Category: Sadistic phone sex

Snuff Porn Sacrificing a Virgin

This biker whore is all about the snuff porn videos she is instrumental in creating and finding the victims is only part of the excitement. This time I chose to visit a local charity event put on by a Church just knowing there will be the perfect piece of innocent and pure virginal meat to abduct. Always a do good, church going primadonna in need of real life enlightening will be in attendance at these functions, and they will always approach the biker whore she feels needs to be saved.

Approached, as expected by the busy body little woman that wreaked of purity and posed the pristine picture of a fucking virgin with pent up angst due to that lack of arousal, and penetration. Smiling to myself I accepted her presence and managed to get her to come away and talk to me. With a rag and some chloroform I subdued her quietly and walked her to my car. Arriving at the warehouse where we do the filming I noticed her starting to stir.

In the warehouse on site of where we film I slice her clothes off with my knife inspecting her I jam a few fingers up her hairy snatch. Yes, a virgin it would seem by her distress and tightness of her cunt. I laugh and call to Bruno to come see our latest victim. The 6’5″ Norwegian approaches from around the corner with his butchers apron on. His massive 9″ long with a 6″ girth cock starts to twitch and become fully erect as he gazes at the whore I have strapped to the beams on the wall. Her legs are spread and arms above her head, and a look of terror in those pathetic prudish eyes.

Snuff Porn

He approaches her and slaps her in the face as the camera’s are rolling he begins to pull her from the bound position she was in and throws her to the ground demanding her to her knees. His hard prick ready to deflower the cunt as I position my large black strap-on cock to take and ass rape porn that tight bum. We begin to invade her holes as she screams and fights us. Laughing as he fills her virginal snatch with his seed I throw a black hood over her head with a noose and he pulls the rope until we hear a snap.

Tossing her used body into the incinerator Bruno and I rub the blood from her violated cunt and fornicate.


The Artist and The Young voice phone sex slut.

Young voice phone sex

Have you ever had a Young voice phone sex slut that will make you do anything? Ever wanted someone to take charge and make you worship her body? My Young voice phone sex will make you do anything I tell you. It’s like being lost in a spell. Well it might be a spell, you never know with me. I had a caller who did every little thing I told him to do and his screams made my pussy dripping wet. We will call this caller Joe. Joe called me think he could make me his bitch. Obviously he can not fucking read. No one and I mean No one can break me. My Young voice phone sex call had him begging for mercy before I hung up on him just so he can suffer. Joe was a painter, he loved to paint evil painting. Lots of blood and torture in his paintings. I made him lube up his dick and tease his cock with the brush of the paint brush. I told him I wanted him to paint me my own special picture but using only his cock. He was going to dip his little dick in paint and slap it around on the canvas. But my young voice instructed him step by step on sliding the tip of his paint brush into his tiny pathetic cock. Listening to his moans and painful cry’s as he shoved the thick wooden paint brush handle into his dick hole. I made him rub his cock until he cam.. But nothing could come out because his dick hole was plugged up. I continued to force him to rub his cock over and over building up his cum loads inside of his cock. The pressure was building up behind that paint brush. It ripped the head of his cock in half… Then I made him paint me a picture using real blood.

Snuff sex is the best sex!

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best kind of sex as far as I am concerned. I like to watch a bitch suffer unimaginable pain, I want to hear her screaming and begging for her worthless life, I want to feel her blood on my skin. I seriously don’t think I could even get off on regular boring vanilla sex so I don’t even try, it’s snuff sex or no sex with me! You and I can go hunting, we’ll find the perfect little bitch to kill, she’ll be small and delicate and oh so very young… we’ll make her grow up in a hurry though, won’t we? I’ll hold the bitch down while you force all of her little virgin fuck holes open and we will listen to her screaming and get off on it. We will take our time, lets make this last because snuff sex should be savored, never rushed! And in the end, she will beg us to kill her and that is one request I will be happy to grant!

