Category: Sadistic phone sex

Girl on Girl Rape Porn: The Soccer Mom and the Sadistic Cheerleaders From Hell

Gangbang rape porn girl on girlA few weeks ago, my son sold me to these evil bitches who violated all my holes for some gangbang rape porn. Well, today the bitches showed up at my house, forced their way inside, and made me make some girl on girl rape porn with them this time. I told the head cunt I wanted nothing to do with her or her sadistic companions. “My son’s debt is settled, so get the fuck out of my house,” I screamed. No surprise that didn’t go over well. They throttled me, tore my clothes off, and started violating my holes with anything they could find. They held me down on my dining room floor and fucked me with my son’s baseball bat I use for protection. The very thing used to protect me from intruders in the past was now destroying my ass.

As they fucked my holes with objects not meant for insertion, I was forced to lick their dirty asses and pussies. One of them called me a human toilet and pissed in my mouth. Then she shit out cum from her ass all over my face. She told me it was my son’s cum. I tried to fight them, but they punched me, smacked me, spit on me… They broke  out a gym bag of huge dildos crammed them down my throat and up my cunt while the baseball bat remained in my ass like some macabre trophy. They were getting sick pleasure from fucking up a soccer mom. One girl kicked the baseball bat so far up inside me,  I felt like I was being gutted.

girl on girl rape porn druggie whoreI’ve been used as a punching bag, fucked savagely, anally tortured, even buried alive, but these girls were among the most brutal bitches I’ve ever encountered. My ass was gaping open so wide when they pulled the bloody baseball bat out that they could spit from across the room and have it land inside my asshole. I heard a tea kettle go off and thought to myself, “They are fucking going to have tea and crumpets after gangbanging my ass and cunt?” I wish. The evil head sadistic poured boiling water down my gaped out asshole. That was a first. She scalded my ass. I screamed louder than I ever have. To shut me up, one of them sat on my face and shit down my throat.

They left me brutalized even worse than they did the first time. “Tell anyone whore, and we make a snuff film with you next time. This baseball bat will go up a dead ass as well as a live one,” head bitch quipped at me as I laid in a pool of my own blood and bile. My ass was dead. Pretty sure if there is a third time with these bitches, I will kill myself first.

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Girl On Girl Rape Porn

torture phone sex karmaI was walking through the woods looking for herbs when I heard the blood curdling scream. Slowly I inched my way towards the sound all the while my pussy getting wetter and the familiar stirring of a building orgasm filled my body. Finally I got close enough to see yet stay hidden behind the brush. He had her tied to a tree and was beating her relentlessly. Her knees had given way and she was hanging by her wrists that were suspended over her head, piss dripping down the insides of her legs and blood oozing out of the broken flesh. Her sobs were diminishing and I knew she was on the verge of passing out. Working my cunt I watched, delighted by the scene before me. Finally he turned her around and fucked her ass with his throbbing cock. When he pulled out I could see his cum oozing from her ass, no longer milky white but a dirty brown. Slapping her ass one final time he walked away and left her there. She was fucked up but had a lot left in her. When the cost was clear I approached her. Setting up my phone so I could record this, I turned her around so her back was against the tree again. With all the strength she could muster she whispered the words “Help me”  Smiling at her I didn’t say a word. I was going to help her all right. I was going to help myself to her and finish her off while recording one hell of a girl on girl rape porn to enjoy later. I would leave her lifeless body tied to the trees for the animals to scavenge but first I was going to have my fun! girl on girl rape porn

Killer Phone Sex exclusive this Nigger Bitch Cunt must die!

