Category: Sadistic phone sex

Young Girl Murder Cases Make for the Evil Phone Sex

evil phone sex

Lets talk about the hottest evil phone sex roleplays, shall we? You do a internet search of young slut, excuse me victims and and how they were kidnapped and made into little rape fantasy harlots and them killed in the most graphic ways. There is one that has just been making my pussy gush lately. My online boyfriend Scott and I go over every sordid detail we can find. The girl, who you know I can’t name here but was in headlines a couple years back was a sweet young thing walking home from school.

A 19 year old woman took her with the help of her boyfriend. They drove her to the woods and the female accomplice escorted her to pee and her boyfriend called her a pussy and said that she wouldn’t kill the girl. After he had fucked her so ruthlessly and even had the nerve to make the female helper hit her over the head with a hammer.

All I can think about is getting that fuck slut into my grasp and drinking her pee and helping to force her holes open for my boyfriend Scott. I would even give him our piss and make snuff movies he could jerk off to after they found the young one deep in the woods discarded like a used condom!

Snuff Sex Is All I Need

Snuff SexMen come and go, but they’re always the same. They want me to like them, listen to how their day was, make them dinner, and then suck their cocks. I’m not here for that servitude bullshit. I love snuff sex only, so if you can’t kill with me or be my accomplice, well you can fuck right off! I don’t care about your cock unless we’ve already taken a victim. I love to taste first blood. If you want to impress me on our first date, bring me a hot young sack of meat to violate, mutilate, and carve up like a Thanksgiving Turkey or a Christmas Ham.

I know I’m a sexy, young ghoul and maybe you can’t help yourself. What if I carve you up instead? I can peel your skin off strip by strip, and masturbate with your blood as the lube to my demon dildo. Or, I can saw off your limbs and shove them deep inside your asshole! Do you want to choke on your own cock? Or do you want to cut off pathetic cocks with me, and relish in the high of the hunt?

Knife Play Phone Sex for My Weapon of Choice

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex because knives are my weapon of choice. There are so many more uses for a knife than any other weapon. Plus, knives take skill. Anyone with semi-decent aim can shoot a person and kill him or her instantly. Where is the fun in that though? I like the hunt. I enjoy the kill. To fully enjoy any kill, I need it to be prolonged. A bullet to the head and he or she is dead. A knife wound though, well that can take an eternity to bring your victim to his or her demise. Knives have many more uses too. That is why they are my first choice when it comes to weapons of destruction. Knife play phone sex is my favorite for a reason. So many more ways to kill, maim and torture. A gun, not so much variety. I guess you could hit some one in the head with the gun and you could shoot some non-fatal areas like feet and arms to drag out the pain. If you want your victim to endure pain for hours, even days, a knife should be your weapon of choice too. Let me tell you about my victims this week. I was an equal opportunity killer. I killed a young cunt and a 40 something year old predator. Let us start with the girl. She was a young cock tease. She looked like one of those beauty pageant girls. I called her Little Miss Sunshine. She did not look so good once I was done with her because I used my knives to destroy her body. I carved her flesh. I stabbed her cunt. I slit her wrists. I cut off her beautiful blonde locks she was so proud of. I bloodied her little body. Pure torture with a variety of knives. She screamed for hours. And once she died, I used a big ass knife to decapitate her and dismember her little limbs. Now, for the old pervert. I used my weapon of choice to castrate him. I took his balls first then I cut his entire body. Little slits in his flesh head to toe. Then, I coated his body in honey and left him outside for the animals to eat alive. Knife play phone sex is just so much more fun than any other weapon. I love my knives. Knives make torture and murder more fun and turn killing into an art form. What is your weapon of choice and who is your victim of choice?

knife play phone sex

Ass Goes Boom With Torture Sex!

Torture sex

Torture sex goes hand and hand with this Sadistic bitch. I love my daddy and he loves how sadistically twisted and sick I am. In fact, daddy is extremely fond and affectionate towards me ever since I got rid of my whore mother. I Offed her and I offed her good. Daddy enjoyed fucking her dead cold corpse one last time and cumming on her tits. I used the money to buy myself some nice tits, just like hers. But when I got my first boyfriend as a teen I was unable to resist my love of M-80’s and blowing things up. I wanted torture sex, and I wanted to watch things go Boom! I made my teenage Boyfriends ass hole go boom when I stuffed that fat firecracker in it and had daddy sneak in and lite the fuse while he thought I was just being kinky. I got in front of my boyfriend and showed him my tits like I promised. I presented them to him so her could jerk off on them. He was nearly ready to blast a load as his ass went boom, splat Pop goes the weasel! Daddy snuck in next to me and blew a fat load of goo on my tits as he witnessed the torture sex scene of me really fucking up my boyfriends asshole. It was such a shame I couldn’t watch it in slow motion. I enjoyed every second of the blown asshole show and daddy cumming on the fake tits that mommy’s death helped me purchase. This dipshit boyfriend didn’t survive. I am a bit of a Black Widow type and it’s best to stay clear of me. My Black Metal Satanist boyfriends always make mistakes too. I sometimes put strange things in their asses also. I have fucked a cunt hole with a shot gun and she was lucky the bullet wasn’t in the the chamber when I pulled that trigger. But she was as sadistic as me and came all over that barrel. If it’s sadistic and evil you want and love things shoved up your ass, then I will have a lot of fun with you.