Help Use My Little Sisters

accomplice phone sex

Need a subby teen accomplice baby? I got something for you! I know what you want is to DEYSTROY a little cunt, so I’ll tell you all about my favorite hobby as a teen whore who is a submissive too. I am always getting tied up and ‘forced’ into helping guys use my little sisters my sweet little ones who beg for help but I get wet when they do. I know I am bad and I accept it so I just let them do what they want! Actually all I do now is have my cunt bend over and over again. Because guys like em NICE AND YOUNG! The younger the better they always say and I can’t even blame them cuz those ripe little cunts beg to be abused and used, I swear. They need to be ruined and crying and wailing to possibly no point of return. This what they are here for and it’s everything you ever imagined and more.

Ang The Impaler

torture phone sex Watching an old black and white, the images flash on the screen. Even though the picture has no color, I can see the bright red of the blood as it drips from the severed neck and down the stakes. Vlad the Impaler was a ruthless and feared ruler. I admire his style. I don’t know when my eyes became heavy and I was transported to that place that no one else would dare to go. My dream state where my sub conscious allows the demons of my desires to roam free, unencumbered. There she was with her dirty blonde hair and her big brown eyes. Innocence was reflected in her face and body language. I could feel the evil inside me tugging at my black heart, beckoning me to act on the dark desires that were washing over me. Slowly I approached her, smiling. As soon as I was close enough I brushed the hair from her face. The feel of her skin sent a burn of fire through me. Pushing her up against the wall I secured the leather straps around her wrists and ankles before fastening the metal halo around her head, rendering her completely immobile. Stocking the fire I placed the sharpened end of the first metal spear in the flame waiting for it to glow red hot. I could feel my cunt pulsating as I raised the spear and took aim. the first throw hit her just under the ribs. her screams pierced the air as the spear pierced her skin and the sound of  her skin sizzling as the spear cauterized the flesh made my nipples tingle with delight. It would take some practice to perfect my aim.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasiesA caller, who requested the 21 minute special, informed me that I found a beach while I was journeying today. Since summer was drawing to a close, and the beach was deserted. From the distance at which I saw it, it looked peaceful and pretty, despite the cloud cover and smell of rain that spoke of an impending storm.

I picked up the pace, determined to have a swim before the storm hit. It was a very good thing that I’d opted to wear my bikini under my skirt and top, since I hadn’t found a laundry yet. I pulled off my shirt as I was walking and tucked it into my pack without breaking stride. As absorbed as I was in my desire to make it to the beach in time, I neglected to notice the group of guys hanging out near the entrance to the beach. I was upon them before I realized they were there, and my heart rate doubled immediately upon noticing them.Gangbang rape porn

They let me pass, and I followed the brick wall closely and quickly, trying hard to reach the other end of the pathway before anything could happen. I should have expected it; I should have just walked right on past the beach and moved closer into town along the road, where anyone could have driven by at any time.

They had me surrounded and pinned to the wall before I could blink again, and a good 15 feet from the beach. With the growth of shrubbery on one side and the wall blocking the other, I knew there was no hope of being spotted and rescued.

“I told you guys we’d get laid before school starts again, and here we are. Two days before school starts, and this fine little piece appears like she was dropped here by the hand of God himself to fulfill our desires,” said one of the guys. At this point, I knew that I was in for it.

One of them pulled my skirt down while another took a picture. They removed my top, but made me take my own bottom off, I’m guessing to get a glimpse of all of my goods while I bent down.

They pinned me against that wall and they had their way with me. All my screams, pleas, and protestations were ignored as they squeezed, pinched, groped, fondled, and rammed their way to their own pleasure. By the time they all finished with me, all 8 of them, I was sore from head to toe. My head had banged against the wall repeatedly as they pulled my hair and let it go. My breasts and pussy and ass were raw, swollen, and bleeding in some places. It was a painful experience, and one I would hope never to have to relive outside of my nightmares.2 girl phone sex

Maid To Order

taboo phone sex I knew as soon as I saw him that he would be my slave. I could tell by the way he carried himself that he had little to no self esteem. Kind of geeky looking he looked like he had never been laid.

