Category: Sadistic phone sex

Torture Sex with a Sadistic Dyke

torture sexTorture sex is not just something inflicted by men. In fact, some of the most sadistic masters I have had in my life have been women. I owed this woman coke money. She wasn’t a dealer. She was a party girl like me. She is just one with money. She asked me when I was going to pay her back. She has a nasty streak, so I couldn’t bullshit her, or I might end up dead in an alley. I told her I was having a cash flow problem and asked if I could work it off. She is a dyke. I thought I could eat her pussy and ass for a couple hours and my debt would be settled. She had something else in mind. It wasn’t pretty either. She is sadistic. She hooked me up naked to some electric shock machine. My nipples and my clit were wired to receive a mega dose of electric shock. The voltage was so high that it burned my skin. I could smell my pussy hair burning. Burnt hair smells awful, even pussy hair. I was sweating from fear which made it worse for me. When she pulled out an industrial sized vibrator, I thought this was a pleasure and pain sort of thing. In a warped way it was. She put a clip on my clit. When I orgasmed, it would cause an electrical shock. As much as I wanted not to cum, she had this big vibrating wand up my cunt on full speed. It was a matter of biology. I tried to think of the most awful, painful things so that I wouldn’t cum, but it did no good. I started convulsing. I felt like I was having a seizure. I pissed myself from the shock. It was messy and painful. I endured electrical shocks to my pussy for hours before she declared us even. I will never get high with a sadistic dyke again.

Dumb Victims For Evil Phone Sex

My boyfriends band was playing this sold out gig the other night and I am always going to be there to support him, and of course take care of any little groupie wannabe hoe. Trust me, there are plenty of these barely legal little sluts that are always trying to get his attention, and we both have a few good laughs on these useless cunts expense.

He’s in a kinda Goth Horror Rock type band and tends to attract young rich suburban girls that play rebellion with mommy and daddy’s money. My evil phone sex fantasies are always going to be fueled by these dumb cunts. I love luring them back to party with us after the show, sometimes if I’m feeling really evil I will lure a few back.

These cunts could never guess where some of the blood used on stage and those blood stained clothes comes from, dumb little victims like themselves of course. We smoke some potent shit that will always knock these weak sluts out in just a couple of puffs, they are either vomiting or passing out but often times both. I take the passed out cunt and rip her clothes off with my Buck knife. I then precede to run that knife along her pristine smooth flesh of her torso to her pelvic bone making a nice slit.

Rubbing her blood all over myself the fun is just beginning, she’ll get what she wants alright! My boyfriend will slide his dick into this pigskin sheath that is coated with glass shards and starts to fuck her tight little holes ripping that flesh up as she bleeds out. And before he cums he pulls out and removes that pigskin, and baptizes the cunts face with his gunk.

Evil Phone Sex

Born for Taboo Phone Sex

taboo phone sexI was born for taboo phone sex. I didn’t have a traditional upbringing. I was a whore for daddy and his friends when I was a school girl. I have never had a normal relationship. I am not exactly girlfriend material. Guys fuck me. Guys always hit on me. They never want to take me out, however. They just want to treat me like a dirty whore; use me and leave. I understand that is all I deserve. I have had lots of slave training in my life. I know my place. I am a well trained puppy. When he told me, he was in the mood for torture sex, I got scared. He had been drinking. I knew he was pissed off from work too. This was not a good combo for me, but I can’t resist or protest. I have learned that hard lesson before. He tied my clit up with a rope. It was swelling quickly and turning purple. While I waited for my clit to fall off, which is what felt like was happening, he skull fucked me. He likes fish hooking my mouth. He slapped my titties as he fucked my mouth. My clit was numb. I thought perhaps that was a good thing, but when he burned it with his cigar, I felt it. I cringed from the pain. He punched me in the face. I felt my mouth bleeding. He was in an extra sadistic mood. Nothing I could say would make it any easier on me, so I just shut the fuck up until he got too drunk to do much damage to me. When he passed out, I snuck out of his house. I know the next time I see him, I will be in for a world of pain. When I got home, I stitched my busted lip and iced my swollen clit. It’s a tough life being a submissive whore.

