Taboo phone sex can always turn more and more intense. On what should have been just a harmless little lap dance turned into a brutal evening for me. I guess Daddy noticed I’ve been dancing in my room, shaking my little body like I would if I was in the club. He must have planned the whole thing honestly…that’s quite like him. He’s mean and he wants me to suffer forever and ever for being a whore. And I can’t blame him. I am fully aware that I am a worthless little slut, that is just here to be used and abused, forced and hurt…it will never end. I’ve accepted that, Daddy’s a drunk who’s beat me senseless almost every night since I can remember. Violating my holes, making me bleed and cry and beg for mercy. All of it is his favorite thing…and what turns him on most. So when he acted so sweet, like he wanted to actually see me dance on him…I should have known what it was going to turn to. As I swept my little ass above his cock, dipping low and grinding against him Daddy grabbed my hips and a fistful of hair. He slammed my face onto the coffee table and I hurt a crack and felt blood. “You fucking whore.” He yanked my little panties right off. “You think I want to see what a slut you are? I already know what a little fucking cunt you are!” He was panting and I could feel his hard dick pressing up against my bare ass. I was dizzy and my face was pouring blood. He was forcing his cock into my tight pussy, it was dry and unwilling but he was making it go in and I could barely fight it. He fucked me harder and harder hearing me cry and cussing the whole time…I knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d have his friends join in on using me too…and I just took it, like I always do.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Sadistic Easter
You had to be sick to use a holy holiday to fuel your sadistic pleasures. Yet, that is exactly what you’ve done. For days you kept me locked in a cage suffering, giving only water and bread for nourishment. Occasionally, you would open my cage to feed your own pleasure. Once stuffing your cock down my throat, gagging me on each stroke, raping my throat hard and cumming deep in my belly. Another you pleasured me by eating my pussy, but only long enough to get me wanting and then leaving me without allowing my orgasm. Finally you take me out of my cage, only to punish me with the whip, lashes across my back and buttocks, laughing evilly as the skin breaks and my warm blood begins to spill. Yet, even with all that, you are still not through torturing me. Now I find myself hung on a cross – arms and legs spread eagle as I await your next punishment. How else will you use my poor beaten and battered body?Will I finally get release or will there only be more pain? And this is my Easter…
Taboo Phone Sex w/ an Evil Babysitter
I’m the perfect accomplice for your Taboo phone sex needs. Parents think I’m the perfect babysitter to entrust their little demons to. Babysitter phone sex is hot when you have a sweet little sinner like me on the line. My favorite time was when I was entrusted to watch over a sunday school class *evil grin*. Those little shit stains wouldn’t have a chance with me.
As my boyfriend and I were fucking in the church’s confessional booth I spat out the profanity and blasphemy that get’s the two of us going. The way I beg for Jesus to fuck me gets my BF’s cock so big and throbbing that he will piledrive my cunt good. I got hot just thinking the demon fucks would hear the blasphemy as I thrust my cunt against my BF’s cock to take it deeper. I had him jizzing in my hole in minutes as I was squirting all over his fuck rod.
Poor Little Thing
I saw him walking in the park, pushing the stroller in front of him. She looked just like him in miniature. Striking up a conversation about how cute she was had him spilling his guts in no time. His wife died during the birth and he was left alone and caring for her. If my heart wasn’t so fucking black I might have felt sorry for him. But all I could think of was how my pussy was dripping as I imagined her little body covered in blood by his hands. The anguished look that would cover his face as he lost her too. The pain in his voice as he tells me he wants to die. And the pleasure it will bring me to keep him alive and suffering for a while. Offering him a home cooked meal was the ticket to getting him right where I wanted him. Watching all my fantasies come to life was priceless. As I sit here smoking a cigarette, listening to his anguished sobs is just making me hotter. He is chained now with her lifeless body laying in front of him, tormenting him….my evil heart has no conscience.
Domination phone sex with Makayla
My daddy taught me to be the submissive whore I am today.
He taught me that I was a worthless fucking whore.
He taught me that all I am good at is being a fucking cum dumpster.
Daddy used to beat me, then one day daddy ripped my shirt and saw my titties.
He saw my puffy titties and puffy pink nipples.
He licked his lips and grabbed his cock through his pants as he walked closer to me.
I did as I was told and took my shirt off for him.
He wanted me to bouncy up and down showing off my bouncy and perky titties.
He taught me so many lessons that night.
I learned that no matter how hard to try to make a mean man happy you never will.
You make him hurt you even more.
That is why I am a dirty whore.
My daddy taught me.
Mmmm what could be better than snuff sex?
Mmm…snuff sex. The best kind of fucking sex. The kind when a bitch is so damn dead finally and you feel whole again. You feel like you could cum harder, faster and better. All because finally that bitch is dead! You see…you should really never borrow money from me. I basically lend money to stupid whores that I know can’t pay me back so I can control them…use them, and kill them. This dumb bitch was no different! She came around finally begging for me to give her more time but her only ultimatum was whoring her and her whole family out to pay me back! Little did this bitch know it was going to end with my pockets full, her cunt and her little ones cunts filled with cum…and each and every one of them with dead eyes. I pimped them out to the most brutal men I knew, and made their Mommy watch her little ones holes me torn apart, all for them to turn around and make her taste her babies juices and blood on their fucking dicks. I laughed and laughed as they all struggled, just know the grand finale is cumming soon!
