t care he probably had a huge dick. I told Mr. Finkel that the town wanted me to come up to his beautiful home and see if he were interested and coming out and assembling with the people he looked at me and smiled with that charming smile it was gorgeous and his eyes were spellbinding. Mr. Finkel said that he really didn’t like going out and assembling with anyone because he has critical work in his colossal abode. Mr. Finkel walk behind me ran his hand across my back, and then he turned me around he looked in my eyes, and he captured me. I was a submissive slave in the moment I couldn’t move my body was in a trance as well as my mind. Mr. Finkel ran his hands up to my breast; he squeezed my nipple. I let him do whatever he wanted. I was captured my pussy was soaking wet my body was ready to allow this creature to do whatever he wanted. He whispered in my ear the townspeople are correct I am a vampire and I’m going to turn you. I guess I would have screamed if I was in a reasonable understanding, but there was no reason to this insanity it was beyond reason. Mr. Finkel tore my shirt off seem like with his finger he took my bra and cut it with his long sharp fingernail. He smiled at me, and I saw his fangs, but I wasn’t afraid I couldn’t be I was in a trance. Last night I was fucked by a vampire, and it was the best sex ever. Now I’m a vampire too, and I hunger for sex even more than I did before. I hunger for cock my Hunger so deeply I want to suck balls, and I want to dig my tongue inside of an innocent virgin pussy and make it squirt everywhere. I want to suck the juices of come from a big hard cock, and all of that is because of Mr. Finkel and what he’s giving me.