Killer phone sex


What were my captors  going to do to me now? The gates were closing and I saw them walk away. I heard the growling of the canines and I turned around to see the Doberman’s almost too late. They pounced on me like a tiger to it’s prey and soon my flesh was being eaten by these ferocious beasts. I yelled and screamed but there was nothing anyone could do. As the flesh was ripped from my body I thought of all the things I wanted to do before this had happened to me. I was certainly going to kill that crack addict husband  of mine but ,what did it matter now? He was going to hell for what he had done but I was going to. The needles that were pinched into my pussy were numb now not to mention the little one that they sent into me to suck and fuck had been turned out into the street. Gladly no doubt to feed a heroin addiction. It was my guess that he was going to bring this gang a lot of money or be killed. I was past that point of my life and I needed so much more than that. I wanted death but it would not come. It was just going to have to wait. I was trying to sing to fill my lungs with air but the blood that filled them was increasing and these canines that were eating at my flesh were certainly going to take my life now. 

     I remember them putting the blood on me just laughing as they taunted me. Crack Addict whore is what I heard. Fucking Nigger was another slant. It wasn’t’ that I was going to die I knew that I had to die.  I had met my end with the countless rifts of cocks that had flooded my hole or the baby that was conceived.How long ago? I was standing with my daughter now with the blood all over me, they  would not let me  live. And if my daughter were to survive what would happen to her?. I kissed her closely and waited I tried to throw her away from the wrath, but  it was not to be. Would death be any better? Would death be better for either of us? Slamming her against the wall and breaking her neck would be her chance of peace. I thought of seeing her in heaven again. When the canines came and my eyes closed I felt one humping my cunt but it was too late it was always too late to know. I heard my baby scream and then darkness was all there was.


I knew you had been watching me for a long time. You call my house constantly and hang up the phone. All times of the day and night. You send me letters with no return address and the handwriting is scrawled like a maniac. The police haven’t done shit to help me, and I walk around scared all the time. Last week, there was even a note on my car. It said you were watching. I had no doubt that you were.

I got an alarm system for my house, and started carrying pepper spray. Everywhere I went, I checked behind me to see if you were there. I rarely went anywhere at night because the dark just seemed more scary, knowing you could be lurking anywhere. You emailed me pictures of myself from everywhere – the grocery store, the park when I jog, and it was never ending. You had me acting like a scared little mouse, just waiting for the cat to pounce.

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Last night I had to go visit a friend at the hospital. I was there much longer than I thought I would be and I had to walk back to my car alone in the dark. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. The parking lot was quiet, and I just kept thinking about you and if you were watching me. I was almost to my car and remembered my pepper spray was in my purse. As I went to reach for it, you came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I could smell sweat and leather and you had a grip on me that I couldn’t break free of.

You shoved me against my car, ripping my blouse open, and I could feel my tits against the outside of the cold window. You had been there waiting all along. Your months of patience had finally paid off. You had me alone, and in the dark, and now I would become your prey. As I felt your cock enter my pussy, and your hands go around my throat, I knew that I wouldn’t make it out alive. You tightened your grip, and the last thing I remember is feeling your hot cum shoot inside of me… then it all went black.

Layla’s Last Moments

Torture phone sex


Blood drenched from every area of my body I knew I was going to die and it wasn’t like heaven had a open door for me with the life I had lived. But I couldn’t help it I loved that crack addict husband and if this was to be the end then I was glad for a little while at least that I had lived it fighting off these assholes that were violating my ass every time they had a chance. Come to think of it I don’t know if it was the lack of oxygen from the rope wrapped around my neck or just the will that had gotten me so over the edge that I just wanted my neck to break. To hear the snap would be the best thing in the world for me before my eyes closed I was say my prayers but there was none to say. They had used razors and needles on my skin and now they were cutting me up again with glass. I knew the next thing would be the beer and bottles and things that they were going to throw at me. It was the piss showers that were better. I could take all of that but to be ripped open by another gang member I don’t know if I could take it.


