Bondage phone sex gets me wet. I love being tied up. I am not sure how I got into it. I think it started with handcuffs in the bedroom. Pretty vanilla compared to what bondage means to me now. I hooked up with John the other night. He promised me some coke if I would let him tie me up and take some photos. I always need coke because my husband no longer gives me access to the family money. He knows I have no control. I will do an entire mound of coke. I will spend my last dime too. My family’s last dime. I am a coke fiend. Many men know this, and they make me deals. I know I am exchanging my soul sometimes, but I can endure almost anything to get a fix. John got me high first. Smart move because I will agree to anything when I am high. I have a much higher threshold for pain too. John tied me to a table. It looked like a conveyor belt of some sort. I assumed he made some sort of make-shift bondage table. It was something more akin to a medieval torture sex device. It was a rack. He tied me up at first and took some pictures. His cock was out, and he was stroking it. He was hard as a rock watching me tied up. I got nervous when he hit a switch of some sort. I felt my body pulling. OMG. I thought he might tear me in two. He came on my face as I screamed in pain. My arm pulled out of its socket. The pain was intense even on coke. John did not mean to go that far, but when he heard the noise my arm made as it popped out of the socket, he came. It was not what I was thinking would happen. John liked it so much, he asked me how much to make a snuff porn next. I got to think on that one. At this rate, he will kill me.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Bondage Phone Sex and Torture
He was in for a surprise
I met this guy that to be perfectly honest, I was not attracted to at all but I let him think that I was so I could torture him. I made him fall in love after a few hours, he invited me back to his place and I was happy to go. I got him all hot and bothered, he was so excited he would do anything I asked so naturally, I asked him to let me tie him up. He was excited at first, he went along with all the ropes but once he was restrained and I started getting rough he tried to tap out. He was telling me to untie him but I refused and instead I tied up his balls real tight and put some weights on them to pull them down painfully. He was begging at that point but I didn’t let that stop me. I pulled out my strap on and told him that I was gonna make him my bitch. By that point he was crying and he begged me not to fuck his tight ass but I did it anyway. Then I pulled out another rope and wrapped it around his neck. I pulled it tight and choked him to death while I fucked that ass open. I came as he died and I left him there all tied up with a dildo hanging out of his ass.
Babysitter Phone Sex Ruse
It was a Babysitter phone sex ruse. Smoke in mirrors. The unfathomable is what they got when they acquired me as their crotch critter caretaker. I never advertised to be approached like this. I really hated the fucking cunt. She was friends with my daddy and seemed to think she was doing me a favor. Well, in a twisted awesome way she was. The little bratty cunt daughter of hers would not see the light of day ever again. She will be the latest victim of an accidental fall from grace. It’s just a thing that happens. Suicide. It’s such a trend among her age group. I got the best fun out of torturing her and letting daddy violate and beat her too. He hated the cunt just as much as I did. We had a glorious time. You see my dad was friends with the whore mommy only because he had fucked her a few times. She was a saggy whore with lots of money and he got his needs taken care of when he took care of her. I can’t wait for her to stumble into the tripwire that will set the house ablaze and take care of every bit of evidence of the fun we had. You see I am just not a babysitter type.
Necrophilia Phone Sex Snuff Slut
You probably like your women alive and well so they can do dirty things to you, but have you ever thought about what it would be like if they couldn’t? Just trust me – necrophilia phone sex is so much sexier than you could ever have imagined. Maybe you’re having a sub/dom session and your little choking game goes a little further than you intended for it to. If you’re being honest, though, maybe you did intend for it to go that far. She was not doing a very good job of being submissive and you just wanted her to be quiet.
If you choke her all the way out, if you know what I mean, she won’t be able to talk back to you. She won’t be able to say no to any of your desires. You get to be fully in charge of the situation. You can slide your thick cock into her ass with no lube if you want to, and there’s nothing she can do or say. She can’t complain about how it hurts. But maybe what you really want to do is fuck her face and not have to deal with her gagging. You’re in charge and you can do anything you want. Let’s talk about it.
Killer Phone Sex Impulses
We all have killer phone sex impulses lingering inside of us. Some people suppress those impulses, sadly. That is until they meet me. I am that devil on their shoulder telling them to fuck the cunt. We only live once. Why not enjoy it to the fullest? When I met Sam, he was a shy, even meek loser who let women drain his wallet but not his balls. Normally, I would not give a loser like that the time of day, but he appealed to me. Rich and handsome and desperate for a woman’s attention equals easy to get to do my dirty work. He was like a ball of clay I could mold into a killing machine. I had a girl in mind. She and I have had many public beefs, so if she goes missing or turns up dead, the cops would look at me. I needed a patsy and in walked Sam. I was able to get him drunk easily and fill him with information like how this cunt represents all the cunts who have done him wrong. How he needs to take what is his and stop letting little bitches get away with his money and dignity. I went with him, so I could watch. I watched him let out years of frustration on my enemy. He acted on his rape phone sex fantasies. He acted on his murderous impulses too. It was a bloody mess. She screamed and pleaded and begged. And my cunt just got wetter. It was cathartic for him and satisfying for me. He had a lot of pent up frustrations to unleash. It was his DNA all over her. Not mine. If they even find him or match her violent death to this pipsqueak, he will not remember a thing. I hypnotized him into being my killing machine. I can do the same to you.
