When I saw her I knew that she would be the subject of a very hot strangulation phone sex call with someone who shares my love for snuff sex. Her neck was long and slender like her legs and the way she moved invited sexual advance. When I had her I fully intended on making this last for hours, Torturing her in the most evil and sadistic ways, making her beg for mercy, stripping her naked and watching her tremble beneath me. I wanted to make this violent and drawn out so that my pleasure was increased by making myself wait for that final moment when I would slowly squeeze the life out of her. I know the thrill it brings me to slowly increase the pressure around her neck, to hear the gasping as my victim fights with reality that her life is slipping away. The joy of watching eye balls bulging and staring straight ahead with a glassy look that could be mistaken for the look of a day dreamer or a star crossed lover. The only thing that gives away the reality of the situation is the redness of the face and the spasmodic jerking of the body as life leaves and death enters. But alas she was to loud and fought more then I thought she would for a little thing. She brought my fury to a boil before I had more then her blouse off and I found myself wrapping a cord around her neck sooner then I wanted to, taking her life with orgasmic pleasure and soaking my panties with hot, musky cum. My only comfort at the dismay of killing her sooner then I wanted to was when I finished undressing her limp body so that I could have my way with her as I soared again to that place of ecstasy that only snuff sex takes me.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Strangulation Phone Sex Fun
Accomplice Phone Sex
You’ve always known me as your go to girl for all your most extreme, and scandalous fantasies, but have you ever thought about how young I am? Well, I am pretty young, young enough to be a teen in fact. That’s why it’s perfect for me to be your teen accomplice for our accomplice phone sex. Our victims will never ever suspect me; teen accomplice phone sex with me will always be in our favor…who wouldn’t trust this face? As your little accomplice we can work together to pick the perfect girl for this time, I am looking for a precious virgin…so hard to find these days. I will start at the library, she will be studying instead of going out; she has no friends…that’s why being my friend appeals to her even more greatly. I mean, come on, look at me! It won’t take long before she admits she hasn’t ever had sex, and she is waiting till marriage. Typical. I will invite her to hang out, and how could she refuse? As soon as I get her to my place I will slip a little something into her drink, and out she will go…When she awakes I will have this precious virgin all tied up and naked, ready for us. Are you ready to completely destroy this little bitches cunt? Let’s make this nice and bloody. I love to watch and record as she cries and begs for you to stop, and how it hurts. As if we care! I’m getting so horny watching your bloody dick push into her sweet pussy…maybe we should tell her it will all be over soon… after all she does now me as the sweet girl she met at the library. Oh but dear, I am not finished with you yet!
In The Name Of The Father
When I found this sweet little trinket in the bottom of a box, way in the back corner of the second hand store I knew that I had to use it. As I picked it up and examined it I felt my cunt twitch and quiver when I realized just what it was. I love sacrilege on any level. I went home and started on the wooden cross right away. I found the nails I needed and made sure that everything was just right. I found the perfect tea totaling dress for church and cringed as I put it on. but this was going to be worth it. I headed out for the local Catholic church with a handkerchief and some chloroform in my hand bag in search of the most chaste female I could find. Getting her alone after mass was easy and I could hardly wait to nail her naked and vulnerable to the wooden cross that I constructed before beginning to use the cross syringe to inject her with mind altering drugs and begin my abuse! I can’t wait to hear her denounce her god and curse him to hell while I defile her body, mind and soul.
Time To Feast
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I have a feast in the fridge marinating and getting ready to cook and serve to all my guest. Obtaining my feast was an adventure as always. I found a new “farm” way out in the country that has a wide variety of flesh to choose from. The “farm” is very innovative in their approach to this very selective process. They offer a variety of options for one to make a purchase. One may mingle with the live specimens and examine them up close and personal before making a choice. One may view their choices from behind a one way mirror for a less personal purchase. One may actually hunt their meal in a secured area on the grounds for a more sporting approach to their purchase. Or one may simply go to the meat shop where there are pre-butchered cuts of meat for sale. Being a selective connoisseur of the finer meats, I combined the up close and personal inspection with the sport of the hunt. After choosing several select specimens I had them sent to the hunting grounds and used my favorite hunting weapon, my bow and arrow. After felling my prey I was able to gut her there on the property before they wrapped her up and put her on ice. Now the main course is marinating and the bits and pieces for my “giblet” gravy is marinating in a pot as well. I look at her every day while masturbating in the kitchen with the anticipation of sharing this feast. Won’t you join us for dinner?