torture sex

I found the perfect little bitch

snuff sexEveryone acts like it is just so hard to find a little victim but honestly it’s the easiest part of what I do! So many crackheads and junkies just leave their brats wandering around all by themselves and those dumb ass little brats will go with anyone if you just promise to feed them! They never realize that they fucked up until I get them to my place, once we’re there and they see all the blood in my playroom… well that is where they start to get scared and beg for their worthless little mommies. I always tell them that their mothers sold them to me for drugs, I tell them that they don’t care if they lived or died so they may as well just shut the fuck up and do as they are told to do. Then the real fun starts, I get to cut them and fuck them and break their little fragile bones and in the end I throw their little bodies on the bonfire with the rest of the garbage.

Tender Age Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesI have rape phone sex fantasies just like you. I don’t want to force myself on a man, however. I would much rather castrate or snuff a man. My dark force fuck fantasies involve tender age girls. The cock teasing whores you see at the mall and immediately get a hard cock and bad thoughts. I love to hunt at the mall. A suburban mall is full of tender age meat ripe for some sick fun with a sick bitch. I picked this teen slut last night. She looked like she stepped out of a Heathers or Mean Girls movie. She either came from money or had sugar daddies. I didn’t care. She was gonna get out of high school and fuck men over constantly. She had self entitled hot bitch all over her face. When I approached her, she looked disgusted. I think she would have insulted me if I had not given her a business card making me appear as a talent scout for horror movies. This old trick works every time for dumb teen whores. I didn’t have to kidnap her. She arrived at my cabin in the woods for her “screen test” a few hours later. I told her the director was running late, gave her a spiked cocktail. She woke up tied up with that ‘Oh shit” look on her face when she realized she had been duped. I could smell her fear. I drank some wine and taunted her with my big knife. I told her this was her audition for my snuff porn which would have strong sadistic sexual overtures. I cut off her perky boobs and fried them in some vegetable oil. They tasted like friend eggplant. I ate her perky breasts in front of her. I thought she might stroke out before I had fun with her pussy. I have a special dildo for cock teasing teens. It is big with razor blades. I shredded her cunt like I would peel an onion. With every thrust, I took a layer of her womb. She eventually bled out cuz I sliced her aortic artery. It was a fun time, but an accomplice always makes such endeavors more enjoyable.

You Fucking Dare?

Some little dick mother fucker thought I would give him the time of day, well he certainly annoyed the wrong Bitch! Yeah, I was cordial enough, fuck, I even flirted a little because I have a sadistic phone sex need to get my satisfaction from snuffing these fucking worthless pions out. In all things that fucking get my pussy juices flowing for a gold ole hate castration is this very situation. Little man with no sense will gain some new sensations as my knife blade glides down his belly and over the length of his micro dick.

Oh, buddy I’m soo sorry you poor small cocked thing. But you have to be restrained like that and yes, as a matter of fact I am going to hurt you. But first I need to piss so terribly that I think you may be thirsty. Squatting my sweet trimmed cunt over your face I start pissing in your mouth. I get up and crawl down between your legs. Looking at you with a cold stare I castrate you in the swish of a blade.