      They had said amongst themselves that I was going to be taken to another location to earn my keep and I knew whatever plan they had in store for me was going to be worse than what I had endured already. It was hot and sweet to think that my love for a no account asshole is what had got me here and it was just as cruel to think that this was not going to be the end of me. I needed to try to live for the little one they had just brought in but I couldn’t. I was on my way out and I knew it was only a matter of time before my rotten corpse would be in some alley or street. As they forced fed me I felt the drool or glue lining my lips and the way they had the smiles on their lips let me know they had something in store for me that I couldn’t control. The thing that bothered me the most was the fact that I didn’t think things were going to get any worse boy was I wrong. The glue was placed on my lips and then the duck tape. Placing one hand firmly on my head and the other behind my neck he pulled with such force that my body shook. Then my neck snapped and then …..

The new sheriff

violent phone sex maceyDamn! Woke up on the floor of the men’s bathroom again…well at least I still have my skirt on if nothing else.

I guess I should start walking home. No biggie that I am half naked. It’s not like I haven’t fucked most of the men in town and half the women to.

It’s still early Saturday morning so the whole damn town is still sleeping. Just my luck, it starts to rain. the water stings my skin as it drizzles into the open cuts, every painful drop bringing back an erotic flash of the night before.

The candy is starting’ to wear off. I hate it when that happens. I lose the moment and reality hits. It fucking sucks!

I hear a police siren behind me…thank fucking god. Officer Jansen. He always keeps a little something in his car for me. He confiscates it from the guys he locks up and then trades it for whatever.

He slows down next to me and tells me to get in. He throws a t shirt at me as he opens the back door to the patrol car. As if the sight of my bruised cum soaked body doesn’t turn him on.

He does a U-turn and starts heading back to town. He offers me a little devils dandruff, a take it and then let my head fall. SHIT, what was in that snow!

I remember pulling up to the jail and I looked at him. He must have seen the confused look on my face because he said “There is a new sheriff in town and he thinks you need to learn a lesson”.

The steel bars felt so cold on my beaten skin as they hand cuffed me to the inside of the jail cell. They chained my wrist first, stretching my arms so far above my head that my feet didn’t touch the floor. It pulled my swollen tits even tighter. Then they shackled my ankles with my legs spread so far that I thought I felt the muscles of my inner thighs tear.

The few detainees from the night before are in the cell with me and take turns fucking me while another stands on the chair and chokes me with his cock. That’s when I hear him, the new sheriff. My back is towards the civilian side of the cell so I can’t see his face but I will never forget the sound of his voice.

He took out his billy club and whipped my ass as my cheeks were pushed through his side of the hard steel bars.

I was beaten and bruised and my skin stung with blood and sweat. I can still hear the anger in his voice as he saw my cunt swell and jerk, begging for more.

That’s when he took that club and rammed it up my ass.

The inmate fucking my mouth apparently got tired. Pussy! The new sheriff ordered officer Jansen to keep my head back so the next guy could have a turn.

Officer Jansen grabbed my hair through the bars and yanked it hard so my skull slammed against the cell… the whole time, I am getting off and the sheriff is getting pissed.

I can still hear the anger in his voice as I was getting off. He told Jansen to unchain me and I laughed as my limp body fell on the cold cement floor.

I tried to get a look at his face but he had turn to leave. I can still hear that voice saying we will meet again. Saying that he will break me, and that he was going to fuck me into submission. Telling me that I would be begging him to be his whore.

I don’t know if there is a man alive that could break me…but oohhh..I love the challenge! And that voice….

Babysitter Phone Sex with Venus: Don’t Fuck with an Evil Babysitter

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Against my better judgment, I answered an ad for a babysitter. I needed some extra cash, and although I detest most rugrats, I thought I could endure some spoiled brats for the right price. The ad I answered was too good to be true. I’m not a dumb blonde, so when anything sounds too perfect, I bring my knife collection as a safety precaution. Beautiful mansion on several acres in the middle of nowhere. Red flag #1. Picture perfect family red flag #2. Paid me in advance and very well red flag #3. When the parents left, I had my eyes and ears open as I was pretty sure I was watching the devil’s spawn.