Gangbang Rape Porn: Sodomized by Chicks
Master sold me to make a gangbang rape porn. I have done many rape fantasy porn movies before, but this one had a twist. It was me and a bevy of beautiful dominant women. Chicks were going to force fuck me. My experience has been that a woman is far more brutal to another woman than a male master. I think it is because women often get jealous. Their goal is to take out the competition. They don’t want to really fuck another chick. They want to destroy her, so I was fucking freaked about doing any sort of ass rape porn with women. They would destroy my fuck holes for fun and profit.
I am a good slave, so I arrived to the Queen Bitch’s house per my orders. There were 4 women and me. They were ugly big ass women too. They were rough with me the moment I walked into the place. I was groped, stripped and push down into a damp dark basement. I fell down a large flight of stairs which left me bruised and bloody. I was attempting to get up when I felt a stiletto boot in my ass pushing me back down. Another boot was on the back of my neck. I felt like a squashed bug. My ass got assaulted with a 5 inch heel. I could feel my sphincter wall tearing. The women were laughing and calling me names, clearly enjoying my pain.
The boot heel was soon replaced with a fucking machine. Attached was a huge dildo about the girth of the bottom of a wine bottle. I screamed in pain as it started going warp speed shredding my asshole. The pain was awful. What followed next was a series of gang banging with strap ons. Each bitch would pull my red locks as they sodomized me. I was forced to lick my own shit off of each strap on. I thought they were done when the strap ons hit the floor, but fisting was the final phase of my anal torture. Each girl fisted my anal cavity with no lube and big ass jagged rings on their fingers.
My ass was destroyed; gaping open; swollen and bloody, but it was over. Then I heard one of the bitches say, “Oops, forgot to hit record. We need to use this bitch again.” I felt sick to my stomach.
A Different Kind of Holy Trinity
The Catholic religion; or any religion followed by the masses; is a farce. Organized religion was created to keep people in line when using the military stopped working. So many atrocities were committed in the name of religion, not to mention the modern day intolerance to anyone who doesn’t fit into a certain religions criteria as to what a follower should be. It is a big flaming bunch of bullshit.
I, Myself follow another Trinity. One that doesn’t hide behind the words of some people who say that “God” told them what to write. My trinity consists of the following: Lilu (the male), Lilitu (the female) and Ardat Lili (the handmaiden). If you are unfamiliar with these names, they are the names of Demons. The Holy Triad, at least to Me. I find demonic entities to be more Holy than those of made up religious beings.
With them you know exactly what you are getting. There is no contradiction; as in the Bible for example; there is no doubting what they do, or what they are capable of. Now many people believe that Lucifer created them, however, Lucifer is not a God so he cannot create. That means that Demons have always been. They are Ancients and spectacular.
Of course they are a bit … evil. They do cause mayhem, kill people, cause mental illness, create havoc. All the things that I find delicious. They hurt without any form of guilty, they enjoy what they do, they never waiver from their purpose. I can empathize with them. They destroy without hesitation. They are My Gods. With everything within Me I strive to be like them, but in human form. Deviant, violent, debauchery is what I strive for. The best part is when I use My gifts to bring down a Holy Man. To have them go against everything they learned in Seminary. Seeing their eyes after they do a deed so despicable, that it crushes their soul and brings them to their knees to beg forgiveness that will never come. However, even though they call out to their god, I know that in the deep recesses of their minds that they are craving to do the same thing again. Is this Blasphemous? To some, but to Me, not at all.
Bad Medicine
I love medical fetishes. I think it started the first time I went to the gynecologist and he molested me. I was so young and there I was spread eagle in the stirrups. Not even one hair on my tiny pussy. My dad made me go because he thought I was a little slut. He told the doctor that, so I guess the doctor took that as a free ticket to touch me in ways he wasn’t supposed to. My obsession has grown over the years to any kind of doctor – or hospital. Any place they want me to remove my clothes.
I always pretend to “forget” to put my gown on and when they come in the room I am naked and waiting. I am such a little whore I can always get them to fuck me. This was fun for awhile and then something even more exciting happened. The doctor was putting an IV in my arm – and you know how much I LOVE pain – and I watched in awe at the needle going in and the flash of blood as he finished. Then he took some vials and began filling them from the port in my arm. One after another of my fresh red blood. I swear I could feel it draining from my body.