Striking up a conversation was harder then I thought it would be. If you looked up the word “introvert” in the dictionary, his picture would be front and center. Pulling him out of his shell enough to get him to agree to come over for dinner was a huge challenge but with each small victory my cunt got wetter and wetter.

As soon as we walked in the door of my house the humiliation began. Ripping his clothes off leaving them in a shredded heap at his feet, his face was priceless. His attempt at modesty was feeble and unsuccessful. Laughing at his skinny body with no muscle or definition, I threw him a little white maid apron before grabbing my leather ridding crop and cracking his flat ass with it. A lone tear streaked down his face serving to increase my desire to mold him into the perfect, subservient, slave. He would soon learn that to displease me would be very painful indeed.

I’m A Thieving Maid Who Must Be Punished

roleplay phone sexWhen I awoke and found a sexy maid outfit laid out before me, I thought Daddy wanted me to roleplay with him again. When I went downstairs, I found out I was wrong. I was being sent to be another man’s maid for the day. The man walked me to the car and placed me inside. Once we pulled up to his house, he told me he had no use for a slut, but needed a maid and that is how I would pay off Daddy’s debts. I went about my duties, scrubbing everything in sight.

A bit later, I felt a hand go around my neck. He wanted to know where his wife’s jewels were. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I could not have answered anyway because his strong hands were squeezing my neck so hard. Her pulled me by my neck to a room I had not yet been in, but it was familiar. This was his BDSM room. So, my new master did want a slut, but he needed a roleplay first. He strapped me down so tightly I could barely wiggle my toes or fingers. My legs were spread wide. He put a large dildo into my pussy, stretching me so much I felt my pussy was ripping open. This was followed by a giant butt plug. He forced this into me. I was sure I was torn as I could feel blood trickle from my ass. He stood by the bed, surveying the damage, holding a belt up high. As he walked around, he cracked the belt sharply several times and then I felt it. He brought the belt down hard on my filled ass, raising welts and drawing blood. Just as I was expecting another blow, he sat on my back, putting the belt around my neck. He tightened and tightened, sending my world into blackness.

violent phone sex

Bondage phone sex

Bondage phone sex

Tied and bound, bleeding and breathless, I awoke to find myself stretched out and being choked with a huge cock being rammed down my throat. The pain was almost too much to bear. Feeling a fist shoved inside my pussy, I tried to scream out but couldn’t. I’d been drugged. I was being beaten with something that tore at my flesh and I couldn’t bear it anymore. My ass was being ripped open by something that was tearing apart my insides. There had to be three of them taking full advantage of me.

Would this be the end? I had started to wonder if this would be the way that I was going to die. Having every hole fucked and being beaten and choked until I took my last breath. I decided to fight it. I fought to regain consciousness. I tried to bear with the pain and focused on breathing. I figured if I let them fuck me and cover me in their cum like a good submissive, maybe they would let me go.

After hours of torture and regaining consciousness several times, I was released and left to die on the cold floor of a warehouse. Luckily, I was able to make my way to a hospital and recover.

Sadistic phone sex

Such a Gentleman


Roleplay Phone Sex

I managed to catch a ride, apparently I was close anyway, into Denver yesterday. The man who gave me a ride was such a sweetheart and gentleman. He took me to the mall to shop, since everyone knows that hitchhikers rarely stop for new clothes, budget being what it is. He let me pick the place, and I decided on Victoria’s Secret. He let me model three different intimates sets. A thong bra and panty set with a sheer overlay in pink, blue, and black lace. I showed him the pink, and he liked it, but I could tell he wanted to see the other 2. So, I went back and tried on the blue. I saw the glint in his eyes, but still, he was a cool character, never said a word that wasn’t polite and courteous. When I tried on the black one and showed it off, I could see the tent prominently stretching his jeans. I took him back to the dressing room with me, where I gave him a lap dance.  It turned him on so much that he reached out to me.  Of course, I couldn’t let him suffer any more, so I knelt down and sucked him off, right there in the dressing room.  He was so amazing, and I wouldn’t mind catching a ride with him again.Goth teen phone sex