The night was as dark as my heart. The clouds covered the light of the stars and the moon. The air was heavy with the impending storm and her body lay shivering, naked and afraid. The flames of the fire made light dance on her trembling cold flesh giving the illusion that she was dancing for me while tied to the slab. Dancing around her to the sound of the haunting music I had playing, Each time I touched her and felt her body shiver my cunt grew wetter. I could now hear the rumbling thunder in the distance, it was getting closer and soon the sky would open with the furry of the storm. That is what I waited for to begin the mutilation that I longed to inflict on her. I didn’t have to wait long for the furry that spurred me on. Lightening cracking all around me and thunder drowning the sound of her screams as I cut flesh from her body savoring it, uncooked and sweet while quenching my thirst with her thick hot blood before finally laying on top of her and writhing against her until I came hard. This morning she was stiff and cold, covered in blood laying on the slab with her eyes wide and still fixed in fear. What a shame I was hoping to inflict some mere pain and mutilation. But the thought of fucking her cold and lifeless body was just as arousing as I approached her and shoved my fingers deep in her cold pussy. Breakfast was served and I savored every bit of it.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Cold As Ice
Mutilation phone sex
I tried to remember life before daddy brought me home and locked me up.
I remember the green of grass and blue of the sky but that slowly starts to fade away with memories of being hurt.
Being held down and told that I was such a dirty whore.
Having a cock shoved up my ass fucking me so hard it bleeds.
I started cutting myself to relive the pain.
Feeling real pain made my mental pain fade away.
I love watching the blood run down my arms but it wasn’t enough.
I was tired of being used as a sex toy.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.
I started rubbing that knife all over my body.
Feeling the cold steel was turning me on.
I pushed the knife into my pussy, it felt so amazing.
Having the knife shoved into my pussy over and over again.
Little did I know that it would not stop them from fucking it.
They liked it all cut up and bloody.
They wanted to fuck and hurt my pussy even more…
Killer Phone Sex with Snuff Slut Toni
Disgusting perverts with nasty minds are always fun to talk to. Thankfully, tonight I got to talk to one. An actual sex offender too! Just my type. There’s nothing I like more than a filthy and creative mind and he definitely had one.
Getting on the registry didn’t cure him of anything and I’m glad because he wouldn’t be as much fun to talk to if it did. All it did was “feed the demon” just like he said. Listening to all those stories in the therapy he was forced to go to only gave him ideas, most of which he’d never had before. I would have loved to be in that room, I’m actually jealous that I wasn’t!
Later he told me about sneaking into his sister’s room like a naughty little boy when he was a brat. He wasn’t doing this to check on them either, his intentions were never innocent when he crept into their room. Once he was inside he would take his hard, throbbing cock out and press against his sister’s face. Sometimes, even trying to force it between their lips.
Then, finally we started talking about all the twisted things I’ve done. I could hear him breathing heavy, I could tell how much he loved it. I told him about all the little throats I slit, and all the little sluts I’ve tortured. What really sent him over the edge was when I told him about how I popped this one little whore’s eyeball with a spoon and watched her get skull fucked by a big fat cock. It was so hot that he came before I talk about how her brains poured out around that guy’s cock. Maybe another time.
Pain Addict
Ever since i met you, I’ve found an addiction in what you do that I have never experienced before. Your abuse and mutilation and complete domination of my body is the only thing that gets my pussy wet. I am so sick of the pussies who whistle at me on the street. Of course they want to fuck me – but they don’t know how to inflict the pain I need to be a happy little pain slut. Thats why I have to visit you regularly and beg for you to give me what I need.
Your equipment overflows from every corner of your basement and you have a no limits policy – thats what I am all about. You never ask – you just take. Clamping my nipples until they fall off, spanking my ass so hard that I bite my tongue until it bleeds all over the table. You always take me right to the brink of what my body can handle, and then just a little further. You have a way of making me beg for my life that no one else has. Your hands are strong and cold and evil. Your voice growls commands and I do anything and everything you say.
My pussy aches for your attention, and you make sure my hands are kept away from it with bars and ropes so that I can;t pleasure myself. My pussy belongs to you. My whole worthless whore body belongs to you. Take it and beat me senseless while you feel your cock throb in your pants. Use my blood as the lube you need to finally penetrate me before you choke me out. You are my one and only Master and you are my sweet addiction.
Frat to Kill Part IV
I felt the blood from their cocks dripping onto my flesh like a bounding eruption of volcanoes. The stingy smell of my own shit as it oozed from my almost lifeless body fell into a pool at me feet. I wished for death but I knew they would not allow that to happen. The mount less heads of the girls that died this way before me was a common place for these assholes. I saw them when they were fucking that other girl and then her neck finally broke causing the snap to echo through the hall we were being held. She didn’t give them what they wanted. Raw meat was pushed towards her aching pussy and she wouldn’t let them put it there so she was punished. Much of the glass that was pinched into my flesh didn’t feel like razor blades anymore. The pulled my hair with much exhaustion and ripped most of it from my skull when I was thrown down in this dungeon.
