Category: Sadistic phone sex

I will cut off your balls!

Having a sub who wants me to cut off his balls is one of my ultimate fantasies. If you are begging for it because you do not feel manly enough, think your cock is too small or just feel like a useless sissy bitch… I am always willing to be the one to pull the trigger on that type of fantasy. It actually gets me really hot and wet to think about all of that blood dripping out of your balls after I take a big pair of scissors and just squeeze together as your flesh separates.

Bloody phone sex

Or maybe we even put them on the butcher block and I take a nice sharp clever as I make you look down at those ridiculous things while I let the clever drop and cut them from your body, as it emasculate you and proves what a worthless piece of shit you are. I can even shove them into your asshole and then make you fuck me with your tongue, humiliating you as your screams echo into my cunt while I make you use that pain to make me feel good and get me off.

Selling Pussy

Violent phone sexFrom day one my man has drilled it into my head that I belong to him. Like a branded cow belongs to a farmer, I belong to my crack-addicted boyfriend. When he looks at me he sees dollar signs. He doesn’t work because he makes me sell my ass to the highest bidder. I walk the streets and sell myself on the internet to keep my old man high. Sometimes I fuck so many men in one day that my pussy lips painfully swell up. Sometimes the johns get rough and abuse me with vicious acts of violence. I come home with bruises, black eyes, and bite marks and my old man doesn’t blink an eye. As long as I keep crack in his pipe he’s happy. But if I don’t make enough money that’s a guaranteed ass-whooping’. Why can’t I leave this terrible relationship?

Knife Work Practice

Bloody Phone Sex


You have been instructing me for awhile on the pleasure of knife play. Having me drag the blade across my thighs first to get used to the sensation then ordering me to press harder and harder. Cutting off my labia was fun although I cannot lie, it did hurt a whole lot. I’m a bit of a self inflicting sadist though, as you know by now for sure. Watching the look in your eyes while we take turns digging the tip of the blade into my flesh and seeing how big and full of pleasure your face grows while I use my body like a personal voodoo doll. You even got these amazing needles that we stick directly into my ovaries from my tummy itself. Being your human pin cushion for your darkest desires is what gets me off. Finally, you get the big knife out that is double sided and have me ride it like a mounted dildo until it cuts me open. Creating just one giant fuck hole from vagina opening to anal wall. We still have more work to do and personally, I look forward to it.

Snuff sex was on the list

snuff sexSnuff sex was on the list for my weekend, I had a very special event to go to and I was very excited. There were a lot of bidders looking for their perfect accomplice and needless to say I got a very high bid for my services. The winning bidder was this old rich guy, he was getting too old to do the dirty work but still longed to watch a bitch get killed in a horrific way and was willing to pay a lot of money for the privilege too! I went and found him a perfect little whore, not too old, not too young… just the way he likes them. We went back to his place for privacy and took the little whore straight up to his bedroom and stripped her naked. She was crying and begging for her momma but I didn’t let that stop me I just pulled out my toys and went to work! First I stuffed her tender little virgin fuck holes with my giant razor wire covered dildos and while she was screaming about that I ripped out her fucking tongue! I cut that little whore to pieces and presented them to my elderly accomplice, he was very pleased!

snuff porn

Torture Sex Play with Indigo

My best friend can be so stupid at times. I am her friend of course but me getting off is more important to me. This is why I had to set her up to show her how pleasurable pain can be. The argument we had last week about how having a hook put in your ass and the being fucked was so offensive to her. I attempted to explain that it could be very pleasurable, she just was so closed minded.

Torture sex

I decided later that night after the argument that I would show her that not only are the hooks pleasurable but that pain in genera could be very hot and satisfying.  A friend of mine helped me ab duct er without knowing who had kidnapped her. We put a hook in her ass and fantasy raped her mouth, her cunt and tortured the shit out of her. By the time we were done she was begging for more and so wet you could wipe the floor with her cum juice.

Fantasy phone sex with Stephanie

Fantasy phone sexHow would you abuse me? Would you use all kinds of tools or would you just spank me and slap me until I get down in submission to you master? I want you to treat me like a little slut and make me pay for being a whore this week. I am very into getting snuffed and all the details that go along with it. Like bending me over and taking a razor blade to my asshole and ripping it down to my tight little pussy hole and fucking my big open bloody hole.  Then pulling my hair as hard as you can until my hair pulls out of my scalp, I want to feel as much pain as you can give me. Can you do that master?

