Category: Sadistic phone sex

Torturing You Makes My Cunt Wet

Bloody Phone SexI love when men mistake me for a innocent bitch, I am anything but. I don’t not give a fuck about your feelings. I love turning men into my fag bitches,  I have this special cane that I use to peg men. I will duct tape your hands behind your back and bend your pig ass over. Spanking your pig ass you will open your own buttcheeks for me. You better not wince or make one pathetic sound that indicates pain. Reach down piggie and make me happy ha as if that is possible. No lube for you ugly fuck, I shove that cane right into your tight asshole and the satisfaction I get knowing your eyes are bugging out of your head. I fuck you hard and start tearing your rectum, I know it hurts but be a good piggie and don’t move just take this pegging as if you love it. I see some blood that means I need to dig deeper. When I get bored of that I cut the tape in half, blindfold you and and make you lick your feces and blood of my cane. If you move I will slap your thighs and balls. I have a couple glasses and throw them down in this velvet bag crushing them with my heels. Sprinkles like on a sundae that are about to be red and sappy, I sprinkle them on the ground and throw your bitch ass on top and make you move boy that sure is cutting up your hands. I see blood all over my floor and little slivers of glass in your hand and you were so good and didn’t even cry. Now lick that blood up, I don’t need my floor a mess!

Suzie Homemaker

Sadistic phone sex I know I look so prim and proper. Just like Suzie Homemaker. But really I am a nasty slut. I like to be brutalized. The harder you pound on me and tear my flesh up. The more I fucking squirt. Pulling out a knife to use on me is like pulling out a dildo for the average slut. Beating the shit out of me is foreplay I fucking love. Are you one of these dirty men who can make my flesh bruise and bleed before you fuck me? Can you strangle me so tight I fucking pass and you don’t stop fucking me? And to wake me up you punch me in the gut and bitch slap me in the face. There is an evil submissive slut lurking beneath this normal look.

Castration Phone Sex: I Will Revoke Your Balls

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex is a wicked good time for me. Perhaps, not you so much. Guys seem particularly attached to their balls. Even, small worthless balls are hard to part with. What men don’t understand is that testicles are a privilege. Not every guy deserves them. Sure, you are born with nuts, but if you have proven time and time again, that you don’t know how to use them properly, they should be revoked. Just like if you get too many DUIs, your license is permanently revoked. I revoke balls. Too many men have balls that don’t know how to use them properly. I met Daniel at a Goth bar last week. He was sexually harassing the women there. He called a friend of mine a freak and lots of other far worse names. This fucking loser walked into a Goth bar and started insulting the patrons. That shit didn’t go over well. I don’t put up with trash talking. You don’t like Goths, get the fuck out of our bar. He was drunk and looking for trouble. I am trouble with a capital T. He just had no clue how much trouble he was in. The folks in that bar had my back. I spiked his drink to lessen his strength and two guys lifted him on top of the bar for me. I shoved someone’s panties in his mouth, stripped him naked from the waist down and showed him what happens to disrespectable pricks. The owner of the bar gave me a few things to select from, so I picked the rusty old chainsaw in the back. All my fellow Goths and sadistics were cheering me on. I sawed off his nuts with a rusty chainsaw. He was bleeding all over the bar. Girls got out their lighters and burned the wound shut. He would live, but he was not going to procreate, and he would likely never get laid again because I left a nasty scar. At least he learned a lesson. Don’t come on to my turf and insult me and my friends. I have lots of torture phone sex stories for you as a sick bitch.

torture phone sex

Killing on vacation

snuff sexI am on vacation and while I am loving it, there has been a whole lot of work involved in it too. See, in order to get my perfect victim I had to actually pretend to be nice! Do you know how hard that is for me??? It worked tho, I found a guy that was dumb enough to fall for my charms and agree to get on a boat with me… it was the last mistake he ever made. We went out in the middle of the ocean where no one was around, I convinced him that we should drop anchor and swim in the deep water, well he jumped in first and I pulled up the ladder and just watched him. At first he thought it was a joke, but once he started getting tired of treading water he started begging for me to put the ladder down so he could get back on the boat, I just laughed and threw some chum in the water to attract some sharks. Then I just watched him struggle until the sharks finally just ate him all up! Now all I need to do is delete all the pics he took of me and I will have gotten away with the perfect murder!