My date was had long since died and I watched as the cannibals ate his naked flesh and watched as they fed the other girl that was there. I tried to hold my insides as the brain was served to me but I would vomit and that caused them to let me taste the blood as they kicked my faced and hands with a rotten bamboo stick and leather belt. I was ready to be sacrificed like so many other girls but , I was a favorite among the leader of this ring and what he liked to do would be just enough to keep me wishing for death. Pulling me over to him he would take the rusty blunt knife and poke his cock and let me taste the blood that ran from it. Biting me he stuff it in my mouth and cream would slide down my throat. He liked the way I giggled and I am sure this pleased him. The glass that faded was the least of worry as the the darkness filled my eyes…..
Celebrating Girls Scout Day with Knife Play and Castration
In honor of Girl Scouts Day, I decided to help a local scout earn a special badge. The purpose of badges is to teach young women useful life skills. I consider myself somewhat philanthropic, so I like helping young girls. I offer a badge in castration. Girls need to know how to put a man in his place. You see most men do not know how to use their penis properly, but sadly too many women let them get away with bad penis behavior. Every Girl Scout I take under my wing, is trained in how to use a knife to slice a man’s worthless junk off. Castration is a much more useful skill to have than pottery making, wouldn’t you agree?
I hand pick my Girl Scouts. This year was Lilly. Lilly has a dirty step father who violates her young holes every night, and beats her and her mother. Real men don’t abuse women. She needed my castration badge. We spent a few weeks discussing proper knife use; cock and ball torture; how to cauterize a wound so no one bleeds out unless you want them to and how to taunt your victim with his severed appendage. She was really dedicated to earning this badge. When I deemed she was ready to execute a castration, I accompanied her to her father’s house.
She looked so cute in her Girl Scout outfit. Her dumbass dad believed I was a Girl Scout leader. Maybe if Hell had girl scouts. I explained to her dirty p daddy that we needed his help in earning a special badge for Girl Scouts Day. It wasn’t until after she had him tied up in the chair that he inquired what the badge was for. He thought it was knot tying! I sat there watching proudly as my pupil pulled out her Daddy’s dick and drove a nail into each ball, then elongated his pecker to see just where to sever it. I was beaming. She ignored her daddy’s pleas and apologies. She did not let him guilt her into changing her mind. She looked him right in the eyes as she wielded the knife above her head and said, “Daddy say good bye to your little friend.” Then with one fell swoop, she took his penis off earning her castration badge. She immediately lit a cigar and put it out on his bloody stump to slow the bleeding.
She scooped up his severed member and shoved it in his mouth. That was a proud mama moment. We left him in his basement, with his dick in his mouth, tied to a chair and went to Baskin Robbins to celebrate earning her castration badge and in honor of Girl Scouts Day.
Guess Whose Coming to Dinner?
I answered an ad in the Back Pages for a stripper gram job. I have the perfect body for it, and needed the extra cash. I arrived at the house for what was my very first delivery. I even had balloons attached to my nipples. Fancy house in Santa Barbara along the ocean. Two strapping young men answered, invited me inside. They offered me some wine to take off the edge. Next thing I knew, I was naked on a table and a Goth evil looking bitch was standing over me with a blow torch. The guys called her Storm.
“What the fuck is going on,” I demanded to know. Storm, used the blow torch on my nipples, charring them. I let out a yelp, started to scream bloody murder, when an apple was shoved in my mouth. The boys started playing with my pussy when Storm, slapped their hands away. “Don’t play with your food,” she quipped. Food? WTF? Was I dinner? I started to panic. I looked around and saw huge bottles of seasoning, big pots and pans and a Hansel and Gretel sized oven. When I glanced back at Storm she was holding a life size spit grill.
Storm instructed her male accomplices to scrub my body, wash my hair and get me clean for seasoning. I heard her tell them for the best meal, dirty whores need cleansed of all the nasty chemicals on their body. “Meal preparation is the key, boys to a tasty, healthy meal,” she informed them. I was strapped to the table, couldn’t move. I had hoped this was some elaborate joke, but Storm did not appear to be the joking kind. Her kitchen help even shaved my pussy and gave me a douche to clean out what Storm referred to as my “skanky stripper pussy.” After my body was clean, the boys covered me in melted butter while Storm sprinkled me with ground pepper. She was telling the boys I was the perfect size for eating. Not too skinny, not too fat, just the right size of plump.
I knew what was coming next. I clenched my teeth, closed my eyes, and waited for the pain. The boys rammed that spit up my ass and out my mouth. I felt it pierce my innards. Storm washed the blood from my face, but the apple back on the end of the spit. They put me over an open fire, turned me a few times to char my flesh. The pain was excruciating. I wished for a quick death. It did not come. The aroma of my seasoned burning flesh was intoxicating to Storm and her henchmen, but nauseating to me. I could hear them talking about how good I smelled. I wanted to die. They pulled me off the fire pit, and shoved me in this big oven.
