Category: Sadistic phone sex

The prey

snuff phone sex fionaJust got done doing my workout at the gym tonight, I am so exhausted. My body feels fatigued and I’m all sweaty. I start walking to the car when all of the sudden I feel multiple people grab me. My heart shoots to the sky as I start to panic. My body is forced to the cold asphalt as I began to take whips to my body, I try to curl up in a ball but there is no use. There are five men holding and spreading my body apart and down. Two other men are ripping my clothes off with knives. I feel their sharp cold blades graze my skin. I am crying anticipating the pain they are going to inflict on me. They finally stop whipping my naked body, now all my skin is risen, ripped , red and stings. They then began to chop at my nipples, my throat, my ribs, my hips, my pussy, and my thighs with their sharp and dull knives. I’m a bloody mess as they watch my body squirm and my body parts bounce around. They laugh calling me names and mock me. They then all take turns pissing on my cuts making them sting so bad! They all take turns fucking me in all my holes and spraying their cum all over my body and they just left me there. I crave to get their attention again, that was the only time I have felt important.

Snuff Porn Killed Me!

Snuff Porn


     Snuff porn killed me! If anyone asked when they found my body it would be that last scene that tore at me like a knife!

      I felt the kick to my pussy before my head hit the floor. I was in and out of conscience as each blow you delivered to my face caused me to jerk further on your cock. I was gagging on that cock trying to stay awake but it wasn’t working. I was slipping away. I felt the rope tighten as you spit in my face, this was real not a party. You were going to kill me put an end to the torture. I felt the spit in my hair drizzle down to my tips and my pussy burned from the number of times you had hit me.

     Pushing me back down to the floor I felt your hand grab for the knife and slice me! The blood trickled down your shoe and you paused for a brief second to scoop some in your hand. Tossing my head back, you pushed my mouth apart to taste the blood, the salt, the essence of death that was coming. I didn’t want to die but I knew what I signed up for when we began. This was not a fairytale ending this was scene of death that would end the whole process. I felt your cock driven with blood force its way into my mouth and I tried to swallow. I tried to bite you but, I felt your fist ready to punch me if I tried.

 Falling, to the concrete I felt the rip of my panties and cold hard stiff cock pushed inside my walls. I was almost dead but, I couldn’t be to feel the sensation I felt next. As my time came to a close with you, I jerked and reeled it was the best death scene ever portrayed.

Surrogate Bitch

Taboo Phpne Sex

You said I look just like the lying cheating bitch!

Looking at me just made you angry, made you realize how much you hate her!

She hardly touches you. She always has a headache or something else to do! But you know she is fucking other men, sucking their cock, taking it in the ass!

But you can’t punish her so you take it out on me, doing all the things to me that you want to do to her!

You punch me in the face, knocking me to the ground. I tried to get up but you just kicked me in the ribs. Yeah, you were gonna give her what she had coming!

I laid there on the floor crying while you tied my hands and ankles. Then you picked me up and threw my body on the bench.

You were thinking of her the entire time you fucked my mouth, yelling at me, calling me by her name, telling me I was a fucking whore!

I could feel splinters digging into my nipples as you pounded your fuck stick down my throat, choking me with every forceful thrust!

But that was not good enough! You were going to have my ass the way so many men have had hers! That’s right! You were finally going to take back what belonged to you!

You back handed me across the face as you pulled your cock out, splitting my lip and breaking my nose! It hurt like hell but at least I could finally breath!

You propped me up with a huge log under my hips. I had no idea what you were doing and then I felt my tight little ass being torn open as you violently forced your way in with out warning!

The more I screamed the harder you pushed! You were still screaming at me, calling me by her name. I begged you to stop. I promised to love you and do what ever you wanted!

That’s when you said I was a lying whore just like her!

You said the only way to stop a whore from lying is to shove something in her mouth!

You came back around and and blasted that dick spit in my mouth and all over my face!

That’s when your cell rang. It was her! You were so sweet to her, “Yes baby, I will pick up some milk on the way home. Love you to. See ya in a bit.”

And just like that, without saying a word, you untied me and walked away!Ass Rape Porn

DIY Snuff Porn

taboo phone sex

Snuff porn is already great, but when you make it yourself it’s even better. For years I have been making my own, I’ve just been really smart about it. You’ll never seen me in one of my snuff movies because I don’t plan on ever getting caught. Sometimes I’m not even in the same room as my victims and there are times when I never have any physical contact with them at all.