Mascara massacre

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There we were two pathetic stripper sluts feining for angel dust and doing everything we could to get our hands on it. We were druggy sluts that submitted ourselves to our king. We would be his ultimate puppets and whatever he said would go. After a late night of sucking random men’s cocks and working the stage we already used up a ton of our money on dope, We knew our supply wouldn’t last. Macey and I were willing to do everything and anything to get our hands on it. We were chasing a high, and we were going to submit to our master’s rules.  Macey and I would make our master’s gangbang rape porn reality. Our master had a love for watching skanky sluts kneel and submit. He wanted our mascaras to run and our mouths to bleed. We couldn’t stop taking his cock till we were bloody. Feeling his cock thrust into our mouths for hours felt like razors probing us after hours of being used.  Macey began to bleed first her make up smeared and her face all bloody gave our master more ammo to call up his buddies and tie us up. It was a huge fuck fest. Two druggy stripper whores are taking over twelve different cocks. Blood sweat and tears was an understatement.


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Torture Sex

torture sex

It was pure torture sex. He gets off on causing me pain. I am not sure what exactly happened, but I woke up in the basement with my ankles and wrists bound. I felt like I had been drugged. I am sure I had. He loves to abuse me. My last clear memory was doing a line of coke before bed. When I woke up, I was a hot mess, naked and restrained in the basement. What jolted me awake? An electric shock shook me awake. It felt like an electrical current pulsated through my entire body. I was wide awake now. He was calling me names. He shocked my pussy. The voltage was so strong, I pissed myself. He then put the cattle prod in my cunt. He had this devious smile on his face as he cranked up the voltage. The hair on my pussy was smoking from the current. I pissed myself again, even shit the floor. He just stood there laughing at my pain. My stepson hates me. He takes cruel pleasure in my pain. I was crying, which I knew was only a turn on to him. I couldn’t help it. The pain was intense, even for a pain slut. My discomfort is foreplay for him. The cattle prod went up my ass the next time. Like one of those extreme ass rape porn stars, he fucked me with the prod turned up to its highest voltage. I convulsed like a rabid animal. I frothed at the mouth. My entire body shook to the point it felt like I was levitating. I lost all control of my bodily functions. I woke up hours later in a pool of piss, shit and vomit. I could smell the frayed pussy hair. I reeked of humiliation. I laid there in my own filth because it was better than going upstairs and risking his wrath again.

Young Black Hooker

Sadistic phone sexMy parents sold me to their drug dealer for a few rocks when I was really young. By then I had already been fucking grown men to keep my parents high. There are three consequences to selling drugs you either end up dead, in jail or hooked on your own supply. My owner got hooked on crack and I was his personal money machine. He would make me sleep with strangers for money. Sometimes these men were very cruel. My old man had a knack for finding men that needed to hurt me to feel pleasure. One of these men tied me down and bit me all over my body like I was a chew toy. And another whipped me until I had welts all over me. It didn’t matter that these men hurt as long as my boyfriend got paid. Every day that I wake up is part joy because I’m alive and part dread because today may be my last.

Demented minds

Gothic phone sex  Every since I started watching ID. I cant stop. My pussy gets wet watching homicide. I have been getting off to it. I watch so I can fuck myself to it. Murder and blood excite me. I watch all documentaries when I want to get my self off. I cut myself and bleed , I’m demented and chase it like a high. I have a friend that I fuck that comes over and we play sick games. Fantasy shit all cases that we watch then we play. If you want to hear myself playing with my knife, cutting myself, or banging my self with drugs hit my line I’m in the dark thinking of nasty little fuck like you would love to call me right now. Fuck your fantasy out with me tonight. We deserve it baby (;

Abduction For Hate Fucking

You’ve been watching me ever since I turned down your advances at a friends party and all you can think about is torture sex and hate fucking me. The very fact that you feel that I think I’m better than you and treated you like the maggot you really are just really got under your skin. So one afternoon you waited in the shadows and grabbed me from behind as friends drove up and you shoved me in the back of an suv. Your friends were quick to knock me out and tape my wrists behind me.

Once we made it to the destination, a patch of woods secluded and set up just how you needed it. I was face fucked and pistol whipped by one friend as you took my pussy and ass back and forth rough and hard. You marveled at how much of a whore I was as my cunt just got wetter the rougher you got with me. Finally the third one joined in and took my ass as you thrust in my cunt with your hands grasping my neck tightly until I passed out. The three of you continued fucking all my holes until you were satisfied and left me there like a used condom.

Torture Sex


Ass rape pornI was really hard on my luck recently, And I needed some quick easy hard cash. I called a few men I knew and they all basically told me to go fuck myself. There was one more guy I could call. His name is Stephen, the only thing is Stephen hates my skanky ass as he puts it. But I was desperate so I decided to give him a call and grovel for his help. He said the only way he would help me is if I let him fuck all three of my wee ones any way he wanted. He told me he wanted to rip their little holes wide open and brutalize them until they were barely breathing. And he also wanted me to assist him in his torture towards my little ones. Stephen knowing the kind of nasty whore I am, he knew this would make my cunt a sloppy mess. He popped over shortly after with a wad of fucking cash and a hard thick cock. My little ones, Stephen, and I had a steamy, fantastic, painful night.