Torture Sex

Fantasy Phone Sex for National Frankenstein Day

fantasy Phone sexI often do fantasy phone sex and fantasy photo shoots. Men love to think of me as all sorts of things. I do cosplay shoots and festivals. Lately, I have not had many requests, but I did my first fantasy photo shoot in ages over the weekend. I have been a witch and I have been a vampire. This was the first time I got to be a sexy Bride of Frankenstein. Why? Because it was National Frankenstein Day. I know, right? You had no clue there was such a day either. I love monsters. I have been a huge fan of the old school horror movies like Dracula, The Werewolf, The Creature from The Black Lagoon and of course, Frankenstein. Honestly, if I did not need the money to buy coke, this would have been one fantasy phone sex shoot I did for free. Everything seemed legit. There was a set with lots of crew members. I had a stylist and wardrobe assistant. A check was cut for me for the photo shoot. Things took a creepy turn, however, when I met my Frankenstein. He was a giant. I kept thinking he was not an actor but maybe some real-life monster. I could not see a mask or makeup. Just a good makeup artist, I assumed. I mean the monsters of movies are fictional, right? I tried to forget the weird feeling I had in my gut. I just focused on my payday. My Frankenstein did not speak to me. He just grunted. He was really in character for National Frankenstein Day. I thought it was a photo shoot, but I saw a film camera. When I heard the director yell, “Go,” I was confused at what to do. My Frankenstein knew what to do, however. He scooped me up and took me to a dirty mattress on the floor. He force fucked me. His cock was monstrous big. I was screaming as it felt like two feet of thick cock was crammed up my cunt. I could feel his monster dick in my belly. I was bleeding. I was pissing myself. This was not what I signed up for. This was not a fantasy phone sex photo shoot. This was a snuff film and I was duped into it. I still do not know if this was some dude deep into character or a real-life Frankenstein force fucking my holes. I got paid, but I got gaped and destroyed too.

fantasy phone sex


Mutilation Phone Sex Fuels My Love Of Flaying

Mutilation Phone SexMutilation phone sex is something I excel at for a reason. The little fairy tales I play with you are all based off of the evil things I’ve done. You need to understand that I’m a sadistic bitch straight from the depths of hell, and nothing makes my ghoulish cunt wetter than mutilating a useless meat sack with a flaying knife.That’s the weapon of my choice.

I was hunting in the early hours as an absolute favorite treat of mine is the capture of joggers. Be fucking real, no one willingly puts themselves through the hell that is running unless they love to be tortured. I always pull the same stunt. I act injured, posing as a fellow jogger. I beg to use their cell phone. When those pathetic fucks hand it over, I smash it with a hard stomp; they’re lucky it wasn’t their head! I overpower them in an instant, catching them off guard, and slipping a syringe into an artery so they go night night until it’s really play time.

This is the part I get my inspiration for our mutilation phone sex sessions. I take my new toys home, and put them in my special playroom. The one I caught this morning was a nice, strong handsome one. He had tried to take advantage of me when he found me hurt. Bad move, pig. I pulled out my fish flaying knife, and circle my catch. I’m naked, rubbing my cunt to the thought of what was in store for him. He woke up screaming as I peeled away strip after strip of skin from his back.

Yeah, I was going to skin him alive for trying to violate mine. Piece by piece I took him apart, avoiding arteries and major organs. When I finished cutting him to pieces, to the point he was still breathing and barely bleeding, I sprayed that motherfucking rack of ribs down with a saltwater bath. His screams were sweet music to my ears.

