I auditioned for a snuff porn a couple days ago. I needed the money. I knew it was staged, but I could likely get hurt or ruffed up still. When you do these kinds of films, you must sign a waiver letting the studio out of liability. Some directors want their films looking so authentic, that a starlet like me may end up black and blue. I was lucky I emerged breathing this time. I did not sign a waiver. That should have been my first red flag. The movie was not being made in a studio but an old abandoned house. That was red flag number two that went over my head. Honestly, I was so desperate for money that I ignored that little voice in my head. I was told this was a scary snuff sex movie. The premise was that me and another girl were spending the night in a haunted house to win some money and we were being stalked by a serial killer. We think its just fake scares orchestrated by the promoter of the contest, but it is a real serial killer. This movie was just the same. This sexy blonde bimbo had an equally sexy blonde bimbo co-star and we thought we were just fucking each other in a creepy house, then suddenly some crazed man jumped out. We thought it was part of the movie, which is was, but this man was trying to kill us for real. We ran naked through the house trying to escape. He caught my co-star and chopped her limbs off with an axe. In that moment, I was never so scared. I realized this was not some staged snuff film. I was fighting for my life. As he came at me with the axe, I ducked and tripped him. Then ran naked out of that hell hole. I ran right to road and got rescued by a stranger in a Ford pickup. I am lucky I got out alive. My co-star did not fare so well. Anyone can make snuff movies these days and not all are staged.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
My Snuff Porn Got Real, Too Real
Castration Phone Sex: Don’t Fuck with the Wrong Bitch
Castration phone sex desires are stronger in me the longer I am being told to shelter in place. I am a gypsy. I am used to being out hunting for a fix. A fix for me is killing someone. I have always practiced social distancing expect maybe when I am plunging a knife into someone or I am taking off a pair of worthless nuts. Last night, I wore my skeleton face mask to castrate a complete loser. He is an Internet stalker. Been harassing me for months. I had computer issues awhile back. When you look at as much snuff porn as I do, you pick up viruses. This Geek Squad loser had access to my computer to fix it and he ended up stalking me. Lucky me, he likes Goth girls who hate everyone. I tried everything to get him out of my computer, but he was holding me virtually hostage. I agreed to meet with him. He fucked with the wrong bitch. He needed neutered. The virus worked in my favor because we cannot meet in bars and restaurants. He was going to cook us a romantic meal. Barf. I played the part, but I spiked his beer. Until he was incapacitated, it was hard to hide my bitch face and act like I was into this loser. Once he was out, I stripped him naked and tied him up, so he could not escape. Too bad he was a creepy as fuck stalker and an internet hostage taker, he had a decent sized cock. But no way I was fucking a man who thought he could force me into dating him. That is a Life Time Movie in the making and I am NOT the Lifetime Movie type. When he woke up, he was shocked to see me in control. I let him know this was his fault. His actions alone led to his castration. I cut his balls right off with one swipe of the rusty serrated blade. He screamed like a bitch. I picked his balls up off the floor and shoved them in his mouth. I was laughing loudly. I left him to bleed all over the floor. If he survives, he will have learned to fuck with me and he will never orgasm again.
Your Kidnapping Phone Sex Deviant
I never get tired of the kidnapping phone sex stories I tell me to make them cum. I recently had a caller obsessed with kidnapping, rape, and murder of a young one from seven years ago. It was a pretty big case and As we are looking at the news reports and her sweet young face, I find an article where it said that her privates and ass were so much force fucked that they were mutilated. Can you believe mutilated by just a cock? Her little throat was strangled so much that her eyeball popped out and bled down her face. She had a bad mommy that had let her get molested before and she was poor and neglected already. Most bitches would be like that poor little girl. I am a twisted soul. I fucking came hard finger fucking myself and now I can’t get the visions of her sweet brown eyes and long dark hair out of my mind. Talk about rape phone sex fantasies to the extreme. Let talk about it and you can cum with me! Your cock deserves the sadistic evil shit!
