Category: Sadistic phone sex

Hot Pocket Lunch Surprise

taboo phone sexNever fall for the Alabama Hot Pocket trick unless you like nasty sex. Being the victim that I am , I couldn’t say no. To be honest, I had no idea what a Hot Pocket was, but it sounded yummy. Oh, man, I was about to find out the truth.

He got me nice and fucked up first. I sucked his cock and licked his asshole. He was really getting into my rim job. He was so excited that his cock looked like it was gonna burst. His asshole puckered and winked. He pulled away and squatted right over my pussy. “Spread those whore legs wide.” he moaned. “Now open that pussy for Daddy.” I pulled my thick lips apart showing him the pink. I could barely wait for that thick cock. But he didn’t slide me the sausage. Instead he grunted loudly and pushed a gooey shit log out of his stinkhole, letting it drop into my spread cunt. I squealed with disgust and he laughed. “Come on. You’re gonna love this. You’re my dirty whore.”

With a long stroke, he rammed his cock into my pudding filled delight, squishing it out on both sides of his cock. I felt it oozing down the crack of my ass as the drugs kicked in. We were fucking hard, flinging shit everywhere. Just as he was ready to blow his load, he pulled out, rubbing his shitty dick all over my face. Every Hot Pocket has that creamy, cheesy filling, you know. Grabbing my hair, he pushed his foul penis into my mouth and exploded a feces filled froth inside. “Lunch is served, bitch.” he yelled. All I could do was gulp as I tried not to puke.

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Never trust a man from Alabama!! Unless he has good drugs to share!!!

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Snuff phone sex

I am asked all the time whats snuff porn. It is the hottest fucking phone sex around. We all have those deep dark thoughts in our heads. You know those moments we are angry and we just want to act out first and think later. We all want to hurt people. I know I love making a stupid fucking whore I find on the street scream. I just can not help myself. I act like I am going to help the homeless. Give those homeless men and women a ride to my house for a warm shower, clean clothes and a hot meal. But they never make it past the shower. While they are in that nice warm and steamy shower, cleaning off god only knows. I pour oil on the floor. The moment the step out of the shower they fall and hit their heads. Now the difference between this and regular fucking is this, normally someone would nurse the person who fell. Make them feel better by sucking their cock, but someone like me wants to see the pain. My pussy get wetter with every scream, with every moment you beg. I get off on being the cause of the pain. Do you understand now? Or do I need to teach give you a hands on lesson?

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Domination Phone Sex: I’m Daddy’s Whore Forever

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is natural for me. I have been submissive to men since I was born. I was daddy’s fuck doll until I left home.  I wasn’t daddy’s girl. I was daddy’s whore. I was daddy’s punching bag. I was daddy’s humiliation pig. What I endured daily at the hands of my father and his friends made me the submissive whore I am today. What people don’t know, however, is that I bore my father a daughter. I was still a school girl when it happened. Although I left home when I was 18, daddy kept our baby girl to raise as his fuck pig. I was getting to old for daddy. Plus, all the abuse my fuck holes took over the years made me not so tight any more. He wanted a replacement  toy as I was aging out for him. I went home last Christmas to see my daughter, who thinks I am her sister. Daddy force fucked her in front of me with a baseball bat. She had that dead look in her eyes. I could see she had suffered more than me. I have come to enjoy serving men, but I will always hate daddy for stealing my daughter from me. I tried to take her from him. I even told her I was her mother and she could come live with me. My punishment? He snapped her neck right in front of me. His own daughter. My daughter. He killed her like a bug. “Little whores are a dime a dozen Cassandra. She is replaceable just like you were,” he seethed at me before he charged me, pinned me down and force fucked me for hours. I laid next to my dead daughter’s body, while my father sodomized me. He strangled my throat with his bare hands as he took turns on my pussy and ass. Such strength in an old man. Such hate and anger. “You owe me a little whore, Casssie, he informed me as he blew load after load in my fuck holes. I am pregnant, but  if I do anything to terminate the pregnancy or get daddy in trouble, I will be a dead whore. I have no doubt that he will cut me open, yank my baby from my belly and leave me to die. I just have to tell myself all little girls are just replaceable whores. Maybe someday, I will have one I can keep.