Good Friday for the Fire Ants…..
I finally trapped the monster who stole my car and it’s gonna be a Good Friday he won’t live to forget. I’ve starved him in my dungeon for only a week now with nothing but vinegar to drink. I’ve made him jerk off 25 times for my amusement. Teach that fucker to leave condom wrappers in my car. He’s crazy with fear and hunger, willing to say anything I tell him to live. I fuck with him, making him renounce his God, though he isn’t even Christian.
I put a rope around his wrists and drag him outside, 200 acres away from civilization. I walk him in circles, kicking him. Knocking him down over and over. Hey, what better way to celebrate Easter than a good old fashioned re-enactment of the Play. I kick him in the teeth and he is drooling blood. Unlike Christ, his crown is one of barb wire, with sharpened steel spikes that spear the flesh, digging in clear to the brain. I’ve driven tacks into his sandals so that each step draws blood, calling the fire ants. I grab my riding crop and cut lashes into his back. I hate fucking thieves. I’m feeling demented and creative. I see an old landscape timber rotting in the grass. I make him pick it up and carry it over his head. I feel giddy with religious energy. The effort makes him cry and beg. The fire ants are climbing his bloody rags now, biting him, taking to their special hell.
You didn’t really think I was gonna nail him to a cross, did ya? That’s so cliche. I’m just gonna nail some spikes into a 2×4 and knock him across the head with it. Leave the asshole lying there in the dust. Let the fireants and the varmints to do the rest. Aint no justice like MY justice.
Choked Out
I was in a sound sleep. The first sleep I have gotten in days after my husband decided to go on a beating binge. Just like he did when we first got married all them years ago. He was the sweetest guy and it was like a switch flipped the first week into our marriage. He would go on for weeks throwing me around the house punching me with his fists and pounding me with his cock. The it would suddenly stop. Well it is happening again. About a week ago he came home he kicked the living hell out of me and even cause me to lose a tooth. Of course when his rage ended I went to the dentist and had to have it fixed. He made sure I was not going to be an old toothless whore. So after my procedure they sent me home with some medication. I am not used to taking these pain killers but I will say this. The put me into a deep sleep and I finally was able to rest this old beat down body. That was until I woke up with a cock shoved down my throat. What woke me up was my air way was restricted with his swollen dick head. It had my throat plugged and I could not breathe. I tried to move my head to free him from my throat but he quickly grabbed me by the head of my hair and held me there just until he seen my eyes starting to shut as I was losing consciousness and beginning to see little black dots. He would let me catch my breath just enough to keep me from falling out then he would ram his rod back down my throat. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take I tried to mumble that I was dizzy and the room was starting to spin but just then thankfully he busted his shooting it right down my throat filling my stomach up with his hot sticky mess. I was thankful he was satisfied for the moment and I was able to get that much needed rest, because I knew it would not e long before I was at the hand of his desire.
Sex with Dead Bodies: Fucking Dead Whores No One will Miss
Sex with dead bodies is something I have only heard about before. Honestly, I thought it was something that only happened with morticians and medical examiners. You know, people around dead bodies all the time. Last weekend, I was getting abused at an underground S & M club. I’m a pain whore, but I owed some money to a dealer who decided I could work off my debt with his friends. I had no clue what sick fucks they were. I was suspended from a rafter. Ball gag in my mouth. Hands and feet bound tightly, extremely tightly. I had a cattle prod up my ass which shocked me anytime I flinched. I heard awful noises. Blood curling screams mixed with what sounded like chainsaws or electric saws. The lights came on and I saw the carnage, which made me flinch a lot. I’m shocked repeatedly as I scanned the room seeing dead girls, dead dismembered girls being fucked. Men were paying for the privilege to fuck fresh dead meat. Most of the girls were limbless, just bloody stumps. At that point, I was scared shitless. I had never seen such a gruesome scene in my entire life. Was snuff sex in my future? I felt a hand around my throat, a cold hand. A voice whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry Blair, someone would miss you. We only kill runaways and street junkies. Whores no one wants anymore.” I felt guilty for feeling relived, but I puked on myself watching men cum in dead pussies. Would you pay to fuck a freshly killed girl? I was forced to watch the carnage for hours with the cattle prod in my ass. Crying, blinking, trembling, all made me flinch which shocked me. Pain pulsated through every vein in my body. I pissed myself repeatedly. When I was finally let go, I vowed to never do business with that dealer again, but then again, I am a junkie whore with few options left for free drugs.
Ass Rape Porn to Fulfill My Sadistic Need
When I’m feeling sadistic there is nothing like having an accomplice join me in committing an ass rape porn session of home invasion phone sex. I’ll grab AJ with me for this one and I already stalked out my prey for the evening a nice young family. I’ve figured their routine out to know when to truly catch them at their most vulnerable.
We let ourselves in and stealthily head to the Master Bedroom (I love these new housing developments and knowing the floor plans ahead of time). We each take a side of the bed and muffle the preys mouths before they even acknowledge our presence. Pulling the two from their bed we bind the husband to a chair so he can watch as we take turns on his wife. I pull out my biggest strap-on while AJ takes dibs on her ass. I take her ass when he’s done and manage to rip that bitches ass good.
Laughing we take turns threatening the husband and beating him to a pulp before I force feed him my big black strap-on. We recorded the whole thing.