Just another Sadistic Phone Sex Sunday, Not My Funday
Sadistic phone sex Sunday started early. It was around 2am when my stepson dragged me out of bed kicking and screaming. His dad is out of town. I knew this would happen; I just thought it would happen in the morning or late afternoon. He dragged me to the basement kicking and screaming. Not sure why I protest every time, it is a weekly occurrence. It is not that I am willing when it comes to him. It is just that I have accepted that I cannot change the way things are with him. I am complacent. I fought and I pleaded in the beginning, and the outcome was the same as if I was complacent. I think he enjoys it more when I protest, so I try not to fight. I hate my stepson. He is an entitled brat with mommy issues. He hates me because daddy traded in for a younger model. It devastated his mother and she took it out on him and now he takes it out on me. It is revenge that makes him treat me like shit. He blackmails me so I cannot run crying to daddy, or my nice cushy life is over. I let him string me up in the basement. He put a ball gag in me so I would not wake anyone in the house. His half-brothers were sound asleep. I know if they knew what kind of abuse I suffered at their big brother’s hands, they would try to kill him. I tried to be quiet for that reason alone. It was hard last night because he beat me with a belt buckle so hard, he cracked a rib. He cut me down when I was gasping for air, but instead of letting me go, he kicked me and fucked me. Left me on the cold concrete slab with bugs crawling around. I was handcuffed and ball gagged. I was not going anywhere soon, and no one was coming to save me.
Domination Phone Sex Sadistic Gray
It’s domination phone sex that got me started in this business. The snuff thing wasn’t completely out there yet and I was a college student just came of age and needed the extra cash. I had always been a little of a loner and sadistic to the friends I had. I never knew about or cared for love. I liked to fuck, I despise rugrats, and vermin and really as a general whole hate society. I listen to power electronics, industrial and old school goth music and anything mainstream makes me vomit. Toss me a bottle of Vodka, some blow and a joint and we can have a good time. Maybe. If you wear fluorescent anything you can expect a kick in the nuts rather than a good time. I had a blind date one time the guy showed up with fucking fluorescent orange sunglasses on, baggy fucking pants like he took a dump in his diapers and a damned sports t-shirt. He opened his mouth and I had to fucking punch him. I knocked his lights out shoved him out of the driver seat and gunned that engine outta my hood. I took that loser to the fucking river. I drank the vodka, lit the joint and puffed away eyeballing my newest victim. I did a few bumps of that blow and decided I’d see what the yo boy bitch was packing. Found a Smith & Wesson and tossed it in my bag. The little faggot had a decent cock so I took him for a ride as he was coming too. I rode that cock sweet talking the dumb bitch into the best orgasm and his last orgasm as I strangled the bitch and shoved him down the river bank. He was a dealer the dumbass pimp wanna be had all kinds of shit. I took it left his car after bashing the windows out and made it look like just another loser dealer hooking up with the wrong folks. Truth.
Torture Sex on a Yacht
I went looking for trouble and found torture sex instead. I answered an ad I saw looking for a buxom blonde stripper. It was a private gig. All the clubs are closed now and honestly, I needed the money. It looked like a harmless gig. Some wealthy guy with a yacht throwing a party at sea. I wanted to be on a yacht. I have been cooped up inside for too long. Some fresh air, sunshine and horny men was just what I needed. When I arrived, everything seemed copasetic. This looked like rich married men wanting some action after a few months stuck at home with their wives. That was part of it, but their idea of fun was more like something out of one of the Hostel movies. They waited until we were out to sea to show their true colors. I was in the middle of a sexy striptease when one of the men used a cattle prod on me. Shocked the piss out of me. I was convulsing on the floor like I had a seizure. They all kicked me when I was down. They stopped for a second and the man who hired me started counting. I was not sure why, but when they backed off, I ran. I was on a yacht, not many places to go, but they clearly wanted to play cat and mouse. I thought I found a good hiding spot, but someone found me, and the game was over. They tied me to the stripper pole and whipped me. My skin was blistering and cracking. They did not stop there. They paid for me and they were going to fuck me too. They just saw me as a dumb whore no one would miss. They acted out their rape phone sex fantasies and tossed me in the ocean. I think they thought I would drown, but no one with tits as big as mine drowns. Luckily, we were only a couple miles out from land, and I washed up on the shore. They probably think I am still dead. I hope they do because if they find out, I doubt they will fail at killing me again.
