Category: Sadistic phone sex

Knife Play Phone Sex Angel

knife play phone sex

Hey there, lover. Are you feeling a little violent today? I am too, and that’s why I’m hoping you’ll get on the phone and give me a call for knife play phone sex. Have you ever had that kind of phone play before? Maybe you’ve just thought about it in your head but you’ve never found a like-minded girl to play with. But it’s your lucky fucking day because I’m the one who will really enjoy all of the knife play fantasies. I’m not just going to pretend to be touching myself while we talk. I’m going to have my hand between my legs, going to town on my cunt.

Do you want to talk about what it would be like to just run the knife up and down her firm young body? I love seeing the blood start to appear and then drip down her arms, legs, tits, or wherever you want to cut. Maybe I’ll even get down on my knees and suck your cock while you slice her up. But if you have something else in mind, I’m all ears. Just tell me what you need, baby, and I will be glad to make it happen for you!

Accomplice Phone Sex Fun

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex is fun for us both. I know many men out there fantasize about doing very naughty things to young girls. They have violent and illegal thoughts about girls who have not even developed hair on their pussies yet. The problem is they lack the balls to make fantasies realities. That is where I come in. I am that devil on your shoulder telling you to force your dick inside her tiny cunt, ass and mouth. I do not care if you kill her. If you are with me, the bitch dies once you are done having your fun. This way we do not live in fear of her talking. Little whores are a dime a dozen. We can kill one and find another one just like her. We can fuck little cunts, kill them and find another one and do it all over again. Little girls go missing every day in the US. Most of them never seen again. There are not enough resources to look for every missing brat. If those brats are brown or black, you can be confident that no one cares. At least no one in power to do anything to find the whore. Hunting along the boarder of Texas is the best. So many brown whores being smuggled across the border and only the coyotes around and they can be bought. Little whores go missing on the border every damn day. Most sold into slavery. The rest buried where they will never be found. Think of all the fun we can have exploring your rape phone sex fantasies with something super young. Something no one will even know to look for. You get to fuck their little wholes, and I can do the rest. Every day, new meat to fuck and kill.

Torture Phone Sex Fuck Meat

“Oh what a sweet piece of fuck meat” is what I heard him sneer at me as I was being circled. I was walking home from the club last night. It’s not always the best thing but I am always doing what’s not best. This guy pulled up and tried getting me to get in his car. He just really wanted to give me a ride home. I told him no thanks. He was offended by my dismissal.

He stopped at the corner ahead of me and still tried to get me in his car. He got out of the car and started walking around me looking me up and down. I just stood there wanting to be out of this situation. He started to get aggressive and laugh at me. He shoved me down and took his way with me. He beat the crap out of me and fulfilled his filthiest bloody rape fantasies on me and ruined my face with his punches.

Torture phone sex

Some Snuff Fun

accomplice phone sex


Daddy is always scheming, anything to make some cash. He loves the pay to play webcam business and I usually am the star attraction in the videos. Sometimes daddy has special shows, the kind that require big dollars. He has plenty of people willing to pay for such naughty fetishes. They always start out typical, with me being fucked by multiple guys, sucking lots of dick, taking it in the ass and multiple cum shots. It is how they end that brings the money. Daddy hires people off the streets, the down on their luck, druggy type that nobody will know has gone missing. He jacks them up on cocaine or X and turns them loose. They are always the last guy with me. They are blitzed out of their mind. I let them ram their dick in my pussy and pound me hard. Then because he is so high his dick gets hard again. I lay him on the bed and get between his legs, sucking on his rock-hard cock and he lays there in ecstasy. Right when he is ready to shoot his load I reach under the mattress and pull out a big sharp knife. Then when he starts squirting his warm hot load, I take that knife and in one swift movement I cut his dick off. He screams as blood flows from his legs. I then take his dick and stuff it right in his mouth letting the blood roll down his mouth. Finally, I take that knife and slit his throat. The camera captures all the blood and gore before zooming in on his lifeless body with his cock still stuffed in his mouth. I get so horny from doing that that Daddy always fucks me nice and hard right by that body.

Snuff Movies and Full Moon Fever

snuff moviesEvery full moon, something comes over me. I am no longer content with just watching snuff movies and masturbating. I become even more homicidal than I already am. The next one is a little over 2 weeks on May 26. I am already planning my homicidal killing spree.  I am like a werewolf when a full moon arrives. I cannot control my murderous urges. I can make Michael Myers or Jason Voohrees look like Hello Kitty on a full moon night. I will kill more than either of them did in all their movies combined, just in one night I know it is taboo and illegal to kill but I blame it on the moon. I have my knife collection already ready. I have a massive collection too. I own bayonets, switch blades, daggers, swords, hatchets, combat knives, a few shivs, scalpels, machetes and straight razors.  I just need my victims. I usually have a murderous type each full moon. I will rotate between murdering men, women, and brats. Is it wrong to wanna kill the tender age? Their full moon is up. Honestly, I do not care if it is. I could be sparing a brat a life of physical abuse, drug use, poverty or heartbreak. The real hell is on earth. The real devils are people like us who have dark desires. There are plenty of spoiled brats or self-entitled twats that deserve to die. I bet you agree. I bet you know some personally. Maybe you want to join me for the hunt and the kill. You can fuck the little twats and I can kill them. Now that the weather is warmer, and this virus has an end in sight the streets will be paved with wee ones to prey on. In the darkness with only the glare of the full moon, no one will notice if a little one wanders away.