Gangsters’ Playtoy

Gangbang rape pornI should have known something was up when my man started being extra nice to me. He took me out to eat and brought me a new outfit, something hasn’t done in years. When we were heading home, he passed our street and headed towards the 5th Ward Bloods trap house. I started begging for him not to take me there and he said I owned him for dinner and the outfit. Dread filled my body and tears fell from my eyes. He had to drag me to the door because I put up a fight. He finally knocked me out with one punch to my jaw. I woke up on a dirty mattress with a gangster huffing and puffing on top of me. When he got done fucking me the next thug took his turn. Seven thugs fucked me before they gave me a break. I had dry cum stains all over my body. I was used and abused for three days before my old man came back to get me.

Ass Rape Porn of a Bimbo

ass rape pornI wanted to make an ass rape porn. I have made many before. I’m an anal sex addict. This one was different, however. I hooked up with these guys looking for an anal sex whore. I thought they just wanted to give me a hardcore ass fucking, but they wanted more than that. They wanted to kill me. They wanted to snuff me out. When I am horny, I don’t always think with my head. In hindsight, they looked sketchy as fuck. Greasy hair. Skin like meth heads. They smelled too. There weren’t choir boys. These weren’t even Hell’s Angels. These were street junkies high as fuck wanting to hurt a bitch and I handed myself to them on a silver platter. They shot me full of something. Heroin I think. I got immediately high as fuck. When they started cutting and burning me, I was laughing at the pain. That was nothing compared to what they did to my ass. They fucked me with a hot pipe of some sort. My asshole was burning. They fucked my ass after they burned it. Talk about torture sex. Even high as fuck, I could feel the pain of my torn asshole being filled with hot cum. As they fucked me, they strangled me too. One dude even lit my blonde locks on fire. I put it out but slapping the sides of my head, but the smell of burnt hair is almost as bad as the smell of burnt flesh. I woke up this morning in the ER. They dumped me in an alley. I guess someone found me. Good thing too because I was naked, and it was below freezing last night. I need to be more cautious about who I fuck, but where is the fun in that?

Snuff phone sex- Aubree’s Death Dream

I am not usually a person who gets vivid dreams that scare me, but last night was different. I dreamed last night that I was at a party and I met this good looking guy there. his man asked me to go home with him, which I did because he seemed nice enough,, cute and I wanted to fuck him. When we arrived at his house he let me in, offered me a drink and we chatted by the fireplace, while he seemed to be waiting for something. He leaned in to kiss me and I just fell over.

Snuff phone sex

At that point his whole demeanor changed. He got this evil grin on his face and started to undress me. He then fantasy raped my pussy brutally and tortured my unconscious body while strangling me. He flipped me over and did the same to my ass. As I started to come to, he was still in my asshole. He pulled a knife out from under the couch cushion, put it up to my throat and slid it across. As I lay there bleeding and my body dying, I had an out of body experience in my dream. I was watching myself dye. I woke up shortly after that in a sweat and realized I was alive, but my pussy was soaking wet.

Snuff Porn

snuff pornI was hired to make a snuff porn. I have a reputation as a no taboos freak. For some coke and some money to buy coke, I will do the kinds of fetish films other women refuse to do. I am not proud. Snuff films aren’t real anyway. It’s fake blood and guts, like a horror film. I showed up at the address the casting agent gave me. It didn’t look like any set I had seen, and I have been on a few. In fact, I saw no one else. I wondered if I had the right address. I had no cell reception, so I couldn’t text or even call anyone. I walked around a bit, then saw the house. It looked like a horror film house, so I assumed that was the place to be. I walked in, called out for anyone. No one responded. I walked around a bit. No electricity. The house was covered in cob webs. No one has been in this place for decades was my guess. I used the light on my iPhone to illuminate my way. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. A shadowy figure; menacing. Tall, maybe deformed. I heard the chainsaw and I shit my pants. Was this the movie? Or was this my own Texas Chainsaw Nightmare? I ran. Ran smack into a room of dead dismembered bodies. Even high, I am scrappy. I buried myself under a pile of limbs to hide. I was fucked up, but this didn’t feel like a snuff movie. This felt like death. I laid motionless in the dark under a pile of bloody limbs wishing this was a bad dream. I heard foot steps, but I couldn’t see anything. Then, I head the mysterious figure say, “Are you ready to die Blair?” At that moment the chainsaw came crashing down thru the dead bodies. Blood splattered, I felt pain then everything went dark.