I made her pay
This annoying woman moved in a few doors down from me and she has been harassing me for days. She just pops in whenever she feels like it and I can’t fucking stand it! First of all she is one of those women with her own little side business so she is always trying to sell me shit I don’t have any interest in. Second of all, she always comes by my house at the fucking crack of dawn and waked me up, I can’t deal with all that bullshit so I waited until she was asleep last night and I broke into her house. I had a mask on, not that I really needed to bother cus that bitch was knocked the fuck out. I tied her to the bed and grabbed my trusty bat. I beat that dumb fucking whore to death with my baseball bat and then shoved the whole thing up in her pussy and left her there spread eagle and naked beaten to death with a bat in her vag. She deserved it all for being so goddamned annoying!
Can You Survive Castration Phone Sex?
You’re a Masochist coming to this castration phone sex Seducer. Your dick is in my hands and I have the sharpest big Butcher knife at the tip of your penis. I smile and tell you that I want the thinnest cuts of Carpaccio! A thin raw Italian meat. Your dick is big enough to make me a delightful breakfast! Slice by slice the pain sears through you. You rattle your shackles and scream. No one can hear you bitch! Your cock is going to be tortured and sliced paper-thin for hours. The blood doesn’t bother me as I tie a big thick rubber band around the base and clip your balls off with garden shears. This isn’t just castration, its penis mutilation, and cock cutting! Near the base, you keep passing out. And you awake to the soldering iron as I finish you up. I left you alive with a pee tube. You are a mutant and will never get hard again. But you will be a nice hole for these huge cocks I have coming in so they can prolapse your ass! My work is never done as I drizzle olive oil on your slices of cock and gulp them down!
Snuff Fantasy Phone Sex
Fantasy phone sex is a great escape from the insanity of the world right. I thought I hated people before this virus, but that looked like love compared to what I feel for people now. This virus has consumed me with more hatred for folks and has shown me how many dipshits really exist in this world. I masturbate daily thinking of some asshole I need to kill. I enjoy plotting deaths with an accomplice. I have this one guy I met in a Reddit chat room for dark desires and we talk daily. We get on Tik Tok or some other form of social media and find these young sluts shaking their booties or dismissing this virus because they are young, and we plot their murder. We explore his rape phone sex fantasies and my murder ones. Have you seen these young girls who are like influencers or addicted to social media attention? They are asking for trouble from men like you and my friend. We decided on this one young teen girl. Cheerleader, dancer and whore. She has thousands of public videos where she is pretty much in booty shorts and a tube top. I know most of the men who have watched these videos are perverts wanting to bang the little whore or sadistic folks like me who want to torture the sluts. My friend and I fantasized about how tight her holes would be. We talked about him fucking her into oblivion, even destroying her holes and me finishing her off. I mean this little whore is acting like a good little schoolgirl but dancing like a stripper for people she does not know. Guys who are no doubt jizzing all over their computer screens at her. You know you have checked out the open social media accounts for young girls. I will help with the one who gets your cock the hardest be the star of your teen rape porn.
Gangbang Rape Porn in a Seedy Strip Club
I made some money last night making a gangbang rape porn. I need money for coke. This virus is making everything so hard. When I heard this seedy strip club opened back up, I went. I thought maybe I could strip. It is one of those kinds of places that women can walk in off the street and hop on stage. Druggy whores like mike frequent it when we need to score. This is not gentleman’s club. This is a dirty club where girls smell like piss and have needle tracks. I knew I at least smelled better and had no tracks. Guys must be starving for some pussy as much as I am starving for coke. They wanted me to wear a mask on stage. I laughed because Covid-19 was not what a woman was likely to catch in a place like that, lol. I got on stage and did a pole dance while men tossed me crumbled up ones. One guy gave me $100 for the VIP room. VIP room sounds way too lofty for what it was. The room had cum stains on the wall, used needles in the corner and smelled like an alley. I was selling my soul being in there, but I needed a fix. Two more guys came in and they wanted to fuck me too. No doubt. I was the cleanest thing in the joint. They did not just want to fuck me. They wanted to use me to get their rocks off. They were rough. A girl must expect that kind of treatment in a place like that. They passed me around like a strung out whore and fucked me. Fists in my ass, dicks in my mouths. They did not touch my pussy in case I was a diseased ridden whore. I was in that room about an hour. They filled me with cum, even slapped me around a little, giving me black eyes. I only made $150 for all that but it was enough to score some powder.