Mutilation Phone Sex Slut

mutilation phone sex

If you have ever given me a call, then I think you already know that I am not like most girls. I take kinky to a whole new level and honestly, it is too much for some guys. But you probably ended up here because you were looking for mutilation phone sex and I know that my filthy mind will never be too much for you. Instead, when you talk to me, it will be like talking to a kindred spirit. We will just automatically get each other and to find someone sexually like-minded really is a thing of extreme beauty, don’t you agree?

When it comes to mutilation fantasies, do you want the mutilated party to be me or someone else? Maybe we can even find a girl and we can slice and dice her together. We can start small and just make her torture last for a long time. Oh, my Satan, my pussy is getting wet just thinking about it. I cannot wait to see what kinds of things you come up with to do to our little victim. Do you think you can shock me? I bet you can’t, but we’ll find out when you call me!

Georgia’s Castration of Worthless Cocks

Castration Phone SexI have happened to come across a few calls in my time but one I desperately want to try and castrating your cock. I can see it now after catching you doing some nasty shit and feeling pissed off. It’s been a desire of mine you cut off a worthless dick like yours. What the hell were you jerking I off too? You don’t deserve that little thing! I’m gonna tie it off with a rubber band making the cock hard and clean first. I’ll have you all nice and tied up for me to take away what makes you a man. I’m going to make a bloody mess out of you when I’m done. Just relax while I drag this knife up and down your body lightly and taking it down your cock ready to cut it clean off. It’s going to hurt baby but it’s what you deserve for being such a dirty boy.You need an evil bitch like me to teach you a lesson. Come here and let me give you what you deserve!

A Final Moment Of Ecstasy

Taboo Phone SexI could see the raw pink skin beneath the ropes that bound them to their torture devices.

They knew their fate and they did not care!

Sluts being lead to the slaughter by soft tongues beckoning sweet pussy juices….hard cocks promising one final transcendent moment of ecstasy!

The blade that sliced through their exposed clits was almost undetectable as their cunts clenched and contracted, spitting sweet pussy juices through the pain!

Their eyes rolled back in their heads and they did not notice the deepening color of that sweet cunt nectar as it turned from milky cream to pink and then red.

A pool of crimson drips beneath their mutilated lips as the knife plunges deeper into their cunts , destroying their virgin wombs!

I watched as their delicate white necks grew limp and could no longer support their heavy heads!

It is only then that his cock begins to rage through the blood, pounding through the torn flesh, draining his balls and spewing cum into shredded tissue that could no longer surround or embrace his throbbing rock hard meat!

And I found my untouched cunt, waiting, yearning, and dripping at the erotic torture, the final climax that was my fate!

Mother’s Day Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Mother’s Day was a fun fucking event for me and my delicious accomplices. We decided the best thing we could do to celebrate was to make little whiny whores into mothers. I was going to force breed these bitches; they’d miss a period, and then cry when they pissed on that little stick. They’d remember who did this to them, every day of their pregnancy.

They’ll have to relive the hours I spent making sure my rape phone sex fantasies got fucking fulfilled. I grabbed the youngest cunts I could find. Once they start bleeding, they can start bleeding. Bitches get their periods quite young these days, so it came as no surprise to me the special age of these sweethearts. I was going to make an entire new season of Teen Mom; Trauma Survivor Edition.

What I did to those little fuck dolls was unimaginable, but you know damn well I did it. Burning, bruising, and forcing cum load after cum load, cock after cock, into those innocent virgin cunts. I destroyed them, destroyed their chance at a future, destroyed their self worth.

And when it comes time, I’ll swing by their little houses and harvest what’s fucking mine; their little ones. Or should I say, my new fuck toys.

Accomplice Phone Sex

Picking out the perfect bimbo

sex with dead bodies

I love to befriend bimbos and bring them over to the master. Whenever I bring one over, I know she’s about to die. There’s nothing like a slut we can both torture together. I like to lick the blood of her wounds. Daddy likes me to stab her body.

I beat that bitch up till there’s a puddle of blood. My sadistic laughter is music to his ears. My favorite stunt is to cut those eyeballs out and make daddy jizz in her eye sockets. We get so wild when we have done plenty of angel dust and have liquor in our system.

Lately, we have dabbled in some x and percs, and we get nasty. We love to make that whore a piss slut make her drink all of our piss. Drench her in all of it and then have her face plastered with daddies jizz. It drips off her face and messes up her makeup. Daddy wants to have sex with dead bodies, so I have to kill her off and make him happy.