You might find that hard to believe, but it’s so easy to do. When I’m bored I browse online forums for suicidal people, those idiots are the easiest targets. Sometimes I’ll also look at forums for depression and drug addiction too because those aren’t as easy. It’s still fun for me though, I like a challenge. All I have to do is respond to them on the board or in a private message. I usually tell them that I want to help them to pull them in and believe it or not they fall for it almost every single time.

snuff pornAt first, I’m very sympathetic especially with my suicidal victims. Then, once I get them to confess some of their dirty secrets I act like they disgust me. I’ll pretend that I can’t believe that someone could be so awful, that maybe they really should just go ahead and kill themselves. For days and days I’ll just keep pounding that into their skulls, until they can’t think about anything else. If they don’t confess secrets all I have to do is talk about how boring they are. I’ll tell them how much space they’re wasting just by being alive. That will make them think that they’ll be doing everyone a favor by putting an end to it, which is true.

My favorite part is when they finally decide to go through with it. They’ll be messaging me for advice on the best way to do it and of course I’m more than happy to help. I’ll say that I need to watch them on cam to insure that they’re doing it right and so far everyone has played along with that. I’ve talked so many people into killing themselves now that I’ve lost count!

sadistic phone sex

As far as the drug addicts go, they are a bit more of a challenge. First, I have to convince them that they don’t have a problem. Like this girl Tulia. She was addicted to everything and her life was a mess, it was very hard to convince that she didn’t have a problem. I just made it seem like society should accept her for who she is. Who are they to tell her what she can or can’t put in her body? They’re all just trying to control her and turn her into one of the flock. She fell for it. Not long after our first little chat she was shooting up heroin on cam for and  even experimenting with drugs she had never even tried before.

All I had to do was sit back and just keep pushing her and pushing her until she finally overdosed. Playing games with her mind was entertaining, but my favorite part was watching her die. Tulia was trashing and convulsing violently. She was also foaming at the mouth too! Her suffering went on for awhile, even after she collapsed onto the ground. I didn’t mind, I enjoyed every moment of it.


Snuff Porn Phone Sex Pins and Pistols

Snuff porn

      Snuff porn would lead to my death I always knew that. It seemed your gang had practiced for days what would happen to me in the end and now it was time. My flesh hung from the noose like paper and the cum in my hair was rotten and dirty. I had played the game so well but not quite well enough for you and now it was time for the lesson to be learned…

     I had been a bad little cum slut!.. Grabbing me  by my neck and pulling me to the floor I knew the game had begun. I saw the others behind you laughing. I bragged about how I could handle anything you dished out at me. I wanted to be your filthy nigger whore and I wanted to survive your initiation clause. You told me it would be over soon and I would be free. But bitches don’t get time served in hell. I saw the pins, needles, and drill bit on the table and knew you had come to play for keeps. I was going to die. Perhaps you would take the nail gun and crush my skull first, but I was sure you would take the ice pick and drive it in my pussy first.

     My blood would ooze on to the table and you would stick your cock in my ass and pull my hair so hard it would rip from my scalp. But before that even happened , I was sure you would take the gun and pistol whip me for trying to run away. I was a  back   stabbing pain slut that crossed the line. I had to be taught a lesson. So what if I were left for dead? You would piss on me and shit that was the least of the game. The true torture would be in how you planned to kill me. Would it last for days, for weeks, for months? I would look back at my swollen tits and ass and know you were not a person to fuck with. I was that filthy nigger whore that deserved to be dealt with this way! You liked to see me bleed, your gut told you I was a snitch,  for that the price would be my life! I tried to blink the blood out of my eyes as gags of cum were sprayed on my face. But there was no mercy, there was no prayer, there would be no end for this bitch!

I am Sorry, Sir

I woke up hog tied in the bed, apparently my smart mouth had made you angry again. I don’t know why I do it, Sir, I just can’t seem to help myself. I want to be the best little pain whore for you, but my mouth just keeps getting in my way. I know the only thing you want to hear from me is my screaming and begging for more pain, but something about the searing sting of your toys makes me cuss at you.