I’m not your typical babysitter. Fuck, I’m not your typical anything. So, I roofied the brats with their warm milk. Once they were knocked out, I went snooping to find anything to alert me to the dangers that likely lurked within those walls. Being an evil bitch with a penchant  for sadism, I knew what to look for- trap doors, false walls and the like. In the basement, I found it. A hidden door that led to a room of horrors. Young dead girls hanging from meat hooks in various stages of decay. Some I recognized as missing persons in my neighborhood. Red flag #4 dead babysitters in the basement.

Don’t fuck with the babysitter is my motto. I went upstairs, pulled the devil’s spawn out of their beds and tied them to the dining room chairs. Laid out my massive knife collection on the table in full few. Got some cold water and threw it in their little cherub faces to wake them the fuck up. Then I demanded answers. With knives to their throats they admitted their parents like to do naughty things to their babysitters. Each week a new babysitter arrives but never leaves. Daddy likes to force himself on young girls while mommy watches, then they snuff the girl out so she can’t tell. No one fucks with Venus unless Venus wants to be fucked. They hired the WRONG babysitter this time.

rape phone sex fantasies bloody sexI’m not above killing little ones, especially if they have evil parents. Chances are they have the devil gene in them too. I waited for ma and pa to return home. When they walked in the front door and saw their babies tied up, I clocked them over the head with a baseball bat. They woke up tied to a chair just like their brats. All four of them spread eagle, tied to chairs as I circled around them like a vulture. I looked at the parents and explained to them that I discovered their dirty little secret in the basement, and how their brats filled in the gaps. Then without warning, I butchered the demon seeds in front of their parents. 50 whacks at least to those brats. Blood spewed in the face of their parents; their little bodies thrashing about  violently; I could hear them gurgling on their blood…. Parents were mortified, in shock, screaming. I took the knife and fucked mommy’s cunt with it. Big ass blade pierced through her pussy slicing her internal organs. I chopped daddy’s dick clear off and shoved it down his wife’s mouth. “Now you won’t violate any more babysitters or birth anymore demon seeds that could inherit you evil genes,” I said. I licked the blood off my crimson red knife. I was so turned on by all the blood.

They were going into shock, bleeding out everywhere. I called 911 and left confident they wouldn’t turn me in. Giving me up as the sadistic bitch that killed their little ones and mutilated their sex organs, would reveal them as babysitter killers. They can keep on violating young girls if they want, but the cycle of evil ends with them. Oh wait, daddy has no dick no more.  He can’t even violate his hand.

Don’t fuck with the babysitter.

Another Day of Hell on the Road

violent phone sex langleyIt was one of those times that I wish my boyfriend would shut the fuck up and just keep driving. It seemed that trucker was right on our heels. After eating Alpo for breakfast for over a month and trying to put myself through college after mommy and daddy cut me off, I was now looking out of the window at the stalker from hell! I mean it started out fun on the university us playing the game of chance on the computer and then me flirting back. I had no idea he was going to get pissed off and try to ram us off the fucking road! I was yelling at my boyfriend to go faster but that fucker was so high he would not have known what I was saying! All I knew was that we would have to get out of there fast before he did us in!
Looking out the window as he rammed the car and pushed us in the ditch I knew I was done for.My boyfriend was stone cold high and I saw the trucker running towards the window and the glass shattering. I didn’t even have a chance to breathe as he pulled my hair and dragged me out onto the pavement. I knew this was the end or the beginning as he dragged me back to the truck and pulled me in. Locking the doors I noticed the other women in the truck and began to scream and fight! Punching me in the face I felt the dark enclose the light and awoke to the smell of sulfur and powder. Trying to stand up was impossible I seemed to be kneeling down in white powder and there was an ax from above that was lowered every time I tried to pull up on the chain around my neck. Hearing boot steps approach I was ordered to sniff that white powder and then the clouds of dust entered my brain making me hallucinate to what was about to happen. I felt the press of the knife against my skin cut my flesh and blood fell onto the white dust causing a scene of agony. Forced up right I glimpsed the ax from above fall harder and the blood fall from me. The trucker pulled down his pants and pushed my mouth open it was all I could not to gag at the look of it. There was blood all over the tip and shape of the shaft had been cut to impose hooks that fell from its depths. Pushing my legs apart and looking at his toothless grin I knew I was in for more than I had bargained for as I felt the blood ooze and my soul lift into the clouds. The quick snap of my neck would be too easy the worse would come days later…