Daddy Watches Fantasy Shemale Rape Porn And Hires A Tranny

Domination phone sexDaddy had gotten turned on watching fantasy shemale rape porn and decided to hire a tranny escort to fuck me.  As soon as she saw me an evil glint came into her eyes and she told me how much fun she was going to have with me. A video recorder was set up so that Daddy could see every move that was made. She started by shoving her big tranny cock down my throat. She gagged me hard and blocked my airway. I was at the point of suffocation but she didn’t care. She grabbed me by the hair holding me in place, her cock deep in my throat as she held me by my hair pulling and pushing me up and down on her cock. She tossed me around like I was a ragdoll, beating and punching my worthless whorish body. She told me Daddy said she could use me in whatever way she wanted but to make it brutal. After choking me on her cock, she pushed me down on all fours and rammed her cock straight up my dry asshole with no lube or prep at all. Her tranny cock ripped my ass and made me bleed. She laughed at my whimpers. The whole time she was brutally fucking my bleeding ass, she was spanking me on my bare bottom, exclaiming over how much prettier my whore ass looked in the different shades of red and purple. She pinched my nipples so hard, I thought they would be twisted off. They as well ended up purple and bruised. She used my body much of the night, using whips and rope to beat me and restrain me. She used different size toys to fuck all my holes, laughing the whole time at my tears. At some point, I blacked out, because when I awoke, my beaten and battered body was on the couch in my own living room. My Daddy was watching the video she had made and was stroking his cock. He then pushed me to the floor, pulled me up on all fours and began fucking my poor bloodied asshole just as hard and deep and the shemale had. I was so thankful when he unloaded his large amount of cum in my body, coating the rips and tears in my ass, making them feel so much better.

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Takes 3 to tango

fantasy phone sexI just cannot wrap my head around why my husband keeps bringing random men home and forcing me to fuck them. Well as always he kicks the bar up another notch with each time. He informed me that during our separation he had him a bitch that he was fucking. Like I really cared but I dare not say that to him. So before I could even express any feelings there was a knock at the door. He opens it and in comes this lady with another man. I already had an idea of what was about to go down, but I had no idea this was the woman he had been seeing. So introduces us and almost immediately this cunt starts smacking me around. I wanted to so badly punch this fucking bitch back in her face but I knew if I had my ass would have been jumped by all 3 of them. So I took her shit and stood there as she humiliated me in my own home. Ripping my clothes off me and grabbing me by the head of my hair forcing my mouth down on this guys cock that she had with her. She was a tough broad. I tried to lift my head up as she was basically choking me out with his dick and she just kept shoving me down more. After she nearly killed me with his cock She handcuffed me to the head board and the tied my legs up spread eagle. This man got on top of me and started pounding my cunt while she rammed a huge black rubber cock up my ass with no lube what so ever. This torture went on for hours while my husband just sat back and stroked his cock and drinking beer.

I wanted to take it slow

strangulation phone sexHave you ever strangled someone to death? It’s a slow process for sure, not something that could be rushed, it must be savored like fine wine. I like to take it really slow, you can bring someone to the brink of death again and again this way because if you stop choking them just when they pass out the will automatically start breathing again. The fear and confusion in their eyes when they wake up is so fucking hot, I can’t even describe it, it makes me feel like I’m God! I can go on like that all day long until their weak bodies can’t take any more and they finally die. It makes me so fucking hot I can hardly stand it! You should come and join me next time, we can take turns squeezing the life out of these whores and you can help me fill up all of their fuck holes too! Doesn’t that just sound like heaven?

Torture Sex Revenge

torture sexI got wicked drunk last night. Fuck, I was high too. Some guy at a bar gave me some good blow. We were doing lines on the bar and drinking 80 proof bourbon. I’m a tall woman. I can usually hold my liquor, not last night. I woke up with a different man. And not in the way you assume. I was on some rack. Naked, tied up, with little metal clips all over my body. It was pure torture sex. My skin felt like it was on fire. The metal was piercing my flesh. There was a funnel gag in my mouth and I was drinking something rank. Well being forced to chug it actually. “How do you like my piss, Cassie,” he inquired with a snarky grin on his face. He didn’t look familiar at all.  He saw the look on my face. “Don’t remember me whore,” he seethed? I was scared. Clearly, I had pissed this guy off at some point in my life, but no clue when or where. He tried to jog my memory, but when I was not getting a clue, it just pissed him off further. He started burning my flesh with a cigar. The worst was when he put it out on my clit. I screamed in pain. He sat me up to torture my cunt. Fucked me with a burning stogie while yanking on the clips attached to my pussy. He was face to face with me; staring me dead on in the eyes.  As he was burning my thighs and clit with the cigar, it hit me. I did know him. Not by name, but in the elevator of my building. He was making sure I knew him now. He carved his name in my stomach. Billy. According to him, a whore like me has no right snubbing anyone. I will never forget him now.