Flames engulfed my body. Smoke filled my nose. The smell of my seasoned flesh permeating my nose. Before I passed out, I heard Storm say, “Rick will be very pleased with his special dinner.”
If you are looking for some fresh meat of the trashy variety, check out our new site. Lots of worthless whores here, no one will miss.
Frat to Kill Part III
I was aching from the glass in my back and my legs were tied so strongly together that I couldn’t bear any weight on my legs when I was dragged down a flight of stairs. Pushing me over into a corner, the hood came off my head and I saw my date struggling to stand. A rope was placed around our necks and we were forced to stand on wooden blocks on the arches of heels. The glass that was forced so heavily in my pussy was making me turn red and oozing down in steady streams. My heated fleshed was burning from my tits being cut by a knife. I sniffled thinking of the things that he had did in the car.
While the car was in motion he had poked a dagger into my tits and was poking holes in with the glass. My lips and mouth were duck taped but that didn’t stop him from using the glass to cut shears into my pussy and yank my hair out with the shiny blade. Smelling my hair and placing it in his pocket, he continued cutting my tits and causing the blood to run deep almost purplish on the blade.
I knew I was going to die but I just didn’t know when. As the rope was tightened I felt the twist of a knife hitting my inner rectum causing me to release shit all over. Picking it up my head was pulled back and my mouth opened to taste it. The smell hit my nostrils and caused me to gag and try to vomit but I was pushed back up and lay in waiting for the next thing to come….
Blood Lust
I’ve waited here all day, just like you asked me to. I haven’t been able to keep my hands off my tight, wet pussy, anticipating our time together tonight. You finally let me in your bedroom. You finally trusted me enough to allow me to roam the house while you are gone. I won’t let you down. My whole body aches for the abuse you give me with those strong hands of yours. I grabbed knives from the kitchen and put them on the bedside table. Anything to please you, Sir.
I hear you come in downstairs and make your way up to your room. I am waiting, my soft skin splayed out for you, the only marks are the previous scars you have left. the ones that show me how much you need me. You walk up to me and see the knives out of the corner of your eye. You whisper, “Good girl…” and reach for one. I hold your stare, something I know I am forbidden to do, but I can’t help myself. You take the blade and place it below my nipple. The point indents my tiny breast, and as you press harder, the blood starts to flow. The pain races through me, but I don;t move or scream.
You cut deeper, and I see your cock rising inside of your pants. If only I could have that cock. All the blood I have given you and you still keep it from my tight virgin pussy. The knife goes deeper, and I have to catch my breath. You begin to undo your pants with your other hand, and let your huge cock come out of your pants. You bring it close to my face, and let me feel the smooth hard sides with my cheek. I want to reach my tongue out, but I know you would turn on me and probably cut my tongue right off. Your temper is as predictable as your blood lust.
The blade goes all the way thru my breast, and you look away from my eyes – down at the blood. I’ve lost my chance once again. My chance at that gorgeous cock. All you want is my blood, and as you reach down and run your hand through the bright red liquid pumping from my chest, you cum so hard that it hits my legs. Watching you in such pleasure while I am in so much pain is what I want. And I know thats all you want too. I am just a pathetic little pain slut, and I will never be worthy of that sword you keep to yourself.
Sabotage is My Middle Name: Mutilation Phone Sex
Mutilation phone sex is a tasty morsel that my serial killer loving mind thrives upon. Being a babysitter for the damned allows me many opportunities to feast my morbid intentions with. So when I was paid a large sum to take on a special babysitting job I nearly fucking wet my thong panties. Well I did have to grab a stranger in the club and fuck his brains out I was excited.
So, why is this so fucking different? Well I will be sitting for a couple of spoiled prissy whores and nothing makes me happier than torturing a couple barbie dolls. You know the fucking type. So I plan it out where I will be waiting for them out at the cabin. My sister drops her brats off with me and as she is situating the girls in the cabin I sneak a quick slit of the brake line where it will be a slow leak. As she drives the windy mountain road down she will lose her breaks and control of her car. I made sure to set a fuse under the passenger side where it will burn on impact.
So, she will be out of the way, and I get time with my least favorite charges. Well I have some yummy punch for them to drink for starters. I get them nice and comatose as I step outside and check my iron pot over the fire. The pot will soon be simmering with broth and seasonings and the secret ingredient. I undress my little victims and take them into the kitchen.
On the stainless steel slab I run a knife across the pink fleshy bumps on the front of her chest. The nipples will be precisely sliced off and set aside to go into the dehydrator for the most delicate jerky. Slicing off each toe with my butcher knife I toss them in some buffalo sauce to marinade, and the same with each finger. The feet and hands are removed and tossed into the cauldron. I then await the girls to waken from their drugged state as their stump limbs bleed and the holes in their chest is not yet coagulated.
Then you came to the door in the nick of time. You see the sweet offerings on the slab their stumpy limbs tied down and mouths forced open. You get so hard as I tell you to have your way…