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Now I can’t say shit with this gag in my mouth and I know the torture is going to come hard now that I am awake. My whole body aches, so I know you’ve been beating me while I was out cold. My head is throbbing and I can’t feel either one of my legs. I wish I could speak so that I could beg for you. All I can do is whimper and plead with my eyes while you bite me and hit me with that paddle.

I see stars every time you yank my head back to spit in my face. But your piss feels so good pouring over my head and through my hair. The smell is rancid, but I love every drop like I am supposed to. I am such a fucking dirty slut, and I want to be your favorite. You push everything with me, and you keep me alive, so far, for some reason. Maybe we have connected? God, I wish you would remove this gag… I promise I won’t ever talk back again. Well, I will try not to anyway…

Pin Cushion

Pins and needles. Two of my favorite things. They are so tiny, and yet they can inflict such sharp intense pain when stuck into my body just the right way. The way you place them, down my inner thighs first, makes my head spin with the pleasure of the stinging pain. I have to keep my legs spread, and there isn’t even any blood. Then my nipples get the needles. Always criss-crossed in the same pattern and same order. You are like a surgeon with your technique.

snuff phone sex taylor
I am able to lay back, eyes closed, and feel every stick and poke and searing pain as the tips of the pins and needles enter my skin, layer by layer. I am able to see them in my mind and feel them all over. You love to make designs and last night you made a heart out of pins in my belly. I could feel the shape even though I couldn’t see it. I knew it was your way of showing affection for me – your little pin cushion.

snuff phone sex taylor
Then you went to work on my pussy. Always eight needles down each lip – top to bottom. Then eight more in the other, same pattern. All inserted slowly as I moan and feel the dizziness wash over me. I pray that my brain doesn’t start to numb the pain. I want to keep it as sharp as possible. Then lastly, my clit. You take your time, and even kiss it gently first. Then you expose it and begin poking it with your largest needle. I know what comes next, and I know that it will make me orgasm. Once the tip goes in, it washes over me and my whole body shakes while all the pins quiver with every wave.

Gore Snuff Porn; The Bloody Kill

Snuff Porn

I have done the worst thing imaginable. I have went from masters gore snuff porn slave to being his bate for murder. I begged him to kill me instead, I truly wanted the sweet release of death, but he would never give me that. Let me start from the beginning. It all started by us having a great week. I was allowed up stairs and got to sleep in my old bed. He told me I was sorry he was a little crabby with me. If that was a little crabby then I would hate to see what he was like pisssed. Of course I believed it, I always did. He told me we were going to go on a date. I was so happy; finally I had made up for all of my many mistakes. It was amazing; I was having so much fun. I went to the bathroom and came back and he was talking to some other girl. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks in the face as I walked back towards them. I tried to look cheery as he introduced her to me. His newest victim. He introduced her as new to town, and having no family to help her. Of course we brought her home.
They were waiting there. In my room when I went in to get changed. His snuff film guys just grabbed me around my mouth. They were wearing nothing but vinyl aprons. At first I breathed a sigh of relief I thought I was going to be the one dying. I was handed an apron and then I just cried. I was not going to be the victim he was going to make me help. He was going to make me help him hurt this poor girl. I could hear them start to work on her. He screams went from intense to muffled. They brought me into the slaughter room where she laid there in a puddle of her own blood. She whimpered and struggled to breath and tried to reach up to me.
I cried and covered my mouth, reaching out to try and help her. Master slapped my arm down and put a knife into my hand. He ordered me to finish the job. I tried to run out of the room and caught a fist to the side of my head. He told me that if I did not kill her now, he would keep her around and make me watch as he slowly killed her for weeks. He told me he would feed her to me. Make me so hungry that I would be forced to love the taste of her dead body. I cried and walked over to her, my whole body shaking. I went to slit her throat and her told me too easy. I cried even harder leaning over her and began to scream plunging the knife into her body. I stabbed her over 50 times before collapsing to the ground covered in her blood. He laughed and kicked me to the side locking me in the dark with her. I bear on the door till I passed out, he took the knife with him too, I could not even kill myself.