I kept him like that for three days, until his pathetic wimperings became irksome. I left him in a room with two dozen hungry rats. I’d be back in a week to collect my sweet pets while I pick my teeth with his bones. Do you understand why I love mutilation phone sex now? I’m a true sadistic bitch.
Mutilation Phone Sex

Roasted to perfection

taboo phone sexI found a sweet little innocent girl to feed my most taboo fantasy and she was delicious. My friend and I share a love for tender young flesh and this little whore was perfect. She was a little plump and young enough that the meat wouldn’t be tough. She was so scared, all that fear would season the meat too so I made the fear last as long as possible. We shaved her and cleaned her before my friend took advantage of all those tender little fuck holes. She was screaming her head off the whole time but that only made his dick harder. When he finished fucking her we oiled her up and tied her up with butcher’s twine and popped her in the oven. She roasted slowly for hours before she finally died, and when we finally served her up the meat was so tender and flavorful. I even made a little to go box up so that I could leave a delicious meal at her parents house. I hope they like the way their daughter tastes.

Fuck My Severed Head

I can smell my own cunt on his hand as he holds my mouth to muffle my screams!

My naked body is pressed against the gritty brick wall and it tears my tits with every punishing thrust of his cock in my shredded ass.

Moistness rushes to my pussy lips as he grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back. His sadistic voice strikes fear in me and my body can’t help but react! My heart speeds up and my cunt starts to drip as he whispers in my ear, ” You are nothing but a filthy dirty whore and you deserve to die!”

My raw ass stings as his hard throbbing cock erupts inside of me! And through the wrenching pain, my cunt starts pulsing with uncontrollable spasms!

Snuff pornI know this will not end well and I start to plead for my life as he throws me to the ground. In a fit of rage, my sadistic seducer starts stabbing my mutilated cunt over and over, extinguishing the squirting orgasm and unleashing gushes of blood!

I can see the anger and the rage in his eyes as he cuts the flesh off my mound and the sadness as he lifts the meat to his face for one last intoxicating smell.

He moves on to my tits, slashing the nipples one at a time!

Then my mouth…he lowers himself down for one last kiss of my sweet soft mouth. Then with one final blow, my head is removed!

My eyes, though dead, continue to stare at his cock while he fucks my severed head until warm creamy cum drips from my bottomless throat!

When he is done, he tosses my bloody cum filled head aside and I clumsily roll in the opposite direction as he walks away.

Then I wake up! Check my nipples…yup, still there. Pussy…mmmm still there and sooo creamy wet!


A Bloody Fucking Mess

accomplice phone sex

Sometimes daddy lets me bring a friend along to play with us. So, I took my good friend who is just as perverted and sadistic as we are. Did I mention she is also a hot piece of ass too? Well she is and that makes it all the more fun. We headed out to find a boy toy to use and abuse before, well you know. Didn’t take long, there is an ass at every corner bar and we quickly zeroed in on the leader. A cocky nice looking but completely stupid hunk of meat. I smiled at her and she nodded and then we put our charm on display. The thought of two girls was all it took to lure this dude back. Now daddy was anxious, but I wasn’t going to let a good cock go to waste. We got that dude hard and had an incredibly hot threesome. After we had had our fill, I sucked him hard one more time. He thought he was going to go another round, but his thoughts were crushed when daddy came out from the closet with his blade and stuck it deep inside his back. As he lay in pain, we stuck a dildo covered in icy hot up his ass and rammed it deep. We cut off his nipples, whipped him with a paddle and finished by taking a meat tenderizer to his balls before completely castrating him and slitting his throat. It was a bloody fucking hot mess.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sexMedical fetish phone sex is painful. I know this back-alley doctor. She lost her license to practice medicine when she was prescribing Oxy to herself. My kind of doctor. Now, she does botox and gets rid of buns in the oven off the radar. She also pays druggy whores like me for experiments. Painful and violent experiments for folks who pay her for Hostel type experiences. She knows I need coke money and that I am a pain slut. I have survived torture and mutilation at the hands of her private clients. I figured one more time would not kill me. The money was too good to pass up even if I ended up disfigured or sexually mutilated. It started off fine. Painful, but not much I could not handle. They had me hooked up to electrodes. Some sort of shock therapy involving orgasms. They called me Pavlov’s Dog. I knew what it meant even if they thought I was too dumb to get it. They were trying to see if they could condition me to cum with pain. Joke was on them. I was conditioned for that ions ago. I played along because I wanted the money to score coke. My dealer would be so shocked when I paid with cash instead of ass. My experimental doctor wannabees kicked the torture sex up to 11. My flesh was burning. I think my clit was smoking. I cried. I grimaced. And I pleaded for it to end. Burning the flesh off my body is nothing new, but I am not as dumb as people think. I know if I act like the pain is nothing then the pain will become something. Those crazy bitches thought they were scarring me for life. We both know you could do far worse to me.