They all had to go
I like my privacy, I enjoy the solitude and silence of having no neighbors but unfortunately someone bought the parcel of land that borders mine. These assholes decided to build their house very close to the edge of our property line and they were far too close for my liking. I tried to be nice, I tried to suggest that we would both be happier living further apart but they were insistent that the only place they wanted their house was that spot. Well, I can’t exactly have all the fun I have with these motherfuckers all close to me so I had to get a little drastic. The whole family came out to see the foundation poured so I snuck over there quietly before the concrete men came. I managed to get them alone one by one, the little girl was first. All I had to do was let a little bunny loose nearby, it ran in front of her and she chased it over by me. I hit her over the head and knocked her out and then tied her up and gagged her. I repeated the process until I had the whole family knocked out and tied up then I dragged them over to where the foundation would be poured. I covered them with a layer of dirt and just waited. The concrete men buried them alive without ever knowing they were there and since they were gone, the house was never built and the property was foreclosed on. Guess who just bought it… I’ll be keeping my privacy forever now.
So I Got A Babysitting Job…..
So, daddy has been dying to get his hands on some sweet young innocent things to play with and I as always was his perfect accomplice. I answered an ad for a babysitting gig for some parents who traveled for work quite extensively. They would be gone for weeks at a time. I of course got the job and daddy was so thrilled. So, on the first night I packed and headed to their house, the lovies were perfect ages just like daddy likes. The parents left and daddy arrived the next morning to start with our fun. First thing we did was mix a little fun medicine in their orange juice for breakfast. Once that started working, we removed all of their clothing and got down to work. Daddy of course enjoyed the sweet little girl best as he bounced her up and down on his hard cock, her little cheeks bouncing with every thrust. I of course prefer the little boys, those soft little penises fit so perfectly in my mouth. Sometimes if I stretch my mouth wide enough, I can even fit that little nut sack in there too. It is too little to fill up my juicy wet pussy, but I do like to use that little cock to rub against my clit and bring me to orgasm. Me and daddy had so much fun abusing those cuties today. Give me a call and let me tell you all the nasty evil things we did to them.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies and Blasphemy
All men have rape phone sex fantasies if they are honest with themselves. Some just need pushed more than others. I have a hot neighbor. He is married and a do gooder. He is a pastor and that is a challenge to me. I know I am warped for wanting to discover the pastor’s dark side. I put on a tempting red outfit and went next door to make the pastor a sinner. I acted like I was interested in church. I am not a religious woman. I only worship cock. I had his attention easier than I thought. He wanted to take me into his prayer room. OMG. The pastor is a nasty freak. The prayer room was full of BDSM equipment. He told me it was a punishment room for naughty sinners like me. He made me strip naked. He tied me to some table and collared me. The pastor was a real-life sadist. He whipped me for hours telling me to repent my demons. I hurled some blasphemy sex statements like fuck your god and that angered him more. He pulled his cock out and punished my ass for my blasphemous mouth. He had no idea I was begging for it. He gave it to me harder than I expected. Turns out the pastor has some demons of his own and a very wicked side. By the time he was done with me, I was covered in bruises and welts. And cum. I was covered in holy jizz.
Exploding Balls For Daddy
Accomplice phone sex is best with daddy. He loved when an ex boyfriend of mine was coming around. He knew I had big plans for that ass jack and he wanted in on it. He would ejaculate and save it for me. I would feed it to the ex without his realizing he was eating another mans cum. It’s only the start. This dipshit little weaselly fuck bought me shit, paid for a boob job and for my car. He came around thinking i wanted his stale ass back. I played him. Daddy wanted to experiment with him. He wanted me to burst his balls and explode his asshole. Daddy is like a teen boy sometimes wanting to play with firecrackers and wanted to see how an anus explodes. We had butt flesh all over the little torture rooms walls. I took a set of vice scripts to his balls after getting his penis hard. I snipped off the tip and that brought on a blood fountain. I followed with a nice hard squeezing of those balls and finished with the finale. Daddy waned to use firecrackers but I wanted the M80’s those little bitches may have matched his cock size but the M80’s are more suitable for the jackass that he is. We had that ass exploded all over. Of course I lit the fuse and we stood outside the door watching. It was a ballistic! Daddy liked to ejaculate all over these tits while Mr. Ass jack was still conscious. I have fun with my daddy, and was so happy he came back into town.
Faith’s Cannibalism Phone Sex
When he told me that I looked good enough to eat, there was no way that I could have been prepared for what he really meant. He told me that he was a Dominant man with a very particular fantasy in mind. I’m a no limits kind of a fuck slut, what could he want that I’m not ready for, right? His voice lowered to a near growl, and his heated breath beat the words into my ear. ” I told you, you look good enough to eat.” My legs went limp, and I fell into his embrace while I scrambled to gain a hold with something around me.
My pussy would always quiver when I had cannibalism phone sex. This was taking place, though. My heart thundered in my chest while the knife shredded my dress like it was made of paper. The cannibal marched me into his kill room and pressed the blade into my fragile neck before dragging it across in one swift motion, bleeding me like a pig. As each drop hit the drain, he told me how he’s feast on me for days, and then the lights faded, and I just melted into death’s arms.