 Sadistic Phone Sex

Extreme Torture and Bondage Phone Sex

bondage phone sexExtreme bondage phone sex? That is when I get tied up in painful positions and tortured. Men like to do that to me. They like to do all sorts of things to me. I am a pain slut with a monkey on her back called cocaine. I find myself desperate for money often. There are several rag magazines locally that advertise for fetish models. I am the kind of woman that answers those ads. The gigs are always in the seedy part of town. The photographers and directors are always shady as fuck. But I am not a cute young coed who can get glamorous modeling jobs. I can’t make money off being a GFE either because I am not classy or smart. I do snuff porn and bondage modeling. Sometimes I do both simultaneously like last weekend. The ad was just for extreme bondage. The pay was $500 for an 8 hour day. Seemed like easy money to me. The photographer had some middle eastern clients that wanted to see women tied up and being fucked and abused. What I was not told was that this was not a simulated shoot, but a private shoot for hire. The guys bank rolling the shoot were there. They hate women like me. They hate American women period. They spoke no English that I could discern. I could understand cunt. I guess there is no translation for that word.  They hog tied me into a beach ball. I looked like some freak show contortionist. They poked me with a high voltage taser until I pissed myself. They burned my hair. That’s an awful smell. They fisted my ass and cunt. They pissed on me and in me. Kicked me and slapped me. They burned me with their cigarettes. It was a torture film, not a bondage photo shoot. I endured that for 8 hours, never understanding a word they said other than cunt, which they said often. I earned my drug money, but if I keep answering ads like this one, I will be dead before I’m 40.

Put me in my place

Roleplay phone sexSnuff roleplay phone sex is the best with my perverted and depraved caller. After all, I’m a filthy fuckin slut who needs to be whipped into shape and put into my place. All I ever want is to be useful to you in the most disgusting and horrific of ways while you use me for your pleasure. I am beyond eager to please, that’s all I am good for in this life. Women don’t deserve to breathe the same air as men so our best bet is to shut the fuck up and only open our mouths when a cock is ready to be shoved deep down inside of it. I love to be humiliated and treated like absolute trash while I’m tied up and having rape fantasies acted out on to my body. A master that’s fucked and twisted in the head is exactly the type of controlling master that I need to overtake my entire being. Dominate me, degrade me, I know that I am the perfect snuff phone sex whore for you to take out all of your violent fantasies on. I’m a stupid ass loser and I need to be beaten to a pulp to have some sense knocked into me.

Give Me More

Evil phone sexI know Sam looks gentle as I sit on his lap. He looks like he is going to be really nice and tender with my body. But don’t let him fool you. Seconds after this pic was shot he bit hard into my nipple and made me bleed. I moaned and groaned all at the same time. Sam took his teeth grinding them on my nipple making the pain unreal. I even pulled back a bit just get him to bite down more. I have my own tricks for getting more pain. I could feel the fire in my twat as it leaked on my thighs. Sam bitched slapped me and pushed me to the ground. I got a little disappointed thinking he was going straight for fucking me. But I was wrong. Sam started kicking me in my stomach tits and face. I screamed, my body thrashed about, Sam found a pipe and started pounding it on my body. I could feel my twat starting squirt just from beating. I screamed out “Yes keep on beating! Give me more Sam!”


Ass rape pornTonight a john refused to pay me for a blowjob and I didn’t have enough money to keep my old man high all night. He was blowing my phone up, summoning me to come home. He gets so angry when practically empty-handed. I walked home with dread flowing through my body.
He was waiting at the front door, his face red with anger. He slapped me so hard that I saw stars.
“Where’s the money, bitch”, he yelled.
I handed him a wad of cash. He took the money then his eyes turned black.
“Is this it, you dumb bitch?”
He gripped my hair and spit in my face. I started begging for more time to make more money, but he wasn’t listening. He was in monster mode, he wanted to hurt me. He dragged me upstairs by my hair and pushed me to the floor.
“Take your clothes off, slut”, he demanded.
He pulled his hard cock from his pants and bent me over the bed. He shoved his hard cock into my ass without any lubrication. I felt like he was ripping me apart. He pumped my ass furiously, taking all of his frustration out of my dry asshole. He fucked me so hard that I felt something warm flowing down my leg. When he finally nutted, I saw red blood on our cream colored carpet. He stood up and pulled me up to my feet.
“Get dressed, get out, and get my money bitch!” , he calmly stated with a snarl on his face.
I did as I was told. I knew better than to argue. I didn’t come back until I had $500 in my purse.