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Almost got away

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Every day it escalates with my husband. After the last couple times of him pulling his antics. I told myself I had to get out and I had to get out quick. I packed very few items with me and left. I had no idea where I was going I was just driving and not looking back. I drive for a bout 6 hours and finally decided to take a break at a rest stop. As I was walking out from the rest stop restroom I felt a hand grip me from behind and cover my mouth. I did not fight or struggle back. Something I had learned over the years with my husband. I was thrown in the back of a van and my clothes began to get torn off my body. The man had a mask on his face so I could not make out my attacker even if I wanted to. I just laid there and took it as he pounded me with his cock. I tried not to make any noises but I was so scared to death. He shoved something in my mouth to quiet me down. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my ass as he rammed something very cold and hard right up inside of me without any lube. I knew he tore me because I felt the warmness if blood. Another sensation I was very well familiar with from my husband. I just lay still hoping he’d finish soon and just prayed he would let me go once he had his way with me.Once he was finished he opened the back door and shoved me out leaving me there in the nude covered in cum.

A taste for blood

snuff pornHe and I made such a good match. He told me he was into odaxelagnia. One who is sexually aroused by biting or being bitten. Mmmmm. I was immediately intrigued. I could tell that he would make a good accomplice.

We set out to find our victim. Young and pretty, with a long slender neck that begged to be bitten. I knew exactly where to look. The local YMCA gave gymnastic and dance classes to low income girls. Poor little impoverished girls who wanted to be ballerinas but their parents didn’t give a shit about them. We sat in the car and watched them all leave on foot until we saw the one. She was tall and slim with a beautiful. He got such a hard-on just watching her. She was easy to pick up as it was raining outside and she needed a ride.

He was already biting her on the way home, making her neck bleed as he rubbed his cock all over her in the backseat. My pussy got wet watching them and I could barely wait to join in. We never did make it to the house. “Pull off in the woods.” he moaned. We dragged her out on the ground and ripped off her dance outfit revealing a bald cunny. She was taut and toned. I had her head in my lap as he drove his cock into her over and over, biting her neck and making her bleed. He kissed me and I sucked the blood from his lips. “Help me, Natasha. I’m gonna cum.” I grabbed her hair and stretched out her neck. He bit deeply into her throat as she screamed for her God. I came hard as I heard her gurgle in her own blood. He screamed, his mouth bloody, blasting his jizz all over her dead body.

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Next time, we’re getting a man so he can fuck him in the ass as I gnaw on my victim’s  cock. Hey, a girl has to have her fun too!!!


I Devoured Her

taboo phone sex karmaWalking past the neon sign, the lure of the heavy metal music drew me in. As my eyes adjusted to the dimly lite room I saw her there on the stage. Black electrical tape clung to her body in an erotic pattern barely covering her nipples and the center of her bald pussy. Grinding the pole in front of her she was working the crowd. Her goth makeup completed the look and had my pussy wet as hell. I ordered a drink and sat as close to her as I could get. Holding up a twenty I caught her eye. Stepping off the stage she straddled me and began my lap dance. then she turned to face me and blood began to drip out of her mouth. The fire was burning inside me now and I had to have her. As her set ended she joined me. Sipping a Bloody Mary my taste for real blood was growing. I needed to taste her flesh and blood. Taking her home was easy. Taking out the rope and tieing her to the stone alter, she gave in to my desires. Her pussy was so wet, her nipples rock hard. It was time for me to feast. I started by nibbling on her body but soon I was biting her harder. Unable to control myself I came away with a chunk of thigh and the taste of her blood left me with no restraint. I devoured her. Each scream brought me closer to orgasm. Each bite increased my appetite. I needed release. Positioning my self between her legs I ripped her pussy lips off one at a time and felt the flow of cum running down my legs. I don’t know when she passed out, but it really didn’t matter. She was finger licking good.