Gore Snuff Porn

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Blood Oath

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies


    Murder phone sex fantasies would end my life and it did. I knew you needed my blood and I was willing to sacrifice myself for a bitch ass nigga! “Bitch suck that cock some more!” I don’t think I could take it any more if I tried. I was so weak from exhaustion from the gang  ,ramming shit up my ass that I was going to pass out! I know you liked pulling my tits and the blood that ran down your mouth from biting on my nipples was haunting me. The needles you stuck in my pussy were rusty and the nails that had me suspended in midair were going to rip my flesh. But this is what you wanted isn’t it? I tasted the shit that was forced down my throat and the five guys that stood behind me. My pussy was numb now from the force of fucking these bitches. I felt the acid burn my neck and run down to my ass crack. I was going to holler but you wouldn’t like that. I saw her with the lifeless eyes the knife what was she going to do? I would pay the price for the sin, I would die for him wouldn’t I? It was my fault I couldn’t pay the debt!

    Taking out your cock you rammed it in my bleeding ass and laughed. I tried to close my eyes but there was nothing I could do but take it. The other motherfuckers were standing around waiting. Who were you were you the leader? But this is where it would end. I felt the blade go in my neck and you sucking the blood like a vampire who needed a kill to satisfy his thirst. You wanted it, you craved the saltiness of my blood as I felt another asshole tie that rope around my neck. I knew it had went too far. I felt your cock as it stuffed in me and pushed pass my numbness to singe my new level of pain. As  I passed out I saw your eyes, puffy red, crying and raging! You were here to punish and you did it so well!

Gothic Phone Sex with Blair

gothic phone sex submissiveWhen he said we were going to a Goth club, I got excited. Something new.  I was not familiar with the lifestyle, but as a good submissive, I did my research so I could please him. I discovered 23 varieties of goth. Some I was familiar with like the emo punk girl, the death metal head banger, even the vampire goth. But others like steampunk and rivethead goths, I was not at all familiar. I decided to dress  as a Victorian/Elizabethan goth. That way I could be sexy and sophisticated with a whimsy of romance. Goths are romantic, dark, mysterious, even a little morbid. I was going to enjoy this club. From what I read Goths were not violent, just kinky. They dabble in the BDSM culture,  pagan rituals and the occult, but  are basically just a gloomy lot of sexual deviants. Surely, I would fit in.

The club was an old castle turned into a private  nightclub. My companion paid thousands of dollars for a VIP suite for the night. The room had an eerie feel. On the surface, it looked romantic and dark. Very Victorian era. Something wicked was lurking beneath the surface, however, I just had a feeling. It is not my place to question a Master. Ever. I ignored my feeling, did as I was told. Master tied me up, skull fucked me, force fucked my ass, even flogged me. We played our usual master and servant game.  I convinced myself this was just a fantasy role play for us; something different than the usual bondage games.

sex with dead bodies mommy sexMaster told me he had a surprise for me. He blindfolded me. I could hear him opening a door, talking in a whispered tone, then I heard silence and a loud thud, then more silence. When he removed the blindfold, I saw a coffin. At first I thought maybe this was a vampire fetish he wanted to explore. I wish that was it. Master thought it would be fun for me to fuck a corpse. I thought he was joking. Certainly this was just a guy pretending to be dead, so I climbed into the coffin to show Master what a good girl I am. The body was ice cold. There was an awful smell. I tried to leap off, but Master held a knife to my throat. “Be a good girl Blair, or you will be punished, permanently,” he said. Such a sinister smile on his face when he said it too.

When I asked how I was suppose to fuck a dead guy, he slapped my face so hard,  he busted my lip. I was giving a hand job to a lifeless dick. I felt sick. His cock would not  get hard, not even too my mouth.  Master shoved a cattle prod up the dead guy’s ass and his cock came to life. I closed my eyes, mounted that ice cold cock and rode him like he was alive. I kept telling myself it was fantasy; that he was just an actor at the club. But the harder I rode him, the more I realized this was not fantasy, but Master’s macabre desire to humiliate me, scare me, hurt me. Flesh was falling off the dead guy’s pecker the harder I rode him. Master saw the disgust and horror on my face and just laughed. I wanted to vomit.

necrophilia phone sexMaster made me spend the night in the coffin with a rotting corpse. The next morning when he let me out of the coffin, made me shower, then spent the entire morning force fucking my ass with a medieval cross. My ass was gaping open as usual. But there was nothing usual about fucking a corpse. Goths may be dark; they may be macabre, but they can’t hold a candle to Master’s perverse world.

sadistic phone sex