I asked him if I could hold one and he looked confused but let me. I popped off the top and took a sip. His jaw about hit the ground, but he didn’t stop me. I poured the rest down over my naked breasts and giggled and said, “oops…” He was so flustered and didn’t know what to do so I asked him if he wanted a taste too. I saw his cock rise inside his scrubs and he slowly bent over and began licking my blood from my tits. I came so hard watching him taste the life that had been sucked out of me. He started licking and sucking harder – becoming addicted immediately to the taste of my blood. His face was covered and I ran my fingers through his hair as he finished cleaning me up with his tongue. He came in his scrubs – I could see it all down the front. I don’t like being sick – but I can certainly fake it to get myself back in to see him again!
You caught me in the parking lot trying to get into my car. You slapped duct tape over my mouth before I could say a word and then knocked me to the dirty ground. I hadn’t seen your face, but now I could feel your hands on me, taping my wrists together and shoving some sort of cloth in my mouth. I was face down with y knees tucked and taped under me. It was the middle of the day! Where were all the people and why wasn’t anyone helping me?
I could look to the side and see my ripped cloths and saw you reach down and pick up my purse. All this just to rob me? My naked ass was fully exposed and I could feel the cold air blowing down over my tight asshole and pussy. You began rummaging through my purse. What the fuck were you doing – just take the damn thing. Then I watched you pull out my red lipstick. Then you disappeared from my view. For a moment I literally thought you just stole my lipstick but then I felt you writing something on my ass with it.
I had no idea what you write, but I heard you run off. I tried as hard as I could to free myself from the tape but I couldn’t. Then I heard some footsteps approaching. Finally someone had come to save me. To my surprise I heard laughter from several men standing over me. Then I heard one of them say, “Why not?” and then I heard them unzipping their pants. Fire shot through me as one of them rammed his cock right up my tight asshole and I felt the other one groping my breasts. I knew it wasn’t the same man who left me here, but here I was exposed for everyone’s rape phone sex fantasies. I was there for hours as groups of men came by and fucked me raw. Finally one of the men took off most of the tape and flipped me over. Just when I was about to thank him for saving me, he pulled a knife and slit my throat.
Give and Take
You finally let me out of that grungy basement and took me upstairs. Your whole house is dark and creepy, but still better than the dirty and cold basement. Even the little bit of light hurt my eyes, but no complaints from me. You don’t like complainers and I know what you would do to me. You grab my arm hard and throw me into the bathroom and tell me to clean up good. My mind started racing at the thought of being able to take a bath. I had been treated like a kept animal in a cage in the basement and covered in dirt and cum for as long as I could remember.
My mind was so fucked after the first few days of torture under your house that I couldn’t think straight. Thoughts raced through my mind as I got into the shower and felt the cold water running down my body. There was soap and it smelled so good. I rubbed it all over my tender body, flinching at each spot where you had bruised me for trying to fight back. But it still felt good. You stood and watched – your eyes looking up and down my naked body like a lion looking at prey. Your stare made my pussy throb and I couldn’t help but enjoy your sick eyes on my ass and tits.
I soaped up slowly to be sure to give you a good show. You taught me right. Once I rinsed off and turned the water off, you stepped towards me and began groping my wet naked body. Your hand always so rough and you squeezed my ass so tight I knew more bruises would come. You pushed me against the wall, climbed in, and fucked my ass up against the wall. My feeling of being clean disappeared immediately… but I guess that was your plan all along. You loved to give things just to take them away.
Torture Phone Sex is Fun!!!
Torture phone sex is fun!!! There’s nothing quite like being able to get tortured AND torture someone else at the same time! Daddy makes sure I do it all, it’s the only reason he even keeps me around now days. He would have snuffed me out ages ago if he hadn’t discovered he could use me as his accomplice as his victim. He loves having the best of both worlds; all we need is another girl to torture. Who’s getting fucked up tonight? I think it’s going to be that little blondie over there; she’s who we’ll follow home from school and I’ll start walking next to her and then throw her in the car. She won’t even get a chance to scream! Once we get to our favorite spot she will have her mouth pried open and Daddy and all his friends are going to start fucking her mouth nice and violently. Daddy and his friends are going to come for me soon too, we’re both going to have our nipples twisted and abused. Our holes fisted and toys stuffed in them for hours. Pissed on and beat up, fucked and covered in cum. Daddy makes sure we are both nice and used…