Category: Sadistic phone sex

Brutal Porn

I took this extreme brutal porn job that I saw on one of sex websites. I knew I could handle this task since I love getting beat the fuck up. I went to the address that was provided for me. The door was unlocked. Walking in there was a little bit of light coming from a lamp on the other end of the room. I walked towards the light and from behind I was grabbed. A hand came over my mouth and one on my throat. Both hand tightly pressed against me I was being dragged backwards and I was thrown on a dirty mattress laying on the floor in the dark corner of the room. I could not see anything and when I studdard out the words who is that I felt a hard as fuck kick to my twat. I screamed and bundled up into the fetal position. The pain was intense and went shivering up my body. I could hear a voice say “stupid bitch.” I thought this was going to be a porn shoot. I quickly realized that was not the case. There were no cameras no one else but the man in the shadows and me.Snuff sex

He had to go

snuff phone sexI hate a rude ass mansplaining man, seriously, who the fuck did he think he was? How dare he try to tell me how to kill a whore like he was some kind of expert! He had never actually killed anyone ever! Just because he was a man, he suddenly knew more than me? Pssshht fuck that, I decided he needed a little lesson on how it is really done! I took him back to my place, he was sure that he had me enthralled by all his knowledge, he thought he would be getting some of this pussy… but he was very wrong. I drugged his drink and when he woke up, he was naked and securely tied down. He started crying right away, begging for me to release him, he knew what was coming and he didn’t like it one little bit. Too bad for him tho, I cut him into little pieces nice and slow, I made the torture last for hours before I finally killed him. In the end he realized that I knew more about killing than he ever would!

Sex with Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies is better than it sounds. I don’t date. I am not exactly the type of girl who excels in the online dating bullshit. I am a sadistic bitch. I have dark fantasies. I hate most people. I don’t look at men with googly eyes like most girls. I see a man and I just wonder if he is accomplice material or victim material. I don’t often look at a guy and say, “Damn, I’d like to fuck him.” But, I am a woman, with needs like any other woman. I have a mortician friend who lets me know when a fresh body comes in with what I need. What I don’t need is a small dick or romantic bullshit. I am like a praying mantis female. After sex, I just assume bite my lover’s head off than cuddle. Men only serve a purpose when they are helping me kill. My friend let’s me know if a man comes into the morgue with rigor mortis in the right places. I come in ride the donkey until I cum. I get off and I don’t feel the need to bite the head off my lover.  He can’t say anything annoying. He can’t attempt to cuddle or do small talk. Ideally, I prefer to kill them myself. It is more satisfying, but the problem with that is sometimes my desire for a nice cock is gone when the loser it is attached too begs for mercy and shit. At the morgue, it is just a hard cock. I hop on and hop off and a corpse can’t kill the mood like a live victim. My ideal lover is one who is willing to die for my sexual pleasure. Is that you? You most have a big cock and a desire to die quietly.

The Mistake

Ass rape pornI made a mistake yesterday, I tried to run away from my abusive pimp/boyfriend. I got so tired of him beating my ass for any little thing. He gave me my 20th black eye and I ran out the back door. But he found me and dragged me off the street to his car by my hair. Someone had snitched about my location and he was angry. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand delivering punches to my head. I was scared but he was saving the worst for the privacy of our bedroom. He tore my dress off and forced me to my knees.
“How dare you run from me, bitch!!”, he screamed.
He pulled his belt off and beat me until welts covered my body. But he wasn’t done..
He pulled his hard cock out and anal fucked me so hard that blood ran down my thighs. I tried my hardest not to scream because I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. But the pain was unbearable and an animalistic scream escaped my lips. I’ll never try to run away again.

Ageplay Rape Phone Sex Fantasies On Your Mind

rape phone sex fantasiesYou’re the kind of pervert who sits outside of playgrounds jacking his cock while watching little ones play on the playground fantasizing about ageplay rape phone sex fantasies aren’t you?  I knew it.  I can tell by the way you watch them that all you can think about is their tiny little hands stroking your cock.  Tiny little mouths trying to take as much of your cock in it huh?  Of course you do.  In fact, that’s all you think about.  Mature women can’t even get you off anymore.  You’ve been wanting this for soooo long.  Just watching isn’t good enough for you anymore is it?  You want, no you crave those tiny little hands around your cock and those tiny little mouths.  You think about stuffing all your cock down their little throats making them choke on it.   Bald little cunts with legs spread wide open.  Tiny little assholes waiting to be filled.  Untouched by anyone, until now.

