Kyle caught me in a cruel mood the last night he came over. It very well could have been his last night on earth, the way I was feeling. I wanted to make the sexy mother fucker bleed for me. When I sunk my teeth into his balls I heard him scream. It was a lovely sound that I heard a lot of that night. I pushed him to the edge and then played nice and jerked his cock for a bit. Then I came at his flesh with teeth and nails until I overwhelmed him with pain again. He sounded so fucking hot crying out, and the taste of his warm blood from his lip turned me on and pushed me to go further.
Sadistic phone sex always gets my cunt wet. I didn’t know how much I was going to enjoy cutting Kyle open until my hands were stained with his blood and my pussy was smeared with crimson streaks while I rubbed my clit over his bloody skin. His cock was sore so when I rode him hard, he cried out the entire time. I only stuck a few dozen thick needles in, what a fucking wimp.