Angie’s Snuff Porn Vids

snuff porn angieSo my mother and daughter duo proved to be more fun then I originally thought they would be. After several hours of having them watch each other be tortured I decided we were going to make a snuff porn for my snuff porn vids collection and guess who the stars of the show were about to be. Ahh yes fame was about to come for my new victims. Not the fame they wanted but fame none the less. They were already to weak to fight and watched wide eyed as I set up the video equipment for their debut into the wonderful world of porn. Sitting down to write a short script I untied them and we began filming. Bending that sweet young thing over I handed mama a steak knife and gave her the instructions to fuck her sweet girl’s ass and cunt. Watching her cry as her girls screamed in pain while being fucked was almost more then I could stand. But I regained control of my soaking wet cunt watching as the blood began to flow out of her and onto her mom’s hands. “Cut” I yelled, no pun intended. turning off the cameras I began to set up the next scene. The big wooden tub is water tight and can hold any fluid that may be released from a body during torture, whether it is piss or shit or blood or vomit, or if I am lucky a combination of all the above. Like a good director I had Mama get into the tub while that girl of hers stood beside it. She was beautiful covered in blood, her breathing so shallow I thought she would faint. Handing her the hammer and a piece of wire I turned the cameras back on. Directing her to beat her Mom she began. “Cut” I yelled once more. Walking over to her I pulled her head back with a painful yank that left a clump of hair in my hand. “Listen here bitch I want to hear the sound of bones breaking. If you don’t get this shit right you will regret it! Do you understand?” Turning the cameras on again and giving the command for action, she got it right. Watching the hammer fall over and over again and hearing the bones shatter had my cunt in over load. “Turn the hammer around and use the claw” I instructed. The tears streaming down her face she obeyed and I delighted as the flesh was torn from the now shattered bones of her mother’s body. She was no longer of any use to me so I demanded that her girl wrap the wire around her mama’s neck and began to tighten it. Wire has a way of cutting the flesh and severing the head in the most erotic and sadistic way. She stood there sobbing as she took the life of the woman that gave her life and the tub began to pool with blood. Finally it was my turn to have my way with this young thing. I walked in front of the camera and found my steel iron, placing it in the fire until it was red hot I began to cauterize ever wound on he body to stop the bleeding. I washed her trembling body clean before beginning her torture and ultimate death. snuff porn vids angie

Wounded Slut

violent phone sex langley (1)My pussy was burnt raw and I could imagine that by the looks of things I was not going to survive. I was one of those people that knew when death was coming and I just didn’t know how I was going to spin this tale. Could I start with my time in England before I was taken? No that would be too easy let’s just go back to the fuckers who had tied my ankles to hooks, and watched as the bones cracked in my legs. He used an ax blade to cut into them and the end of a rod was stuffed up my tiny little cunt. It was something that I knew would kill me one day. My flirtations with people I didn’t know. But I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. He was coming and I could hear the hacksaw that was getting closer. I knew his ways very well. He would beat me with his fist and use that saw up my little ass cutting the flesh and pouring acid in the wounds.
He would then take down his pants and rub the blood all over his cock and put it in my mouth making me gag on the tip. If I threw up from the pressure of his cock he would use the five tail whip and lash it across my flesh and the sound would be heard in the air like a pounding hammer as it tore at my flesh.I don’t know why he liked using that five tail whip but from the stiff ridge of his cock it created such pleasure for him. Then his friends would take turns shoot darts on my tits and ripping my ass open with their bulging cocks. It was one of those things that I had grown accustomed to and it was one of those things that was allowing the darkness to fill up over my face and the world to become black.