Uncles slave pet

torture sexMy uncle has been such a pervert. Lately, he has tried to mess with all my cousins, none of us want his cock. He doesn’t like girls who are strong at all. If you put him in his place he won’t mess with you, I am timid and shy sometimes, and when I have a guy with so much power just right over me, I always give in. I’m not good at standing my ground that’s why I’m the ultimate victim. I have always been this way and to be quite honest I like being taken advantage of, I’m just submissive by nature and enjoy getting fucked hard. When my uncle Bruce wanted torture sex after a couple of my cousins ended up pegging him he moved on real quick. Uncle Bruce doesn’t enjoy accomplices or dominants sluts. Uncle Bruce doesn’t share power at all. My aunt Lil is a great CEO, and she married him, and she wears the pants in that relationship,

I think he likes to rebel against all his insecurities by taken advantage of young sluts. Its the only way he has power. I was hanging out over there; everyone ended up leaving, so it was just him and I. He got very aggressive with me and started to tell me how he was going to make my pussy feel right, after, he makes it feel wrong. He wanted to show me something in the master room. I followed him to the bedroom. Uncle Bruce then pushed me to the bed and spread my legs apart. Uncle Bruce then began to eat me out so fucking good till I came all over Uncle Bruce tied me up in a split second, a started to fuck me for hours on end. He liked that he had all the power. After uncle Bruce got all the pleasure desired, Uncle Bruce wasn’t done with me just yet; one more thing was left to do. I had to play with my pussy right in front of him while he filmed the whole thing.

Uncle Bruce made me memorize a script, just in case I tried smartening up and telling on him.

Bruce wanted to make it seem like I was seducing him, Silly uncle Bruce he doesn’t have to worry about a thing.

 I would never say to a soul, I loved being his fuck slut slave, and his secret is safe.

Slut Or Tease

Snuff sexMay I ask you a question? Would rather have me being a full blown slut for your torturous pleasure. Or act like a complete twat of a prude. Which one of these do you prefer. I personally like being a slut. I thrive on it. Big time! But I can see the appeal of forcing me to take your pain. Me begging for mercy from your pain instead of begging for more of your pain. Instead of my tears of pleasure, They are my tears of pain, and helplessness. The next time I decide to go out to get fucked up in every aspect. I will go to a bar miles away from my house and act like a prude teasing fucking bitch.

Torture Time

Evil phone sexYou wanna come fuck me? I bet you want to whip my flesh until the welts appear and break open and the blood comes dripping down. Does this sound good to you? Good because it sounds like a good fucking night to me! After the whipping you can shove your cock in my mouth. And when your ready to give me that thick creamy jiz you can spray it all over my whore face. Leave me where I lay on the floor give yourself a little break then back to play with me again. Take your belt and put it tightly around my neck pulling it as tight at you possible can. Get that hunting knife out and cut into my flesh marking me. Would you like to engrave your name in my useless whorish body? I would fucking love that!

Blasphemy Phone Sex

blasphemy phone sexThis is the day that the lord hath made?  Fuck that shit, all hail Satan.  Yeah, Blasphemy Phone Sex is what I’m all about tonight.  I want to find some poor pathetic little church girl and snatch her right from the church parking lot.  I’ll teach her about my God whom I worship.  Take her dumb ass to my little torture chamber in my basement.  Strip her down and tie her up with her arms and legs spread.  Fuck her virgin tight cunt with a crucifix.  Fucker her cunt til it’s dripping blood all down her thighs.  I love the taste of virgin blood.  I’ll rub it all over my body in the name of the almighty Lucifer.  Then, when she thinks the horror is over.  I’ll summon a demon up straight from the depths of hell.  She’ll be so frightened, I can almost smell her fear.  I’ll sit and watch as he has her way with her.  Fucking her bloody cunt with his huge pointed cock.  Hopefully he will allow me to assist in snuffing the life right out of her. 

Evil Phone Sex Babysitter Needs Accomplice

Evil Phone sex

It’s that time of year where I start getting that itch for abducting some young thing with a hung accomplice to have a little unorthodox fun with. It’s a thing for me to be as blasphemous as fuck on a Saturday night in a church we find open. We haul the prey in with us and get drunk on the blood of Christ as we douse the virgin with holy water and Christs blood laughing. You fuck her tight little holes into a gaping bloody mess as I laugh and burn her with crucifixes and candle wax.

As you then fuck me as I am working on sacrificing the no longer virginal prey to my sadistic heathen lord all mighty. We laugh and wallow in her blood as I carve evil scriptures into her pale swelling flesh. It’s night like these that really turn me on, and I hope you will join me in the devilishly delicious fun.